Will You Survive... The Podcast
Immerse yourself in the world of cinema as we embark on a journey to equip you with the skills to tackle any disaster head-on. Through the lens of thrilling tales, particularly those of the zombie apocalypse, we'll unravel the secrets of preparedness. Join us as we explore the silver screen to empower you for the challenges that lie ahead.
Will You Survive... The Podcast
Will You Survive: Wrapped 2024
This podcast is a reflective wrap-up episode that explores the hosts' favorite and least favorite episodes from the past year, examining the blend of humor and learning inherent in each discussion.
• Discussion of favorite and least favorite episodes
• Reflection on key survival lessons learned
• Analysis of podcast performance and listener engagement
• Insights into the direction of future content
• Invitation for listener feedback and recommendations
Hello, hello, survivors, and welcome to another episode of Will you Survive, the Podcast.
Speaker 2:The Podcast, my nizzle, I am your host.
Speaker 1:My name is Alex. I'm joined by my two co-hosts we have I'm Eric and and I'm T-Jizzle, t-jizzle. First rebranding New year, new me. No, new year, new me. This is new and for this new year we're gonna do a podcast wrapped. I want to talk to you guys about the podcast so far, but before we get started, I do want to start with a very important thing, for your dumb ass takes in alcohol.
Speaker 3:Both of you are starting minus 20 I mean, what does that really do if we both start at minus 20? Right, it's basically.
Speaker 1:That means, if you don't if you don't make it to zero, I'm gonna host the next one, okay, well I mean like that's not how it works new, I mean new year, new podcast alex is gonna host every episode I will legitimately cut you out of every episode that's true.
Speaker 3:You would have to pick up editing. You'll be in the background eric's thing, but that'll be that'll be sad for you that will be sad for you. I mean, I think he does hold the ultimate power no way I hold the live what's that, alex?
Speaker 2:a clip from one of the past episodes of Something Embarrassing. Hi, this is Alex from Will you Survive, the Podcast, and I just want to say that I am a homosexual.
Speaker 1:What do you have? Embarrassing of mine.
Speaker 2:There we go, embarrassing. Yeah, that was super embarrassing dude, Did I that? Was really embarrassing. I would have to have shame. You started to lead me off with embarrassment.
Speaker 1:I would have to have shame in order to be embarrassed. You can't shame me. I mean I'll try. Now let me ask you guys of all of our podcast episodes, do you have a favorite?
Speaker 3:Like of this year or of all time, all time.
Speaker 2:Yes, I do.
Speaker 3:Okay, you go first.
Speaker 2:Oh, I thought you were going to go first because you know it was a good podcast.
Speaker 3:So did you not have an answer?
Speaker 2:Oh, I have an answer, but I just want to see what your answer was, so that I could choose.
Speaker 3:Oh, oh, okay, that's interesting um okay the first gabbardy
Speaker 2:the first guy hang on a second episode, because we were literally dying laughing the entire freaking time oh, okay, that's a good answer.
Speaker 3:That's a good answer. Um, let's see what's this guy having to look him up? What do you mean? It's been a year. I want to make sure I'm not forgetting a good one. It's been over a year no, but I'm going with the last year actually that's my favorite really yeah, I can't remember which episode that was, though.
Speaker 1:That was my actual favorite. When I had said this scene was ludicrous, I said that that was ludicrous and Eric said what?
Speaker 3:You do that all the time we're talking about characters or I'll say something like oh, that was so and so, and so you're like that was ludicrous.
Speaker 2:And I was like ludicrous what the fuck guys? I already put the clip in yeah I'm gonna um, I'll do it.
Speaker 3:My favorite episode oh, I went into 2023, it's okay. Um, I really liked.
Speaker 2:There's really only one choice.
Speaker 3:Yeah, which one's that?
Speaker 1:He's going to say that you should choose the interview.
Speaker 2:The interview part one.
Speaker 3:Oh nah, I was going to go with 20 questions. I think 20 questions was really fun and I want to do more like that.
Speaker 2:Didn't you do that? That seems a little selfish.
Speaker 3:It was a great episode guys. What can I say?
Speaker 2:I don't even remember a thing from that episode.
Speaker 3:Really, I don't want to check the analytics on that. Actually I don't know.
Speaker 2:I like that episode. I remember you kept giving me hard-ass fucking things.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I remember that. Now, you remember when we swapped, we swapped and then all of a sudden I had all the fucking hard ones, yeah it's very I literally I it was literally a one through ten list and I wrote one for alex, two for for uh tj, three for alex four for tj radio and then gave me some fucking stupid shit.
Speaker 1:I had a walkie talkie yeah I had a, uh a, what a multi-tool it was completely random, not just not just multi-tool. What was?
