Will You Survive... The Podcast
Immerse yourself in the world of cinema as we embark on a journey to equip you with the skills to tackle any disaster head-on. Through the lens of thrilling tales, particularly those of the zombie apocalypse, we'll unravel the secrets of preparedness. Join us as we explore the silver screen to empower you for the challenges that lie ahead.
Will You Survive... The Podcast
Will You Survive "Outside": Family Secrets and Zombie Chaos
What happens when a family's secrets unravel amidst a relentless zombie outbreak? Join us for an enthralling exploration of the Netflix original movie "Outside," where we dissect the storytelling prowess of Asian filmmakers who have truly mastered the zombie genre. we navigate the tumultuous dynamics of a family battling both the undead and their own demons. We're diving headfirst into the emotional realism and moral complexities that set this film apart from its American counterparts.
Curious about the intriguing mix of languages in film or how survival instincts are tested in the most unexpected ways? Our conversation takes a turn into the linguistic blend of English and Filipino dialogue, filled with personal anecdotes and striking observations. We scrutinize a heart-pounding scene where a character faces a blocked bridge and a looming zombie threat, highlighting themes of control, trust, and family bonds in the direst of circumstances. This episode is packed with insights into the characters' choices and the survival tactics that shape their journey.
Ever wondered about the absurd yet fascinating nature of zombie behavior in films? We tackle everything from the mysterious allure of black veins to the improbable scenarios of "cut-in-half" zombies. Through humor and analysis, we explore the father's role in guiding his son through the apocalypse, reflecting on the pressures and responsibilities of parenting in such chaotic times. Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions as we discuss the sacrifices made in the name of family and survival, questioning the morality and loyalty that define human connections in a world gone mad.
Hello survivors and welcome to another episode of Will you Survive.
Speaker 2:The Podcast.
Speaker 1:Today we're going to be talking about something special, something different, something foreign. It's called Me Outside outside. But before we get into the movie, let me introduce the beautiful, wonderful, fantastic, fabulous co -hosts. I have Eric.
Speaker 3:It's me, I'm Eric.
Speaker 2:And we have TJ. Happy Independence Day.
Speaker 3:Oh, don't date the episode.
Speaker 1:Oh man, november 22nd, 22nd independence day, god, now everybody knows and what we're going to be talking about is the movie outside a netflix original from 2024. So spoiler alerts everybody who is listening to this. This movie I thought was really interesting. I think the foreign filmmaking is far surpassing american filmmaking in the zombie genre.
Speaker 3:We'll get into that but real quick just in general.
Speaker 1:But maybe just in definitely zombies but just a quick cap. Uh, storyline here a family retreats to an isolated farm during a zombie outbreak, but years of painful secrets take a toll as they navigate their desolate world. So, uh, without any further ado, why don't we get into this? I know that you guys have some things to say about it. Uh, what did you guys think?
Speaker 2:apparently asians are just better making zombie movies. Fuck all these American zombie movies, bro. True, the Japanese make it better, the Koreans make it better. Now the Filipinos are coming in hot dude.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that really is just out of nowhere and honestly, what a shame American zombie movies have just kind of taken a crap.
Speaker 2:Also, the mom in this movie is on some Jennyenny from forrest gump type. Shit, fuck this bitch, she sucked she really did.
Speaker 3:She's the cause of this okay, so I will say okay, yeah, oh, wow, wow, actually you guys agree.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I did, yeah, I said that yeah, no, that's, that was the breaking point, you know so, yeah, I uh alex was telling me that he broke because she wouldn't stop lying to him, and I agree, although this movie did a great job of making me. From the very beginning I was like, wow, it's like she's not on his team, like she's actively working against him this whole time. And then I was like oh, oh, when they started talking. And I was like, oh, he must have done something. And then I find out she did something. And then I found out what she did and I was like, oh man, she sucks.
Speaker 2:It was such a sharp decline from the opening of this movie. Uh, there meant their wedding. They're so happy and I'm like, oh, something's gonna go wrong and it's gonna cut to them being like murdered or something no, I thought them freaking depressed in the car.
