Will You Survive... The Podcast

Will You Survive "The Cured": Post-Apocalyptic Ethics and Unexpected Nightmares

Will You Survive... The Podcast

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The episode delves into 'The Cured,' a compelling film that examines moral and societal challenges faced by individuals reintegrating after a zombie infection. The hosts discuss character dynamics, government roles in the reintegration process, and the social implications of acceptance and redemption, weaving in parallels to civil rights struggles. 

• Exploration of characters' psychological struggles post-infection 
• Discussion on the government's role in rushing reintegration 
• Examination of codified prejudice against the cured 
• Comparisons to historical civil rights movements 
• Analysis of the film's open-ended conclusion regarding hope and recovery

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, survivors, and welcome to another episode of Will you Survive the Podcast. This is a podcast where we tend to watch movies and then go over different survival situations or tactics that then apply to said movies. I am your host today. My name is Eric. I'm the host because I won last episode and it was very rightfully deserved, because I went on quite the losing streak that, I feel like, was not politically motivated, but definitely politically motivated, and I would like to introduce my two conspirators who kept me out of the winning seat for so long Alex and TJ.

Speaker 4:

I am Alex and I deny everything he just said. We have never weaponized the podcast against our political opponents.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that definitely sounds like some lawyer talk.

Speaker 2:

I'm niggly, that's wiggly.

Speaker 1:

Well, if it's not included in the intro, that is what the rapper of Hershey's Kisses is called, apparently. Well, if it's not included in the intro, that is what the rapper of Hershey's Kisses is called.

Speaker 2:

apparently it's not going to be in the intro it's just going to be just cold open right there, Cold open. Just Caution, I'm black.

Speaker 1:

Caution. Now, it's a caution. It's not even a warning now. Wow, this is going downhill, so fast on my watch. I love it. We watched a movie boys called the Cured. Yeah right, that's what we watched.

Speaker 2:

Did we all watch that?

Speaker 1:

Not to be confused with the Cure, not to be confused with the Cure, which we have watched, but that's part of the Maze Runner trilogy, not to also be confused with the cure Like the ban.

Speaker 4:

Yeah yeah, there's also a documentary movie called Cured, not the.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, who would mix that up?

Speaker 4:

And it's from 2024.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't even say the it's called the Maze Virus so not to be confused with.

Speaker 1:

The man.

Speaker 2:

What is it called in the Flare, the Maze?

Speaker 1:

Runner, the Fl. So not to be confused with the, what is it called in? The maze runner, the flare, flare, yeah, yeah, there's a lot of a lot of confusion here.

Speaker 2:

Make sure we're all on the same page. I really do think that main dude could have been played by maze runner guy.

Speaker 1:

Dylan O'Brien. Yeah, I kind of see it Also, the guy who played uh, who played our Nicholas Holt in um uh, warm bodies, I feel like he could have done the same role too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I also feel like his little zombie fuck buddy whatever that nigga's name was could have been played by the guy who played Voldemort or you know in the menu, the chef, yeah, okay. I feel like he was giving off that vibe the whole movie.

Speaker 1:

I also feel like Cillian Murphy could have played Cillian.

Speaker 2:

He really could have Also. I feel like there was a lot of gay, zombie, sexual tension in this Killian Murphy could have played. Killian, there was way more sexual tension in this than the actual love story zombie movie that we watched?

Speaker 1:

No, but they also called him Killian no.

Speaker 4:

Killian was the child. No, but Killian was his uncle.

Speaker 1:

I swear she called him both.

Speaker 4:

No, killian was the, the child senen was. Yeah, I guess so so okay, one thing I would like to ask first off okay, uh, I'm gonna make a statement.

Speaker 1:

These were infected, not zombies yes agree or disagree yes, I don't think you can actually be cured if you are a full-out zombie.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it's possible the motherfuckers in like walking dead. You're not there's no cure you're not going to be able to cure the zombies, you may be able to.

Speaker 4:

They're dead, infected. Right, because you you cure some of those people with their holes through their body. They just die right away.

Speaker 2:

They're done yeah, everybody in the walking dead universe is infected, but they are not turned, so all the infected people can probably be cured.

Speaker 1:

I guess that's true. Everybody is infected. The walkers cannot be cured.

Speaker 4:

In my mind. This is in the same universe as 28 Days Later. It's just in Ireland.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, I guess it's not the same universe, though, because they don't call it the same. They'd call it the same virus.

Speaker 4:

Not necessarily, but you know.

Speaker 1:

They're so close. England or the UK and Ireland are so close, they'd call it the same thing. They're literally connected to the same continent.

Speaker 4:

Okay, you have got to make up your mind. Do Brits exist or not?

Speaker 1:

No, in this universe they exist. In real life obviously not. Oh, can we stop with the craziness here?

Speaker 4:

well, look, I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to pick a stance. I'm like we're talking about completely fictional people here yes, obviously I well irish people no, I think I mean they exist right irish or british light well, they're like, they're like.

Speaker 1:

They're like the people who pretend to be British. What about what?

Speaker 2:

St Paddy.

Speaker 4:

He's a fictional character. That's perfectly fine. Yes, just like Santa Claus.

Speaker 2:

Whenever St Patrick's Day is. Anyways, did you guys know that there is a short story or short movie on YouTube that is in the same universe as this.

Speaker 4:

Now we're talking. What is it?

Speaker 2:

It is called the First Wave. I watched it for extra credit.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's interesting, because I didn't see it, so I don't know how I could possibly apply extra credit.

Speaker 4:

So, host, would you like me to tell the listeners what this is about?

Speaker 1:

I feel like I have no control of this episode, so you do it, go ahead.

Speaker 4:

So the C cured. From 2017, a disease that turns people into zombies has been cured. Society discriminates against the once infected zombies, as do their own families, which causes social issues to arise.

Speaker 1:

This leads to militant government interference okay where I want to start the conversation here. I think this is going to be more of a free-form conversation and we'll just kind of talk for an hour and see where we go with this. I will say right up front I'm pretty anti-government as it is. I think government tends to screw up a lot of things. I think this was a royal fumble by the government. I don't think that the cured should have ever been reintroduced into society so soon. I think you don't know the long-term effects. Clearly they were being affected by.

Speaker 1:

The people who were cured still remembered everything that they did. They described it as being trapped inside their body and trying to fight the urge, but you just can't. And then Connor, the kind of alpha leader of the infected, said that there's a point where you just give up and you just kind of go with it. And I imagine that once you're brought back to being a human and not infected, but you still have all those memories of everything you did, including giving into it and just giving up, I think that kind of breaks a person's psyche. I think they're right in saying in the movie that they're not the same people anymore.

Speaker 1:

I don't think they should have been introduced so quickly because of the fear that that would cause, because all the problems that the society was having with the never infected people, saying that the cured people are giant risks and that anybody who is taking them in is risking everybody's life and is kind of just a piece of crap. All that could have been prevented by giving them their own society for like a two year span and being like look, we cured you, I get it. You want to go see your family, we'll allow visitation, but we're going to keep all the cured people in this city. You can live your lives, kind of start anew for a little bit, reintroduce yourselves back into society where everybody feels safe, and then, when we know the long-term effects, this kind of feels like an idealized version of what a government would actually do.

Speaker 4:

But I feel like that's what they should have done okay. So one thing that I would note on this that I guess this is more a pragmatic look at what was going on.

Speaker 1:

There was very little difference between that military sergeant and connor yeah, I, I was realizing all the characters they're equally evil, sucked yeah yeah, it was so I was kind of thinking about it, for because you're trying to pick a side, this whole movie, and I think the only side to really pick is is to pick Sennan's side, which was just to protect his family and try to stay non-involved in either side. But the militant group, this whole idea of we'll introduce these people back into society, but even we are going to treat them like dirt and like scum of the earth. We're going to call them murderers, we're going to tell them what they are and then be surprised when they act violent. When you treat someone like an animal, don't be surprised when they act violent. Which, when you treat someone like an animal, don't be surprised when they act like an animal I have one issue with that and it came up.

Speaker 4:

I'm sorry to jump us to the end of the the movie, but I had an issue with how everybody was treating the cured. You would think that there would be more family members of the cured who were like, look, leave them alone. You know they're, they're just, they're just us, they're just trying to recoup from what was taken from them there's very few of those in the movie like you.