Speaker 3:it. Uh, it was a leatherman. Leatherman, but I took multi-tool.
Speaker 1:No, that's fair enough, but that was that was comedy gold, because even after we switched then all of a sudden I was struggling. I got it in like seven and then three and then tj got almost the exact same thing. Remember we came out as a tie. You guys tied yeah oh did.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that happens a lot yeah that was a funny episode you know it, we've talked about it where it's kind of that thing where you, you don't plan it, but it always ends up in a tie yeah, and then I just make them some bullshit.
Speaker 2:And who wins?
Speaker 3:or yeah, there's been a few times where I'm like eric loses yeah, okay, so you're the host right now because I was predestined to lose. Did you know that? And I knew my fate?
Speaker 1:really, yeah, why I mean I didn't know he was really good do you know how many points I lost last episode I don't even remember what last episode was you oh, you didn't even tell me you didn't even tell me that this wasn't even a handshake deal.
Speaker 3:Yeah, well basically what happened was. Basically what happened was, uh, when we were talking about when we were gonna record this episode, we were supposed to do it on the sunday, after we recorded that friday, right. So I was like, well, if we're gonna record on friday and sunday, then we should probably each have a movie prepared or an idea prepared, depending on who wins. And he was like he was like what do you mean? I was like, well, if alex wins, then he's gonna have to host, we're gonna have to watch a whole movie. He goes oh okay, well, alex wins, then it wasn't okay I did it fair.
Speaker 3:Okay, let me how many points did I lose last episode?
Speaker 2:okay, eric minus two minus minus one plus one plus one plus two. Alex minus one plus one plus one plus five plus one.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, fair, Okay, so fair.
Speaker 1:One of my absolute favorites. I just launched one of the clips for the social media and it freaking killed me, because the whole clip was eric is cracking up laughing at the start and he says minus two plus eight or, I'm sorry, minus eight plus two. Why not just plus six?
Speaker 4:and you were cracking up, like all of us were laughing at it and then t goes minus six.
Speaker 2:That was Gepardy part two.
Speaker 3:That was Gepardy part two Because it was predestined that he was losing, but that was a handshake deal, so you guys admit that that category was completely against me?
Speaker 2:No, it was for Eric. Okay, that category clearly stated for Eric. I guess that's true. It was against me. The category clearly stated for Eric.
Speaker 3:I guess that's true. It was, for me it was absolutely for you to lose.
Speaker 1:Fair enough, I guess. Okay, so just because I was curious, I went and looked at the analytics for 20 questions, not the highest, not the lowest.
Speaker 1:I aim to be right there in the middle. So do you guys happen to know um or do you want to know the uh highest in? We'll say the first uh 30 days. Sure, so we have there we go. We'll say the first 30 days. The highest and this is just awesome, because we haven't even been 30 days yet is will you survive outside family secrets and zombie chaos? Not even at 30 days yet. It hasn't even been out for 30 days yet it's. It's surpassed all of our other episodes in the first 30 days.
Speaker 3:Oh, wow, okay, okay, that's pretty good it was a good episode, it was a pretty decent movie.
Speaker 1:I liked that movie. It's funny because I did see a lot of people who were like it was boring, I didn't like it, it was slow.
Speaker 3:I actually got really into that movie it was so slow in the beginning, but once it gets going, once it finally gets going, it's really good it just they really played that whole like you're supposed to be confused, you're supposed to not understand everything. But they play it kind of not great at first, where you're more just frustrated than intrigued yeah, no, I, I.
Speaker 1:I like that movie a lot and I think it was a good episode for us, and uh and I also kind of felt like the um, the scene we had talked about it on the episode, the scene where he walks into the house now, this is just me being old as hell, but did you guys also get a video game vibe of how he walks in with a pipe but he goes in and he finds there's a pew pew there and he pulls it, pulls it out of the uh, his dad's hands after his dad had offed himself yeah, I thought that was.
Speaker 2:Uh, that was like very video gamey I mean video gamey, and also freaking stupid because he left the pipe there yeah putting the pipe down I remember because I was like why would you leave your weapon?
Speaker 3:yeah, that was like the first thing, not a forever weapon yeah, you're gonna.
Speaker 1:You're gonna run out of ammo eventually, especially in in this situation. Now again, this is a to your point where it was, uh, completely unknown that he was in his childhood home. So you're kind of like you know, how many rounds do you have, dude?
Speaker 3:I don't even know that was his parents. Nope for a while.
Speaker 1:Nope, they didn't let us know that. They didn't let us know that that was his dad or his mom, which is like, that's the stuff that I'm like.
Speaker 3:That's just a little annoying not to tell me, because now I'm just sitting here like what was like, it was just such a weird interaction for strangers. Yep, no, I completely agree because it made me think like, oh, he's super startled by by the zombies. But that wasn't the case. He wasn't startled by the zombies, he was startled by it being his mom, right, and so they like really misled you with his character at first, but with that um, leaving outside for a minute.