Speaker 3:I was like dude they did such a good job of telling you little bits of the story, like kind of just baby bird feeding it to you as you go, because in the beginning you're like, well, clearly there's a lot of tension here, but you have no idea why yeah and then you slowly start figuring out why, and even it's not even till like 75 into the movie, before you know the full story of what's actually happening here.
Speaker 2:You kind of figure when you first see them in the car you're like, oh, zombie, apocalypse. Of course they're gonna be fucking depressed. And then they get to. That's what I thought and there was just like this tension in the air that you could feel and it's like this isn't normal zombie apocalypse. Like tension, you know, like normally you'd like seek comfort in your family in hard times, but it's kind of like just didn't happen.
Speaker 3:To me. I don't know, this felt not I don't know how to describe it Like this felt as real as a movie can get, in a sense that, like a lot of movies have like stupid plot armor that and I'm not saying this movie didn't have that, but a lot of zombie movies will have like stupid plot armor that makes you think like, wow, this is completely. Why would a human act that way? You can never imagine a human really acting that way. But this movie, I don't know. I kind of understood all the characters, even though I I really disagreed with them and at some points really hated them. I understood them, even the mom. The only thing I didn't understand from her was wanting to leave her kids. Wanting to leave him, sure, being scared of him, sure, but wanting to ditch her kids in the very beginning is just. I just don't understand that. I don't understand how a mother could ever imagine that as an option so I'll tell you a phrase.
Speaker 1:I'll tell you a phrase that is very common on social media lately. It is men will sacrifice their happiness for their family. Women will sacrifice their family for their happiness this guy.
Speaker 3:Everything he did was for his family even when he went nuts yeah even at the very end, when he bolted out of there.
Speaker 2:He sprinted to the car cat, my catchphrase is coming up. Hear me out. The dad was not like an amazingly attractive man, but the brother. I see why she went for the brother. You know like he got a little bit of. I'm sure he had a little bit of swag. You know like I see why she did it, but also she's a piece of shit.
Speaker 3:Yeah, well, like but she went purely off of like oh, I just I you know what I imagine it was for her. I imagine it was. Oh, you know what I imagine it was for her? I imagine it was just the thrill. That's what I imagine it was for her, because I disagree. This guy was willing to give everything.
Speaker 1:Now, she didn't care. There's an argument to be said that she wanted to use him to get her to his brother there was.
Speaker 3:There's an argument, I think, to be made that she or that he might not have always been that way, but it seems like. It seems like he always was that way where he would just give everything for his family. It's wild to me that she would give that up, but I think she was forced to, considering the fact that her first, their first kid is not his.
Speaker 2:So I think that that has the grave, I mean she tried.
Speaker 1:Look, that's what they say is uh, you, you reveal an affair to end a relationship, not to keep it. When, when somebody man or woman reveals that they've been having an affair, they're doing it to ease their own guilt, not because they want the relationship to be healthy and strong. It's never going to make anything better. If you really want the relationship to stay and you fucked up and it's just a mistake and you love that person and you want to be with that person, it is on you to hold that guilt in and keep it to yourself and not harm that other person, because what is the good that's going to come out of it? All you're going to do is make yourself feel better. You're not going to make them feel better. You're not going to fix the relationship. You're not going to undo, as they say, you can't unring that bell.
Speaker 1:But what I wanted to ask you guys about very important in the survival realm, because this movie highlights this with all of their personal problems, I think this movie did a fantastic job of revealing that, on top of all of the external environmental problems that are going on, that you have all of these zombies everywhere. Here's the harsh reality. Life goes on right, like if you're one of the living you're gonna have like these normal natural problems compounding on top of the zombie apocalypse. This movie did a great job of demonstrating how that problem can be. It can be manifested exponentially bad. You know, an affair is bad. I think we all agree, no matter what you want to say about the, the partner, the character, what they did, what they didn't do, whatever, whether it was deserved, not deserved it doesn't matter.