Speaker 2:

You heard it at the beginning like oh yeah, they're, they're back or whatever. Leave them alone. Blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 4:

But it wasn't like I feel like there would be more of a majority I don't there would be more of a majority one way or the other.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think they were right in showing that people would not be for this, and I think that's very expectable, that's predictable. I think the government could have predicted this is going to cause panic, this is going to cause people to believe that they're not safe. That's why, I think, put them in their own city, leave that they're not safe. That's why, I think, put them in their own city, let it, let it prove that they're not going to turn back, that they are able to function in a society again.

Speaker 2:

And then you know, allow visitation and all that and reintroduce them back into society slowly, over a few years, not just well, they're cured, now go on there would still be like a lot of like hate towards them even with that though, because, like, imagine they're going through this, they don't know what the hell's going on, and then, all of a sudden, your dad eats your mom's face like you're gonna accept them back, you know, okay.

Speaker 1:

So here's the thing. Maybe maybe I'm a little overly. I don't know fantastical. No, I don't know fantastical. No, I don't know what the word is. Maybe I think I'm more logical than I actually am, but I would imagine that, when all is said and done, that I could separate that you were not you, that you were sick. You were infected. Obviously you wouldn't want to do that, whatever you did. Sick, you were infected. Obviously you wouldn't want to do that, whatever you did. But then I think about it like if I watched a family member eat another family member.

Speaker 4:

You're never going to look at that person the same, even with that overly logical side, saying that was not the same person well, I would say, I think their pick for the character of um it being his sister-in-law, not his sister that made sense to me because there's no like tight relation. She was doing it based upon what she thought her husband would want. You know, this is your house, I'm not allowed to go back to my home country, I'm stuck here. Uh, what can I do right now? I like how it broke down the wall of her logic. She thought that she could forgive anybody for anything. It wasn't them doing it and then you saw her break apart when she learned that it was him who killed his own brother.

Speaker 4:

Now I have some questions about this, because how much control or lack of control can we really argue these things had if Connor was able to control Sinan?

Speaker 1:

Well, so that was kind of. They insinuated this kind of alpha mentality. They mentioned that they would hunt in packs Iron Legend vibes.

Speaker 3:

A little bit like that it gave me what?

Speaker 1:

what was that movie army of the dead with dave batista? Okay, it gave me that vibe where there's an alpha who can communicate more like a human and can communicate with these things, and that's what that general or he wasn't a general, I don't know what he was, but the sergeant yeah, the sergeant, that's what he was saying, that they hunt and packs and that he said that connor was the alpha and they communicate in a way that we'll never understand, right?

Speaker 4:

so it kind of gave like a hive mind mentality to me, which I, I kind of think answers a lot more questions than than making more questions, because if you go the other way of, they're mindless, right. So maybe connor had more control and that's why you know, god, I, I this is so controversial. Was it an an aspect of his former life that that's how manipulative he was? I think so, and I love that they were making him run for for office. He was a barrister and he's running for office, uh, essentially a lawyer. If you're not familiar with the fictional country of great britain, then um it. By the way, that's a joke for anybody no, it's not, it's a here at wys and their king is like 120 years old.

Speaker 1:

We don't believe in fantasies over here.

Speaker 4:

Well, and on a side note, why can't the British play chess? Because they lost their queen. That's a big rip, literally Big rip.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, reintroducing the infected into society. Let's flip the role. I think right now we've been kind of playing the role of an outsider looking in on this. Let's play the role of somebody who was infected and has now been cured. Do you think you could live with that?

Speaker 4:

No, I don't think I. I mean, I don't think I would off myself like the one guy did. I think I would. I would persevere, but I wouldn't want to be around anybody who knew me. I wouldvere, but I wouldn't want to be around anybody who knew me. I kind of like the idea of what you said, like a sanctuary, like they should have been allowed to be on their own.

Speaker 1:

I think that that allows them to one be in a city full of people who understand what they're going through, and that's just a full city of therapy right there. And it also allows the outsiders to look in and see okay, no, these people are human again, they're dealing with shit.

Speaker 2:

If I may, could you imagine the culture that they would build if they were in their own little like separate island? You've seen what them motherfuckers are doing in like their little apartment that they had.

Speaker 1:

But they were All around in a circle. But that wasn't all of them.

Speaker 4:

But I also don't care that was the ones controlled by Connor.

Speaker 4:

No, no, no, but it also doesn't matter. Go ahead, go do all of that stuff, if that's what makes you feel better. That's why you're isolated. Let me give you an example. Right, we have people in society who commit heinous crimes like intentional unaliving of human beings, and they get found not guilty by reason of mental defect. And they get found not guilty by reason of mental defect and they are assigned to go into a hospital and get treatment until they are capable of standing trial for the crimes that they've committed. And in those cases some of those cases, not everyone, but in some of those cases they never recover to stand trial. They will never be.

Speaker 1:

They're not well, they have always been not well and they will always be not well, but they have always been not well and they will always be not well, but I I don't think that's the case with these guys. Truthfully, I don't think most of the cured were not doing that. At least we weren't shown that. Uh, doing the whole huddle thing, the I am legend thing the the cured who were doing it were were following connor and that seemed more like a cult rather than rather than like a thing that the cured do.

Speaker 4:

But see, that's where I think the idea of treating it like a mental defect would be. It would hold up morally because senen would then go before the court, right it's. It's different in ireland, but I'm using united states court, forgive me for for the crossover here but you would go and wear fucking powdered wigs still, exactly.

Speaker 4:

So you go and you stand before the court and you give your defense right sen, and being able to describe the actions of connor while he was incapacitated could be something that the court may consider as an an extenuating circumstance I think the fact that he was infected is an extenuating circumstance on its own I, that's the mental defect?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I think right away, but that's where I think that the, the sanctuary city for them, would be probably the best way to handle this.

Speaker 4:

But but that's what I'm saying. You go into that sanctuary until you're able to you can prove that you can right properly which it would essentially be like a trial yeah, this is a tough one, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

the scene that got me is when uh senen was sleeping and he had this dream where this kid was running down the street and the kid turns the corner and senen's just standing there as a as an infected and starts screaming at the kid, uh, and the kid turns the corner and sentence just standing there as a as an infected and starts screaming at the kid and the kid obviously starts screaming and it insinuates what happens next. I don't know if that was just like a nightmare or if he was reliving a moment, but if he was reliving a moment, how do you live with yourself after something like that? Exactly, I don't.

Speaker 2:

I don't know Cause you're still there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You're just not in control, so you can imagine, you can still remember the taste of a person, and oh, probably so. Uh, because, like you could, you could rationalize away.

Speaker 1:

You can rationalize away the whole, like I wasn't in control. I was sick, but you still did it, you still live through. You do have memories of you doing it and yeah, that's a really tough one to, and that's why even the movie they're talking about, a lot of them end up unaliving themselves because yep, that's yeah, you know that's so tough, because even if you had the whole world standing with you and going that wasn't you, you didn't do it.

Speaker 1:

Nobody blames you. I don't. I still don't think that's enough. Yeah, you're still, and and in this situation, the whole world was not on their side, true? So that's even worse. Now you have a good majority of the population who's saying you shouldn't be alive, you shouldn't be with us. And then you know you, you have characters like a Senate. And who asked the, asked the doctor? Do you think it's even worth it to bring us back?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and they basically put these cured people on parole Like, oh, you got to show up at this time for this meeting or whatever. Oh, you can't be late for work. I was okay with that.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, I wasn't. Because here's the thing If you're going to say that you're going to reintroduce them into society, either introduce them or don't yeah either do it or don't.

Speaker 4:

None of this fucking game, none of this is different than when somebody leaves prison and is on parole. And they call that reintroducing into society.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so here's the thing, though these people never went to prison.

Speaker 4:

This is not something that they did very consciously unprecedented territory exactly you had to make it up as you go I mean, but that's what I'm saying in their own bodies, they were and they were and they were imprisoned in the. They were imprisoned in the what do they call it?

Speaker 1:

the colony yes, but we're no. We cannot compare those two. That is not the same as absolutely that is not the same as somebody who commits a murder and is put in prison, and or let's probably not murder, but somebody, why not?

