Will You Survive... The Podcast

Will You Survive "The Shallows": A Giant Shark and Steven Seagull

Will You Survive... The Podcast

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Our latest episode of "Will You Survive" features an electrifying face-off between Blake lively and a giant hungry shark. join us as we unravel her survival strategies and answer the question "Will You Survive" The Shallows?

Speaker 1:

Hello survivors and welcome to another episode of Will you Survive.

Speaker 2:

The Podcast.

Speaker 1:

Where we go over survival scenarios, usually using the screen and our favorite movies. We're doing something a little bit different. But before we get into introducing our movie, let me introduce our co-hosts. We have Eric. Hello, I'm Eric, and we have TJ.

Speaker 2:

What is up?

Speaker 1:

What is up Los Angeles? We know.

Speaker 3:

We know Smoke, smoke everywhere we know, from space you can see it. Oh yeah, actually wait a minute. This is I'm going to date the episode this is dated. It is January 10th, 10th, 10th, the world is on fire all around us.

Speaker 2:

The world is on fire. I'm breathing clean air over here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's fine. It's not as bad today, are you?

Speaker 3:

kidding me, I'm seeing videos it's orange. It's orange, it's red, it looks like On an actual serious note.

Speaker 1:

It was like really really really really red yesterday, today it's like orange.

Speaker 3:

On an actual, serious note, there are two very large fires going on right now the Eaton Fire and the Palisades Fire. Both are very severe and I believe, as of now, 11 lives have been taken and approximately $150 billion of economic loss was the estimates that I was seeing and two entire cities have completely burned down to the ground.

Speaker 2:

And that is not an exaggeration.

Speaker 3:

These companies are canceling firing shots I will say I genuinely, if we're gonna go down that route, I don't blame the insurance companies, because they've been telling the state for the last like fucking five years that these places are unsafe and it's not. It doesn't make any sense to insure these places when it's almost guaranteed to burn down, and then we saw it happen not that it wasn't, not that it doesn't make sense to insure it.

Speaker 1:

It's, it's not why are you? Capping us. You're not allowing us to charge what we need to charge in order to cover this. So they stopped. So they stopped.

Speaker 3:

But then so california comes in and is like well then, we'll create a state funded insurance. Of course that allows you to do it, except anyways. But my point is not to to point fingers, even though I really want to. Um, my point is that there are a lot of people who are actually very devastated by this fire. Um, alex and I live a little bit uncomfortably close to one of those fires, but we have not been evacuated. We are, as far as we know, we are fine they're not gonna be no we're fine.

Speaker 2:

No, actually, well, I mean kinda, but no anyways, they live in a cardboard box on uh yeah, we actually don't live anywhere near the fires that take a bit well, we live in the trees.

Speaker 1:

They live in north carolina living in a cardboard box right outside of downtown LA is still like $1.2 million.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I pay like a $3,000 rent okay.

Speaker 2:

That's a four-bedroom apartment.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's a cardboard box actually. I have plumbing, though.

Speaker 2:

You can add additions.

Speaker 1:

If you get permitted.

Speaker 2:

As many cars as you want in the garage.

Speaker 1:

And every permit costs $1.2 million. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Let me tell you the brilliance of Burbank government really quick. My boss has a. He had a fence, right. The fence line went up to a certain point. He decided to replace that fence with an actual, like 10 foot tall metal gate, uh, or like metal fence, so the dogs can't jump over it. Well then, bourbon came over and said um, that gate that you have is actually on city property and you need to push that gate back two feet. And he was like but this is where the original gate was. And they're like yeah, that was okay because it was pre before. We said that's not okay, but now that you changed, it.

Speaker 3:

It has to do with aesthetics yeah, I was like well, here's the thing, it's literally just a random indent. It was a flat wall, now it just randomly indents.

Speaker 1:

Weird, weird it looks stupid it is, but they do this thing where it's complete bureaucracy, it's called.

Speaker 3:

Just the gate. We lost a good chunk of yard space because of it too, and it looks dumber to have it this way. Why would you tell us that we have to have it this way? And there's nobody you can go to to say, hey, this is dumb, right, and for them to be like, yeah, that is dumb, you're right.

Speaker 3:

Just build it this way. Bureaucracy, it's all bureaucracy. But anyway, my whole point is that we don't normally, you know, we joke about it. We try not to date these episodes, but this is going to release, probably like two weeks late. People are still devastated. A lot of homes were burned down, a lot of people lost their homes, so we had uh if you feel gracious, look at those funds and, uh like those gofundmes, and you know, I'm sure people would appreciate that we had a lot of fires.

Speaker 1:

Oh god, we had a lot of fires all around us. At one point, there were fires to the north, south, east and west of us it was six fires, fires.

Speaker 2:

There were five fires surrounding us, and the fucking wind is the issue.

Speaker 1:

What I was. I mean it was, we were getting 100-mile-per-hour gusts.

Speaker 3:

Well, I think it capped at 80. I think they kept saying it would be 100, but I think 80 is what it maxed out at.

Speaker 1:

Either way that's ridiculous.

Speaker 3:

That's prime fire conditions.

Speaker 1:

The part for me that I came on. I talked to some of the folks in the live on Wednesday and it was good practice. You know, we were close to the evacuation lines. They were getting close to calling our zone. They had zoned us out in several of the apps. The city that's where I was looking. The city had us zoned out and was waiting for one or another thing to go wrong and they were going to start evacuating more and more. Thankfully for us, we were on the far side of the the city to the fire, um. But you know, like I said, there was another fire that cropped up to the south of us. That was really close. Uh, when you talk about mileage, we were only about seven miles from the fire line to the east of us and we were only about three miles to the fire line to the east of us and we were only about three miles to the fire line to the south of us. It's just that in Los Angeles, driving anywhere takes at least 40 minutes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's a 30-minute drive, typically Probably like 20 minutes right about now that it's late.

Speaker 1:

So it's a fake feeling that it's far away.

Speaker 3:

No, it was quite literally on the other side of a hill from us, granted a big hill. Some might call it a mountain. It's not a mountain, it's a hill, but it's big enough that you can't see over it from where we are. It's the Griffith Hill. It's massive, but it's right here. Yeah, it was the Sunset Fire. It was right on the other side. I have a lot of employees who live in that kind of general area. That's a very scary. That's a scary proximity to people position where you have to.

Speaker 1:

You have to pull out your your bug out bag. You have to go through all of your gear. You have to pack your, your bags and stuff. You want to be ready all the time. Uh, some of the clothes that you have that you're going to give away to goodwill or or throw away or whatever, don't put them in go bags, don't donate. What are you stupid? I mean, you could keep you know, you could donate most of it, but keep you know at two, three outfits socks, extra shoes, throw them in your go bags and be ready to roll.

Speaker 1:

And although it was a terrible situation to be in, I really did feel a lot better about having all of the stuff ready to go and I could grab my babies and haul out of here in no time flat. I didn't need to. I didn't need to do anything, and that's the purpose of having your stuff in accessible places. That included our important documents. I made sure I had my renter's insurance documents. I made sure I had social security cards. I had my driver's license on me, my wife had hers on her cards. I had my driver's license on me, my wife had hers on her, and we had our marriage certificate, my baby's social security cards as well, and I was able to just grab everything, put it all in the go bag and we're on the move.

Speaker 1:

So we talk about this all the time. We use the silver screen, if you will. We use the lens of cinema so that we're not trying to fearmonger people. This is supposed to be fun, and if you do it repetitively, it is fun. It is something that you can check your go bag and look into what do I have, what do I need, what do I need to replace? And the more you do that, the more current you keep everything, and it's just good for you, good practice, so that you're not getting, shall we say, stale.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to use that word. I mean yeah, because when it is time at some point Okay, I say that because we live in California and every single summer there's multiple fires happening Because you're in.