Speaker 1:What do you think our how do I say this right? What do you think our best survival episode was? Maybe survival myths terms of oh, I like that which episode? Where we talked about the most survival tactics, where survival came in the uh conversation more than cinema or um fiction overall, where I would say non-fiction was the theme of the episode I have two answers answers, but I'll let TJ say his first.
Speaker 2:I think probably, yeah, survival myths or probably the zombie scenarios or runner up.
Speaker 1:I think hush, maybe you know I was going to say hush. Oh yeah possible. You know I was gonna say hush. Oh yeah, I thought we. I thought we got into more actual, like realistic tactics in hush, because that's that's something that's, you know, far more likely to occur to you than a zombie apocalypse. But those are, those are all pretty good. I like all of those answers. So we've got favorite. We've got most realistic. Um, do you have a least favorite?
Speaker 3:yes, I'm trying to remember which one it was it. We were just so tired for it is that the recent one we did? No, it wasn't recent. Oh, was it maybe? Oh well, bird box was kind of that way but there was one before that. Was it? Leave the World Behind?
Speaker 2:Leave the World Behind. Probably was a little sleepy.
Speaker 3:I generally don't like the sleepy ones. It kind of is what it is, because we tend to record pretty late. But I like to have a little more energy for them.
Speaker 2:I will say that my least favorite, probably Evil Dead Rise. Really I didn't watch the movie, mmm, I just kind of skated through like Eric does with every other fucking movie whoa whoa, what do you mean every? Other what do you mean? Every?
Speaker 3:other shots fired. What do you mean? Every other? The only one that I've done that with this season was bird box, and it's because I'd already seen it before. I'm just I'm not gonna lie, though. Half the stuff you guys were bringing up, I did not remember at all oh my god, I knew the premise of the movie. I just never got around that week to watching it.
Speaker 1:That's the only one I've done this whole season I gotta read this from the from the chat bilbo ball baggins is your name pfizer? Because you made my heart stop. Okay, I'll tell you this. My, uh, my. My least favorite episode had to have been cube what I'm just kidding. Oh no, it was actually evil dead rise you actually I, you, oh man.
Speaker 2:That cube is now my least favorite because I wasn't in the goddamn podcast to fucking talk about that movie with y'all and that was your fault.
Speaker 3:Are the first two seasons your least favorite episodes then?
Speaker 2:no, because I, like I, I was a listener, I listened good, good, a lot of those movies. I uh, I was like hey watch this. Yeah, you did recommend a lot so those are good, those are good. So um saw, you did we were, we were adamantly opposed.
Speaker 3:Well, I'm, I mean I'm glad I watched it.
Speaker 2:I kind of want to see Saw 2 Tune in next week, where we watch Every single Saw movie and do one episode about all of them.
Speaker 3:Negatives. Absolutely not. Let's do it with the Harry Potter series. Oh my god.
Speaker 4:Dude, I'd do that fellow, nerds I, I don't, I don't even need to, I, I will tell you honest, honest to god I'm.
Speaker 1:I'm such a fucking nerd on that shit I don't even need to watch them. I could quote them all to you right now did I?
Speaker 3:did I ever tell you guys? One time I was at my uncle's house with my cousins and, uh, they were watching harry potter and I was playing a game on the computer in the same room and I didn't really realize I was doing it, but I was quoting every single line, word for word, and after like five minutes of this they turned around.
Speaker 1:They're like eric stop please so least favorite, favorite, most survival tactics. Can I ask do you guys have an episode where you learned the most?
Speaker 3:uh, I don't remember what episode it was, but the episode where you guys talked, uh, basically explained how to distill your own water. Didn't know you could do that solar still.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Yeah, I didn't know you could do that solar still yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I didn't know you could do that yeah, that's.
Speaker 2:Uh, it's a good thing to know, you know, if you all, if you're next to the ocean and you don't really got clean water, you can't drink ocean water, if I mean, yeah, any water will work, but it's mostly used for ocean water. Uh, a thing I learned, but then it turned out not to be correct, was pipes under your house don't just explode from the methane being in there, because I mentioned shoving a tube down the toilet to breathe in a fire.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And then the thing that-.
Speaker 2:I brought it to my attention that it's untrue that it would explode, because we brought that up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh, would it explode it to my? Attention that it, that it's untrue that it would explode, Cause we brought that up. Oh, would it explode. Not a sewer, not a sewer, a septic, a septic, especially if there's any problems.
