Will You Survive... The Podcast
Immerse yourself in the world of cinema as we embark on a journey to equip you with the skills to tackle any disaster head-on. Through the lens of thrilling tales, particularly those of the zombie apocalypse, we'll unravel the secrets of preparedness. Join us as we explore the silver screen to empower you for the challenges that lie ahead.
Will You Survive... The Podcast
Will You Survive "Frozen": Snowboard Missteps, Wolf Myths, and Ski Lift Shenanigans
Winter survival can be a frightening topic, especially when inspired by high-tension films like "Frozen." We explore how the characters' choices lead to dire consequences and what lessons can be learned about preparing for the wild.
• Importance of being prepared for winter excursions
• Discussion on the movie "Frozen" and its survival tactics
• Evaluation of character behaviors and reckless decision-making
• Tips for effective self-rescue in snowy conditions
• Insights into wolf behavior and natural wildlife encounters
• Practical survival strategies for real-life scenarios
• Final thoughts on survival preparedness and mindset
Hello survivors, and welcome to another episode of Will you Survive, the Podcast. Today we're going to go over survival tactics on the mountains of the Northeast. But first let me introduce to you my co-hosts. We have Eric it is me co-hosts. We have eric, it is me eric. And we have tj I am neckrick, he's not neck, he's not netrick. Netrick isn't real. Neckrick is real. Is neckrick in the room with us right now?
Speaker 1:yes, neckrick isn't real, also neckrick we are going to be talking about survival in the mountain, as I said, basing our episode on the movie Frozen.
Speaker 2:I hate this.
Speaker 1:With Elsa and Anna. I'm just kidding, this one is from 2010. Wait, this is a completely different movie, directed by Adam Green. Written by Adam Green.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:Starring Sean Ashmore, emma Bell and Kevin Zegers. You mean Kristen?
Speaker 2:Bell, you watched the wrong movie.
Speaker 1:You watched the wrong movie.
Speaker 2:I memorized the lyrics of those songs for extra credit.
Speaker 1:You're going to have to sing it, fucking bet.
Speaker 1:Well, before we get to that, let me tell you what the movie was about, since you didn't watch it. At Mount Holliston snowboarders Dan Walker, his girlfriend Parker O'Neill and his best friend Joe Lynch don't have enough money to buy lift tickets. Parker bribes Jason, a lift worker, with $100. When the system is nearing closure, they force Jason to let them have one last pass. System is nearing closure, they force jason to let them have one last pass. However, jason needs to resolve a problem and his colleague misunderstands his instructions and stops the lift. The trio of skier and snowboarders gets stranded on the chairlift near the top of the mountain when they see that the lights of the ski resort had been turned off. They need to make a choice leave the chairlift or freeze to death. So before we get get started on this uh, too deep, I want to know your opinions on the movie first.
Speaker 2:Um, really quick, I would like to say that synopsis was not written like a movie synopsis at all. No, no, the very small thing, not important at all, but it just seemed like I don't know it. It didn't seem like a movie synopsis to me. That the way they worded it was just. I don't know how to actually describe this. This makes no sense and this is not relevant at all.
Speaker 3:Sorry, Do I get those 10 points?
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, yeah okay, he said it.
Speaker 2:No no.
Speaker 1:You did it. No, you so did.
Speaker 2:No no.
Speaker 1:Yes, you did no.
Speaker 2:We heard it what it is, so no oh wait no see, because when I was walking out of the room I heard you say handshake deal, but I didn't hear, obviously because I didn't have my headset on so I couldn't hear the rest of that, but I heard that part I don't know what you're talking about.
Speaker 1:The host wants to tell you no not yet we'll, we'll tell him when we hear it again okay, well, about the movie.
Speaker 2:I think we just heard anyways, no, no okay about the movie. Okay, we did.
Speaker 3:What we did? We just.
Speaker 2:We did, we did.
Speaker 3:Is it movie no?
Speaker 2:Continue, is it um?
Speaker 3:Yes, yes, I said in the first sentence you say when, like after the intro, if you say um, I get 10 points.
Speaker 2:Well, well, this is some bullshit. Sounds like you gotta work extra hard this, this episode do I get 10 points if tj says like oh, I don't know.
Speaker 1:You'll have to bribe me with some information on this movie okay, this is my nightmare.
Speaker 2:Um, I hate the cold. I would rather be eaten by a pack of wolves than suffer the cold like that. I'm not kidding.
Speaker 3:I think that they were all unlikable characters and I think they were all idiots. They had no plan. I believe there is a lot of different ways they could have gone about trying to get down, other than jumping. You know, 50 feet from the thing and just Dubrow just broke his legs and laid there you know, like he didn't do anything else.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so and so I will say, uh, I wonder if this will assuage your anger at them at all. Let me just clarify a few things, and a lot of these are actually on imdb under this movie. But many of the other survival things have nothing to do with the movie. But number one this would never happen at any real ski resort. They have employees called liftees and what they do is they tag a chair, they rotate it at least three times and make sure that they see that chair come back across and nobody else on that lift before shutting it down. But the more common way that most ski resorts do this is they put the liftees on that lift before shutting it down. But the more common way that most ski resorts do this is they put the lifties on the lift, they ride it up, they get to the top. That way they make sure that nobody's on the other side so they don't see anybody cross them going back down, and they get all the way up to the top and they ski down looking for anybody lagging behind. Because that is also a common tactic is people will try to stay behind after they close to basically ski for free. They will climb the mountain and ski down.
Speaker 1:Climb the mountain. It's harder, it's a lot of work, but people are willing to do it to save the money. And it's dangerous, puts them at risk for negligence lawsuits, et cetera, et cetera. So that's one thing that wouldn't have happened. Number two wolves don't kill people like this. We'll get into this more in the episode. And number three ski lift cables are not sharp at all. They're not razor sharp. There's nothing sharp about them. They are very, very smooth for safety.
Speaker 3:Really yes, yeah, no.
Speaker 1:So everything they did in this movie to make it happen this was filled with plot weaponry.
Speaker 2:I didn't know that about the cables I also. I mean, I wouldn't have known either way. You could tell me either way and I'd be like, okay, sure.
Speaker 1:So we'll get into all of these things in this episode. But now that I know both of your takes on this your worst nightmare, eric and TJ you hated all the characters. They were not likable, they had no plan and I do appreciate, appreciate you saying that. I will tell you something that I don't even know if eric knows this, but I took him snowboarding years ago and this was just at I went snowboarding yeah, he went snowboarding.
Speaker 1:This was uh just at mountain high in southern california, so it's not, it's not a big deal, it's not even very far from the city, but even there I had uh pepper spray on me. Yeah, I don't, I don't believe in going to the mountains, going camping, doing anything like that, without having some form of protection and they locked up their phones and, and, and they locked up their phones what?
Speaker 3:what was the purpose?
Speaker 2:that was one of the dumber things that I heard I mean I don't snowboard with my phone I, I guess like just put your phone on, do not disturb, put it in your pocket if you're worried about breaking it. They're good skiers and they're good snowboarders, so they should be just not her, yeah her. She should have her phone put up, because she might break it right, but they're fine.
Speaker 3:So yeah, they should have had their phones this and um like this takes place in 2010 or like earlier, right, so 2010 or before we assume they have like at least somewhat of maybe an early smartphone or like a flip phone, blackberry.