Speaker 1:

I mean we can say murder. I just don't know how often murderers get let out of prison. They get let out a lot, okay. So let's say somebody commits a murder gets let out of prison. That person consciously committed a murder. Somebody who was bitten by a zombie, became a zombie and then killed people is not held to the same standard in my book as a as somebody who was in prison for a crime they intentionally committed. All right here's.

Speaker 4:

Here's a a counter to that. If you get into a car, you have epilepsy, you go into epileptic shock and your, your car, runs up the sidewalk and you run over a whole bunch of people, unaliving all of them, you're still guilty of a crime. It's manslaughter. Yeah, manslaughter. You don't. Maybe the the intent wasn't there, but it still happened.

Speaker 1:

But so this is where we say these are extenuating circumstances. I don't think you're held to that same standard right because you're gonna charge every single person who is a zombie, with every, every person that they, that they killed with manslaughter. It's just not gonna happen, but it it kind of did.

Speaker 4:

No, they were all imprisoned in that colony. They were not free to go. It wasn't until that doctor hit him with the cure that then they started coming up with the idea of reintroducing them into society, and it was so brand new that even society was rejecting the idea, much like society rejects the idea oftentimes, of violent criminals who are paroled. They go in up in arms, they go protesting, they're outside of the prison. You often, for death penalty cases, you have both sides protesting at the prison at the same time. These are very common, common things to see.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I get that. I think the situation changes. All of that, I think. In a normal situation, sure, but when we're talking about zombies and being cured and reintroduced into society, I don't think you can compare them to prisoners. I don't think it's quite the same thing.

Speaker 4:

Well, but you can't compare it to anything because it didn't exist. Yes, there's nothing to compare it to, but what do you do? Just pretend it didn't happen?

Speaker 1:

No, I don't think you can do that either. What I'm saying is that the way that they did it, I don't think is ideal at all.

Speaker 4:

I actually think that's the best way they could have done it. I think you're right that there would have been no movie if they would have done something like wait longer or put them in a colony by themselves. I mean, they were in a colony by themselves. The thing that might have been I think that was far more controversial is it probably shouldn't have been run by the military.

Speaker 1:

Well, so there's a few things. One, why were they storing the 25% in areas that had population?

Speaker 2:

Why not store them in areas very secluded Behind one really crappy fence too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah like they really did not have the most security for that.

Speaker 4:

Those doors were pretty fucking hardcore.

Speaker 2:

I mean, they're beefy, but that's only one, like layer of security for something that can literally.

Speaker 4:

Well, it wasn't one layer, there were two layers. They had the outer doors as well, that some jackass opened up well, it was not one layer.

Speaker 1:

There was a lot of fails in their system. They're getting them into that also. That doctor going along with that plan I, I get it. She was driven by pure emotion, but the dumbest thing ever, come on. Yeah, she was so naive, yeah it's.

Speaker 2:

I saw it coming a mile away so like, yeah, it was very naive. You do dumb things for the people you care about I get that also, especially when she was immediately after curing her wife and I was like oh man even. Well, that wasn't even what.

Speaker 1:

No, don't do that that scared me, not gonna lie, that. That spooked me. I was like all caught up in the moment. I was like, oh, that's very sweet, very cute.

Speaker 1:

But I was like this feels too cute and then, yeah, go from like so just nothing, there's just no sound, and then they just jump out of nowhere exactly well, I was almost wondering if if that was more of uh, trying to get you in the mindset of the doctor where she was so infatuated with seeing her wife cured that she kind of blocked out all her other senses.

Speaker 1:

That's kind of what I was imagining, because movies do that sometimes where, like, the character is temporarily deaf and so it'll be silent or like an explosion happens and you hear like that really faint ringing and the character is clearly disoriented. They do that a lot, so I was kind of imagining that like how main character got infected.

Speaker 2:

The zombie didn't make any noise until he was right up on him yeah or right at the end where the kid gets bit. There's no sound well?

Speaker 1:

so I know no, the the zombies made sound when they saw somebody. Right, that was when they would make sound, right? So because, like the one that was walking down the street when, uh, I forget, uh, senan's sister-in-law, I forget her name. Oh, that was elliot page. Yeah, whatever abby, abby, um. When abby was walking down the street and uh and that zombie in the in the hospital gown saw her.

Speaker 4:

It wasn't until it saw her that it started making noise and running at her right which, like when they saw the doctor, they should have screamed like there should have been some noise. It was very inconsistent, is all well, that's what I'm wondering.

Speaker 1:

If they I don't know, it could have just been poor writing, but I was imagining that it was like the doctor was so infatuated that she'd cured her wife and that she had her wife back that she kind of just blocked everything out. I mean, and that's what they were portraying, all of that sounds good.

Speaker 4:

The only problem I had with it is that cell had one door. It was a regular size door, the cell was extremely small and the doctor was sitting on the bed facing the door. Like her eyes were not facing, her eyes were were uh, her peripheral would have absolutely caught somebody walking in the door, but somehow this thing flanked her and got on the side of her and tackled her.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, I don't think it was standing outside the door. I think, no, it had to have been in the room to get her the way it got her.

Speaker 3:

No, because the door was here.

Speaker 4:

The bed was here. She was so like it came in, had to come inside the room and then tackle her. No, her wife was sitting here on the bed facing the door, yeah, and then she was sitting right next to her wife, facing her wife. The door would have been absolutely in her peripheral. There's no way you could have not seen somebody walk in.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I think I really I do think that's very possible. Actually, I think when you're that infatuated- with somebody. God, that's that no no, I think 100 percent. If you lost your wife and you got her back and you think that you're safe and you're so like lost, just staring into her eyes, she just kissed her too. So she like just kissed her was like inches from her face. I don't think she was paying attention to anything around her.

Speaker 4:

And I think that's why it caught her by surprise. It's just exclusively plot weaponry.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I think so a little bit, but actually I could genuinely see that happening.

Speaker 4:

Why would this infected come back into the cell when they were all already gone?

Speaker 1:

That is what I would say I think is the plot weapon is why was it even there in the first place? Why did it come back? But I don't know, I don't know that there in the first place, why did it come back? Um, but I don't know, I don't know. That wasn't my biggest gripe. Uh, I don't actually think I really have too many gripes with this movie other than a lot of gripes I mean, my biggest gripe is more just, it's story.

Speaker 1:

It's a story thing, but like why? Why treat them like such garbage? If you're trying to, if you are trying to introduce them back into society, if you treat someone like an animal and you call them an animal, they're going to act like an animal. It's what prison does. Like what do you? What the fuck?

Speaker 4:

I think it was just. I think it was just realistic. It's very pragmatic. It's whether right, right has nothing to do with it. I don't think it's right, but then again, hey guys, what?

Speaker 2:

I just want to bring up um, I got the chat like up on my left and there's lucy is the aether is just in the chat and I try it's in french. I translated it a blood curse on your life and your family, oh shit is one, okay, she added me and I'm hold on, let me just translate this again. I'm like I was. I'm so confused. She added me and she said Be cursed and walk until your feet bleed.

Speaker 1:

I know that Isn't that from fucking X-Men Origins? That's from X-Men Wolverine. What the fuck? Why are you?

Speaker 3:

cursing me with movie quotes. What did we do to you?

Speaker 2:

In French, that's a very French thing to do.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna lie.

Speaker 4:

The good thing is that the French are useless, so there's no way that that's gonna work. At least they exist Better than the British, huh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, did you see that post? I sent you that. Pakistan International Airlines is now flying to France again after four years.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And it's a picture of the French flag on the left, the Eiffel Tower on the right and a plane in the middle pointing towards the Eiffel Tower and it says Paris, we're coming, or something along those lines, and it just looks super ominous. That's crazy. That went through approval. People had to approve that. Objectively hilarious that is wild, crazy marketing guys, what do you think the?

Speaker 2:

uh, what do you think of the? Uh, the zombie, homoeroticism, that, what, what happened?

Speaker 4:

I gotta confirm that we're not robots.

Speaker 2:

There it goes she was a little gay at some points, you know yeah, it was getting a little hot and steamy the way he was, like standing behind them when they're like, like standing head to head.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the head to head thing gave me animal vibes. Yeah, the head to head thing when they're zombies.