Speaker 1:but yeah not a sewer. Sewers move too much water and air. But then the thing that you showed me too, was far more practical than what we were talking. We were talking, we were talking about just shoving a hose through the the u-trap of your toilet and breathing sewer air. That thing, that contraption you showed, had a charcoal filter on it so you wouldn't be breathing like sewer air, it would be filtering the air you're still breathing sewer air?
Speaker 3:yeah, you're just breathing air no, that air is from the sewer. It's purified sewer air, but it's still sewer air, remember's purified sewer air, but it's still sewer air. Remember, guys, you can polish a turd? It's still a turd. No, you can't polish a turd?
Speaker 1:There's no such thing. You can polish?
Speaker 3:a turd. There is no such thing. It is still a turd. You cannot polish a turd.
Speaker 2:There are mammoth turds that are polished Grab your turd out.
Speaker 1:Well, no, my turd's too, what we're talking about is the sewer.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Go ahead.
Speaker 3:Other animals Go ahead. Poop into the sewer. What animals poop into the sewer? Dogs.
Speaker 1:What yeah?
Speaker 3:What.
Speaker 1:Yeah, your dogs sit on the toilet.
Speaker 3:No, and flush when they're done. No.
Speaker 1:They poop near a drain drain and then the rain washes it in. Those don't go to the same. Sure I didn't know that. No, your plumbing does not go to gutters. You know those gutter, those storm drains. They tell you don't pour things down them, like you really shouldn't be putting animal waste down them because they don't go to sewer treatment plants, they just go straight out to the ocean.
Speaker 3:So who cares? The poop goes in there. That that's gross. The fish poop in it anyways.
Speaker 1:I mean, fish are disgusting anyway.
Speaker 2:Sorry my cat's being an asshole. It's a cat.
Speaker 1:He was climbing my background. You're being redundant.
Speaker 2:You're being redundant. He's handsome.
Speaker 3:You're being re. No, he's evil. Aw, he's so cute, he's evil.
Speaker 1:Look at him. Watch him as he slices your throat right now?
Speaker 3:No, he's too sweet. That ain't sweet. Look at him.
Speaker 1:That cat was trying to climb up behind you.
Speaker 2:He is cross-eyed.
Speaker 1:That cat was trying to climb up behind you so it could ninja down on top of you and slit your throat.
Speaker 2:He goes for Matty's toes. That's, his main source of violence is towards the toes, and then he'll jump on our bodies, going 50 miles per hour through the house.
Speaker 3:Yeah the toes is objectively the worst thing he could go for.
Speaker 2:Funny story Maybe, tmi, I was doing the nasty and he like snuck up and like I was doing the nasty and he like snuck up and like.
Speaker 1:Oh no, so you were by yourself.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was. I was just beating my meat. No, I was with my wife and he my toe.
Speaker 1:We saw her. She blinked twice. She wasn't there, not by choice. Maggie doesn't exist, it's just me doing the female voice. That's why we've never seen her on the screen.
Speaker 3:The arm that we saw was a prosthetic, and you've only ever passed the microphone off the camera.
Speaker 2:That is true, hey if she's ever on another episode. I just got her a really good microphone. Oh nice, it won't be as shitty as it was.
Speaker 3:It'll be kind of your guys' situation Very cool. We need a new situation.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you need a pop filter, you little. You see how sharp those spikes are. They're not supposed to be that sharp.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I know, I'm a music guy.
Speaker 4:I'm getting the mic and I gotta cut it out every time.
Speaker 3:They're here. Who the zombies? I thought the gate would stop them. They knocked it down instantly.
Speaker 1:How much time do we have they're?
Speaker 3:already here.
Speaker 1:We should have bought that beautiful Los Angeles dream house in that safe neighborhood that Corinne showed us.
Speaker 3:I know it was so much more defensible and Corinne would have had us moved in before the apocalypse.
Speaker 1:Do you think it's too late to call her now? I'll try. No, no, we should have called Corinne sooner. Don't wait until it's too late. Call Corinne Salas today at 714-510-6443. And buy your Los Angeles dream house now. That's 714-510-6443. And buy your Los Angeles dream house now. That's 714-510-6443. You can also find her on Instagram at next home by Corinne, or visit her website at corinnesalisnexthomegrandviewcom. That's c-o-r-i-n-n-e-s-a-l-a-snexthomegrandviewcom dot. Next home grandview dot com. Alright, so where do you guys hope to go this next year?
Speaker 2:three more Gepidys Hawaii.
Speaker 3:Four more bad movies three more Gepidys, also Gepidy instead of Gepidys.
Speaker 2:The next Gepidys might be the final Gepidys the final countdown.
Speaker 1:Are there any movies you guys hope to to bring in?
Speaker 2:uh, I was recommended, a movie or no, a series from my brother called black summer oh, it's great so it ends. It ends abruptly, it ends abruptly, but it's a great.