Speaker 1:Well, I think you're right. I think you're right In 2010,. It would have been an earlier rendition. We already had iPhones.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it would have been like an HTC or something you know, yeah, or at least one of those old brick Nokias Like there's no risk of breaking your phone or anything. They don't have fucking TikTok. What are they doing?
Speaker 2:We're assuming they would even have cell signal up there. I don't know how common it was to have cell signal.
Speaker 3:Now it is, but I don't know.
Speaker 2:You think Maybe at the bottom, but I don't know.
Speaker 1:I don't know if it would cover all the way up to the top of the hill where they were, although they did give away a clue that this was likely in either Massachusetts or Vermont, somewhere in the upper Northeast, because he named two other ski resorts while he was talking to them. He was like I've skied over at and he named two of them, which both of those are in Vermont.
Speaker 2:Oh.
Speaker 1:So we know it's that area of the country. So if we were to assume that this is up in the upper Northeast, we could definitely say that cell service would have been a little more likely, even at the resort. Now, even if you were to say it didn't, I mean that would kind of make sense I would want to believe that there would be no cell service, because at least that gives them an excuse to lock up their phones. What are you going to do with your with a brick?
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's kind of what I'm thinking, but also I feel like just have it on you.
Speaker 1:I don't know, but it's easy to say in 2025, when you literally don't walk anywhere without your phone, sure, okay so I didn't have a problem with anything at the very very beginning of this, convincing the Lyft operator to let them on, you know, bribing him with a hundred bucks to to get onto the lift without buying lift tickets 75 or nothing but what was cool? While she first said 50?
Speaker 2:well, no, but to be fair, yeah, but I agree with her point like what are you going to ask for change right?
Speaker 1:clearly you have the hundreds right and so well, I think that's what she was kind of going at, was like I could give you 50., but in any case, when they got, you know they got on OK great. And I even thought it was funny because I saw her and me and my girlfriends and then when her and the two guys come up he's all girlfriends. Huh, it was funny. But I thought that number one, the beginning part, OK, definitely. What did you guys think about the foreshadowing? Was that definitely?
Speaker 2:what did you guys think about the foreshadowing was that was that as obvious to you as it was to me? The cable I mean this is. This is a very the shutdown.
Speaker 3:Yeah, no, this is a very uh dude, I changed my nation. Yes movie, which the girl in this movie wasn't.
Speaker 1:A final destination movie oh, that's where I saw her from. Yeah, I looked it up earlier. I can't remember which one, but I think it must have been afterwards, because the the um imdb said that she had debuted her movie. Debut was in this, so it must have been after this.
Speaker 3:Yeah, no, but I know, I, I know, I recognize her face yeah, I recognized her and then the I don't know the her like boyfriend in this dude's best friend. I uh, I don't know if I've seen him in any other movie. He just kind of reminded me of what is it james franco's, james franco. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah a mixture between like him and like some other actor I can't remember, but I was just there was dan and joe right it was dan and joe, yeah like who the fuck is this guy?
Speaker 2:so I but we knew him as dan and lynch so lynch kind of reminded me of the guy from supernatural a little bit, didn't he lynch?
Speaker 3:is the little bit third wheel right yeah?
Speaker 1:he also. He also kind of reminded me of another character that was in uh final destination. I'll have to look him up he's in the rookie.
Speaker 3:I know I know him from that. That's like a thing that's popping now. I like the rookie, but I like that one. But yeah, no, it was very obvious foreshadowing.
Speaker 1:And yeah yeah.
Speaker 3:So, immediate foreshadowing Knew it All right.
Speaker 1:I'm going to take away the plot weaponry here. All right, we're going to say they get stuck somehow. Somehow they get past the ski lift, the what they call the lifties, and they're stuck on this, on this lift. By the way, I I looked it up and the longest anybody's been stuck on a lift was five hours, which don't get me wrong.
Speaker 3:That's miserable, all right five hours stuck on a lift. That's just you know.
Speaker 2:And these conditions you may get a little bit like of a start but like exactly, you're not gonna die, no, you'll, you'll be fine, it's gonna suck, I will, I will let and these conditions, you may get a little bit like of a start, but like exactly You're not going to die, no, you'll be fine. It's going to suck, I will, I will, let me. Let me amend.
Speaker 1:Let me amend, because the other part was they were stuck in a gondola which it's still cold, but that's way better.
Speaker 1:It's much larger, you can actually move around. You can actually stretch your legs. The g you can actually move around, you can actually stretch your legs. Uh, the gondola doesn't move as easily and you're completely secured inside. So that freak out that parker was having wouldn't have happened on on that big ass gondola. But nonetheless, five hours in an enclosed space could be pretty rough. Now they're all the way up. They're stuck. Let's just say they're, they're actually stuck up there. Uh, one of the things that uh wanted to ask you guys about is I have my opinion. You're up there and you do decide to jump down. Do you have anything that you were looking at this movie thinking you would have done different?
Speaker 3:I would have kept the snowboard on at least.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah.
Speaker 3:Because he threw it and it was away from him. So even if, like, he fell down, he can't get to it to even try to slide away or do anything. So I would have kept that on um. Personally, I wouldn't have jumped, but I don't know if we're gonna get to that later well, we'll get to that later.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna say, you know, we're gonna go through the, the two different characters, um the two different methods of doing this I would have at.
Speaker 3:Maybe I think the trees were a little too far away to jump to. I would have tried to break my fall in some way.
Speaker 1:I agree with that. So you're forced to jump. You decide you're going to do it. You jump, you're going to leave your snowboard on Eric, do you have anything to add?
Speaker 2:I would definitely leave my snowboard on because I'm kind of thinking you have to break that momentum of falling straight down and I think it's at an incline where they're dropping. So if he drops with a snowboard, maybe he can get some momentum going the other way and shift his momentum so that he doesn't snap his legs the way he did. But also I would have asked Joe to kind of dangle from the seat and I would have dangled from him and held on to his shoes, which is kind of how Chick ends up at the end Because she had like.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 3:It started falling and then, it gave her a little bit more less of a fall, Because it was dangling.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the security line that one fell quite a bit because the the cable snapped, but um, not the cable the uh, the safety yeah yeah, the safety, what was holding the?
Speaker 1:the chair onto the chair to the cable.
Speaker 2:So but that's what I would have done, I would have dangled from him. It's not gonna take off too much, it's gonna take off like six, five, six feet, but that's not nothing. So I'll tell you, I don't think jumping one of the things.
Speaker 1:That's very common in ski resorts they do not plow underneath the lifts. So if it was that much snow, uh, in the upper northwest, northeast uh, you're talking about a lot of snow that's probably anywhere from 14 to 22 feet of snow, depending on when they opened the the resort. If they're only open on weekends, we could assume that this might have been earlier or later in the season, but judging by the weather, I'm going to say it was earlier. Um, that's not common that they close down like that, unless it's for, uh, they have regular weather increments, the in between the snow lifts. They never plow underneath. So what you would want to do is you would want to leave your board on now. Neither of you actually said the reason, the, the reason I was looking for and I'll tell you what it was.
Speaker 3:Can I, can I? Can I say what I was I was gonna? So he fell straight, vertical, right. So parkour rule number one if you're jumping off something, you try to roll. I was going to say that, but I didn't want to cut off air.