Speaker 2:

New York yes, yeah, so it multiple fires happening Because you're in New Jersey.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah, so it's not shocking. So what would happen is that every time. Are you okay?

Speaker 1:

I just saw I could be tripping but it looks like flare-ups. But I think that's a light. Nope, that was a flare-up. It's gone, it's out. I think somebody set a fire On the Griffith Hill. I think somebody set a fire On the Griffith.

Speaker 3:

Hill. Yeah, am I tripping?

Speaker 1:

That's not just a light, do you see it? It's flaring up and then going out. It's really bright right now.

Speaker 3:

You're not looking right at it and then it goes dark, it goes dim, it's lowering, but yeah guys Hang on TJ, they're tweaking no Bro because if there's a fire on the Griffith Hill, then that's actually incredibly dangerous for us. I don't think that's a fire. That's way too bright of a light to be a fire. That's like a flashlight.

Speaker 1:

That's bizarre. Well, I'll just keep no, because it keeps changing. You don't think it could?

Speaker 3:

be the traffic lights, definitely, definitely.

Speaker 1:

There's cars going in front of it. You see the cars passing in front of it.

Speaker 3:

Well, you see the cars passing in front of it. Well, okay, hang on, Let me open up the fucking window so we stop looking through glass which is refracting off the light Guys.

Speaker 2:

we got to keep recording so that we can get famous off this. This could be the fire episode.

Speaker 1:

This is the stuff that you want to keep yourself stocked and ready. Well, I know it's a road.

Speaker 3:

No, those are cars passing through. That's what those lights are. That's why, it keeps changing.

Speaker 1:

No, I know that there's cars passing that way. That's not a car facing me.

Speaker 3:

Yes, because I just saw the red line going the opposite way.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm telling you they're literally car lights. Guys, as you can tell, they're very stressed about the situation.

Speaker 3:

I mean it's just close.

Speaker 2:

To have your bug out bag is to have it prepared for your particular situation. For them they should be prepared for fires, earthquakes, uh stuff like that. Uh, you know in for like fires and stuff. It's good to have like masks for like the smoke, because the the air quality does get pretty bad. But for your particular state and situation you're going to want to have different things like if you live in tornado, alley fucking stay, stay in your basement, you know like I don't know, that's just true.

Speaker 2:

Fires don't really happen up here other than like the summer, um, but you know it's pretty moist wet as hell up there, kind of kind of going back we actually have a rainforest over here, so that's true.

Speaker 3:

going back to what I was saying earlier, we always have fires like all the time, all year round, and, uh, every time there's a fire going on, like up by Sacramento, all the time, every one of my friends who doesn't live in California message me, are you okay? And I'm like that is like eight hours from me. I am very much Okay. It's usually, uh, nobody usually up. Nobody messaged me about these fires. There are six fires in la and nobody has one person now about the fire.

Speaker 3:

I was like one person has finally messaged me and been like hey, are you okay? Actually no two people. Rosie did first, I got messaged a lot but, then I had another friend who was like are you okay? And I was like yeah, I'm, I'm fine, but man, the amount of people who always message me anytime any fucking earthquake or fire happens here, and now that it's actually close to me nobody says anything.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I messaged you about the earthquake. I talk to you every day, so if something's happening, I would know.

Speaker 3:

Josh did ask if we were okay. Josh actually did too. You're right, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Josh, you're not valid. You were missing for like weeks.

Speaker 1:

He's sick. Well, he went to Vegas and then when he got back he was sick excuses. So with all of that, we just wanted to give a proper shout out to, uh, everybody who's suffering something. We know they're not listening right now, but you know, keep them in your thoughts and uh, everybody goes through stuff and that that reminds us all be prepared for the zombie apocalypse and you're prepared for anything well, you know what I I would like to think.

Speaker 3:

I would like to think I I doubt it, but maybe somebody is listening to us after that whole situation oh, maybe just trying to get a smile and that makes me happy and I would like to do that well then, let's let him smile off bitch I mean, let's bring a smile everything. You're trying to fucking wind down for the night and you know, just put on a podcast.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna bring a smile right now a hotel we'll just shut the fuck up.

Speaker 3:

Shelters homie.

Speaker 2:

This guy is trying shout out to our fan living in a motel six right now. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you, um and I mean that.

Speaker 3:

You know what. You know what it like an asshole. Here's the worst part.

Speaker 1:

TJ is such a dick that he doesn't even realize that we actually could have somebody like that, and he's making fun of him.

Speaker 2:

Exactly no, I'm trying to make him laugh.

Speaker 3:

What a jerk you know. What's funny is like I feel like he is saying it sincerely. He just sounds like a dick saying it right now.

Speaker 2:

I I'm not the one with the crispy house, I'm just trying to fucking Because he says shit like that. I can't relate. It's wet up here I live next to a lake.

Speaker 3:

He's like bro, just have rain.

Speaker 2:

Just have water. I don't know what to tell you. We tried. Okay, put the fish Jump in the pool. Y'all got pools over there. I play GTA 5.

Speaker 1:

Well, we do have pools, yeah. Now listen, we're going to bring a smile to people's faces.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of water, good segue. I don't know what your thought process is on this but, as we do talk about water.

Speaker 1:

Blake Lively in a wetsuit Fuck and a bikini Fuck, and we know how TJ feels about it. After we did. What was that one with? Okay, we get it. What was Jim from the office? What was that movie?

Speaker 3:

A Quiet Place.

Speaker 1:

We know how TJ feels about her.

Speaker 3:

So, I know his name. Is that the?

Speaker 2:

wrong actress. Yeah, blake Lively is Ryan Reynolds' girl.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, wait, yeah, you're right. Who's that one? John Krasinski was Emily Blunt. Emily Blunt.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Krasinski, john Krasinski and Emily Blunt yeah.

Speaker 3:

You're mixing the wrong white girls.

Speaker 1:

That was very racist. I just mix two white girls. That was incredibly racist. You really like?

Speaker 3:

a lot of them look the same. I don't know, but like you, you racist motherfuckers. You can tell my preference, I'm white Warning I'm white. Only half. That doesn't count right now. You don't get to take whatever side fits you best. You know what I?

Speaker 2:

do get to decide whether or not I can say some shit, because my wife is in fact a beautiful white woman.

Speaker 3:

That is crazy. You know what Capital?

Speaker 2:

H motherfucker.

Speaker 3:

Black people are the only people who could be mixed with something and claim both sides. I can't go to mexico and claim mexican. They fucking don't think they don't they don't agree. Damn gringo, they don't know, if I go to germany and I'm like, bro, I'm part german, they'd be like, yeah, we believe that. Yeah, we'll take you in.

Speaker 1:

You can't go to fucking olive garden and walk into the kitchen and say you're mexican no, they wouldn't.

Speaker 3:

You don't need to go to mexico. Yeah, I'm okay. Okay, you don't have to take it that far.

Speaker 1:

Go to the chinese food restaurant and walk into the back and tell them you're mexican. And well, I mean that seems pointless.

Speaker 3:

They're real mexican, that's true everybody.

Speaker 1:

Every kitchen is a mexican in la.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's now that's why they're so scared about Never mind Back to the wrong white girl.

Speaker 1:

We're going to go to the right white girl for me. Blake Lively in a bikini. God, this is.

Speaker 2:

In a wetsuit. It got a little bad in the middle of the movie. I was like I feel bad for her cheeks, you know, because she has a whole chunk out of her leg but it's fine.

