Will You Survive... The Podcast

Will You Survive The Holiday Episode

Will You Survive... The Podcast

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from your favorite podcast trio, Alex, Eric, and TJ! While we're taking a break from dropping a new episode this week, we're popping in with a festive message to keep the holiday spirit alive and remind you to enjoy our previous episodes. We've got something for everyone, from the iconic "Night of the Living Dead" to the hilarious "Shaun of the Dead." Plus, listen along as we banter over which episode truly deserves the title of the best—spoiler alert, there's no consensus! 

Speaker 1:

Hello survivors and welcome to a special announcement from Will you Survive the Podcast. I'm Alex and I'm Eric, and I am TJ. And we just wanted to come on real quick and tell you all to have a Merry Christmas or a Happy Holidays. Whatever you celebrate, we are going to miss you this week. So we had to drop something just to say hello and stay in touch. Tell you to go check out all of our socials, Tell you to go check out all of our podcast locations we have plenty of episodes for you to digest.

Speaker 3:

We do. We recently had somebody who went through and watched them all we did, which is pretty darn cool. Yes, it is.

Speaker 1:

I think we're at 67 now.

Speaker 3:

That's a legend move right there. That's pretty cool. It's a bit of a Christmas.

Speaker 1:

And not only did he go through and watch them all, but he could actually cite which one was his favorite and why.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I disagree. I think it was kind of a cop-out excuse of why. But you know, whatever, no, no. Dude, he's not saying the movie was his favorite, our episode of that movie was his favorite, but because the movie is iconic.

Speaker 1:

No, his reasoning for our episode Night of the Living Dead.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I also disagree?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, see, I think TJ would be on my side. This is why we brought you in on the podcast, because there was too many outrageous decisions like that happening me personally.

Speaker 2:

I think his favorite episode should be Gepardy listen to you.

Speaker 3:

I think his favorite episode should be Cube. Nope, gepardy also. Yeah, I like eperty my favorite is shauna the dead. Next geppardy episode is just going to be called eperty. We're just going to start taking away letters.

Speaker 1:

Next it'll be repartee but with all of that fun noise, we just wanted to give you guys a little reminder that we're still here, even though we're not releasing a new episode this week.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know what's funny? This is actually the most like. This is the closest in time. A release and a recording are. Except for Halloween. Except for Halloween. Yeah, I wasn't in the Halloween one.

Speaker 1:

No, you weren't, because you were like, oh, I got to go party.

Speaker 3:

To be fair, I never told him about the recording. No, I know he wouldn't have known?

Speaker 1:

No, it's okay, but you know what he should be at my beckoned call.

Speaker 3:

You know why.

Speaker 1:

It's because he's You're going to have to put a bleep there.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

He's just going to leave it.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to no, you can't leave silence. No, no, no.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to clip of what you said from what we said earlier make it even worse for you and for all of you listeners out there. You don't need to know what we talked about earlier.

Speaker 3:

That's between us well, it's all good things. Tj is the only one who has access to it now, and he just said it's gonna get leaked. So do with it what you will with that info. Huh.

Speaker 1:

Well, all right, it was nice knowing you all.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to get canceled now.

Speaker 1:

It was short-lived, but that's okay. It was fun while it lasted. We almost made it two years yeah.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't even on the podcast for a whole year, so TJ is very self-destructive apparently, yeah we can see where the downfall has happened, but that's okay. I mean well, downfalls happen, I mean well you two are getting canceled. I can say whatever I want, because I am in fact that black that is how it works.

Speaker 1:

Nope, nope, we're attacking your white side, that's true colonizer, imperialist, colonizing your own body I don't think we could use any of this, not only German. Oh, my God Nein.

Speaker 2:

Get some before day.

Speaker 1:

So you definitely understood the grandpa who gave his grandson Mein Kampf instead of Mein Kraft. Oh, I saw that that was funny.

Speaker 3:

Really teaches you something.

Speaker 1:

So, with all of that, listeners, thank you so much. We hope that you will come back, tell us in our episodes, uh, leave us a review and tell us which one is your favorite. We'd love to read those. You could send an email to the boys at will you survive the podcast? That's t-h-e-b-o-y-s. At will you survive the podcast? You can also check us out on our socials TikTok, instagram, facebook, at will you survive the podcast, and on all of them there's a link tree that you guys can check out that will link you to all of our different podcast locations. So if you don't know where to find us, take a look there. It'll take you to all your favorites Spotify, apple podcast, so on and so forth, and you know anywhere you like getting podcasts from Just search. Will you Survive the Podcast and we will be there. Kind of like State Farm, kind of Just search. Will you Survive the Podcast and we will be there. But we're not there to help. No, well, we're there to help you stay alive.

Speaker 2:

You can also check out Will you Survive Gaming? That is true, check out, will you Survive Gaming. I'm still working on.

Speaker 3:

TikTok for now. Hopefully they appeal it.

Speaker 2:

They're not appealing it. Well, the Supreme Court's hearing it.

Speaker 3:

We'll see Not to date this episode. That bad I know it's Christmas.

Speaker 1:

Nobody's going to listen to this shit next like next year.

Speaker 3:

You're entirely right.

Speaker 1:

Someone listens and they're like wow oh dude my favorite episode is the christmas announcement merry christmas and a happy new year, because by the time that we send you another episode, we will be in 2025 yeah, happy, isn't that crazy?

Speaker 2:

you know the government's already fallen let's get wasted.

Speaker 1:

Remember, when the government falls, keep alcohol, tobacco and drugs, all illegal and legal alike. That will be currency, at least for us. All of us will accept those as currency.

Speaker 2:

And take them all at once. And take them all at once All at the same time, because you know what you won't do. Stay alive and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Merry Christmas you.

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