Speaker 2:Continue. I know what you're going to say, though.
Speaker 1:What I was going to say is you leave your board on.
Speaker 2:You're going to sink.
Speaker 1:No, you leave your board on because it's a flat surface that when you hit that snow it will distribute the impact. It will still hurt, but because you're landing on an actual flat surface you're not likely going to roll and break your legs the way he did.
Speaker 3:I think in my brain I thought that, but I didn't say that. I didn't think I thought it but I didn't think it.
Speaker 2:I know what you mean. In my head I visualize, I can visualize the physics of it and how I think it would be the best to do, and so I think I know I understand what TJ's saying.
Speaker 1:So what two things that you guys? You actually did say this a little bit, tj, not for the same reason, but you gave the answer that I was looking for. You want to go at an angle, because you never want to go straight down like that. What you would rather do is hit the mountain sliding right. If you're not going to, if you're not going to, if you're not going to land dangle, the bottom and kind of swing swing yourself and go.
Speaker 1:But if you're going to swing yourself, the reason I'm going to say swing yourself is you swing yourself to land underneath the lifts. You want to be in between the up and the down chairs and that will be the softest landing because they never plow right there which, like so, also keep olympic like snowboarders right launch themselves like you know, and they they jump off of helicopters and, yeah, they jump off of if you land right, you're gonna be okay.
Speaker 1:Right now it's gonna hurt, um. So the other thing, uh, that we'll get to I guess we could do this now is once he broke his legs. Uh, that was, you know, we know those, anybody who hasn't seen this movie. They were both legs compound fractures below the kneecap, so he was bleeding. Was it below the kneecap? Yeah, yeah Both legs were below the kneecap.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah.
Speaker 1:It was devastating. He couldn't move and he was trying to even grab that handkerchief that they threw down to him to tie around his legs.
Speaker 2:Which is like I know you got to do something, but what is that going to do?
Speaker 1:And so now, if you're in that situation, something that I kind of I understood but I kind of got mad at is he still could have slid himself. When he started going numb and he did say it a little bit later he was like it doesn't hurt so bad anymore, and they were like no, no, that's good. He's like no, it's not good, and you're right, it's not good. But you could have started sliding. At that point I can't feel anything. Now it's time you got to do something. You did what you could to stop the bleeding, which was not a lot, and I completely agreed with him. Everybody else, keep your jackets on, keep everything on. And, um, I did think that that there was a major problem with how he jumped, because when he jumped you're watching his feet he jumped straight down. We all saw that. Now again, he likely would have landed in unpacked snow, which should have been fine. But let's just pretend. Then she grabs her scarf and throws it to him. Do you see how far away she threw it to hit like?
Speaker 1:yeah, I why wouldn't she have just dropped it down?
Speaker 2:she should have just dropped it, but I was assuming that the wind caught it.
Speaker 3:That's what it kind of she threw it, she overhanded it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she should have dropped it.
Speaker 1:I agree, and you know that it should have just been dropped because later on, no he went straight down because there was a whole leg cam yeah because, when they were breaking the ice, and later on when they were banging the ice. It was falling all on his head, so she should have just dropped the scarf, but she like threw it.
Speaker 1:Worst character in the movie she threw yeah, that was pretty bad. So you have, um, you have two compound fractures. Uh, one of the things that I would actually say, well, I'm going to. I'm going to let you guys answer before I say my thing. You have two compound fractures. You're on the mountain, you're in the snow Uh, what is your best bet? And you have these two idiot friends who are throwing things away from you, making you reach for them. Uh, do you have any plan?
Speaker 2:Yeah, my plan is I'm not going to tourniquet my legs. I'm going to hope that I start to bleed out so fast that I pass out and just die peacefully in the snow, because you're not surviving this anymore after that.
Speaker 1:Well, that's the end of the episode. Thank you very much, everybody. Yeah, I just.
Speaker 2:I think at that point it's all about comfort. You're not surviving, so I'm just hoping to pass out as soon as possible. I'm hoping that the second I see my legs I pass out from shock and never wake up again no, because that's best case scenario. Are you trying to survive this?
Speaker 3:tj I would have at least, like, tried to use my numbness to get to my board to try to slide, but, like you know, I'm looking down at my legs and they're poking out where they're not supposed to poke out so right, I would probably cover myself in snow so that my body is preserved when they find me okay if I'm dan, I'm not trying to survive so okay.
Speaker 1:So the thoughts that I had on this are I don't know what these people do, but, but I usually wear pants underneath my snowboard gear, yeah, layers. And the other thing is I always, always have two knives on me. I've never been to a ski resort where they metal detect, because you have so much metal on you anyway, it would be, ridiculous, so I would assume I would still have my knives on me. You cut your pants, you make yourself.
Speaker 3:Now here's the worst part you're gonna be like you cut both your legs off, you turn and get the nubs well, here's you, slide down on the nubs here's the worst
Speaker 1:numbing your legs once you're numb, the only thing you can do is push those bones back inside and and then you have to wrap the wounds and then you have to try to get yourself out of there to like push on the bone itself, or maybe like try to tie yourself to something and use your weight to pull your legs.
Speaker 3:I would?
Speaker 1:I would probably try to. Uh, I would probably try to use some sort of leverage.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Because to try to push, I mean unless your legs are completely numb and you feel nothing, if you're able to mess around with the bones sticking out of your legs and you don't feel it then Theoretically, I would do it One leg.
Speaker 3:You could have put your boot into your snowboard and used your other leg to push it down because it's locked in. And that would have been some leverage, but it was both legs so that wouldn't be useful.
Speaker 1:Ironically speaking, the most likely reason why he would have compound fractured both legs like that is because of his ski boots, because they lock your leg so rigid, your ankle and your foot, that the only place it can move is going to be at the knee.
Speaker 3:The next place of least resistance.
Speaker 2:So the boots were a problem here, but I think the boots could have been a solution somewhere else well, so now I want to get to the wolves.
Speaker 1:Do you guys have any knowledge of how to survive wolves?
Speaker 1:um, I should take off the alpha and you gain their okay well, first let me let me give you um from all natural, like uh, wildlife reports. The most common attacks come from four categories it's provoked, it's um predatory, it's rabies or it's um aggressive in that in that order. So you either provoke a wolf to make it attack a human. They do not attack humans is the point I'm making. It's not common. As I said, in 20 years there were I don't think I said this number. In 20 years there have been 500 wolf attacks, only 26 fatalities, and the most common of the 500, 366 of them were injuries caused by rabid wolves. So this isn't a common thing for a wolf to attack.
Speaker 3:So this was major plot weaponry that these wolves would attack the guy. Heavily populated areas such as that's number one.
Speaker 2:Number one is they don't, they won't come around, no well, we talked about this earlier, where we were saying, where you were saying, that well, we both agreed that animal behavior would dictate that they would eventually realize a pattern that the humans come for the weekend and then they're gone throughout the week.
Speaker 1:But you see, bears do that. They would not approach the humans.
Speaker 2:Well, so here's the thing A human who was walking normally sure, but an injured human who is clearly completely even incapacitated. Now I think them going after joe is weird, you know, even children.
Speaker 1:It's not common for wolves to attack people. In the order I listed, those are the known attacks provoked. Is the most common? Uh, the most likely. I should say not the most common, the most likely.