Speaker 1:

It was really bad. The movie is terrible.

Speaker 3:

What do you mean? This?

Speaker 2:

movie is amazing. I will tell you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think you're going to have a bad time here. Host.

Speaker 1:

Here we are In the taut thriller the Shallows. When Nancy Blake Lively is surfing on a secluded beach, she finds herself on the feeding ground of a great white shark.

Speaker 1:

Though she's stranded only 200 yards from shore, survival proves to be the ultimate test of wills, requiring all of nancy's ingenuity, resourcefulness and fortitude and superpowers I'm gonna say this from the start okay, I'm talking shit, because there is not a surfer on the planet who goes to a beach and just jumps in the water without scanning the shoreline she did, actually she did scan it in the beginning. How did this giant freaking carcass, bro? It just showed up. Yeah, that doesn't happen.

Speaker 3:

No, it just showed up. That doesn't happen.

Speaker 2:

It does now like just floated up you know like what exactly just dude.

Speaker 1:

Okay, there's two things that were wrong with it, two major things. A carcass like that at the shore is gonna have carrion birds all over it. It did well. I had seagulls, which you stand on the shoreline and you look and be like wait a minute, what the hell is that?

Speaker 3:

they were having so much fun surfing that they just got so caught up in the vibe, so caught up in the moment, guys, she was by herself.

Speaker 1:

No, her and the two dudes.

Speaker 3:

You gotta remember they were so caught up in it, bruh, and then they left and she was like I'm just trying to catch that last wave, bruh, and then she gets on it. And then that's when she was like oh whoa, in like the last four hours or so this whale must have shown up, but we didn't even know. Guys, this was mostly shot in a pool.

Speaker 2:

Okay, everybody knew that, everybody believed that okay, so you gotta suspend your your disbelief here that you know, she is blonde.

Speaker 3:

So okay, but the other two guys aren't, so I think your argument's falling apart. But I, I, I get your point.

Speaker 2:

I'm with you if you were accident, okay I, I'm with you.

Speaker 3:

besides that last point, they're like come over here gringa, I've got to give points here.

Speaker 1:

Nerdy vet makes a good point. How the fuck does he get points? 600 points for Blake Lively. Okay, well, she's winning. She might be the host of the next episode.

Speaker 3:

She has to come on. She has to do it, she has to. That's how it works.

Speaker 1:

You have to be on the podcast.

Speaker 2:

That's how we get celebrities to come on.

Speaker 3:

We just tell them they have to.

Speaker 2:

I know you live in California but I need you to come up to Washington to do the actual interviewing section.

Speaker 3:

No, she can come over here. It's way closer. We're here in LA. No, it's okay, we'll host her. And we're far less threatening sleeps on a single mattress. Uh, I got a. I got a king size in the other room, so I have, you'll have. I have no delusions that I'm way too young.

Speaker 3:

For her I got a cute cat and alex is married, so we won't, you know, stare at you awkwardly. I'm also not the one who just said I was staring at your cheeks while you were dying in a movie now I will say this.

Speaker 1:

I will say this to blake lively. I will say this. I'm going to admit this. My wife will stare at you awkwardly.

Speaker 3:

That is actually true.

Speaker 1:

She loves Blake Lively, my wife will also stare at you awkwardly. Differently, differently Kind of gay.

Speaker 2:

So, Blake Lively, come over to my house. I love you.

Speaker 3:

I don't like Dwayne Johnson. You really bolstered your case.

Speaker 2:

You're ten times better than Dwayne Johnson, to be honest.

Speaker 3:

Oh, now she's going to come over Gosh well, just ten times, just ten times.

Speaker 2:

Just ten times. That's not much of a compliment, okay.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to say Half the episode is about fire.

Speaker 2:

Half is about Blake Lively.

Speaker 3:

The AI is going to be so confused when it writes this description. It's like when blake lively joins. Will you survive the podcast?

Speaker 1:

I like that, I like it.

Speaker 3:

This is good, this is good. Uh, this one may never see the light of day, but we'll see. Oh no, it will.

Speaker 1:

This it will. This is going on. So what we're? Oh, I like this one. Sorry, nerdy. Nerdy vet makes a point here. Minus 200 against TJ for begging. That is pretty cringe, bro. We don't beg, anybody Can't lie, that's it's just. We just set the rules Right Whoever gets the most points has to host the next episode.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know Nerdy was racist.

Speaker 1:

This isn't about begging.

Speaker 2:

He hates white people.

Speaker 3:

I didn't know that. What the fuck, NerdyVan?

Speaker 2:

Just because I am a Caucasian male, you think I am insuperior?

Speaker 1:

It's okay, it's trendy to hate white people. I'm not white Warning.

Speaker 3:

A cop walks up to. Tj and and teaches like I'm white right now and he's like, ah, damn it, I almost got you walks away.

Speaker 1:

He's like all right, you have a good tomorrow tj says get him tj says warning, warning, I'm black on the on the podcast right, and all of a sudden you see this cop peeking on the side of the screen no, wait, wait.

Speaker 3:

That cop pulls him over and he's like I'm white right now and he's like damn it. And then he's like, but hang on, pulls out his phone. Is this you?

Speaker 1:

warning. Warning I'm black.

Speaker 3:

No, are you tj from? Will you survive the podcast?

Speaker 2:

that was, that's me previously officer. I have uh changed. Okay, my credit score is. This is another funny one.

Speaker 1:

Curious george says you guys are all living advertisement for adhd medication. I mean I will say that they are get the fuck off my back. Curious george I'm better.

Speaker 2:

I'm undiagnosed, I'm undiagnosed.

Speaker 3:

I'm undiagnosed bipolar actually I'm tiktok diagnosed, so that's pretty official can we get back?

Speaker 1:

to blake lively uh who oh yeah, the next host of. Will you survive the podcast? Yeah, wow, that I mean, I don't know. I okay. So since we're not going to get back to blake lively, can we start talking about, um, I don't know, the shallows?

Speaker 2:

the radioactive shark an idiot for going out uh in the surf after the two dives were leaving. She's like I'm going to catch one, last one the water is still. You're freaking retarded. Not only that.

Speaker 1:

Not only that. The other thing that I have a major issue with is let's ignore the sharks, right, because, being attacked by a shark, you have a better chance of being struck by lightning. But let's ignore the shark, but she was on its feeding ground.

Speaker 3:

So that changes things completely.

Speaker 1:

I get it, but let's ignore the shark. Okay, is there any surfer out there? There's not. I'm telling you ahead of time. This is spoiler alert. The answer Watch me. There is no surfer on the planet who does not understand that the ocean by itself, without sharks, whales, animals of any kind, is deadly as fuck. The ocean can kill you very easily.

Speaker 3:

Wrong. There are surfers, and it's the ones who are dead.

Speaker 1:

No, they knew and they still did it Actually.

Speaker 2:

I knew the guy best surfer best surfer in the world.

Speaker 3:

Everybody thinks so name him, he's dead name him. He's dead. Name him ted dublinski. Shut up, mark foo. You never heard of ted dublinski. No wow, what a surfer this guy is am I right?

Speaker 2:

I have um thalassophobia. Never catch me nobody nobody cares.

Speaker 3:

I don't even know what that was.

Speaker 3:

That's how much of a pussy shit, that was yes okay, I'm not gonna lie, okay, so, so here's the thing I understand when people are afraid of the ocean, because most people are afraid of the unknown below, like mostly sea creatures, you know, sharks, usually, things like that. Here's the thing I can swim. I can swim pretty decently, like I have good endurance. Do you guys think you could swim over the Mariana's trench? Okay, now, that one's tough for me, because we know for a fact there is nothing alive in the Mariana trench. Yeah, there is Nothing. Noiana Trench yeah, there is Nothing. No, no, no, there's plenty, there's plenty of living things. No, okay, there are no big creatures there are heat vents.