Speaker 1:It's a. I love the beginning. I didn't get into it, oh man I tried. I love that beginning. The beginning is.
Speaker 3:That was what I didn't like about it.
Speaker 1:I think fear of the walking dead had a better beginning. It was, um, it was almost perfect how this, how it would go down, there were. You know, of course there's always plot holes. How did this happen? How did he wind up in the same place that the first zombie was? But overall it was a great, jarring episode.
Speaker 1:That kind of broke ground in the zombie genre, and I felt that was the same thing that Black Summer did. It started out fast-paced. You're evacuating out of your city, you have to move and military's forcing you to go to the same place, which is always the bother for me. I don't ever want to do what the military wants me to do and then you're going where everybody else is going. That's always going to be a problem because other sick people are going to be there, all of those things. So Black Summer will be kind of cool. Another one one is uh, wait, let me see hank hill on the chat says that one episode of that show made me rage. Which one? You got to give me more, any more than that one episode. There were a couple of, uh, there were a couple of episodes in black summer, but the? Um, what was the other one, that that we talked about on here. It was the series. Have you heard of the series from?
Speaker 2:no from. Is that? Come on, let me look it up. I think I've heard of that.
Speaker 1:It's a that it's a pretty decent yeah, yeah, yeah, I watched the first episode pretty decent it was uh it had seasons yeah that's three episodes I just heard someone in here say that it was uh, that the third season was trash, but I haven't caught any of the third season yet.
Speaker 2:I would like to do we haven't done the Last of Us.
Speaker 1:No, we haven't.
Speaker 2:Second season's coming out soon. We really didn't, no.
Speaker 1:We haven't. We haven't done any of the Last of Us.
Speaker 2:We've mentioned it a lot. I think we could do like I don't know. I think I gotta start watching more movies and, you know, thinking of more movies.
Speaker 1:What do you guys think about that movie that just came out Nosferatu it's vampire but I don't really have any interest in it, but I'll watch it.
Speaker 2:I mean I'll watch it. The only thing I know about Nosferatu is from SpongeBob.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and I heard SpongeBob's not in the movie, so I don't really care.
Speaker 2:Nosferatu and I heard SpongeBob's not in the movie, so I don't really care. No, it's for R2. And he like flips the light on and off.
Speaker 1:Are you guys serious? You don't know anything about.
Speaker 2:I know it's basically fucking. What's his name?
Speaker 3:Dracula.
Speaker 2:Dracula.
Speaker 1:One of our subscribers always recommends that we watch Zoombies. That's Mellow Jello. That shit cracks me up. I haven't watched it, but there's a few like older movies that we've never, we've never touched oh, we still haven't watched zombievers we haven't covered we gotta do zombievers you know, we do have to do a uh very quick reaction to uh 28 years later when it comes out.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, oh yeah.
Speaker 1:June of this year. That's something that I would like to do.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I wasn't in the first two episodes.
Speaker 1:No, no, you weren't um. Should we? Should we redo some of those there? There were some like fan favorites that I think we can, uh, enhance the argument yeah, we can like the ting like in uh dawn of the dead 2004, I think uh I could fight you guys both on the fire, the fire barrier for bad movies.
Speaker 2:Uh, the happening, I like the happening. That's, it's yeah, okay, whatever you say.
Speaker 1:Uh I'd say a pretty, a pretty good bad movie would be dead alive.
Speaker 3:That's a bit older 1992 uh, I think zombievers is a good bad movie, zombievers would be probably a list bad movie I want to force eric to do a anime, so why does this guy hate me? Oh, I'd watch that one. That one doesn't look that. That one looks pretty good.
Speaker 2:Well, there is the movie version of it, yeah the movie versions are never as good as the anime, though I mean we've also never covered Fido.
Speaker 1:That's like a. It's not Shaun of the Dead, but it kind of holds the ending, it encapsulates the ending of shauna the dead, um, some of the other things that aren't really, they're not quite zombies. Uh well, actually, first, before I move on, we haven't covered silly things like dance of the dead, anna and the apocalypse I've heard of that one oh night of the living deb, night of the living deb, night of the living deb.
Speaker 2:That's a good one now and if we're going strictly survival type shit, you know it's survival movie we really haven't done, you know, not talking like horror, survival cast away. Oh my god, castaways.
Speaker 3:Um, there's this movie called buried well, ryan reynolds buried alive yes, that one's, oh my, that one's heartbreaking. That is heartbreaking. That's a tough movie to watch honestly. That's a really good one.
Speaker 2:We haven't dove into the white bitches, get stuck place. Genre.
Speaker 1:The descent.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the descent 47 meters down. The one where they're stuck on top, oh, 47 meters down, the one where they're stuck on top of the meters down the one where they're stuck on top of the uh big ass radio tower, you know oh, I hate god.