Speaker 2:So you have wasn't territorial on the list. No, oh, I thought you said well it's like um, that would be provoked.
Speaker 1:It's like you came across their feeding ground. They kill, they have a kill, they have a fresh kill and you approach it, they're going to defend themselves. They think that you're coming after their kill. Um, it's also their den with their cubs. If you approach their den with their cubs, if you approach their den with their cubs in it, they will attack.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they wouldn't have made it then that close those are defensive.
Speaker 1:One of the most common searches that I did on wolves in this scenario, this particular movie, is that if these wolves would have been there that fast to unalive Dan and remain nearby, that ski resort would have had problems with wolves killing people yeah, they were hunting them down.
Speaker 2:That that's not. That's not normal.
Speaker 3:Yeah, they were waiting for for joe and wolves are typically afraid of humans my theory is that the first wolf just a lion ass motherfucker, that's just a liar. He was like hey yo guy like he. You know, he growled at him. He's like, oh yeah, he's kind of he's kind of being mean to me, you know, he growled at him. He's like, oh yeah, he's kind of he's kind of being mean to me, you know. So he went back. You heard him how he was like hey yo bro attacked me and he started limping and then they all came like oh shit, got the whole squad now.
Speaker 3:I believe that people up there too, did it too.
Speaker 2:It's crazy I believe that you know why? Because we have a dog who, when she comes to board, every time she she goes home, the owner always goes hey, was she limping on her last day? And we're like, no, we loaded her up and everything. We didn't notice a limp at all. Maybe she stepped off of the van, weird. And the owner's like no, she does this sometimes. Actually, it's probably like, oh no, I'm hurt. Don't leave me again kind of thing.
Speaker 1:So so, yes, dogs do this this is, that would be uh, that would be even more rare, because that would be a wolf. Now I will tell you the wolves that you want to be afraid of are wolves that are not afraid of humans right.
Speaker 2:So because they're either sick or so let's get around the plot.
Speaker 1:Weaponry brave, well? Well, yeah, wolves that are sick are very common. Wolves that are predatory, I'm sorry, wolves that are sick that attack humans are one of the top four most common. That includes rabies, but the most common being provoked also includes that if the wolf is injured. So if the wolf is injured, and the proper way to ward off a wolf who seems to be aggressive, do you know what it is? Do you guys want to give me a shot?
Speaker 2:I mean, I don't know if it's the right answer, but my thought if I was Dan I would have been loud and big, kind of similar to like a bear. I'm trying to be the bigger animal so that it goes too much work. I don't want to deal with that yeah, what's?
Speaker 3:what's that one liam neeson movie where they marketed it like, oh yeah, he's gonna be beefing with wolves, the entire movie. And then it was only at the end gray yeah, gray, uh, I would. So I would. I would turn into liam neeson at the end of that movie and I would just go. I'll be like, yeah, you know, I'd like wrap my, I'd pull out my femur, sharpen it on a rock damn that's metal, so that's metal as fuck.
Speaker 1:Okay, so both of those things are actually accurate. You want to be as big as you can be and you want to be as loud as you can be, and you want to wave your arms around.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and now Dan is screwed. Okay, but Dan is screwed because he's immobile. But if you're able to move about, you want to be standing up. Do not turn your back on a wolf ever. You may want to try to. I want to say this very carefully you want to make some movements, as if you're going to charge it, but you need to be very careful because you could provoke an attack if that wolf is protecting something.
Speaker 1:But if it's just an aggressive wolf that's coming at you. So one of the recommendations is you back away, make your hands big. You're waving them, you're making a lot of noise, you're clapping your hands and you're backing away slowly. You keep your eyes on the wolf.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I was going to say maintain eye contact. As you're clapping your hands and you're backing away slowly. You keep your eyes on the wolf, yeah, and if it's still following you, because I think that's like a thing with dogs. Is that yep first to back? So?
Speaker 1:so they know that you're watching them here's.
Speaker 2:Here's the thing with, with what you're saying, um, with the making movements, kind of like lunging at them. You want to do that when they're coming at you, hold on.
Speaker 1:That's where I was saying you. When they're walking towards you, you back away and they keep following you.
Speaker 2:That's when, yeah, you want to do like you're telling them, like a lunge yeah, it's similar to what a dog will do to another dog, a dog who's trying to walk away from a situation. If another dog keeps pressing them, they're gonna, they're gonna lunge, they're gonna try to warn them first and before they usually before they go full aggro, right, um, but don't don't do that to a dog who's already walking away from you, right, because now you're provoking you could provoke the attack.
Speaker 3:Now you're cornering a dog is you know he had full access to his arms, so what he really could have done is like, while the dog's biting him, or the wolf or whatever, shove your finger in its butt.
Speaker 1:It'll stop yep, I mean, there's that. Another one that they tell you to do is shove your whole fist down its throat hard to bite that if it can't, if it can't breathe it's not gonna bite lung, so you're saying the most metal things.
Speaker 2:This episode I always keep an extra one on me the one.
Speaker 1:Well, remember though. Remember, didn't he, didn't he have? No, they didn't throw him the. They didn't throw him the ski pole.
Speaker 3:No, they were okay. That's another thing I wanted to bring up.
Speaker 1:They should have thrown him the ski pole.
Speaker 3:When the snow started coming down like hard, why didn't they pull up their hoods?
Speaker 1:Why didn't he put his mask on?
Speaker 2:Zip up his thing all the way he had his fucking goggles it's like needles.
Speaker 3:Yeah, block yourself yourself what are you doing?
Speaker 2:he had his goggles and he didn't put them on at all yeah, like that would have helped, and then they're just wasting so before we get to joe, uh, well, no, yeah, we're about to get back to joe.
Speaker 1:So just for the listeners, um, reading from a to z animalscom. How common are wolf attacks? Wolf attacks are rare. There have been less than 500 wolf attacks over the last 20 years. Four different type of wolf attacks there are four different types. There's provoked, predatory, rabid and aggressive. A provoked attack is a wolf acting in defense. Predatory attacks happen when a wolf attacks humans as food, and this usually only happens with sick wolves, so they're not capable of fending for themselves in a normal setting. Right, taking down moose, taking down, yeah, larger prey, um, and then rabid wolves are one of the most common offenders, but they're they're less fatal, if you will. They haven't had so much success in, I guess, they don't want to kill, they're more so, uh, attacking from the sickness. And then the aggressive are usually walking too close to their den, um, and they, they get a little, they, the animal gets aggressive see.
Speaker 2:the most normal wolf behavior I saw in this uh whole movie was when she even this was kind of like I feel like she still got too close. But when she pulled up on joe's body and the wolf was kind of just growling at her and then was like all right, you're not trying to steal my food, and then went back, that is kind of the most normal because if they already got their kill they're not just hunting for sport. But I think she pulled up too close. I think they definitely would have would have gone at her for getting that close.
Speaker 1:I'll also say this Another thing that was plot weaponry, um, and this, they actually did this okay, uh, let's just wait for the uh, the maintenance to come tomorrow. They're closed until friday. You really think that they're gonna come tomorrow? Well, actually, yes, resorts are that are closed for more days than they're open. Usually take every single day that they have to maintain the grounds.