Speaker 3:

There are like snails, there's plankton and bacteria, that kind of living stuff You're talking about at the deep, all the way down. There's no giant shark at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

You don't know that.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to call Jason right now.

Speaker 1:

Who the fuck is Jason? Jason Statham, it didn't come out of the Marianas Trench.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it did.

Speaker 1:

It came out of the bottom of the Marianas Trench.

Speaker 3:

It just came out of the ocean.

Speaker 1:

The Marianas Trench, no Dude.

Speaker 3:

It came out. I promise you it wasn't the Mariana stretch.

Speaker 2:

Keep promising, keep promising it was the Electro like electromagnetic rocks at the bottom of the ocean that produce oxygen. Buddy but we have scanned, but they're not alive or nothing.

Speaker 3:

We came out of the trench. We have scanned the entire Mariana's trench. We know there is nothing in there. I'm being real for a second, okay. Do you think you could swim across it? I don't think I can. I think it's a pure mental thing, okay that's how I will about.

Speaker 2:

I will answer.

Speaker 1:

I will answer your question with a visual that everybody can go and look up for themselves. Uh, because that is a great point. I'm not even going to go as far as saying the marianas trench, okay, but this thing right here, I could not swim over this thing. You and tj can see it, and then I'm going to tell the audience what it is the blue hole, the blue hole, yeah, no, fuck off I couldn't swim over that.

Speaker 1:

Keep that shit away, all it is. All it is is just a deep section in the middle of the ocean and there's caves Surrounded by islands, and it's so wild because it looks like it's a sandbar all the way around it. It's not, it's all underwater, everything around it is all underwater. And then there's just this almost perfect hole in the center and then there's just this almost perfect hole in the center.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I couldn't. That is so fascinating. I don't know what it is because I don't think I'm really that scared of the ocean Like. I'm a big animal guy and I have a very good understanding that sharks don't hunt humans. They are kind of interested in us.

Speaker 2:

but They'll take like an interest bite Like they're they are kind of interested in us, but they'll take like an interest bite like they're curious yeah, they take a nibble to see like what you are. You know some of them, but some of them will bite your fucking leg off, but that's just they don't?

Speaker 3:

they don't like our taste, they don't like, uh like, they're not really that interested in us. Normally, when they attack surfers they mistake. Mistake them for seals, that's normally what happens?

Speaker 2:

Or turtles, because if you're on a surfboard, it kind of looks like a turtle.

Speaker 3:

You could look like a turtle 99.9% of the time. When the very, very rare shark attack happens, it's because they mistake you for prey. They're not coming after you. They try to avoid humans for the most part.

Speaker 2:

So, like the shark had to be on something, my vote is Fent.

Speaker 3:

Wait, you know how they did Cocaine Bear, fent Shark. We just find a shark and it's leaning.

Speaker 2:

It's just underwater, not doing shit leaning, it's just underwater, not doing shit, the whole movie is just them going. Yo look at it, it's leaning, yo bro so fucked up.

Speaker 1:

Yo give it another hit so there's a couple of things about sharks that are are annoying when they do these movies. Great whites are just the most well-known shark, so they always use great whites tiger sharks.

Speaker 3:

Tiger sharks are man killers.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, tiger sharks do hunt people, they don't care, they hunt everything, are just scarier because they're fucking huge they're huge that, that's what it is they're great whites the majority of great white deaths come from the fact that they bite and realize, oh shit, not what I wanted and let go.

Speaker 3:

They don't like. I heard it's the iron in our blood. They don't like that.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if it's iron, specifically, but I heard heavy metals. Yeah, they don't like the taste of our blood.

Speaker 2:

They're like A tuna's full of mercury. They'll still eat a tuna, though.

Speaker 1:

Sure, but they don't have as many metals as we do.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I've heard that a ton Also.

Speaker 1:

I've seen a video.

Speaker 2:

The ocean is so deep that at a certain point it filters out all of the red light. So if you spearfish, let's say a tuna, its blood will be green. Wow, I've seen a video of a tuna spewing out green blood.

Speaker 3:

But then it got to the surface and it was red Because Alex still can't see that.

Speaker 2:

I can't see it, bro. He's in the ocean. He doesn't know if he's bleeding or not.

Speaker 1:

Nope, whoa, that's green. That's so cool yeah yeah, it's so cool, I can't even see it different type of alien so the um the shark, uh, being that, it's, it's going for a feeding ground right when it, when it bit her and let her go.

Speaker 3:

The ironic thing is that she swam to the whale right yeah, so I I was thinking that that must have just been like uh, well, it's like the first thing she fucking seen the island, little island wasn't there because the surf hadn't gone back you would think that she would just swim away. Oh, you know what?

Speaker 1:

thank you, yeah that just clarified it for me, because I was pissed off because it seemed to me that we went a full 24 hour period up to a 36 hour period without the tide going out. So I was like how the fuck did that happen? But no, you, you caught it.

Speaker 2:

One of the rock wasn't visible. That uh the that the tide only goes out in once a day, or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Which is fairly normal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but no, the island wasn't revealed yet, and then she wasn't even on that whale for that long, though right.

Speaker 1:

No, she wasn't. No very short amount of time.

Speaker 2:

They didn't show us. Well, no, a very short amount of time she got on, and then almost immediately it started moving and she was like what the fuck she was on the whale for? Dude it was moving.

Speaker 3:

A whale like what, what it fucking bodied. A whale like a linebacker, which also, which also bothered me because that wouldn't happen that was the other thing.

Speaker 1:

That was like why is this thing both protecting the whale and fighting her right? Because it makes it out like it's exclusively hunting her. Which sharks?

Speaker 3:

don't do. Well, this one was, and I figured out this movie. I figured out what happened Before this episode started. I was recording, but I don't think TJ was, so we only have our audio. We were talking about how the US has lost some massive boom-booms in the past, some of which have fallen into the ocean. So I figured out what happened this shark ate one of those very large boom-booms no, that's the Meg. No, no, this one did. And it sucked in, it just absorbed all the radiation and became a super shark. So then, when it bit her, when it bit Nancy, that was why she was able to survive and why she was able to fight a great white with her bare hands and 1v1, it was because she became shark woman.

Speaker 2:

No guys. Oppenheimer 2. Oppenheimer 2 in the deep blue.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They're doing testing on freaking Bikini Atoll and a freaking shark.

Speaker 1:

You guys.

Speaker 2:

Yup, nuke sharks.

Speaker 3:

Okay, all right, so we're giving him flashbacks to Zombies at the Beginning.

Speaker 2:

Guys, we need to watch Sharknado.

Speaker 1:

With that the other thing that you could probably know. Now this can be kind of humorous when that shark attacked the, the dude who was trying to steal her phone and her money and all that, and she, he was greedy, so he went out to go steal her board as well which is like what the fuck? So that one, the shark, actually ate part of him? Right, like it, it. It didn't just sever like there was a lot of him missing well, no, no, no, his legs.

Speaker 2:

His legs were were like being no, there was just his pants.

Speaker 3:

No, it was his legs. You could see you could see no legs?

Speaker 1:

oh no, they were there because you could see this half that is the time, as soon as it attacking that she should have made a swim for it.

Speaker 3:

Because as soon as it's busy. But she would have had to swim right into it.

Speaker 1:

No, they were off to the side. She could have swam straight.