Speaker 2:

There's like a little bit of tension there, but dude's doing it as they're like cured and he's like behind him and he just breathes on his neck, just yeah yeah, that guy Connor gave me so many weird vibes the whole time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I swear, he was like when he was standing behind him.

Speaker 2:

I could just imagine his hand just cupping Sinan's ass. I feel like that's where his hand was the whole time. Remember when we used to do this when we were still infected.

Speaker 1:

Remember when we would huddle in dark buildings together. And they did, and I would make all the other zombies leave. They would huddle and huff and puff.

Speaker 2:

You used to like the way I grunted. I didn't.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, you like that. I didn't like some of the. The number one, I'll point this out, I knew. The second it happened that it was connor who either did or orchestrated the break-in and the beating of senen, and oh yeah before I even saw that they took the videotape. I knew like, right, right, when it happened I was like that was fucking Connor, like this is, this is revenge.

Speaker 1:

It was. It just fits so well it had to be him, which it leads back to your earlier point that both sides sucked. Yeah, connor started off as, like this, martyr, but immediately it took a bad turn when he lied to Senate and said that there would be no casualties they're all empty buildings knowing damn well that there was people in there. And now Connor has blood on his hands now, not zombie and has blood on his hands he really was.

Speaker 1:

So okay, I'm not gonna lie about. Halfway through this movie I was like this guy feels like the Hitler of zombies. Yeah, he's like we're being treated badly, we should kill them all. And they're like, yeah, that's literally what Hitler did.

Speaker 2:

That scene where he was stabbing the sergeant. I thought he was just going to go full zombie mode and just start eating them because he craved it, or something.

Speaker 3:

I'm kind of sad that it didn't go that way, I feel like that would add a lot of oh this man's crazy type beat.

Speaker 1:

It was interesting. Well, I think that would imply that they could turn back, and I think that would be a problem. But I mean, they also left the movie open-ended. So you know, I guess they could have done that, and who really cares, I guess. But yeah, I don't really have anything else to add.

Speaker 4:

So I had a real beef with with that that part. I got mad when I saw that go down. I knew that was Connor and his gang. I also. I also didn't like. I didn't like her reaction to finding out that Senen was the one who got her husband his brother. But at the same time as I let it permeate my brain, I let it percolate, I realized yeah. It made sense it was purely emotional, purely reactionary.

Speaker 1:

I think he knew. That's why he didn't tell her. That's the only reaction she could have to that. I don't see how she could respond any other way. I think she wanted to respond differently and she wanted to believe that she would respond differently to that, but at the end of the day I don't think you can. That's a really hard pill to swallow. And then she eventually came around. She didn't hold to that for that long, um, and really this was this was orchestrated by Connor, which again it sucked, because both sides sucked and both sides were trying to manipulate the. We're both trying to manipulate her. The sergeant was trying to give her information to to turn her against Connor and um and Sennan Right. And then Connor's trying to feed her information that'll turn her against Sennan and um and senan right, and then connor's trying to feed her information that'll turn her against senan and and the sergeant. And so it's it.

Speaker 4:

it sucks to for her to be stuck in the middle of this and and she has senan there the I would say the uh sergeant and connor throughout the beginning exhibited very similar personality traits and it kind of made sense when he said he was running for political office and I was. At first I was kind of rooting for connor to me too, like I thought like, oh good, like he can rally the uh, the cured together and realize like hey we've gotta, we've gotta.

Speaker 4:

No, I, I didn't think revolution, I thought we've got to stand together. You know, we got to prove to them that we are functioning members of society and that we can reintegrate well, and it's when he turned to violence. That's exactly it.

Speaker 1:

I'm like you immediately just destroyed your whole stance. It's what it's kind of. I don't know.

Speaker 4:

I don't know, I don't want to go down that route. Actually, this is an allegory for black people.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm not going to Shut up. I'm not going to lie.

Speaker 2:

I was For real. He went from Martin Luther King to Malcolm X.

Speaker 1:

That's literally the exact analogy I was going to make. I was like this feels like a Martin Luther King versus Malcolm X thing we need to be seen to by any means necessary necessary we might kill these bitches.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, there's a lot of controversy where it's like give us the caution it's he already did. It's like a lot of contra.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of controversy where it's like you know they malcolm x's actions were were needed to to get to the point where the civil rights got to, but at the same time it that's everything that martin luther king was against, and so it's like I don't know. Part of me does understand that. I do think that there are casualties, and especially when it comes down to um your life, because I agree that with connor, that the government was not going to stop at the 25 right, they weren't going to stop at the resistant, they wanted to kill all of the cured yep and that's what they were going to do. So it sucks because he has a point.

Speaker 2:

Shout out to Martin Luther King, because it is Martin Luther King Day on Monday.

Speaker 1:

Oh, shout out, Martin Luther.

Speaker 3:

King Jr.

Speaker 2:

If you really like black people, you can check out our episode that just came out. This is more for the people on the oh, the blackening. The blackening All about black. If you like black people, watch our or listen to our episode. If you don't listen to our episode.

Speaker 1:

I guess, yeah, still listen to it. The tagline is we can't all die first. It's honestly a movie full of racial stereotypes. I feel like if you hate black people, you'd love this movie. If you love black people, you'd love this movie.

Speaker 3:

And if you love black people.

Speaker 1:

I think you'd still love this movie.

Speaker 4:

Something in it for everyone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so Connor lost me for the same reasons the general did. Where it's like you, it seems like you're trying to do the right thing, or the sergeant, especially at the end, seemed like the sergeant was really trying to do the right thing. He was a dumbass, he just sucked.

Speaker 2:

Why did? He handcuff him first, instead of the guy who's bombing people.

Speaker 1:

Right, Well, he didn't handcuff. He threw the handcuffs down and he said handcuff yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then proceeded not to make sure that he handcuffed himself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so he was pointing the gun at him the whole time, except for the one time that Connor grabs the knife and he's just like handcuff yourself turns around.

Speaker 2:

What are you talking about?

Speaker 4:

That was my beef. That was the stupid part. And then, of course, where was that backup that he called? They were on their way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the sirens, but yeah, you call backup in the car.

Speaker 1:

You don't call backup when you already confronted the person and he already knew what was going down.

Speaker 4:

clearly he sent in and routed him out.

Speaker 2:

Call for backup. Wait a little bit, you know where they can't fucking hear you, and then walk up.

Speaker 1:

But, they heard him call for backup. Yeah, I don't know. He definitely did not play that like a cop should play that.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, you know he, he wasn't a cop and he's a fictional character because yeah he was, he was military not because this is a movie, but because he's irish, he's fictional, oh yeah that's right.

Speaker 1:

You know, a lot of these actors are born in like this made-up places. I don't know why they're trying to like hide their where they were born, like it matters who's who's? Any of them, those people but, all in all, I thought it was a.

Speaker 4:

I thought it was a pretty decent movie and I would say that I definitely feel the same as I did before. I would not want to be cured from something like this. Can I ask you guys about the ending? I was pissed off. I love you actually like it.

Speaker 1:

oh, I loved Really. I think that's good film. Genuinely, I think American film has lost its shine, its glimmer, I don't know it's lost something.

Speaker 2:

Most movies will kind of like want to try to tie it all up in a neat bow right near the end.

Speaker 1:

Like, oh, this happened, this happened, this happened, this happened, you know, happily ever after. But you know I like that they leave it up to your imagination where it's insinuated that he's going to cure, uh killian. Um, which heartbreaking moment her having to to give up her kid and it's like, it's heartbreaking, but at the same time it's like, actually, odds are that he will be okay because he's going with senen, who can't be bitten by him, can't transmit it and knows where the cure is.

Speaker 2:

So, the outside, had a way more emotional moment. I would say like with a kid being involved, type shit.

Speaker 4:

But you know some good acting on her part what I, what I didn't like about it is they had showed him walking with killian while all of the reports were being read. You know you, I know right, you could hear. You could hear all of the reports over the, the tv or the radio, whatever it was that you were hearing them on that. Uh, there were more protests now for cured rights. There were more family members joining them as they're looking for their, their relatives, their family members who were possibly involved in the attacks they might have been taken over Part of the new 8,000 infected.