Speaker 1:An affair is bad, right. Nobody looks at somebody having an affair and says, oh, that's an honorable, good person, right, it's always bad. But now put that on top of the zombie apocalypse and this is what you have. Do you think that was a good portrayal of real life problems being compounded by this? We'll call it a disaster.
Speaker 3:I do think so. That's what I really loved about this movie is that it the zombies were honestly not in this movie that often.
Speaker 2:This is a long movie. This is a very long movie.
Speaker 3:This is two hours and like 19 minutes because the credits are like three minutes long, so this is a very long movie and the zombies do not show up that often, but it was still. It was exhilarating, it was an incredible movie and it was because of all the tension and you're watching this family slowly spiral and I feel awful for the kids because both of their parents kind of sucked, especially by the end.
Speaker 2:They both really suck All the stuff with like the house they're in. I don't know if we mentioned it, it's the father's, like parents house where he was abused. There is a room downstairs where he was locked in and it looks like he would. He'd be in there for a minute.
Speaker 3:There's carvings on the wall and yeah, he, yeah, he was basically held captive, so that and his.
Speaker 2:You know all the shit with his wife and you know all this stuff, plus the zombie apocalypse kind of just turned the gears, you know.
Speaker 3:Now what does kind of baffle me and I say it baffles me, but I do understand it. But it's still just what the hell is that they were willing to move on. The guy, especially you even heard what he said. They said they talked and he said I'm willing to move on if you are which, by the way, I don't know if you guys watched it in Filipino, I did. There's random parts where they just say a sentence in English, complete English. It's so funny to me. I don't know if it's intentionally like that.
Speaker 1:I don't know if filipinos often use english phrases in there the ones I knew did, but it's like my buddy's mom would be screaming at him in tagalog and then, out of nowhere, you would just hear english because like they're spanglish, and she was a nurse.
Speaker 3:Oh dude they're spanglish, but like I don't know if that's a common thing in filipino language, my, uh, my thought was, you know, the, the one clip of soup and the baconator.
Speaker 2:That's how I felt they just kind of threw english words in like that's at the beginning of the episode. I said happy independence day. He just said that randomly in a freaking military uniform he stole off of somebody.
Speaker 3:That shit was creepy.
Speaker 2:Happy Independence Day.
Speaker 1:He really went off the deep end, Off the rails. Well, I mean, look at him celebrating Christmas. It was what?
Speaker 3:September, yeah, and he said Christmas can be any time, yeah, and then she supported it Because at that point she was fighting for her life. But where she was like go, your father says it's Christmas, so it's Christmas, Like, okay, I believe in communism in the house, democracy for the public, but that's like not a good communism at all.
Speaker 2:That was just not it, bro.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's a psychotic kind of of control, which was very obvious, considering he killed that soldier and took that uniform. So, um, but my whole point in saying this is that they agreed that they were going to move on. He said I'm willing to just move past it. Yep, and she agreed. And then for a brief second they were on, they were on the team and everything was going well, to a point where she said I want to try going north and he said fuck it, let's try. And he tried.
Speaker 3:Now I will say I think on the bridge he was dealing with a lot of shit himself and he ultimately did save his family, but the fact that he even let her go down that bridge on her own is insane. And I want to say some, a survival trick that I think I would do is they pulled up to this bridge that was blocked off. There was cars all along the right side and on the left side there was like on the left lane there was a motorcycle and then a barricade with barbed wire, and so her thought was I'm gonna go and move it. The guy, the husband, said no, it's getting dark, let's head back to where we know we're safe. This isn't worth it. It's blocked off and clearly that barricade was there for a reason and it did not work. So let's go back. And she said no and got out of the car with her machete, all all confident, and ran up to the barbed wire, tried destroying it, made a bunch of noise and a whole bunch of zombies come out.
Speaker 3:He saves her, but he was just sitting in the car. I would never let my wife just go on her own now. Granted he, granted he had the kids. But here's where I think the survival technique comes in. I think you turn the car around for a quick escape. That's what I'm thinking, because leaving the car there now you have to reverse out of that and I don't know. I just think it's better to be ready to just dash out. And there was just a lot of weird moments, like where he told her to get down, where she's like 20 feet away from him and she was easily out running this zombie. Yeah, I thought that was weird.