Speaker 2:

She was doing the math in her head of how fast she could swim versus how fast the shark could swim and she was like what she said, 40 meters or something, 40 yards Right, but again. That was for the buoy, and the land is a lot further, that's exclusively when the shark was just doing rounds.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

When the shark is eating somebody. The shark was busy Go.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think that could have been her time. But keep in mind, realistically she is just a girl who was surfing and got stranded and now just watched this guy get mauled, so her reactions are just going.

Speaker 2:

oh oh, oh we're so far in this episode. And we haven't even mentioned the best character other than Blake Lively, steven Steven Seagal.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh, I have such a funny fact about this. I love Stevenven. No, his name is not steven. Actually, give sully siegel the credit that he deserves. He's an actor. Okay, he's a little bit of an underrated actor, uh, but I was watching this on amazon and, uh, I accidentally tapped the screen when it was just the siegel and under actors sully siegel, that is a real actor. That the fucking bird, the seagull, has more of an acting career than a lot of la you ready?

Speaker 1:

better act 2016 the worst actor 2016 marked the year that sully siegel's extraordinary career started. He landed a substantial supporting role in the shallows, co-starring with blake lively, in what was to become one of the most successful summer movies of the year. Sully received rave reviews for his multi-layered portrayal of a handicapped gull bravely trying to escape a shark a scary shark's appetite. Vulturecom called him the breakout movie star of the summer and renowned film critic win Winston Cook Wilson praised his bold and it cuts off.

Speaker 3:

Sully Siegel co-starred with Blake Lively. He has more of an acting career than so much of LA. It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Stephen Seagal or Stephen Siegel in the movie Funny.

Speaker 2:

I thought that was great, what's funny is, as I was watching it, I was like that's a cute bird, I'll name him Steven. And then, if it, says Steven, I'm like yo, so I don't know if that was a surprise memory from when I watched it last or if I just really wanted to name this bird.

Speaker 1:

Steven, okay, so part of what I was going to say at the beginning of this is when you're going into a surf spot, you know that the ocean has the ability to just take you out, yeah, drag you out into its depths and unalive you there. There's nothing you can do about it. You cannot fight the ocean. Now, the dumbest thing you can possibly do is what she did go to an uncharted, unknown beach and not tell anybody that you're there yeah, can I who is a freaking dick, can I?

Speaker 3:

just say she had no way of getting off of that beach.

Speaker 2:

She didn't said uber. He's like who's uber?

Speaker 3:

but he literally told her on the way there there's no cell signal. She got when or she was getting text at the beach, so I guess she did have cell signal but he was saying but he was saying, like you like it. Maybe he was just saying like it's super spotty. Maybe I missed that.

Speaker 1:

That's kind of what I thought Okay but, but you don't, you don't tell somebody you don't you don't not tell someone where you're at. And hey, come check on me If you don't see me in two freaking days.

Speaker 3:

honestly, just take somebody. I mean she had a shitty friend, but I mean it's all right.

Speaker 1:

It's all right if you want to go by yourself, like her whole thing was. I needed alone time. There's nothing wrong with that.

Speaker 3:

No, she wanted to go with her friend. Her friend bailed on her.

Speaker 1:

But you tell people like this is where I'm going to be. If I don't show back up, come and find me. Yeah, I mean, I guess.

Speaker 2:

Like she was on the phone with her mom or her sister and father. At least tell one of them like hey, I'll call you in two hours.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

If I don't call my friend or call somebody and yeah, I mean, here's the thing.

Speaker 1:

You bring up the point that the friend was just a real dick because, like, how could she be gone for days?

Speaker 3:

No, here's the thing. She wasn't gone for days. She was gone for a day, she was gone for one night. But here's the thing she's on a secret beach that she doesn't even know the name of.

Speaker 3:

Her friend doesn't know where that beach is. So even if her friend is like yo, where is she? She's missing. What is she gonna do about that? There's nothing she can do about it. There's nothing her family can even do about it. They knew she was in mexico, but that's all they knew. Yep, they knew she was on the secret beach that their mom used to go to well, which is my point, wherever the fuck.

Speaker 1:

That is my my point is don't ever go anywhere.

Speaker 2:

Because they were like oh yeah, there's sharp pointy rocks over there. There's fire coral over there. She sees a whole.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but that's. But that's not uncommon for surf spots for to to know like, oh, these are the dangerous spots, don't go near here.

Speaker 2:

But everyone else is cool. Just she's talking to two random dudes. No, okay that, that too that was no.

Speaker 3:

That was less bad to me than taking a ride with some random fucking guy in mexico.

Speaker 2:

That is never do that. He's a good guy, though, but still you don't know people.

Speaker 3:

He ended up being a good guy. But don't do that. Don't just go to Mexico and get a ride with a random guy to some secluded beach in the middle of nowhere. When you're a pretty woman, that is not a good idea.

Speaker 1:

I mean, let me be frank, don't do that if you're a man. Yeah, actually just don't do that, that's just dumb, you get into a car with a stranger.

Speaker 3:

That's what was so funny about those old who says I'll take you to the secret beach you want to go to.

Speaker 1:

That was great about those old memes. That was like in the 80s don't talk to strangers In the 90s, don't get into a stranger's car In in the 90s. Don't get into a stranger's car in the 2000s calling uber on the internet.

Speaker 3:

or don't talk to people on the internet, right, don't talk to strangers on the internet and don't get into strange people's cars and then getting calling people on the internet to get into their car yeah, I'm calling a stranger, or I'm finding a stranger on the internet, telling him where I am so that I can get in his car and he'll drive me to wherever I'm going.

Speaker 1:

So somebody, at least, in that case somebody knows where you are.

Speaker 3:

That's not really any different than a taxi, though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, but tax I don't know.

Speaker 3:

You could have a fake taxi.

Speaker 2:

I hate jellyfish.

Speaker 1:

Wait a minute. Oh yeah, Okay, let's talk about that first.

Speaker 2:

I fucking hate jellyfish. I don't like the way they look. They're freaky. Okay, bitch, no, no, I'm telling you, as soon as I would like, I would abandon all plans. I would just let the shark eat me, because as soon as I seen them jellyfish pop up.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to get in that water.

Speaker 2:

Not because this thing me, oh that hurt. No, I just don't like the way they look and they're just, they're freaky, and she was all next to them and I don't like it I don't mind them.

Speaker 3:

I like jelly. I don't want to be stung by one and I don't think you could do what she did. I think jellyfish tend to cluster way too close together to swim in between them as a full-sized human being.

Speaker 1:

Well, those were rather large.

Speaker 2:

She's going to try the free Nemo or finding Nemo strat, where they just bounce on the top. But she's a little too big.

Speaker 1:

I've seen them. I've seen the jellyfish Down in Galveston. They're much smaller and they are so tightly packed in together you can't even get in the water Without getting hit by one. The bigger ones tend to give each other a little more space. Now, I'm not saying that I like that. She got hit by one.

Speaker 3:

I think it would have been a little more than one yeah, I don't think you could just swim through a whole school of jellyfish all her injuries she just kind of shrugged off other than her like a leg one now I will say I chalk a lot of that up to an insane amount of adrenaline, like I, especially that that last fight where she's fighting and she's just bleeding and she pulls the, the tourniquet off and everything and it's like she has no pain. I think that's all just pure adrenaline keeping her alive in the in that moment. But I think overall blake lively did a good job of of feeling the injuries uh, throughout the movie they didn't last, though she.

Speaker 1:

She felt them when they were there, and then she was like over them like the pretty quickly, and then the fucking jellyfish and all of that stuff would have left some lasting marks.