Speaker 1:I don't know if I oh that one, that one drives me nuts wait, there's the one with there's the one with blake lively, where I think it's blake lively where she's stuck on like a.
Speaker 3:She's stuck in a whale the shallows?
Speaker 2:is that the shallows?
Speaker 1:yeah, she's uh, I think I saw that with corinne in theaters. Yeah, you did so. The? Uh god, what is? She's stuck on a?
Speaker 3:dead whale, because they they go up on the dead whale and then they're like wait a minute, this is kind of a bad idea, huh, because it's a feeding ground and the shark was like this is my feeding ground, bitch, okay.
Speaker 1:So if we're gonna go that route. The other one that we should watch is called the Impossible, that's the tsunami.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, that's Tom Holland, tom Holland. Oh yeah, when he's like yeah, and then a real survival movie. That's a real survival movie.
Speaker 2:Oh, and if you say no, you're racist.
Speaker 3:No, I don't know if that's what that means.
Speaker 1:I don't know if that's what that means.
Speaker 2:No, we're not watching that oh, oh, nobody cares. One movie I actually want to do with y'all I don't know if you've seen it. Django Unchained. That's not a survival movie. The Blackening.
Speaker 3:Well, for some.
Speaker 2:Have you seen the Blackening?
Speaker 3:No, that's the one where it's like the most black people horror movie right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, their fray. Like the tagline of the movie is we all can't die. First, yeah, wow, it's really good, funny, I like it. Yeah, and then, oh, and what's his name? Jordan Peele. He's coming out with another movie soon.
Speaker 3:I knew you were. I should have just fucking said it. Yeah, why didn't you say it, eric? I was thinking it. I literally thought it like four separate times in my head and I was like nah.
Speaker 2:He's coming out with another. We didn't know, duh.
Speaker 1:So the one that you were talking about, the Girls on the Tower that one's called Fall, and that one actually has a wild twist in it. It twist in it. It's the same exact twist as 47 meters down and, by the way, you know that. You know that it has a uh. This is technically a sequel to what uh it was to climb. I god, don't tell me that. If it was, if it was actually climb, I'm I'm going to freaking laugh but the whole thing was the sequel to climb.
Speaker 1:The idea was the friend. They were both climbers and one of them suffered a horrible tragedy, uh, on a mountain. They were climbing on a mountain and I I believe it was, um, her boyfriend and some other, some other guys, and they had done some shady stuff. So the idea was they were going to get rid of all of the all of the witnesses and make it look like an accident and uh, so she was like, traumatized from that experience. I'm trying to find out what it was called is it?
Speaker 1:I think it's the ledge, because fall's storyline is 51 painful. Weeks after surviving a life-altering incident, becky, an emotionally fragile rock climber drowning in a sea of grief, reluctantly picks up where she left off. To confront her fears as a thrill-seeking friend, reenters Becky's ruined life. The two experienced climbers embarked on a high-risk adventure to the top of an abandoned B-67 TV tower. Now that is just, I mean dude. When we've watched this one, the thing that just drives me out of my freaking mind is any experienced climber would see the wear and tear on everything and say, nope, not gonna do it yeah, have you guys seen that movie?
Speaker 3:uh, uh, 137 hours. I think it's called the guy who was bouldering 127, he got his arm stuck 127 hours yeah, it's fucking james franco, james franco.
Speaker 1:that's what I thought. Yeah, I would say that.
Speaker 2:But yeah, lots of white bitches getting stuck in places Like there's the one, 12 feet deep. They're stuck in a pool. Oh dude In the cover what it's like overnight right the pool cover goes over them and they can't get out of the pool.
Speaker 3:Ain't no way.
Speaker 1:I'm telling you, there's a whole freaking genre. Okay, hold on, we're gonna do something funny here. I am literally going to search white girls trap, oh hang on that might come up with something I.
Speaker 3:I don't know if we want to google that exactly there's, there's white girl trapped in the house.
Speaker 1:That's the first.
Speaker 3:That's the first search term I would uh list a horror movie at the end.
Speaker 1:List of trapped movies imdb. Look, I know what to search, guys, apparently I keep moderate. 12 feet deep, 47 meters down fall shallows there's a few shark movies as well which I will say I do kind of get annoyed with the shark movies because they always portray sharks the same and it's very rare that sharks attack humans.
Speaker 3:Well, okay, but what about in situations like the Meg, based on our true story, the Meg, where that's the?
Speaker 1:that's the hairdo I'm trying to cut cover here.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I got it. I got it going on here. It's called a Harris cut Harris cut.
Speaker 2:I got both of them cut and stewart underwater where they're uh in like an underwater base and shit, and then shit starts going wrong and then oh do you remember that one where? It ends in cthulhu oh no, what?