Speaker 4:

So now, what do you do? So now you have more people against the cure, you have more people for the cure. Now it's a bigger fight and people are taking sides on both lines. So where was he going Really?

Speaker 2:

He said he knew where to go where exactly with a whole bunch of other infected.

Speaker 4:

I think no, well, neither of them.

Speaker 2:

He was going like smelled or anything because the boy was infected. No, true, I mean that it's.

Speaker 4:

I'm not saying problematic in that way, I'm saying problematic in the fact that, like he, what was the point of him telling her to leave the kid alone? Don't, don't end it? But he, it didn't seem like he was taking the boy to go get a cure I thought the exact opposite, actually, I.

Speaker 1:

I thought it was insinuating that he was going to the lab where he worked the lab was so much closer and it was overrun.

Speaker 4:

There was nothing there. The doctor was unalive, all of the military had pulled out, all the doctors had left.

Speaker 1:

No, no, that was not the lab. That was the facility that they took over, but that wasn't the lab I thought it was the same facility. No, it wasn't the same facility.

Speaker 3:

The lab was where he worked.

Speaker 1:

No that's different. That was where they were keeping the 25%. Her lab was somewhere else. That's where she had her wife, who was infected and she was trying to cure her, and that's where Sennan went to work while he was, I guess, kind of like on parole. My assumption was that that was a completely different building and that was why she said when they took—what was her name? Joan, her wife's name.

Speaker 4:

I forget what it was what.

Speaker 1:

When they took her, she, uh the officer said, like she's gonna go with the rest of the 25 percent. Uh, like your time's up, basically. So my, my thought was that those are not the same building, because they never showed those two connected in any way. So that's where I assumed he was going. I assumed he was going to the lab, probably hoping the doctor would be, but she's probably not going to be there.

Speaker 3:

The doctor was dead. Yeah, the doctor was dead.

Speaker 1:

But I'm wondering if the other doctor, now that she's cured, would go back there.

Speaker 4:

I mean it didn't.

Speaker 2:

I guess she started walking, but Because Sennan was able to just walk in. Why would he be able to just go in there? He in, like he, he. Why would he be able?

Speaker 1:

to just go in there. He's not like okay. So here I. This is. Yeah, this is my biggest beef with a lot of the movie, especially towards the end of the movie.

Speaker 1:

There was a large amount of time where it seemed like the soldiers could just tell who was infected and who wasn't, and like the times that, uh, there was one particular time where senen was running amongst other infected and the other infected around him are being shot and killed, but he's not, and so it's like what the soldiers just knew that he wasn't infected. Granted, he did have that funky little run, so maybe that gave it away and they were like an infected wouldn't run like an idiot like that. And so they shot the others. But there was a few times where, especially by the parking garage, they did eventually shoot uh connor. But there was a lot of time where I'm like I feel like you either shoot him or don't, right, there was time where uh, him and uh senna and connor were standing outside of the parking garage. There were bullets flying back and forth and they're just standing there. Oh, when connor was beating up uh senna in front of the parking structure in the open, there's shots around him.

Speaker 4:

And they weren't actually in the open, though. They were actually in the garage. That's why Sennan led him out, cause he knew he would get him shot. He, he gets tackled. And then when Connor's beating on, him.

Speaker 1:

It looks like that's why he got shot. Yeah, that's why he got shot, but what I'm saying is it's weird that they didn't get shot before.

Speaker 4:

No, because they were in the parking garage.

Speaker 1:

No, I meant way before the whole time that I was breaking out when the military was in the streets.

Speaker 4:

There were so many times no, because they didn't give the order until right. Then Shoot to kill. Don't try to decipher, Just shoot Now guys.

Speaker 1:

Well, I just think it's interesting that they were able to decipher who was infected and who wasn't when they were all running straight at them.

Speaker 4:

Clearly they couldn't, because that one that is he remember they were volunteer guards. They didn't know what the fuck they were doing. That's why that that one guy was actually right. Senan was wrong. He's like they're all volunteer guards. They don't know what they're doing. So it's like you don't know what you're talking about, but then you. The point was made when that young kid blasted the zombie that was going head to head with connor. They were just looking at each other. He blasted the one and then connor just stands there looking at him. He's like in shock that he shot one of them and then one of them sidelined him I think he was.

Speaker 1:

Well, maybe that's what it was. To me, it seemed like he was determining do I shoot you? Are you infected? Did I save you, like what?

Speaker 3:

what happened?

Speaker 1:

and then he got attacked because he spent too long thinking about that. That's exactly what it was. I think that was a very natural reaction to just be like I can't tell what you are, Because you were just staring at one that wasn't attacking you Natural reaction for someone who is inexperienced. I guess. So yeah, because I guess, if you're an experienced soldier, you would just shoot you either shoot or you re-aim.

Speaker 4:

You don't stand there staring at something. You either shoot that target or that's not a target, and turn and you're.

Speaker 1:

You're back looking for targets yeah, but he stood there like, oh yeah, I know that definitely proves the point that they they were inexperienced british.

Speaker 2:

So anyways, not british, good one, who are the real cured? He just offended, uh, the entire fake continent or the fake country of ireland.

Speaker 1:

Of course he did real cured.

Speaker 2:

Are the real cured.

Speaker 1:

He just offended the entire fake continent or the fake country of Ireland. Of course he did the real cured are the infected.

Speaker 4:

What, what.

Speaker 2:

They're the real cured.

Speaker 1:

What does that even mean? What crazy fucking jumps of logic are you going to make, right?

Speaker 2:

now to make this make sense. I think that in order to be cured, you have to be infected.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, yes, right.

Speaker 2:

But cured of what I think.

Speaker 1:

The real zombies, the real bad guys are the living guys I think, in order to be hydrated, you have to drink water the real, cured, the real I think, in order to be you really just said in order to be cured you have to be infected. Like that was some real novel, deep subject right there.

Speaker 2:

Well, I didn't say it all fucking like you did.

Speaker 4:

you fucking stupid bitch, In order to be dehydrated, you have to not drink water.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the same thing.

Speaker 1:

You're dehydrated, dude, you're freaking alcohol in your hand. That's on level with what you just said.

Speaker 2:

Fuck you and your Pirates of the Caribbean fucking mustache and goatee combo.

Speaker 1:

That is literally just a Spaniard thing. You really have the Pirates of the Caribbean.

Speaker 4:

Shit going with that gap in the middle.

Speaker 2:

You know what you know, what Hold on?

Speaker 3:

You grow some hair in the middle of your mustache.

Speaker 2:

Something embarrassing.

Speaker 3:

Eric. Hey, it's me Eric, and I'm a little bitch, little bitch boy. Back to the show.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Something embarrassing. I would like to reiterate it is me, Eric, and I am a little bitch. Back to the show again.

Speaker 4:

He's going to edit you saying something embarrassing.

Speaker 1:

You got so embarrassed just then yeah, wow, well, minus 10 points, actually forget.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you forgot I don't need that 10 points because, guess what? I'm on a goddamn winning streak all the time you know it's good not to have to do something.

Speaker 4:

Finally, you pick up the slack when do you have to do anything?

Speaker 1:

this guy. I know he barely watches the movies half the time and he barely edits on time, launches it at 7 pm.

Speaker 2:

Tries to pass it off the one time, the one time the one time I miss like we wouldn't notice.

Speaker 4:

Like we wouldn't notice.

Speaker 1:

Well, I've been on a streak every I'm on my way home.

Speaker 2:

I get that shit edited on time.

Speaker 1:

Except last week.

Speaker 4:

He gets the shit edited on like Thursday night at 2 am. It says processing.

Speaker 2:

Editor TJ here I'd like to say that is not a factual statement, because it is Thursday or Friday morning at 1.49 am and I'm still not done.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I got the emails to prove it. Homie Friday morning at 1.49 am and I'm still not done.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I got the emails to prove it, homie, Because you know, I've never once gotten a chance since TJ's taken over editing to be able to QC the edit before he uploads it.

Speaker 1:

No, you did once, oh, once there was a time.

Speaker 3:

You know, but.

Speaker 4:

But you know I work a job. All of your mistakes will just be laid out plain for all of the listeners to hear.

Speaker 1:

He's in charge of editing. This will be the one thing he edits.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely yeah, this is this is out. This is this is getting cut More things.