Speaker 1:I kind of figured something like that there would have been people up there doing stuff, so they most likely would have been driving the snow cats all up and down the mountains.
Speaker 2:It would have just been surviving that first night.
Speaker 1:That would have been it. And so let me see, there was something kind of funny that I read here that I wanted to read to you guys was the see, there was something kind of funny that I read here that I wanted to read to you guys was um, the there was a wolf that runs across the the grounds. Uh, when it was coming after joe, it had a leash on. Oh, one of the wolves had a leash on yeah, okay.
Speaker 2:So I noticed when the wolves were devouring dan that it literally just looked like if I went and sat down in one of the yards at work it would look the exact same. The dogs were like sniffing him, licking him. There was one dog that was trained to like bite at his sleeve and pull at him, yeah, but all the other dogs were just like chilling, walking around him. So and then it cuts to a scene with him with like ketchup all in his mouth and he's like and then it cuts to the dog.
Speaker 1:She's like so, uh, one of the thing that's that's pretty, pretty cool was these were real wolves. Josh has been saying that in the in the chat, but I read it on here yeah, yeah, they are real, real wolves One of the IMDB trivia posts. Kevin Zegers did the scene with the wolves starting to swarm around him just before the actual attack. Without a stunt double. When one of the wolves got too close for comfort, the trainers had to pull the wolves away. The filming had to stop. In the film you can see a few frames of the black wolf walking right up to kevin ziger's face as kevin tries to look away for help from the crew. Oh, isn't that wild that's crazy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I I honestly. That's very surprising that they would even let them use real wolves I think you would just use a bunch of shepherds who kind of look like wolves look close enough or cgi it.
Speaker 3:But I thought they would be like not real, like full-blooded wolves.
Speaker 1:So so now um because there's wolf mixes another.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah another.
Speaker 1:Another funny one that they did was, uh, in the scene where when the wolf takes down joe, it's a border collie in that shot. That's so they. They use some trickery. Uh, what's sad is the german shepherd that was trained to do the stunt mysteriously died two nights before the scene scene was shot. Oh, doesn't that suck. So what I wanted to? Uh, get to real quick. Here we're we taking up some time, but this is a good episode. We're back up on the chairlift, dan is expired and when you climb up onto the lift cable, one of the things that I've been reading is those cables are kept smooth, they are not jagged, they're not razor sharp and there's no reason for them to be razor sharp. And actually, if they were razor sharp, from everything that I've read, it would have been replaced, because if it's razor sharp, that shows that the outer cable is fraying.
Speaker 1:And if the outer cable is fraying. That's very, very dangerous.
Speaker 2:It's going to start fraying faster and faster.
Speaker 1:So what they do is the inner cable is the strength, the outer cable is the elasticity, and the outer cable will stretch and it's coated. So they could have gone a different route in this one and said that because of the coating and the ice it would have been extremely slippery and hard to grip yeah, so so I have a solution for both situations either smooth, probably eric's solution okay, eric go okay, so you try it with your hands.
Speaker 2:It didn't work. You barely got back in time. Your hands are all cut up from the wire right. My thought was take off one of your boots, your left boot, put your left hand inside your left boot and stick that on the cable.
Speaker 3:That's actually a very smart idea. I did not think of that.
Speaker 2:Grab your right hand, put it on top of the boot, zip line your way down. Now here's where it gets risky. I don't know how steep that cable is and if you're going to get too much momentum and smack into that other chair.
Speaker 3:I would rather get too much momentum than not enough.
Speaker 2:Imagine you get stuck halfway, but even then you can still hold on with the boot and use your other hand to slide yourself forward without destroying both of your hands. Yeah, I think he could have utilized his boot there, because those boots are solid yeah, yeah, they're strong so that, that's, that was my thought. Um it also it's a little less weight hanging, because he was saying his boots were so heavy yeah and they were dragging him down, that's not bad.
Speaker 2:My idea was that took me like five minutes of the movie, just sitting there thinking like if you can't do your hands, how else would you do it? I was, the gears were turning, the smoke was coming out.
Speaker 3:Depending on what material it's made out of, either the skis or the ski poles.
Speaker 2:I thought those two yes.
Speaker 3:I don't think one would be good, but I think two would be enough to like if they're like metal or like carbon fiber or something you know. I think that would be enough to hold your weight and you'd be able to slide. I did look up like what the poles are made out of, and they can be made out of like aluminum or like carbon fiber or fucking bamboo, but you know it's not bamboo. But that or the skis themselves.
Speaker 2:I thought, that too Skis are pretty thick and substantial.
Speaker 3:You stack them on top of each other. Grip freaking slide.
Speaker 2:They're meant to bend a bit. The thing with that situation is you don't want to grab far apart, because I think that'll put too much pressure on the center.
Speaker 3:You want to grab close uh, close to the center zipline, you know like yeah, essentially the same idea.
Speaker 2:But yeah, I did consider that, but by the time he was doing that, I think he'd already thrown everything down trying to to signal yeah, get the snow cats attention no, like I wouldn't have done that.
Speaker 3:I would have kept my shit on as it was rolling up, I would have started throwing things exactly not when he's coming that way.
Speaker 2:That's why it's so final destination.
Speaker 1:It's because, like just so happened, like dude wasn't looking and then he just yeah, just drives away right, which, by the way, that was another fucking ridiculous thing.
Speaker 2:Snow cats don't go backwards down a mountain they will have a back window they will turn around he did eventually turn around, but I don't know why he went back to begin with you would.
Speaker 1:You would what? What you would have seen him do? Because where they were at was more of like a flattened area, so he would have driven through. And again, the fact that he came up on their left where there was no slaloms there was no, what do you call it? What do you call it? That wasn't a part of the run On the left wasn't a part of it. That was the woods. Right On the right was the run. That's where the snowcat would have been coming up. So it was a little absurd that he would have come up so close to them.
Speaker 2:Well, it was a little absurd that he would have come up so close to them where he said he was cutting through the woods to get to.
Speaker 1:Oh, did he?
Speaker 2:yeah, I didn't hear him because they called him on the radio and they were like where you at? And he was like I'm cutting through the woods to get so and so and they're like, no, he already got back down here. Get, get your ass over here so we can all leave. And he was like all right, and that's when he that's when he started backing up they threw something and it hit the truck or the snowcat. He looked and he was like never mind and and started going back, which I don't know how. He didn't see all the gear.
Speaker 1:That was just laying on the ground in front of him. Yeah, that they had, that they had thrown down I also.
Speaker 2:I guess he just wasn't looking for it like I. I could understand, like if you do that job all the time you don't really imagine that one day you're gonna see gear on the ground. So you don't really look for it. But okay.
Speaker 1:So, um, we're now. We're with joe, we've gotten off onto the tower, which I thought was a great idea. Yeah, you get to that tower, you climb down. It has ladders brilliant. Here was a part that bothered me he gets the snowboard and what did he do?
Speaker 2:sit down on it he doesn't know how to snowboard they mentioned they mentioned that in the beginning, where dan said, like when you're gonna get off of those things and get on one of these?
Speaker 1:he doesn't know how to snowboard, so that's why he sat on it okay I mean it would have been, it would have been more worth it for him to have gone up and gotten his skis like I understood the, the principle, the wolves are coming after him. But as soon as he got that ski pole, now he has a weapon and you make yourself big once again. I'm just going to repeat you make yourself big, you, you flail the, the snow, the ski pole, adam and you didn't they?