Speaker 3:no?
Speaker 1:that kind of reminds me of like deep blue ocean, but not ending in cthulhu I think one I'd like to get, one I think I'd like to get you guys to watch is, uh, the autopsy of jane doe. I've seen that one. That one's creepy, it's creepy as hell, huh, I think I like that one it's a pretty creepy one, a really good one, I think that's it's not gonna be a great survival movie I was.
Speaker 3:I'm not a big fan. I would watch one, but honestly I'm a fan of cloverfield, which is like the worst.
Speaker 1:The worst camera work in the history of cinematography, but the best storyline.
Speaker 3:I thought it was absolutely fun the cloverfield movies just don't make any sense to me paradox. Yeah, that was so dumb was like anthony.
Speaker 1:Anthony fernandez says we should do the abyss, which is an older movie. You guys probably don't even know it the abyss yeah the only, the only person I really know who, uh, who had anything to do with it is um uh, director of terminator james cameron.
Speaker 2:James cameron, yeah, we could actually do alien. I don't think you guys have done alien, you've done the ripoff. We haven't.
Speaker 1:We haven't done alien. Well, we did the ripoff of aliens. Oh, you know what hank hank hill brings up? A good one, we should see the crazies. Oh, that's a good one, because that's another one that's infected, not not really zombies oh you know what eric you, you and I?
Speaker 2:I don't know how are you with claustrophobia tj um, I mean, like I'm not horribly claustrophobic, but like I mean, I guess, as a handyman, you can't be right.
Speaker 1:You're in, you're in crawl spaces, you oh yeah, you climb in attics.
Speaker 2:You go crawl under the house yeah, no, so not horrible me if I'm like trapped, it's a different story, not gonna be a happy camper.
Speaker 3:I have little to no claustrophobia, like if I got stuck in an elevator.
Speaker 2:I if I have to pee. I designate a pee corner and I'm all right, I heard there's this thing they do to prisoners if they're like, oh, I'm gonna, you know, eliminate myself, they'll wrap them in a big blue, freaking gym mat with buckles on it and they're just kind of stuck like that. That's hell for me. So if I was like stuck in like a coffin or something yeah, no, I'm cooked, tj, we should, no, I'm cooked.
Speaker 3:TJ. We should play on the Will you Survive Gaming. We should play Mortuary Assistant.
Speaker 2:Okay, I'm down that one's pretty scary. So many shark movies. There's a lot.
Speaker 1:So have you guys ever seen the movie Abigail?
Speaker 3:That sounds familiar, but I don't think so. I think I just saw it. Heard of it came out this year. Oh wait, no, yeah, I've seen. I've seen the cover of it, but I haven't seen it.
Speaker 1:Oh, it did oh, strangers is another one that's a little bit older yeah, not quite, not quite old, but it's still a newer movie.
Speaker 2:There it is yeah, there's strangers came out like a while ago, and then they came out with another one like this year oh, we should cover.
Speaker 3:I mean I, I don't know, actually never mind, maybe that's not a good one. I was gonna say we should cover the, the, the new exorcist, but I don't know if those movies are the best, for they're not survival, but we could get our our horror genre people involved with some of these.
Speaker 1:So there's a couple of things I'd like to redo, I think with now, with tj, uh, because you were never here for train to busan, right yeah, I wasn't, I wasn't here you weren't here for resident evil, of course, shauna the dead.
Speaker 1:We should redo shauna the dead so that you can help me if we do black summer one. That might be a better notch. Watch one or two episodes of black summer and then watch one or two episodes of Z Nation and see which one you like better. I think Z Nation is actually a little bit better.
Speaker 3:I couldn't get into it, either of those. No Z Nation in particular felt I don't know. It almost felt like off-brand.
Speaker 2:Oh. What the fuck.
Speaker 1:That was the one with the freaking zombie baby. It literally had zombie babies.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I know, not like day zero, this one actually had a zombie, I know I I'm not saying I'm not saying it's a bad show, I'm just saying I had trouble getting into it.
Speaker 1:One of our survivors here recommended another movie we might want to look at called earth abides. Okay, brand new 2024, it does look pretty cool. After months of isolation is sheer wood. Ish williams learns that most of the world has fallen to a mysterious illness. Yet, despite his instincts to further isolate, ish leads the charge to develop a new civilization. Cool trailer looks cool. Hopefully they didn't use all of the good shots for the trailer.
Speaker 3:They always do yeah, all right Interesting.
Speaker 1:Interesting.
Speaker 2:Well, we're getting to the time host. Who won?
Speaker 1:Well, here's what I think. What I want to do with you guys is I want, without looking, I want your best guess on which of our episode is the best performing episode of all time.
Speaker 2:Oh, oh, I know Of all time, mm-hmm, I know I don't know about of all time Like uh.