Speaker 2:And then I don't know but any thoughts on that scene lapse in judgment in this movie that I seen that I wanted to talk about and I forgot about it, but I just got reminded of it. When he originally gets to the house, he's walking around, he has a pipe in his hand right His only weapon.
Speaker 2:Yes, goes upstairs, walks into the room, finds his dad unalived right by his own hand, grabs the gun that he used, puts it in his waistband, leaves his original melee weapon and then walks out of the room. Why would you not keep that with you?
Speaker 3:you're inside so when I first saw that scene I did not understand that that was his parents house, no, and that those were his parents. I didn't get that. So when he walked in there and he grabbed the gun, I was my first thought was why not just smash the head with the tire iron, just make sure, right, like these things are coming back from from the grave, why not just take a tire iron to the head, just to make sure, and then grab the gun and then, I guess, grab the watch if you want it? But yeah, I, I noticed that when he left the tire iron there was a few moments in this movie that made me just go. Why? I mean, I mean, why would you do that?
Speaker 1:So first I'll address the. I'll address the bridge. Mind you, that was the point where they left the house. They were going to start all over. They had already had their conversation. They get in the car, they're driving, and before they get to the bridge, that was the ordeal where the kid said, yeahby, what was his name? Uh, uncle told us diego. Uncle diego told us to go north too. When did he tell you that?
Speaker 1:oh, yeah before and he was like what do you mean? Yeah, uncle diego told us to go north before right, mom remember. And he was like when did he tell you this? Of course she didn't want to answer. So all of that was you got to give the guy a little bit of credit because he saved his cheating wife with his brother, who had his eldest son with his brother. That's not his kid, and he's still taking care of him and trying to raise him like it's his son and the kid doesn't know anything and is calling him pa and it's. I mean, you got to give the guy a little bit of credit. He's still, even though he told the woman no, we don't go through this bridge, it's blocked off, we can't. It's getting late and her dumb ass gets out of the car and goes. I'm gonna go handle it myself and I'm telling. I'm just telling you my personal perspective. With all of that anger and all of that animosity, he proved to be a better man than me. I would have driven away.
Speaker 2:No, I, I get that exactly because, yeah, right, so they make up. They're like oh yeah, we're willing to. You know, compromise, we can make this work. Head north learns all the shit about the brother calling and whatever.
Speaker 3:So he knows that she's being a little fucking lying bitch and he says in the car, he says move on, move on, move on, right they get there, sees that you can't go past.
Speaker 2:Hey, it's getting dark, we got to head back, it's unsafe and she's a little too thirsty. And she gets out of the car. Like what do you? We can try again later, like when I didn't say that we couldn't try again. Like are you? It's just getting out of the car this is not a good.
Speaker 3:And then to go by yourself is just so dumb and then make noise, yeah so yeah, that was a really I her judgment there was awful machete, fuck it.
Speaker 3:It was working. I'll give her that, but so I. Honestly she was dumb for doing that, but I don't even fault her there. She was desperate to make this plan work and it didn't work. They got out by the skin of their teeth, which is a weird expression, but they got out by the skin of their teeth. They get back and then he tells her we tried it your way, Now we do it my way, which is we hunker down and we live a farm life. We live a peaceful farm life and avoid all the chaos in the world. And she just refused to be a housewife. She just immediately went back to sulking and being depressed and smoking cigarettes.
Speaker 3:Yeah, she mopped the floor and then smoked a cigarette and looked all depressed and mopey.
Speaker 2:She did what we forced Maddie to do in Project Zombo.
Speaker 3:You don't know about that, Alex.
Speaker 2:We just give her freaking cleaning supplies.
Speaker 3:Here you go, we give her a mop and bleach and we're like they in a bucket and we're like, hey, there's blood on the on this blood on.