Speaker 1:

Like it. You wouldn't just be sitting on the on the rock, I mean, it would have been. It's supposed to be a great testament to survival, which is it's good. I'm all for that. But when you get hit by all of those things and then you're sitting out of the water, one of the things you're going to feel is the stark difference of the burning of your skin and the freezing of the air. Yeah, yeah. And you're going to be so uncomfortable. And then your bite, and then your jellyfish sting uncomfortable.

Speaker 2:

And then your bite, and then your jellyfish sting, and then I got. So I'm not gonna. Your heartbeat which makes your blood pump, which makes you bleed out faster.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, true, yeah well, I she did, she did like staple herself did you fucking see her when she got to shore that she looked?

Speaker 2:

bad? Yeah, no, but like she just used her earrings, she had bracelets on.

Speaker 3:

I think that's too big. No, no, the earrings were like.

Speaker 2:

They were made out of multiple strings like braided together.

Speaker 3:

I would have tried. At least the earrings were like perfect sutures.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was more like staples.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was like that.

Speaker 1:

I don't think she could have tied the cord.

Speaker 3:

I think that cord would have ripped her skin yeah, she also had no, like she had no painkillers or anything.

Speaker 2:

She was literally going in your wound.

Speaker 1:

Multiple yeah, exactly the salt water yeah, that's got to be on the bright side after the first like 20 minutes of it, you would stop feeling it yeah I've I've had some pretty gnarly injuries in the water and you know it, it does, it hurts you have.

Speaker 2:

You have good gushing wounds and it hurts, it, stings it, antibacterial, anti, you know yes and no.

Speaker 1:

When it's ocean water, no, it's. It's so bad, there's so much bacteria in there yeah, there's. There's so much to mention the whale yeah, yeah, not to mention right the blood and that. Yeah, it would have been something else not great for wounds no that whole area would have been terrible, I'm sure she had blood transfusions when she got to the hospital, but I mean, you know, she did look pretty, pretty gnarly at the end there.

Speaker 1:

She looked beat up, so all of the fun of the movie. So I thought you know the surfing was okay. It was very short. I did love the. What do you call it? Can I call it acrobatics that she was doing? It wasn't really acrobatics. It's all in water On the buoy or like um, when she was, when she got up on the buoy, the shark comes and and takes the, uh, knocks her. She grabs that.

Speaker 1:

That handle oh, it comes off in her hand oh, and then she had the wherewithal to stab the fucking shark with it and like held on for a while the look on her face when she grabs that ladder and it breaks.

Speaker 3:

The face is just, the face is purely just. Bruh, like no fucking way I mean very accurate.

Speaker 1:

I would have said, uh, my thought was, honestly, that was the wtf face, yeah that's purely just.

Speaker 3:

It happened and the face was just what the fuck? Of course this would happen. That was the face she had it was perfect.

Speaker 1:

And then she just comes down on it and stabs it instantly, perfect. You know, it would have been better if she would have got in the eye Cause, if she would have done some major damage with it she had no choice. She had no choice, she had no choice I get it. But yeah, if she could have done some major damage with it, definitely she could have gotten it to run away or swim away.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. She lit the thing on fire and that didn't make it run away.

Speaker 1:

I guess that's true.

Speaker 3:

It just angered it.

Speaker 1:

I will say but honestly I don't think the fire injured it enough.

Speaker 3:

No, I mean it definitely would have caused insane confusion and discomfort. Imagine you're a shark. You're swimming towards prey and then, all of a sudden, you're on fire in the water, Something that has never happened to you before. You've never seen fire.

Speaker 1:

You've never been on fire. What the fuck do do they feel? Fire this? Do they feel the same way we do?

Speaker 3:

it's not the feel, it's the confusion. We're talking about a shark. It's a pretty primitive animal. If you, if a shark is randomly lit on fire, they don't even know what fire is, and now their, their whole body is covered in flames. That's enough to confuse the shit out of a shark. I don't think it's gonna be like you did that to me and go after. I think it's gonna be like I'm a fucking out of here dude.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what it was already like, zoned in on her for some reason well, because she was on its feeding ground.

Speaker 3:

But I think at that point her shark goes the same worth it. But I mean she on its feeding ground.

Speaker 1:

But I think at that point a shark goes the same way. But I mean she left the feeding ground, so why was? Why was this shark so fucking hell bent on getting her?

Speaker 3:

OK. So that was something I wanted to ask you is if you were to get far enough away from a shark, from a shark's feeding ground. Let's say you're in her situation, you stumble upon the feeding ground, the shark is angry with you, but you do manage to get away enough. Does the shark eventually just leave you alone and go like, okay, you're out of my territory, theoretically?

Speaker 1:

speaking, as soon as the shark bit her in the leg, at the very beginning I was like, oh shit, you're not a seal, you're not trying to eat my food, you're not, you're not a uh, another predator. It would have bit her and be like, oh, I know what that is, nope I'm done, I'm out of here.

Speaker 2:

Like, are they like, if they have kids, don't they just like kind of leave their kids? They're not like any other type of animal where they like, stay with them.

Speaker 1:

No, they, they don't get like. They're similar to similar to tigers, where they raise them up to a certain point and then chase them off.

Speaker 3:

There's a lot. Well, I think don't lions do that too.

Speaker 1:

So I was wondering maybe no, eventually, no, eventually, uh, male lions will the females raise the cubs and then, if any of those lions challenge the alpha, he'll run them off. Yeah, that's what it is but if the others fall in line. They can stay as long as they're in line with him I, yeah, I'm well.

Speaker 3:

There's a lot of species, though, that that do that.

Speaker 1:

That will just kick out their chase, they chase their young away. Get away from me. They don't. They don't hunt, they're not friendly creatures like spiders. Spiders, for instance, they why do we always got to talk about?

Speaker 3:

spiders, spiders don't raise their young. They hatch and then they fucking either survive or don't. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And that's just how it is. That's very insensitive to my son.

Speaker 3:

I will say your son's kind of cute.

Speaker 1:

DJ put a spider on his head.

Speaker 2:

It's a plushie, it's a very cute plushie he got from my wife I'll show you. She sees in the chat and so is my brother and they both went we and my fucking sisters in the chat. Okay, hi, anita, maddie and tyreece. More wheeze. Social security, number five where's that down?

Speaker 3:

where's that down?

Speaker 2:

he said, they tend to leave them, the sharks they have a?

Speaker 1:

uh, they have a term for it. It is, I'm looking for it. It's a hard word to say, um meanwhile don't some boobies have phones?

Speaker 3:

I kind of thought that I thought she was going to call the the boat for a second.

Speaker 1:

The ship it is vivi paris, vivi parus, meaning they give birth to live young that have already developed inside their bodies. They provide their young with milk, so very much like tigers. I guess the difference is tigers will chase their young off.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Versus just being like I ate you on your own.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, no, here was another idea. Maybe the shark is drunk from the decaying whale producing alcohol.

Speaker 3:

It's kind of just like a stepdad. It just becomes an abusive shark. That's what happened.

Speaker 2:

I told you to wash the fucking dishes. Wash the dishes.

Speaker 1:

I told you to prepare that whale for me. Okay, jeff the shark, why isn't the coral sweeped? The coral sweeped, do you mean swept?

Speaker 2:

It's not swept Okay so.

Speaker 3:

I'm the German over here.

Speaker 1:

All of the silliness notwithstanding, we all agree that some of the parts were pretty entertaining. Where she was fighting the shark, she was getting away from the shark, going from the surfboard to the rock, timing the shark getting from the rock over to the unalive surfer's helmet.