Speaker 3:

Hey, it's me alex. I'm bald and I'm a little bitch and this bit is getting old see, that's why he spends his time editing more things exactly is embarrassing.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back to jeopardy fuck you.

Speaker 1:

Minus another 10 points.

Speaker 2:

Damn, I'm gonna put the fucking jeopardy intro right there, it's gonna be fucking hilarious.

Speaker 4:

Fuck you don't try to hijack the host's episode.

Speaker 2:

Your big nose thoughts on the end of the movie and your sony headphones thoughts on the end of the movie.

Speaker 4:

I well, I already said I didn't like it I.

Speaker 3:

I got a little frustrated I thought.

Speaker 4:

So I know what you guys are trying to say, this whole like gen z thing, you guys, like you know, but I'm old.

Speaker 1:

That is so not gen z. That's actually more old school than anything this movie's not wrapping up the movie. Yeah, this like it's a very film thing to do.

Speaker 4:

It's not like I think actually has always been.

Speaker 1:

There's a beginning, a middle and an end no, I think old school, maybe old school american. I think foreign films tend to have this more no, no open-ended view.

Speaker 4:

Even in England, the fictional country, even in England, every movie had a sound ending.

Speaker 1:

I don't think this is a generational thing by any means. I think this is a country thing. Oh, it's a newfangled thing? I don't think so.

Speaker 4:

Definitely, because even when you go all the way back to fucking Shakespeare dude, every single story had an ending. There was always an end. It didn't have to be a happy ending, and Britain was renowned for non-happy endings. It was actually very odd. The new twist for them was, in 28 Days Later, that it did have a happy ending. They tested one that did not, that Jim didn't survive and it didn't test well, so they swapped it. That was the rumors on the internet. Um, so they made it the the uh ending where he did survive and everybody was all happy uh, which I'm glad that they did, because this year, 28 years later, that actor otherwise he wouldn't have survived and uh, yeah, the actor would be dead.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy. Well, the gym, but the, uh, the studios really said like it's really up to the audience. This is how it goes your life is in the hands of the test audience.

Speaker 4:

Well, I, mean, you know, they're all fictional characters anyway, so they would have killed that character, like permanently well, they're all fictional people anyway. So fictional people, exactly so with with um, with that, I think that this did a poor job of wrapping it up. There was no ending.

Speaker 2:

It's like the movies that they wanted to make a sequel, but it's not good enough. And a little bow showing him getting cured.

Speaker 4:

No, I don't care which way they would have gone, like it could have been an issue if they would have let it be known Like make sure you knew that senen took killian and they just went, they just left.

Speaker 4:

They were never coming back, it was never going to be a return but that's not what he said I know what he said, but they left it hanging like, okay, it would have been, yes, if, if you're gonna, if you're gonna do what you say and say what you do, then yes, show him getting cured and then end.

Speaker 1:

But that's a shitty ending. Why that's actually a bad ending?

Speaker 2:

That's bullshit, I mean the ending was kind of Having him walking around in a fucking field with a bunch of other.

Speaker 1:

Stop, stop stop, that's a bad ending. I'll tell you why that's a bad ending. Because play it out in your head, right. They get to the facility he finds the cure he gives it to. The kid movie ends bad ending. You eat so much better than walking in a field with a bunch of other infected it cannot end there, because if he cures it, then he has to bring it back to the mom, which means the movie has to be even longer and they have to do more scenes, and it's unnecessary when you can insinuate.

Speaker 1:

No, that's horrible. That's horrible storytelling.

Speaker 2:

No no, no, no, then I would accuse them of rushing the end. Better ending, better ending ready. It shows a little bit of a time skip. We know how long it's been right, because I don't know how long it was from kid getting bit to the next couple scenes. She's not watching the news. A fucking outbreak just happened. Like what's happened, what? How long has it been right? So I don't know how long it's been since bro's been walking with this child.

Speaker 2:

So instead of that months we have, you know a little bit of a week later or some shit. You know like show some time passing and then you just hear a ding dong and then kid boom ending. I, I don't know that.

Speaker 4:

That's what that's what made me so mad, because they did say there was a lot of passage of time, because they were talking in the news reports that she was listening to about how long it had been and I could have swore that they said months.

Speaker 1:

It could also be a problem with maybe he knows the cure is out there, but he has to find it. Maybe it wasn't where he thought it was.

Speaker 4:

But that's my point is, there's a lot of maybes, there's no answers.

Speaker 1:

But that's what I love. I hate that.

Speaker 4:

That's so good, that's a Gen Z shit.

Speaker 1:

No, that's such good storytelling, but it's not.

Speaker 4:

There is no story there. You're making it up in your mind.

Speaker 1:

That's not a story, no they already told the story and now the ending, the ending is make up whatever you want to make up and you think that's good. But it's not because they insinuate. He promised, he told her, I promise I will get him cured.

Speaker 4:

I promise.

Speaker 1:

No, but you see him doing it.

Speaker 4:

He's living up to his promise. You see him walking in a field with a bunch of other infected.

Speaker 1:

He was just fucking diddle dad.

Speaker 4:

That's all he was doing.

Speaker 2:

He was carrying the kid he was taking the kid to go get him cured. Guys, did you notice in the ending? I have it up right now I'm going to stream my screen Connor's alive.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we know Connor's alive. He got up off the concrete floor.

Speaker 2:

True but do you see?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I saw that.

Speaker 2:

So some time has passed, so why the fuck is bro just in a field? That's my point. Keep it going. This is, this is peak cinema for you, eric, and that's the end.

Speaker 4:

Doesn't bother me bothers the shit out of me, so time passed.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of time in the field connor's the voice of the cured.

Speaker 4:

We have no idea how much time plenty Enough for Connor to heal from a gunshot wound and be on a campaign to be the voice of the Cured. And he was rallying all of those voices because they mentioned it in those articles in the news reports. More and more people were joining the voice of the Cured, but it was like it was going to be a battle on both sides. That's kind of why I mean, like they didn't tell us anything. There was this battle brewing between the cured and the never infected and it's just building and building and building. So is that going to become a revolution? And then he told his sister-in-law that he's going to get his nephew cured. And it's been all this time and he's still out wandering. So you have to feel like, no, there, he's not going to get him cured, something went wrong.

Speaker 4:

This whole, maybe the whole war is hindering his ability to get his nephew to the site. You know, get what? Like get, get the cure. Or maybe the military's done away with curing people, like they just said fuck it, no, we're not doing this shit anymore. Because that was one of the things that was said in those reports, that uh, they, they were stopping with all of it. It was one of the things that was said in those reports that, uh, they, they were stopping with all of it. It was kind of the prophecy come true that connor had said was they won't stop at the 25, yeah, and they wanted to end the process altogether stop curing people. So there's, it just left me with nothing because you're just like, okay, well, and then, of course, it just pissed me off because it was a little boy.

Speaker 1:

There's so many movies that are open-ended, that are not new movies. It's not a Gen Z thing at all. I can't say I like any Inception. A Space Odyssey, donnie Darko, a Serious man, american Psycho, black Swan, fight Club, the Prestige, the Thing, blade Runner, the Shining, the Wrestler, lock Stock and Two Smoking Guns.

Speaker 3:

Lost in.

Speaker 1:

Translation Parasite Prisoners Shutter Island. The Master, the Sixth Sense, the Usual Suspects.

Speaker 4:

Shutter Island's not an open-ended.

Speaker 1:

That one, I think, is arguable, and honestly, the first ten that you read.

Speaker 4:

I hate those movies.

Speaker 1:

You hate Inception.

Speaker 4:

Hate it.

Speaker 1:

I think you just don't like good movies I never even made it all the way through. You don't like american psycho. It insists upon itself. Okay, you have already lost so many points.

Speaker 2:

I don't want either of you to win right now. Okay, you both have horrible taste in films. Be the next host then I'm about to do it, what's you?

Speaker 1:

wantlaws. We've made no official bylaws.

Speaker 4:

I haven't signed or sworn shit I'd like to point out I don't think he's bringing the kid back.

Speaker 2:

I think he is. She's looking for them. There's a bunch of maps and shit that she all piled on her floor. She's circling oh, not here.

Speaker 3:

Oh, circle here. Maybe they're there when Right.