Speaker 3:they threw one of the ski poles to the first dude. Did he get dragged away with it?
Speaker 2:no, no, he didn't, but here's the thing they did they threw one of the ski poles they.
Speaker 1:So that's the part that bothered me. No, why did no stop wait?
Speaker 2:wait, joe stabbed the the wolf. She went to throw one of the ski poles, or I she went to, I think, one of the ski poles in the beginning to dan and she threw it like way, way far away from him and he couldn't go get it because he had broken legs. So dan never had a weapon to defend himself. Joe did when he got down from the, from the tower. So joe had a weapon. He should have found his skis. But here's why I think he wouldn't have been able to find his skis is because I think he did throw his skis down to try and signal the hellcat yeah and overnight it had snowed.
Speaker 1:So much Not. Hellcat, snowcat, snowcat. There's a Hellcat just going through in the snow Hellcat's a little different.
Speaker 2:No, the Snowcat. But it had snowed so much that night that it covered Dan's body, so I think the skis would have been buried in the snow.
Speaker 1:Okay, well, I mean that's a little much, because with that much snow, if it could cover a body at that point again you're talking about, they really could have jumped. They would have landed in fucking powder. Oh yeah, it would have been like landing on a pillow after the first night, they should have jumped onto dan's body.
Speaker 1:They also would have had dan's body to break their fall, which is a little morbid, but it wouldn't have been a lot of meat left if it was a pack of wolves no, but I would have devoured most of it.
Speaker 2:It's something, and you're already landing in a bunch of powdered snow I think the powdered snow part is for me, okay.
Speaker 1:So joe gets down. He has that, that ski pole. Uh, number one. How are you gonna let them get? Because he could still stand up. I understand that he's he's sliding down on the snowboard, but if they're gaining on you at any point, you can stand up and swing at them, hit them, poke them, stab them, do anything that you can to let them know that you're you're not to be messed with, uh. But okay, now we get past Joe getting devoured. We'll just say that he was a weakling Uh when Parker came down. Uh, I will let me ask you guys if you would have done anything different there with Joe.
Speaker 1:When it came fucking tumbling at me, she, she just kind of laid there, you know. Let me go back. Let me go back to joe real quick would you have done anything different to survive that? Um so I have wolves chasing you.
Speaker 3:You can't snowboard, so you're, you have to butt scoot, but I I I just thought of something funny. What if he just like ran up, grabbed the the other snowboard, attached both snowboards to each leg?
Speaker 2:It's just like mega skis. That would be so ridiculous.
Speaker 3:Now, that would have been a movie I would have tried to use the snowboard as some sort of shield in the you know whatever. What's it called the ski pole? Yeah, as a weapon. You know, I would have hold it up and just try to fend him off.
Speaker 2:They come bite me yeah, okay, I would have snowboard.
Speaker 3:stab him, it's the best you can do, because he knew that the wolves were down there. They seen him as he was, you know.
Speaker 1:And they're chasing.
Speaker 3:It's a pretty long distance down to the bottom.
Speaker 1:Okay, all right. What do you think, eric?
Speaker 2:I mean, I'm not going to lie I don't think there's anything Joe could do. Once those it was a pack of wolves, it wasn't one. There's nothing you're going to do if a pack of wolves decides that you're its next meal. In that situation I don't think there's anything you could do.
Speaker 1:So I only have theory. I've never had to face a pack of wolves. Your your best bet theoretically is you attack the weakest link, yeah, and you. What you want to do is you want to kill it. There's, no, there's. You can't stop.
Speaker 2:So this is not a mercy, this is you don't show mercy in this regard, because if you kill one, they're going to be like oh, it's not worth it.
Speaker 1:That's what you want. You want a wild animal to look at you and say, nope, not worth it. We're worth it. We're going to spend more energy trying to get this guy down than we will. Let's just go get a moose.
Speaker 2:Same thing with big cats or something like that Same thing with big cats. They want to just stalk their prey and get an easy kill. They don't want to fight for it. They want to catch you by surprise.
Speaker 1:If you see them coming at you and you're able to take a defensive posture, it just may not be worth it for them, and I think that, using some of these techniques, joe could have had a better fighting chance, which is, maintain eye contact with what you would try to presume is the alpha and scream at it, holler at it, wave the pole, stab at it and make them kind of think twice and back away, keep backing away. Will that be the longest movement ever? Absolutely. It will take you forever to get back to your car. You're going to uh. By the way, I didn't even think of this until right this minute. How do those uh lifties not know that there's still a car in their parking lot?
Speaker 2:so that's what was confusing they. They showed us the car at the end. They showed us the car at the end and then the car that she got into the guy was saying I checked, there was no cars at the resort. Oh, interesting, okay, but literally the scene before they showed their car buried in the snow because she had no keys.
Speaker 1:One of the two guys had the keys, okay, well, so there's some plot holes here, but anyway, so now you go back to Parker. I think you're right. Uh, tj, I like your response. You do something. You see how, when she, when the chair fell off of the cable, my immediate thought was jump, lady, jump. She's still holding on right, holding on for dear life, but she's so much lower and it was clearly indicated when she finally did fall, she fell like five feet right. Hit the ground.
Speaker 3:Compared to them. Yeah, I don't think like, if it started like, oh, I'm like, oh, this is going to fall, I don't think I would get like and start dangling from it, you know.
Speaker 1:Like.
Speaker 3:I would lay on like, because it's like padded. Yeah, lay down Like an elevator lay on like because it's like padded.
Speaker 2:Yeah, lay down like an elevator you're supposed to lay down in the elevator if it's going down, yeah, so I would have no. But here's the thing like that doesn't actually save you no, but it would distribute the mass what like yeah, that's.
Speaker 1:That's what it's supposed to do yeah you lay down on an elevator floor. It's supposed to distribute the the impact.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so it's not on your ankles when I was a kid, I thought you were just supposed to jump. I thought the same thing Right before the bottom, you know.
Speaker 1:Because it's falling.
Speaker 3:I'm not falling, of course.
Speaker 1:Right, you just jump right before the end, and then you'll just land safely, do you also?
Speaker 2:believe that the earth is flat. I said when I was a kid. I probably did when.
Speaker 3:I was six, but hear me out If you did.
Speaker 2:I believe it too.
Speaker 3:Theoretically, jump hard enough, it could work. Well, I cause I always as hard as you were falling? Yeah, you would, but you can know if you would have to.
Speaker 2:You would have to jump with. You would have to jump with the force greater than gravity. Oh no, not, not grab but not gravity Um what not in gravity um what?
Speaker 3:what is it inertia?
Speaker 2:yeah, terminal velocity you would have to jump.
Speaker 1:Uh, no, with more force than that. Completely understand the logic of it, but as a six-year-old I totally believe you could do it.
Speaker 2:I believed it way longer than six. Yeah, no that's just.
Speaker 1:That's just when I remembered it, because I remember going to a uh, a christmas party at my dad's work. He worked at the bonaventure hotel, which has all glass elevators, and I was so terrified going in those elevators I felt like I was going to fall out of it. Like it's fully enclosed, but I felt like I was going to fall out of it because it's completely glass and I laid down on the floor and I was, I remember, thinking like if it falls I'm gonna have to get up and jump before it hits the ground yeah, when I was another funny kid story.