Speaker 3:

I have a problem with the timing, why she times the shark at 32 seconds going to the whale and back right. What she's timing is, it's just leisure stroll, it's leisure stroll. Oh shit, she's in the water. That's way faster than 32 seconds the second it notices that she's in the water. Judging off of the way this shark acted, it would beeline straight for her way faster than its leisure stroll that it was doing.

Speaker 2:

Right, 35 miles per hour in short bursts. She's done 50 kilometers per hour for people.

Speaker 3:

She's done. There's no way you're getting 32 seconds.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, no, 35 miles per hour, that's a car 50 kilometers per hour, 35 kilometers, 35? 35 miles, 50 kilometers.

Speaker 1:

Jesus Christ 50 kilometers.

Speaker 2:

It's all going to be edited.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, I was making fun, because what kind of Canadian are you to use kilometers with us? The 51st state is what he is For the people who aren't using freedom units.

Speaker 2:

Oh okay, the 51st state is what he is people who aren't using freedom units. Um, oh, okay, I appreciate. So like imagine a car coming at you at 35 miles per hour because, like it literally weighs as much as a car it does, god I mean, even if it doesn't bite you, if it just rams you yeah, no, that'll fucking hurt it has a freaking hard nose. That would really hurt uh, Short fin Mako sharks can go 60 miles per hour.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy yeah buddy, did you know Deep Blue Sea? You know that movie? Those were all Mako sharks.

Speaker 3:

Okay, on the topic of surviving, this I don't think I survive and it's honestly not even for the shark. This I don't think I survive and it's honestly not even for the shark. If I was stranded on that rock in the middle of uh the ocean at night, I I would just die to the shark. I hate cold so much that that cold would be so intense along with that injury on your leg, I'd give up. I don't think I could.

Speaker 2:

Actually, I don't think I could yeah, no, I think I would survive because I have a loud enough voice when I'm yelling to freaking. Get the attention of the dudes on the beach before they're even in their car. She was like help me and they could couldn't.

Speaker 3:

No, they'll hear me, because I'll although, although you got to admit like they were just dumb no, don't worry, there's no sharks in these waters yeah and they literally a shark because they said that they clearly heard her, which means they straight up were just like no, you're crazy, why would she have been there?

Speaker 1:

yeah, it's okay. Why are you hanging out on the rock since we saw you yesterday?

Speaker 3:

yeah, and it doesn't look like you've moved at all that like that doesn't? That doesn't scream anything to you. She's on a rock without her surfboard. That doesn't scream.

Speaker 1:

She's yelling about a shark that doesn't scream anything to you by the way, that also pissed me off, that it seemed like they were taking like really hard shots at surfers, being that freaking dumb and they're not, and also they're very observant of their surroundings well, okay, well my problem with the gopro.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, it lasted so long I honestly I I don't even care about that. What I care about is that when the shark bites the guy, the gopro like cuts off, like it got destroyed. Yeah, but it didn't.

Speaker 2:

But it's right there, right after made for like shock, like you're, you're going down hills with it and freaking dropping it. That was space and shit like that was purely.

Speaker 3:

That was purely for budgetary reasons, but like that would have been the coolest footage. Honestly see a shark attack like that that'd be.

Speaker 1:

It did pretty well. I mean, it gave us some, some pretty decent shots of of running up.

Speaker 3:

I just mean, like a GoPro wouldn't do that.

Speaker 2:

She was pretty. I will say she's pretty like, inventive and like.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, resilient and good thinking, like on her feet, like you know.

Speaker 1:

What are the she?

Speaker 2:

was like she was in med school.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Resourceful. She was very self.

Speaker 2:

Uh, very resourceful with, like you know, the timing of the shark and how fast it is and blah, blah, blah, even though you know 35 miles per hour anyways, but um yeah the fucking when she was like she got on the buoy, she immediately went into like fuck this, shark mode and stabbed it with the ladder, freaking, found the flares. First flare fail and then she shot another one. I'm like, why are you shooting another one? I thought they were all gonna be duds, but well honestly, I'm surprised she didn't shoot more into the air.

Speaker 3:

If I just shot one into the air, I wouldn't be like, ah, they didn't see me. I'd shoot a few more, just on the off chance that one of them happens to be looking in that direction.

Speaker 1:

And I would have done it over longer periods of time, but I would have done the same thing.

Speaker 2:

That whale oil catching on fire and lighting the shark on fire was dope.

Speaker 3:

I know theoretically something like that could happen. What are the odds that can happen, that a flare gun lights whale oil?

Speaker 1:

on fire they do burn hot, but I don't, they don't.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I don't know what those types of flares were, for they're not underwater flares, so the fact that it was burning underwater was a little weird well, yeah, they, they've got to be waterproof or water resistant at least, because they when they fell in the in the water and she still used them. But two, I assume that if they're on a buoy they would be waterproof or water-resistant.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so they are full of strontium nitrate, potassium nitrate or potassium perchlorate, mixed with a fuel such as charcoal, sulfur, sawdust, aluminum, magnesium, which, if it's magnesium, you can't put magnesium out. You can't put it out, or suitable polymeric resin. So I think it could theoretically if there's magnesium in it it could like that.

Speaker 3:

That'd be interesting.

Speaker 2:

But she also thought good on her feet, grabbing onto that chain, wrapping herself to it, because she knew that it was going to start sinking insane move fucking awesome move, but uh what was pulling that chain? It's just the weight, it's. It's. There has to be heavyweight chains to hold that buoy there, dude I guess so, but at that speed well, so it started off slow and then started going faster and faster and faster, which?

Speaker 3:

did make sense, I guess, as it collapses more.

Speaker 1:

But it was an anchor that was. This was the part that bothered me. It was an anchor that was above ground. It wasn't anchored to anything, and that is not how those work. They usually are sitting on the ground with chain slack, so when the storms rise or anything, like that the buoys rise and fall without the anchor coming off the ground, so it was a little strange.

Speaker 3:

Well, she was in high tide.

Speaker 2:

Freaking concrete rebar.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, what was?

Speaker 2:

that? That I don't know what the hell, that was. That was so bizarre maybe it was the perfect fell off or something it was just a perfect shark killer is what it was.

Speaker 3:

It was the perfect shark killer was dude uh, also I didn't know she did fucking synchronized swimming, dodging out of the way in the water oh yeah, from a shark I mean going, come on Going 35 miles an hour she dodged a shark in water.

Speaker 2:

With one messed up leg.

Speaker 3:

That's why I'm saying she is a superhero. She got shark powers by that shark bite Radioactive shark. It's the only thing that makes sense, and I think you're disappointed because you know it Well, I think that they do a sequel.

Speaker 2:

It's the only thing that makes sense, and I think you're disappointed because you know it well. I think that I do a sequel, uh, where the sister really wants to visit the beach that her mom went to, and then it's a zombie shark it's so funny when her sister's like do you think you'll I'll ever be as good as you?

Speaker 3:

and she's like no, and I'm like yeah you're never going, you're never, going to one v one a shark, bro, you're not as dope as no dude.

Speaker 2:

I wish that she had the GoPro on. I would have just kept the GoPro on. I've been like somebody will find it eventually. I'll strap this to my head so when I do die.

Speaker 1:

I like it. Nobody's going to believe her that she went 1v1 with a shark.

Speaker 2:

They're just going to be like oh, yeah, I bit her.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, she got stranded. And now, with all of that, said uh.

Speaker 2:

Final thoughts on this movie. I liked it. Uh, it is a good intro into the uh white bitches stuck in place uh genre uh yeah, we gotta do like 12 feet deep the one where they're in a pool. We gotta do fall where they're up on a tower, 12 feet deep deep.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm not going to lie, I've watched fall and that one. Just it's so hard to watch.