Speaker 2:There's blood on the everywhere in this building that we just cleared out so here's a.
Speaker 1:Here's a quick uh reading from the comments. Uh, we have madison who says, out of context, it sounds like you're talking about the Walking Dead, season three, I get all of that. Laurie in the prison, oh yeah, having a kid that's not Rick's. Yeah, that's good, all right. So moving on in the thing, I think we all agree that she was, I mean, my impression. You guys tell me if you agree or not. My impression was she was trying to get North to go be with Diego.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh yeah, using her husband to do that, yeah.
Speaker 3:Using her husband to do it, that's why to finish, to round out my thought, that's why she just refused to just be a housewife is she still felt unhappy and, which is insane, that the world is ending around you and that's even a thought in your mind, like at this point. Go back to primitive thoughts.
Speaker 2:You have a man who is taking care of you and your kids suck it the fuck up and mop the floor dude, like what the what was that I said? The other guy has a nicer car and a bigger gun.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but I mean.
Speaker 3:Hey she saved their life, but he owed the brother for sure.
Speaker 1:Here's the thing. This is what I'm curious about. I mean, yeah, he had a bigger gun, but that doesn't mean better.
Speaker 3:It also didn't save him, didn't save him.
Speaker 1:The car didn't save him.
Speaker 2:No, no, the dad definitely. He had a perfectly average-sized gun. It was perfectly average. And here's what sucks. Here's what sucks.
Speaker 1:This is what sucks is, the brother didn't come to get this woman. Iris was her name. Diego didn't come to get this woman. Iris was her name. Diego didn't come to get Iris. He fled north with his wife and kid Yep. So these are all assholes Yep.
Speaker 3:It just goes to show that the husband is honestly. He was such a good man and it's a shame to see that she drove him to such insanity. Her fault it is entirely on her.
Speaker 2:I would literally go insane if I found out that my son that I've been raising for all these years is just not mine. Yeah, and let alone my brothers.
Speaker 3:I would want to murder him like he told him you, you fucking leave, go away. And and then he told the, he told his wife that that, oh, I didn't make it in time. He must have died.
Speaker 2:And it's like all this abuse in our house growing up. We're supposed to stick together, type shit. That's another why are you doing? This to me.
Speaker 3:You know, I just I yeah I don't understand her mentality at all. She was completely delusional and willing to sacrifice her family. And then she would. She would still play victim, and it drove me crazy because I'm like this is entirely. The world is ending around you. What are you going after?
Speaker 1:which is that's the will you survive? Um, that's our distinction, right? Women, women, modern women today will choose a bear over a man. Yeah, would you choose the zombie apocalypse over a man? This, this woman was smart enough to stay with him, but she wanted him to bring her to another man and she thought that was a wise idea. When there's no law enforcement, there's no way to get equal footing with this man. He can do whatever he wants to you.
Speaker 2:Strength wise oh, she was let's, let's go to a hospital after he got. Yeah, we gotta go to a hospital. What hospital, lady?
Speaker 1:yeah okay, I I have to agree with that wholeheartedly. I thought the same exact thing. I yelled at the screen the same exact thing what hospital lady you are a nurse.
Speaker 2:You worked in a hospital.
Speaker 1:There are no hospitals but then there's the trippy part. Is you brought it up earlier? He didn't think he just ran to the car.
Speaker 3:Yeah that's why I mean, like she drove him insane, but this guy would give anything for his family. Yeah, she literally stabbed him in the back, locked him in a room, exactly, pulled the knife out, broke out of the room to save his family like he killed the zombie, got mad at her and then, when they found out, his son was bit. It looks like he cowardly runs out, but he sprints all the way to the bridge in the dark and to get this car, and then I'm sure, she was so fucking happy when she realized it was her kid, not not him not him, yeah, which that was such a tragic moment.
Speaker 1:I don't know if we want to get into that, yet the ending? Um well, okay so there was a couple of other points which I wanted to see. I want to get your guys's take okay, on the scene where he has his, his nephew, he has his eldest uh shooting and he's like yelling at him and he's doing stress me the fuck out okay, so I wanted to. I wanted to go into some micro detail that was bothering me. Was it just me or was he like gagging and fighting back the urge to puke? I?