Speaker 1:So I should, let's see, let me narrow this down, because I know what you're going to say.
Speaker 3:I don't know it.
Speaker 1:I know what you're going to say, so I'm going to narrow this down. I'm going to make this tougher. Of the last 20 episodes.
Speaker 2:Outside.
Speaker 3:Okay, yeah, didn't you just say that it outdid all of our other ones?
Speaker 1:That was for seven days or that was for 30 days. I'm sorry that was for seven days or that was for 30 days.
Speaker 3:I'm sorry that was for 30 days.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I would still say Outside. You guys are both wrong. Want to try another guess?
Speaker 2:No, no, no, no, no. I think.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I didn't say Outside. Who said Outside? What the heck?
Speaker 1:Outside won't compete because it hasn't even been out for 30 days yet.
Speaker 2:Of our last 20 episodes. Yeah, yeah is it gebrity? No oh well, I mean like I don't, I'm a survival myth um okay, you got zombie survival myths what do you say that?
Speaker 3:one was that of our last 20 I don't know, seemed like it was it.
Speaker 1:It wasn't it's so from episodes, yeah, top episodes of our of our, of our last 20, our top one episode, starting with cargo so cargo, a quiet place, quiet place. Part two sell uh, will you survive? Our second tier list, jeopardy one all of us are dead. All of us are dead. Part two all of us are dead.
Speaker 3:Part three I go spooky stories you're going spooky stories?
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, I found you.
Speaker 2:I'm just trying to count. What do you say To 20?
Speaker 1:I was listening for you. Cargo A Quiet Place, a Quiet Place. 2 Cell, second Tier List. Gepardy. All of Us Are Dead, part 1. All of Us Are Dead, Part 2. All of Us Are Dead, part 3. Evil Dead Rise 2012,. Haunting of Hill House. Haunting of Hill House, part 2. Sp dead, part two. All of us are dead, part three. Evil dead rise 2012. Haunting of hill house. Haunting of hill house, part two. Uh, spooky stories. Don't guess that one. Please leave the world behind. Jeopardy, part two. Outside bird box.
Speaker 2:Devil's advocate or the holiday episode was zombie scenarios in in that. No, I think that I don't know, I I don't know, I really don't know. Just pick one, fuck bro. I don't know, this guy acts like his whole survival is on this Cargo, cargo.
Speaker 3:Okay, let me see what a bad guess, what a stupid guess. Oh my God.
Speaker 1:Cargo has 82 downloads, spooky Stories has 76. 82 downloads. Spooky stories has 76.
Speaker 3:So tj wins by default, but the highest performing was actually all of us are dead. Part one with 125 downloads. I was gonna say it and I just doubted myself don't doubt yourself. That's what I get for doubting myself.
Speaker 1:That's what you get for doubting yourself. So tj, you won by default. Not very impressive, no, but a win is a win.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay, I'll take it. I mean, it's already the new year, so why are we dwelling on the past? You know uh I guess, truly, if, if you believe in yourself, you shall prevail. I'm fully believing in myself and I have won. And Eric doubted himself. Therefore he lost Tune in next week where we watch the blackening All right, I'm okay with losing You're always okay with losing.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'm fine, eric's tired.
Speaker 1:Just so you know.
Speaker 3:He's always tired. I'm not plotting, he is.
Speaker 1:Just so you know, guys, of all of our apps, our highest performing apps is Apple Podcasts, then Spotify, then CastBox.
Speaker 3:What in the world is CastBox?
Speaker 1:Well, judging from what it says on here, I believe it's actually part of the Apple Podcast. Once listed in Apple Podcast or Podcast index, your, your podcast will automatically be available in popular podcast apps, including overcast, castro cast box, good pods, true fans and we are number one in good pods once again in the top 100 survival monthly. So, guys, go check us out anywhere you get podcasts. If you look at all of our social media apps you go to TikTok, instagram, facebook, look, will you survive the podcast. Check out our link tree where you can get, you could download our podcast from any of your favorite locations. And you can also go to x at Alex and Eric WYS and send us your emails. Let us know if you have any criticisms, critiques, suggestions, any movies you'd like us to watch, send those to theboys at willyousurvivethepodcastcom.
Speaker 1:That's T-H-E-B-O-Y-S at willyousurvivethepodcastcom. I think that covers everything. I think that's it so, with all of that Happy. I think that covers everything. I think that's it. So, with all of that, happy new year, happy 2025. We hope it's a very prosperous year for you.
Speaker 3:Happy new year.
Speaker 1:We're looking to make this prosperous for ourselves in this podcast world, and so, of course, until next time, stay alive except for you.
Speaker 2:You know, you know. Except for you. You know who? I'm sick and tired of you.