Speaker 2:

Look, I think she's looking for them right here. I mean, I just need to know, that's, that's what I, that's what I thought too and then I think the reason she cried is because she's seen them on that broadcast or something. So she's like, oh you know, still good. So maybe it's been so long that he's like still trying to find the cure for the boy. That's what I think.

Speaker 1:

That's what I think is insinuated is that he is actively trying to find the cure, but the doctor who made the cure died. True, that's what I'm saying. I think it's very obvious what they're showing or what they're what they're insinuating. You can't say that. Yeah, I think it is. Yeah't, say that yeah, I think it is. Yeah, say that you can't say it's very obvious.

Speaker 4:

Certainly can, but you've said, I think, maybe possibly how many times in this conversation? That's just how I talk. No, because if something was fact right, connor got up off of the asphalt after being shot.

Speaker 1:

That's a fact that's not something that you don't say maybe connor got up off of the ground.

Speaker 4:

He got up off the ground, he survived.

Speaker 1:

He got up off the ground after insinuates I don't think it insinuates, connor could have gotten up and died what he didn't, because we know they showed us later, but connor could. If we were going just based off of that scene, connor could have gotten up and died somewhere else instead and and if they would have left us that way?

Speaker 4:

that's exactly the same way I feel about this.

Speaker 1:

But this they give you all the information that he's actively trying to cure the boy, but they don't. They do. He told his sister-in-law I'm not going to let him be like me. I'm not going to let him have these horrible memories of eating somebody or killing somebody. I'm going to keep him with me. I promise you I'm going to go find the cure. And then it shows him with the boy walking around. I would think it's pretty.

Speaker 4:

Not finding the cure.

Speaker 1:

I think it's pretty obvious if you use your brain that they're insinuating.

Speaker 2:

He's trying to find the cure. Your minus points for me is crazy.

Speaker 1:

I think you want him.

Speaker 2:

This is the first that they're insinuating he's trying to find the cure. Your minus points for me is crazy, you know.

Speaker 4:

I'm with you. I think you want him you are not.

Speaker 1:

This is the first time you've been with me the whole episode. I've literally been with you the entire time you shut your mouth.

Speaker 2:

I've just been trying to. Y'all are just over here fighting.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to see it from both sides and make my own conclusion from it this this is the first time you have been on my side. I've been on your side the whole time.

Speaker 2:

You have not. I have Rewind the tape.

Speaker 1:

Are you kidding me?

Speaker 2:

I've been on your side the entire time, an hour and 15 minutes of you not on my side. I was on your side. When was I Point out one time? Are you kidding me?

Speaker 1:

When we were just talking about the ending, you just flipped.

Speaker 2:

This whole time.

Speaker 1:

It's highly insinuated that I'm on your side but, that wasn't, oh my god I'm with tj.

Speaker 4:

I think it's highly insinuated that he's on your side. No, because tj didn't say on your side, tj didn't say I'm going to take your side.

Speaker 2:

I'm on your side.

Speaker 1:

No, because TJ didn't say. Tj didn't say I'm going to take your side, I'm on your side. That is what Sennon said. He said I'm going to get him cured, I will get him cured. Tj didn't fucking say that that's not enough for me, I did. I think it's literally all right there. They give you all the info.

Speaker 4:

It's just like in every movie where it says, uh, I won't let anything happen to them, I promise, and then they fucking die.

Speaker 1:

Well, but they said but we see he's still alive. Sure, he's still alive, but the boy's still infected because he's, oh my god, yeah. So he found the cure and then was like nah, no I think.

Speaker 4:

I think he can't find the cure. I think he's looking for the cure which we're in the conundrum that I'm explaining, that you're arguing against.

Speaker 2:

I mean, he could possibly find it or he could possibly not find it. I'm telling you a different perspective, exactly.

Speaker 3:

His entire goal is. I'm giving you a different perspective.

Speaker 1:

I cannot listen to two people. Fuck. You guys are overstimulating me like crazy. His entire goal is to stop the kid From becoming like him.

Speaker 2:

So he's keeping the kid with him. That's the goal of what he wanted, right, and to possibly find the cure. So maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. That's the open endedness of the story.

Speaker 3:

But he's looking.

Speaker 2:

He is looking for the cure while also keeping the kid from eating somebody's face off.

Speaker 1:

Correct. That is literally what I'm saying. He's looking for the cure, all of that.

Speaker 4:

I'm not arguing any of that. I'm saying that the open-endedness sucks. I don't think so Leaving it open like that, not answering any questions and just ending the fucking movie sucks.

Speaker 1:

it's a stupid ending no, I think the fact that you also don't like all these movies that are also open-ended movies. I think you just don't like open-ended movies can't stand them. I think they're great, beginning, middle and end. Will you shut the fuck up? I cannot stand the.

Speaker 2:

I'm not talking to you.

Speaker 1:

I'm talking to the viewers, I know, but I can hear you. You're not as quiet as you think you are, so I'm trying to listen to Alex and then I have you mumbling in my ear and I cannot focus.

Speaker 4:

You guys have driven me insane.

Speaker 2:

It's not hard. It's kind of crazy how you really wanted to win.

Speaker 3:

All we gotta do is disagree with you I don't want to win anymore.

Speaker 1:

It's not worth it. I have no control.

Speaker 2:

You know you're the not movie guy. Do something that's not a movie. You'll have more control. I know you literally said open-ended discussion at the start of this.

Speaker 1:

I try to pick a fucking good movie that I'm like wow, this covers a topic we've never really discussed before Infected being cured and integrating into society. I thought this would be a great discussion. I didn't know we were going to get caught up on the fucking open-ended ending. Why not? Because it's open-ended.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's the whole reason, that is the reason for the ending, that is the greatest point of the conversation.

Speaker 4:

It is a heavily insinuated ending.

Speaker 1:

You more or less know what's happening. That's good enough for me.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

It's not, like it's not. There's tons of movies where, like, a zombie will bust in a door and the movie ends and you're like, well, what happened? Did they survive or did they kill the zombie? Like I don't know. That, I think, is kind of dumb and lazy, this one. They tell you what is happening and then they end it. They just didn't show you it happening and so that's not good enough for you.

Speaker 2:

One of your movies on the list was Inception, and thinking back to the end of that, his like what was it? They're called like totems or whatever to show if it's a dream or not, and you see it wibble a little bit, but that still doesn't clear up the ending, but there is more of a clear, like it's heavily insinuated I fell asleep through that movie.

Speaker 1:

It's heavily insinuated that, because it wobbled like that, that he's not in a dream wys word of the day insinuated yes, I mean it's, I'm gonna, I'm gonna put like an, ai like reading the fucking say infer. Instead, you can infer using your context clues I'm just, I'm issuing my perspective.

Speaker 4:

Horrible, I like them.

Speaker 2:

It's my opinion from my perspective, watching that, the way they did it, how they ended it, it was cut back to like 10 minutes ago where I was just trying to make you mad and I was just like I fucking hate this movie oh, so you admit.

Speaker 1:

So you admit you were not on my side. No, I was on your side. I was just trying to make you mad and I was just like I fucking hate this movie.

Speaker 2:

So you admit, you were not on my side until five minutes ago I was just trying to fuck with you because you were like minus ten points out of nowhere. Out of nowhere.

Speaker 1:

It was out of nowhere.

Speaker 2:

You haven't said any points for the entire fucking episode.

Speaker 1:

You haven't been writing down any points. I have a whole green book. This guy will beat a man in the street and then get arrested and go.

Speaker 3:

Why are you arresting me?

Speaker 1:

What did I do? I didn't do anything.

Speaker 2:

I have a whole green book where I can talk of all of our points and shit.

Speaker 4:

But that shit is funny.

Speaker 2:

You know the worst part Arbitrarily doing points. You have to have a written record of your points.

Speaker 1:

The worst part, the worst part, the worst, the worst part actually. First of all, this is not distractible. Okay, we don't have bylaws, we have no constitution it's insinuated, it's heavily insinuated it is heavily insinuated at the end of every episode, the host

Speaker 2:

will pick a winner that is not himself. No, that's not.

Speaker 4:

No, it is heavily insinuated that the host will pick a winner, that is not himself that does not mean that that's the standard.