Speaker 2:thought he was going through like um rabies.
Speaker 1:I that's what I thought. I thought the dog infected him.
Speaker 2:I thought that's why he was going crazy is because, like that's what I thought at any moment he's gonna start being afraid of water, you know he did that multiple times, and it was always when he got like the stutter.
Speaker 3:It went to me it was when he was becoming like his father, is when he would start doing this more, is when he would start doing crazy actions that you could assume, based off of what you knew in the movie, that that was the. That was probably what his dad did to him.
Speaker 1:My assumption is they threw me off with that dog bite, because I there, that dog bite really served no purpose whatsoever no, they introduced the dog later, but I forget what he did. No, no, he had the bandage on already when he was yelling at at his son, he was like yeah, I know he had the band, so he was already bit and so I was like why, why, why is he holding?
Speaker 1:back vomit. Is he going to throw up? Is he sick? Is he? I thought the same thing as you, tj he had some kind of rabies. He's infected, he has some major sickness and it would have been a great example of this is why he's losing his mind. Okay, but now we move past that immediate, that small micro detail, go to a bigger detail.
Speaker 3:Well, hang on. They showed the dog later again, but I forget what he did. It was pointless. Oh yeah, he did eat him.
Speaker 2:He ate the dog.
Speaker 1:He did. Yeah, he looked outside, he saw the dog and then all of a sudden he's eating meat and he's like it's delicious.
Speaker 3:You should try it, oh my. I thought, she was saying no, because I thought she assumed it was the soldier.
Speaker 2:That's what I was saying. If I was the mom, I would have assumed it was the soldier and not the dog.
Speaker 3:That's what I thought. I didn't even think it was the dog for a second.
Speaker 1:The dog just disappeared. I didn't think about that. I got it from outside.
Speaker 3:That's way better, because I thought he chopped off the leg of the soldier and was just full cannibalism.
Speaker 2:So that actually makes me feel better about him because, like no, because he, he had the fucking, uh, the did. Is this when he had the attire like he stole the dude's clothes?
Speaker 3:yeah, yeah same yeah, no, yeah, that's, yeah, no. That's why I thought it was full blown cannibalism.
Speaker 1:But that's good, okay, so all, so all right Another comment break, josh, our subscriber, one of them. He says the expression on the wife's face from the beginning of the movie. She already looks like she hates her husband. I couldn't agree more.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I mean, you said it right from the beginning. They walk into that house for the first time. She's standing there, he goes to smoke and he's like really His expression like he goes to smoke and he's like really, you know, like his expression, I think, actually, I think he actually said something like are you really doing this? And she just stares at him, it's like really. And then he walks away and I'm like I I agree with your assessment.
Speaker 3:They were not on the same team right, yeah, like even when he he got the well water and like that should be an exciting moment for the family the kids were excited. They were and she's like sitting there scowling and giving him the stink eye. She was just, and it's just such a lack of perspective, what's going on around you that that shouldn't even matter anymore, right?
Speaker 2:I kind of want to point out before it was blatantly said for the audience that his son was not his son. Remember when they went into that like shed with the chickens in it? And the beard was hanging there I feel like he wouldn't have done that if that was like his son. I think he knew I disagree I think. I think there's a reason for that pushing him because, like he knew some, you know you know what I thought it was.
Speaker 3:I related me and you, Alex, because I saw a lot of you in the dad.
Speaker 1:Oh, that's, sad, but not the crazy parts.
Speaker 2:I feel like that should be minus.
Speaker 3:some notes Not the crazy locking your family in a house thing. At the end the whole like everything that man did was for his family at the sacrifice of himself. Eric blinked.
Speaker 2:Everything.
Speaker 3:Everything.
Speaker 1:For the chat. He blinked like a fucking maniac.