Speaker 3:

What about 47 meters?

Speaker 2:

down. I like that one too 47 meters down yeah.

Speaker 3:

Isn't there one that's called like 47 meters deeper, or something like that?

Speaker 1:

No, 47 meters down uncaged. Oh, I mean, I don't know for sure that there's not one called that, but I know there's 47 meters unchained or uncaged, sorry, uncaged To Django, unchained oh shit that got dark. It's just a racist shark. Get it, get it.

Speaker 3:

It's a racist, great white.

Speaker 1:

I said that got dark. Oh crazy, Crazy.

Speaker 3:

I thought my joke was way better.

Speaker 1:

The racist great white wait. Did you give your final thoughts?

Speaker 3:

uh, great movie. Um, I think she's a superhero and I think the shark is radioactive.

Speaker 2:

And that's my final conclusions, okay oh, she also got a shark tooth at one point, which was she did yeah.

Speaker 3:

She used it to open the buoy.

Speaker 1:

But to be fair, anybody who fights a great white shark with their bare hands walks away with a shark tooth. Everybody knows that.

Speaker 3:

Bro, she should get the shark head. She should have them retrieve the shark. They should retrieve the shark out of respect for her, because she 1v1'd a shark.

Speaker 2:

Josh said signal flares burn at 1600 degrees celsius. And he also said I'm sorry, but fall was stupid well, you heard it here, folks whether it was stupid or not was not the point is fall. No, it's not.

Speaker 3:

We don't know what it is yet until we. Well, mr host, what are your final thoughts?

Speaker 1:

my final thoughts were uh, as a former surfer, I was absolutely fucking pissed off at her for not doing any of the basics. But she did.

Speaker 2:

You always look around.

Speaker 1:

She did you always check your surroundings. No, no, no, not just once. You don't just stand there and look out there and go in the water and not pay attention to anything around you ever again. Nah, nothing changes. Oh, right, because nothing changed. For her, that was good advice. I'm pretty sure she got that advice from you. Okay, and with that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, I gathered that eventually 15 times hosts.

Speaker 2:

I've been counting, I've been watching the whole episode.

Speaker 3:

Did. What Did he do it?

Speaker 2:

Did it like 15 times.

Speaker 1:

What are we talking about? So that's 15 points.

Speaker 3:

What are we talking about?

Speaker 2:

I've been counting.

Speaker 3:

What did I do?

Speaker 1:

You did it 15 times. What is this secret?

Speaker 3:

game I didn't know about.

Speaker 1:

God darn it. If you don't know what you did, I can't help you.

Speaker 3:

Was it cursing? Did I curse 15 times? That's very plausible. That seems right. Actually, that seems pretty accurate.

Speaker 1:

You cursed far more than 15 times.

Speaker 3:

I don't think I even did anything, in particular, 15 times. Josh, you know what he did. I didn't yawn 15 times.

Speaker 1:

Josh, you know what he did. I didn't Give me a heads up. Do you know what he did? I know what he did. Do I like sigh?

Speaker 2:

I know, you know what did I do?

Speaker 1:

We talked about it beforehand.

Speaker 2:

This is what you get for leaving the room, Eric.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know. However, with all of that said, even with you doing that 15 times, that's right nerdy vet. Eric knows what he did. Eric doesn't know what he did, he's just fucking with us.

Speaker 3:

Eric has no idea what he did he did.

Speaker 1:

He's just fucking with us. Eric has no idea what he did. But with that said, I want to let you all know that, uh, you can catch our podcast. Every friday at 7 am we release new episodes. We have over 70 episodes up, guys. Please go check us out anywhere you get podcasts. Check out our socials at uh tiktok for now. Instagram, facebook at Survive the Podcast. You can find us on X at Alex and Eric WIS. You can send us your emails to give us your recommendation. What movie would you like us to cover? What do you want to be involved in? Any email you send us, we will give you a shout out on the podcast. Send it to theboys at willyousur podcastcom. That's t-h-e-b-o-y-s at will you survive the podcastcom. And with all of that said and all of our final thoughts on the shallows, I do actually have a winner, and the winner is I won't make you do a drum roll, it is.

Speaker 3:

Eric Get fucked TJ with your bullshit.

Speaker 2:

That handshake gave us free to win. Loser, you didn't win in your own volition.

Speaker 3:

I don't need your pity win. I don't even want to win. What's the next movie, Eric? I don't know. That's why I don't want to win.

Speaker 1:

Do you know why Do?

Speaker 2:

you know why.

Speaker 3:

So now.

Speaker 2:

I've got to find out a movie. What was the last thing you did?

Speaker 3:

Jokes on what was the last thing I did.

Speaker 1:

That's what I was going to say. Do you know why you won?

Speaker 3:

Because I haven't hosted in like six episodes. Because you hate it All right, guys, next episode is going to be so fun guys. Next episode is going to be so fun guys. You just wait.

Speaker 1:

You just wait. We gave you a genre the brain. If you want to do a movie, we could do 47 meters down.

Speaker 3:

My gears are spinning. My gears are spinning.

Speaker 1:

My brain is smoking 240 feet in the air.

Speaker 2:

LAFD thinks that there's a fire happening because of how much smoke is coming out of my brain.

Speaker 1:

Sorry the descent.

Speaker 3:

You are literally just saying the first season. He was literally just quoting all of this guy.

Speaker 1:

He's just reading all of the. He's just reading all of the episodes we talked about.

Speaker 2:

Minus one win to Eric, which still stands. I don't know why this is on the page.

Speaker 3:

I'm taking that shit away. I'm taking that shit away right away. It's a part of the list. Yeah, I can Watch me. I'm the host. Text episode.

Speaker 2:

So get mortuary assistant.

Speaker 3:

This guy wrote in his little fucking journal and he thinks it means something. Now.

Speaker 2:

I mean I am the loser for this episode, which means I do get some sort of power, as in you get the least power. I'm still editing this one Loser.

Speaker 3:

Wow, what a petty bitch.

Speaker 2:

It's just going to be me and Alex talking the whole time. Joke's on you. I'll cut it to where it's just like 30 minutes of us just talking.

Speaker 3:

Joke's on you. This file has been an hour and 45 minutes, so have fun editing.

Speaker 1:

It's true, it has been.

Speaker 3:

This guy's saying he's going to do extra work and cut me out and shit. He has an hour 45 to go through. You do.

Speaker 2:

He's not gonna be editing shit. Have you guys listened to the latest episode? I did.

Speaker 1:

The one that came out at 7 o'clock tonight.

Speaker 3:

No, that was the black.

Speaker 2:

Was that the black I said You're dwelling in the past. It's 12.58am.

Speaker 3:

It was literally yesterday You're dwelling in the past. It's 12 58. Yeah, it was literally yesterday. You're dwelling in the past this guy's the guy who orders a pizza.

Speaker 2:

This guy this guy's the one who orders a pizza on december 31st, and it's like oh, I ordered that last year it's not that far into the episode, um, but you're like, I'm like I'm to put something embarrassing of you, alex, right now. And then I just recorded myself with my voice changer. And it was like hi, this is Alex from the will you survive podcast, and I am a homosexual, wow.

Speaker 1:

I am, I'm gay. I'm gay for my wife.

Speaker 2:

So I need to add like a file on my computer where I can just save things that are funny.

Speaker 1:

All right well that wraps up. That concludes this episode of Will you Survive, the Podcast. Thank you for joining us as we covered the shallows. We talked about the fires in Los Angeles and the practicality of survival tips making sure you're brushed up, don't let yourself get rusty, stay sharp and, until next time, stay alive. Thank you.

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