Speaker 1:

Just because I've done it before, we've done Gepardy before, that doesn't mean every episode has to be Gepardy. It does actually no, it doesn't.

Speaker 2:

This should not is a geopardy podcast.

Speaker 3:

It should, it should not be a geopardy podcast.

Speaker 1:

Geopardy wednesdays, let's do it. No, I don't think we have the time, man unedited geopardy wednesdays please, please, no too many slurs welcome to only for Eric, wednesdays, where we give a question to Eric.

Speaker 2:

Only for Eric. Oh my god, eric, what is the 25th president of the United States? I wish I did.

Speaker 1:

Just know that I wish you did. That would be so fucking funny, that would be so cool. Oh, it's fucking Grover Cleveland or some shit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, if I just happened to know that I wish you did. That'd be so fucking funny, so cool. Oh, it's fucking grover cleveland, or some shit, you know. Yeah, if I just happen to know that one if you just happen to know that you win the episode that would have been really cool. Well, it's my episode you can have it, it's fine. It's just sad as fuck that you guys have it tj.

Speaker 4:

TJ, you know who the 25th president is, don't you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's heavily insinuated that I do.

Speaker 4:

You don't know who the 25th president is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he knows.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you.

Speaker 2:

You heard me say I know so it's insinuated. That's the insinuation.

Speaker 1:

It's what it's insinuated? Yeah, but who is it?

Speaker 2:

We know.

Speaker 1:

John F no, the president's name is Okay, fellas, it's William McKinley. Did you look it up? Oh yeah, it's William McKinley, from 1897 to 1901 Uh, some white dude.

Speaker 2:

Some real white dude. What did he even do?

Speaker 4:

He was president.

Speaker 2:

Duh oh, god oh he was assassinated oh man, he was in the white house for 14 years.

Speaker 1:

No what? Oh, maybe. Oh, he was vice president. Oh, no wait. What the hell during? He had no vice president from 1899 to 1901 can you do that?

Speaker 2:

do you have to have a vice president? Yeah yeah, what if you're just solo dolo, you know?

Speaker 1:

oh, mckinley was also known for keeping the nation on the gold standard and rejecting the inflationary monetary policy of free silver.

Speaker 4:

I got a question that you can put down. You got to write this one down, tj. This is for subjects only for eric or the the category only for eric. The motion of the equinoxes along the elliptic, the plane of the Earth's orbit, caused by the cyclic precession of the Earth's axis of rotation. What is this? Read it one more time. Motion of the equinoxes along the elliptic, the plane of Earth's orbit, caused by the cyclic precession of Earth's axis of rotation.

Speaker 1:

Is that just revolutions, or Do you know, TJ?

Speaker 4:

Is it heavily insinuated that you know?

Speaker 2:

Is this a multiple choice?

Speaker 4:

This would be called the precession of the equinox, oh Ew.

Speaker 2:

It's actually called axial precession.

Speaker 4:

It's called the precession of the equinoxes. I don't know. Ai Google is pissing me off.

Speaker 2:

It pops up at the equinoxes it's actually called AI Google pissing me off. It pops up at the top now and it's like Fuck off 25,772 years long.

Speaker 1:

What is this?

Speaker 4:

The precession of the equinoxes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but what exactly is it In not fancy terms?

Speaker 4:

The cyclic wobbling of the earth's axis.

Speaker 1:

I swear, I thought you were going to say the precession of the equinox again and I was going to lose my fucking mind on you.

Speaker 4:

I was going to lose it.

Speaker 2:

Dude, I wish I would have it really sounded like you were about to, the rage was boiling. Andrew Jackson died on my birthday In 1845.

Speaker 1:

Alright, we're off topic. Alright. Well, this was an episode Insinuating insinuation. It was an episode um.

Speaker 4:

It was an episode it was a great episode you want to hit us with the socials uh, yeah, guys, we don't know if tiktok still exists, but if it does, you could find us on tiktok instagram and facebook all under. Will you survive the podcast? You can find us on X at Alex and Eric WIS. You can find us on YouTube by searching. Will you Survive the Podcast? Our actual name is at the boys at WIS. It's the at symbol the boys at WIS. We have a bunch of stuff up at YouTube. Go hit over there like share, follow, follow all that good stuff or subscribe, I don't know hit that bell icon, smash that bell icon there you go and make sure you send us your emails.

Speaker 4:

Come be a part of the podcast with us by getting in sending us your ideas. Tell us what you can add to the podcast and maybe we'll bring you on for an interview. Maybe recommend some movies, recommend some movies you want us to cover. You send those emails to theboys at willyousurvivethepodcastcom. That's T-H-E-B-O-Y-S at willyousurvivethepodcastcom.

Speaker 1:

I think that's everything Cool beans Alright. Any final words on the movie? A minute or less.

Speaker 2:

Final words yeah, niggardly.

Speaker 3:

Okay, oh words.

Speaker 2:

Niggly wiggly.

Speaker 1:

Okay, anything Insinuated?

Speaker 4:

I don't have his confidence, okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, coward.

Speaker 4:

No. I'm not going to say those words, I would say movie's not bad, terrible ending.

Speaker 2:

Movie is good, Insinuated ending See okay, I'm stuck.

Speaker 1:

I'm stuck in a hard place. I like this movie. I do believe you. I enjoyed it.

Speaker 2:

I do believe you I watched the entire thing through Decent acting from all the people. The guy Connor, uh, great acting, I mean horrible person great acting. Um, I don't think I would survive because if I ended up being cured, I would probably unalive myself I think so I probably ate my fucking cat and wife.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel the same way. I don't know how you live with that. Yeah no.

Speaker 4:

And then it would be worse when everybody on the other side is like but the infected didn't attack animals. What do you mean? You?

Speaker 3:

ate your cat Okay maybe that one was my choice.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I did that one on my own. Maybe that was before I got bit. I was was really desperate I was really hungry.

Speaker 1:

I ran out of top ramen that day I ate my last ramen on the first day. I oh, now we're going hashtag alive. Yeah, you got the reference. So I'm stuck in a hard spot here because I don't want to give alex the win because I won. You have bad taste and endings bullshit. But I also don't want to give tj the win because there's only one person on this podcast that got negative points well, I don't want to give tj the win because he was wishy-washy, he was against me, and then he was for me, but he's also for me

Speaker 2:

now I was not against you like you certainly were in the like real sense. I was never against you in the me fucking with you sense, like which I do every day for the rest of our lives, because we're gonna be together for the rest of our lives.

Speaker 1:

Who do you want to win? Isn't that just a real world? Then you're literally in my wedding party, bro.

Speaker 2:

I'm just gonna fuck with you for the rest of your life. We're friends, bro.

Speaker 4:

This just is what it is, tj or Alex. We got one for Alex.

Speaker 1:

No, don't give it to the chat. Yeah, chat is biased.

Speaker 2:

You really think I would ever trust the chat to make a decision. You told me to walk until my feet bleed and you want to ask the chat.

Speaker 1:

Someone gave us a blood curse and we're asking the chat for their opinion. That person's gone. I don't. I don't trust the chat with any opinion you've got.

Speaker 4:

You've got one for me, one for tj. I think you guys, I think we're screwed, we're on a tie again I say drum roll please, that those are some beautiful drum rolls that is even better.

Speaker 1:

I like the combination. I think the winner will be.

Speaker 3:

Hurry up and say it, my nipples hurt.

Speaker 1:

TJ. Yes, let's go Mostly for pounding on his nipples that long.

Speaker 2:

For sacrificing the nipples. My chest is red after that. That's fucking. Oh my God, I'm not gonna lie. I was slapping my boobs, bro, yeah, you went full gorilla for a second. My mic is just above my stomach so I didn't want to accidentally hit the mic. So I went for my titties, and now they're sore.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we heard every hit, every slap.

Speaker 4:

That was funny as hell, right now that was wild.

Speaker 1:

Well, congratulations, tj, and thank you for that epic drum roll. Tj will be hosting the next episode, which you can catch next Friday, from the release date of this episode, and until then, guys stay alive.

Speaker 2:

I mean you could. It's heavily insinuated that you could.

Speaker 4:

You could also die, or maybe you'll just be wandering in a fucking field with a whole bunch of infected.

Speaker 1:

I think you just don't understand them.

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