Speaker 3:What I saw in that scene was the dad had just had to kill his own mom when she was a zombie and crawling towards him, and for a second, this is before you knew about his past. So I thought he was innocent up until this point. I thought these were two random zombies and he just had to kill one, agreed. He just felt like like, oh, like, this is a different world now. Like now I have to be a killer. And I think he realized I need help and I can't always be there. I have to go farm, I have to go scavenge, I can't always be at the house. To me, that scene in the shed where he made his son go grab the keys off of that body, To me that was his way of killing his son's innocence and saying like this is now the world we live in. Unfortunately, you need to grow up, you need to be an adult now. You need to be able to handle this. There's death all around you. I need your help to protect this family.
Speaker 2:He definitely did not go about that the right way, though. That plus the shooting scene.
Speaker 3:The shooting scene was fucked. Now the shooting scene was screwed up.
Speaker 2:There were so many things wrong with that Backside. Okay, okay.
Speaker 1:Hold on, let me. I agree. I think his animosity towards that kid, knowing that it's not his son, took over him. I agree, I'm not arguing that point. However, the intensity, the passion, was very drill sergeant-esque yeah right, and it was.
Speaker 1:It was out of anger, right, because the kid keeps pushing him. We should go north. I think we should go north. How? What are we gonna do? Are you able to kill them? Sure I can. Well, let's go. And then he put him under that kind of fucking pressure that was legit. Like he's yelling at him, he's screaming in his face. You know, this is what it's gonna be like. Are you sure you're gonna be?
Speaker 3:able to do it. It's gonna be a dead zombie running at you trying to eat you. Can you shoot it exactly now? I will. This guy had remarkable aim, holy crap.
Speaker 2:This guy's aim was crazy not the kid, the of the guy in the in cargo. Yeah, oh my god. Yeah, he's the opposite. This guy, dude, this guy hit so many, so many zombies and then chucked a grenade and pieced them all that on the bridge, dude, that was kind of crazy, it was stumbly, you know, like he could have got caught there.
Speaker 3:But he pulled through that one zombie where he was at the end of the bridge or he was by the barricade and the zombie came up behind him and he last second flung around and just and got. That was crazy. That shot is insane. That guy had crazy aim.
Speaker 1:One of the points that I wanted to make was when they were shooting and the boy was missing everything and all of them came running up right as that whole horde of them came up. That interests me because for whatever reason they could find, get a bead on their location or what what drew that horde to come to them when clearly nothing else was coming their way the whole time they were there at that house I think that because they were so close to that church that was in the background and the dude did say some very churchy things.
Speaker 1:I can't remember what the fuck he said but I think it was just like in the name of the father.
Speaker 2:In the name of the father I think it was a congregation of people who got murked at church and they all started to go towards the sound of the gunshots well, wait, what do you think?
Speaker 1:assumption you think they got murked at church. I think they were trying to pray the zombie away and it didn't work out and the zombies came in and got them. I agree.
Speaker 3:Now, I think you're right, Alex. I think they weren't making enough noise at the house. They were secluded enough.
Speaker 2:The crops would block the noise.
Speaker 3:But when you go to an open field where everything echoes. But this is where I kind of think like hashtag alive, where remember in the in hashtag alive, where they shot a gun on like the 17th story at the on the left side of the building and then all the zombies knew exactly which apartment they shot the gun from yeah it kind of felt like that where I'm like I could kind of see it, but also there'd be so much echo.
Speaker 3:Could you really tell what direction it came from? Could a zombie really tell what direction it came from?
Speaker 1:I can, I can weigh in on that I can weigh in on that and it comes from world war z, the book. You think of the zombies that were on that floor nearby that room right or that apartment. They fired that gun. Those zombies moan and groan and make noise From, we'll say, 100 feet away. Those zombies hear them. They moan and groan and run that way.
Speaker 3:So you think they're following each other? Yes, okay, they're not following the gunshot.