Speaker 3:Kids say the darndest things. Um, when I was a kid I attributed the word skyscraper to the wrong thing. So you know those, the planes, how they make like a chem trails right through the sky yes yes, like they're scraping the sky skyscraper oh so I was like, hey, look at that skyscraper my friend's. Like that's a plane, idiot. No, it's scraping that's a plane.
Speaker 1:Well, what's a skyscraper then?
Speaker 3:the building. Why is it called a building if it's already built anyways, whoa, whoa, whoa yo so that's so true why do you did that?
Speaker 1:hit you why do you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway?
Speaker 3:crazy. Did you know that the word skyscraper came from the top of the masts of ships? Nice?
Speaker 1:why are deliveries sent by ship cargo and delivery sent by car shipment?
Speaker 2:doesn't make any sense ah we really like to do opposite shit, like greenland and iceland oh my god, that's so annoying that one, at least that one at least no, no, no, that one makes sense. That one is hilarious. The reason they did it, that was to ward off vikings. It was literally so. It was like no, you don't want to come here.
Speaker 1:You don't want to come here. It's nothing but ice oh, it sucks.
Speaker 2:Here man, here man.
Speaker 1:Now Greenland on the other hand, boy, do you want to go check out?
Speaker 2:Greenland and the Vikings get in like fuck we got bamboozled again.
Speaker 3:We got to turn around.
Speaker 1:Turn around. Let's go back to that Iceland place.
Speaker 2:Why would they call this place Greenland? There's no green.
Speaker 1:So we've covered all of it. I will say, let me just in recap you ever find yourself in a ski resort Number one. You never go anywhere out in the wild without being prepared. You're in bear country. Carry bear spray.
Speaker 2:Also, why night ski?
Speaker 1:I don't have a problem with night skiing.
Speaker 2:I love night skiing. I don't know, that doesn't seem like a great idea. I mean, if the park is open, but if it's not a place that does night skiing I love night skiing. I don't know, that doesn't seem like a great idea. I mean, if the park is open, but if it's not a place that does night skiing normally, why would you want to be out there at night? Because they're not prepared for that, okay here's here's.
Speaker 1:Another thing about it is you always want to understand that there's reasons people do things. Uh, they were shutting down the lifts for a particular reason.
Speaker 2:It was for weather.
Speaker 1:And it's just not that wise to be like no, come on, this is so much more important than my safety. Yeah, you know it's. Hey, maybe let the people who do this every day tell you like hey, maybe you don't want to go up there because this weather's coming in. We're cutting it early, we're calling it, we do this all the time. Hey, maybe they're ripping you off off of, uh, 15 bucks. But that was the thing that pissed me off about these guys. I would have understood this better if they would have gone and bought all of the tickets. Yeah, because that would have been about 80 bucks a ticket, they got a major discount, yeah and they're paid 100 bucks and then they're complaining about it earned something or that they're.
Speaker 1:They deserve something, not to mention, they paid eight. They paid 100 bucks for three of them, and then they go and spend however much time sitting in the freaking cafeteria. This is all your fault. Yeah, all three of you. You're stupid. Why are you doing this? You go and you force your way on there. So, number one, pay attention to the weather. It's not like you're you're ever really surprised by the weather when you're going skiing. You look what's going to happen. There's weather expected, so let's go early, or whatever the case right. Then, when you're on the freaking lift, it's not likely that you're ever going to get left behind. They have safety measures, so don't think that this is going to happen to you. If it does, and you do have to jump off of a lift, maybe you want to try doing something a little different than they did. Aim for between the lifts, where it's uh, not packed down, and leave your snowboard or your gear while you're snowboard on there's also so that you don't break your knees.
Speaker 3:That don't even lift you into the air, they just kind of drag you up the mountain.
Speaker 1:You'll just be on skis or snowboard and most of ours in california still yeah, still airlift, you go way up.
Speaker 2:But um, I used to think like I could totally jump off of that, but no, those are. Those are a little higher than you think.
Speaker 1:They are way higher than you think they are but with enough snow, I mean, the reason why they're so high is because in many of those places, like if you go up to Lake Tahoe, heavenly they get so much snow, that it's not that high, and so I mean you could see at the beginning of the season it's like a 20-foot drop, in the middle of the season it's like an eight-foot drop.
Speaker 1:It can be a very big difference. Now you have the other part is wolves. Don't typically attack people. If you have aggressive wolves, there are methods and tactics you can use to defend yourself. You want to try to back away from them, keeping eye contact, making a lot of noise, clapping your hands, getting anything you have that you can put between you and the wolf so that they can't attack you. Like a ski pole, the snowboard skis, anything. Use anything, a femur.
Speaker 2:Pull your own femur out or in, in his case, his fibula and tibia metal.
Speaker 1:And and then, uh, no, ski lift cables are not razor sharp, they're very rounded, smooth and coated. Uh, that's for your safety, so that they don't shred you up if something goes wrong. And uh, last but not least, uh, don't go out into the woods unprepared.
Speaker 2:Well, I actually have one more what If you lose a glove? In a situation like this, don't put your hand on metal. Don't put your hand on metal. Why is it not?
Speaker 3:in your jacket.
Speaker 2:Why are you not keeping your hand in your jacket coat overnight? My hand would be freezing.
Speaker 1:She did after that.
Speaker 2:My hands would be freezing.
Speaker 3:They would immediately be in there, they would never leave my coat In my pants, right in my pants, that's like the warmest spot dude. In between my legs, my pants between my thighs just tucked.
Speaker 2:Yep, I don't know. So when I noticed that her hand was stuck to the metal, I I thought of this video I saw of a bird that had its feet stuck to a railing and a human came up and cupped their hands around it and sort of breathing some hot air on it and over time, over, like you know, like a minute or two, it was warm enough that the bird was able to fly away. So I was thinking like I wouldn't have just peeled my hand off.
Speaker 1:I don't know if it really would have helped all that much it would have helped, but and she could have been smart and woken up joe- yeah and be like help me, what should I do?
Speaker 2:that was my thought. Like, bro, you know what it would have worked.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it would have worked is just before that, she peed her pants and I was like wouldn't her butt get frozen?
Speaker 1:Frozen yeah.
Speaker 2:I was going to say it would be so warm and nice at first but that's going to get so cold.
Speaker 1:She was lucky that it was during the day, though, yeah, there was a chance. There was a chance that it could have dried. But any final thoughts on Frozen from 2010?
Speaker 3:It's my nightmare. Remember, guys keep an extra femur on you. It might just save your life.
Speaker 1:Why not just keep a knife?
Speaker 2:Femur is more metal.
Speaker 3:Keep using them. If you break a knife, all you got is slashing damage.
Speaker 1:You know what guys? Don't keep a femur on you. Keep a telescopic baton.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, keep, no Better yet femur on you. Keep a telescopic baton. Oh yeah, keep, nah better. Yeah, I've been playing uh, watchdogs too. Uh, he, the main weapon you use, your melee weapon, is just like a big steel, like a, probably like a fist size steel ball, or like kind of like a, I would say maybe like a billiard ball size, just on a rope.
Speaker 1:Oh, that's like a mace.
Speaker 3:Like a meteor hammer.
Speaker 1:No, what is that? A flail? A flail, yeah, like the mace is on a stick. And, eric, your final thoughts are this is your nightmare.
Speaker 2:This is my nightmare. I don't like cold. I really dislike the cold. I get freezing here in Southern California, where it doesn't drop below 40 almost ever. So yeah, I'm not built for that kind of weather, I agree.
Speaker 1:So with that, guys, make sure you check us out on all of our socials Tik TOK, instagram, Facebook you can find us at. Will you survive the podcast? We do have a YouTube account, guys, go check us out. You can find us at Will you Survive the Podcast? We do have a YouTube account, guys, go check us out. You can either search Will you Survive the Podcast or type at the boys at WIS. It's the at symbol, the boys at WIS. And let's see what else I think. Our email where we accept your recommendations on movies. You want us to cover topics you want us to talk about. You can send that to the boys at will you survive the podcastcom? T-h-e-b-o-y-s at will you survive the podcastcom? And with that, I guess I need to announce a winner survive gaming oh yeah yes, w-y-s underscore gaming, you can also I've been slacking
Speaker 2:in particular at underscore, gemini underscore, and I can go live now yes, you can go live and uh, we recently went live recently and played. We recently, recently, recently, uh, played ready or not, and that was pretty fun.
Speaker 1:We were a duo swap team I know you guys had a lot, a lot of our viewers over on your channel. What, what well? They came later to mine and they were like, oh, we were watching the gaming. They told you yes, they told me what yeah, we did that sorry.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you fuckers picking up on guess what I?
Speaker 3:got $5 from it.
Speaker 1:Why you got to go live on my night.
Speaker 2:You know, I didn't even think about it. He was just like you want to go live and I was like, yeah, hell, yeah. So it's his fault, dicks. Yeah, he should lose because of that.
Speaker 1:You know, minus 10 points.
Speaker 2:Yes, okay, but yeah, go follow, will you survive? Uh, gaming, I've been slacking a little bit. I apologize, but I'm getting back to it. In my defense it wasn't just me in my offense, in my defense, I just started school, so I'm working on a new schedule but just so you guys know too uh, if you search at, will you survive gaming.
Speaker 1:All one word.
Speaker 3:It also shows up yes that's what I put on all of the all of the tiktok and instagram is the the profile icon.
Speaker 1:Show it, show it.
Speaker 3:I have to go through.
Speaker 1:Hold on, is it? Oh, it's not. It's not, neck Rick. Okay, all right.
Speaker 3:Sorry.
Speaker 1:Oh no, I know which one it is.
Speaker 2:I know which one it is, Also for those who are in the live right now. Josh posted our Discord link Discord, so join our Discord if you would like.
Speaker 1:There you can chat with us. We have uh for subscribers for only 2.99 a month. We have our uh what do you call that stuff? Um selective content, uh, exclusive. That's it exclusive content. Sorry guys, I'm. I'm really enjoying my uh, my adult apple juice here. It's good stuff. I changed it up today. This is really good. No, no, no, no, tj's five, mine is adult.
Speaker 3:I switched it up. I was going hard on vitamin C.
Speaker 1:No, exactly, doesn't have any vitamins.
Speaker 2:Vitamins. See you later.
Speaker 1:Plus five points.
Speaker 3:That was good. Okay, killing it this.
Speaker 2:This is rigged I'm fucking killing it.
Speaker 3:That was good I like that, you know okay I think he forgot to give us points throughout the episode he's just giving all the points right now I didn't forget to give you points.
Speaker 1:I asked you guys, for all of your recommendations, what you would do in every one of those scenarios. That's true.
Speaker 3:If we're going to accuse anybody, he is actually way more prepared for every episode. He does.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's exactly what I was going to say. If we're going to accuse anybody of doing anything haphazardly, it's going to be one of us.
Speaker 3:Well no, because I have the green book. So it's really down to you, brother.
Speaker 1:It's going to be me. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, you do have the green book.
Speaker 2:I'm not going to lie. When I decide a winner, it is in that moment.
Speaker 1:I'm not thinking about it.
Speaker 2:The entire episode until the end. And then one of you are like, so who won? And I'm like, oh yeah.
Speaker 3:Oh shit.
Speaker 2:I'm just enjoying the vibes.
Speaker 1:I'm telling you these, uh, these last points I think have affected the the outcome here. Oh, that seems good to me because, uh, I first on the handshake deal gave tj 10 points, uh, but then he goes live on my night and tries to tell my subscribers to not tell me.
Speaker 3:Shame I didn't say that shame when I got off the live I was like all right, everybody go over to the, you know, will you survive right now?
Speaker 2:shame, because I'm sure he's missing you, you know I?
Speaker 1:I doubt that's true you're just mad because I'm josh's josh josh tell me the truth, josh's favorite josh, did he tell you to come over to my live? This is your time to shine, josh. There's no wrong answers. I will not be mad at you, just at TJ. Just at TJ. Who's going to win this episode?
Speaker 3:It's in your hands Josh.
Speaker 2:I know right, Josh, out of context.
Speaker 1:He has to get out and say his live was better.
Speaker 3:I didn't say that.
Speaker 2:So Josh just added context to the situation and to say his live was better.
Speaker 1:Wow, that's another five points.
Speaker 3:That is not what happened.
Speaker 1:I would never I're on. I would never.
Speaker 3:I know I would never pull up the freaking stream bot right now your honor.
Speaker 2:I literally can't.
Speaker 3:I don't even have enough followers I know this is all on tj you actually do have enough followers, because I don't have enough followers to go live.
Speaker 1:Actually, I think it's actually a glitch after they brought it back. I don't think a lot of the people who are able to go live I don't. It's actually a glitch after they brought it back. I don't think a lot of the people who are able to go live, I don't think they're supposed to be able to. According to, tiktok rules.
Speaker 2:I'm going to start taking advantage of that, then try it.
Speaker 3:You got to try it because I'm seeing there's a lot of people press the plus at the bottom and then at the bottom, if you see live yeah, probably go live all right with all of these latest.
Speaker 1:Let's see here who are we giving the episode to. This is close. You guys, you guys always pull out these little squeakers, eric one let's go and now, just for your information, tj, although I'm being absolutely honest, eric did actually get more points after the end here, but but I'm kind of punishing him.
Speaker 2:Me.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Four.
Speaker 1:Because you have to do the next episode.
Speaker 2:Oh Meh, I have an idea already.
Speaker 3:It's going to be a whole thing.
Speaker 2:Nah, we don't even have to watch a movie, guys. What did you think?
Speaker 1:Was this an okay movie or was it complete?
Speaker 2:garbage. I thought it was okay, I liked it.
Speaker 3:I mean, I liked the movie. You know what we haven't done?
Speaker 1:Any of the remakes, any of the podcasts.
Speaker 2:That's true, oh my. God Thank you for listening.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much for listening everybody. Thank you all of you chatters for staying engaged with us and throwing your comments out there, especially you. Everybody. Thank you all of you chatters for staying engaged with us and throwing your comments out there, especially you, josh, subscriber number one. And you know, avoid the mountains, don't get caught on a ski lift after hours and don't try to fight wolves with two broken legs True, and stay alive. Don't try to fight wolves with two broken legs, true and uh, stay alive.
Speaker 3:Thank you.