Speaker 1:They must know where food is and that was that was a fantastic episode uh chapter that we read um wednesday night, which was they're finally attacking back, they're going and reclaiming the land. The soldiers are reclaiming the land from the zombies and they use that particular um, they use that particular effect on purpose. They will get the zombies to come to their firing line as soon as they enter their target zone. They start shooting, the gun recall the sounds will draw more of them to them. The zombies moan and groan and they'll draw more to them. And then, and they had stocked up enough ammo that they could sit and just fire all night long and kill every single zombie that came up to them, to the point where they created a berm 20 feet high and 100 feet deep, and every time a zombie would poke its head up they would just take it out.
Speaker 3:See that that makes sense because you're fighting on your terms now. You've picked a location, you're drawing them all to it. You. You've picked a location, you're drawing them all to it. Which in this movie, it did surprise me that they didn't pull talhassi's trick more from zombie land. Why would you not just stand like when they went to clear the bar? Yeah, why not just stand at the entrance to be like, hey, zombies, anybody there? And then if one runs out, it's fight? You're fighting on your terms now.
Speaker 1:You're not going into a dark, closed area and trying to fight one I will completely agree, because that was exactly what I thought of when he first walked into that house. He has this tire iron. Why the hell didn't he bang the tire?
Speaker 2:iron, that's a real question. Yeah, why was the mom cut in half? None of the other zombies fall apart like that. Why was she cut?
Speaker 1:in half. You know, I could not figure that I had the most morbid thought in the entire world, and I don't think this is true. No, I had. I don't think this is true because she was an old lady, I think. I can't say I can't even say I think what. What I thought of, which didn't make any sense whatsoever and they didn't give me any reason to think this, was that some sick fuck had, like what do you even say? Nailed her to the ground, like I had. No, because her feet didn't move at all and I could not figure out why. And I rewound it and I watched it. Why did her feet not move when she went to turn towards him and then she just like fell over? It doesn't make sense and I would love a theory that would actually make more sense to me.
Speaker 3:Well, so what I thought happened, I think, when she got infected. I don't think she just got bit, I think she got eaten. So I think one of them maybe ate out most of her stomach, oh, okay. And then that's why she just kind of split in half.
Speaker 2:I have a really probable theory. Host, I would like to.
Speaker 1:So this makes me think that it is the least probable theory in the world.
Speaker 2:No, it's highly probable, because it's happened in a zombie movie before.
Speaker 1:Okay, go, because it's happened in a zombie movie before.
Speaker 2:Okay, go in resident evil. There is a laser trap that cuts a man into a bunch of pieces. I think they somehow got their hands on a single one of those impressive lasers and, uh, it just so happened to be like right there. It turned off right after, though. So, like the family didn't like you know, it turned off, but it it was on for the mom walking and it kind of cut her in half so was this a pre-zombie apocalypse accident?
Speaker 2:I think the, I think the, the, the dad's father, I think he, he was a real avid fan of resident evil. So he, he, he made up, he made the trap. That's how he used to uh actually uh abuse his kids. He had the trap. That's how he used to actually abuse his kids. He had the laser traps and it was a whole thing. So like he said, very probable yeah that's why you needed such a big generator downstairs is because it had the power of the lasers.
Speaker 3:Was that not upstairs? It was upstairs. No, that was an attic.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because it wasn't an attic. They were up in the living quarters.
Speaker 3:It was like a I don't know how to describe it, but how did that zombie?
Speaker 2:get in that window.
Speaker 3:It was like a cellar.
Speaker 1:That was downstairs.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no.
Speaker 3:So in the room that he was locked in was that an upstairs room or a downstairs room.
Speaker 1:No, that was a downstairs room, the room that he was locked in, that his dad would lock him in.
Speaker 2:That was a downstairs room, the room that he was locked in, that his dad would lock him in. That was a downstairs room. That was a cellar. That was the cellar. That's where the generator was. That's where he ran up the stairs at the end. That's also where the parents' bedroom was.
Speaker 3:I must have been confused, because I kept thinking that was upstairs.
Speaker 2:It's a very confusing house.
Speaker 1:It was downstairs, but you're looking up the stairs, yeah confusing house because there's a lot.
Speaker 3:It was downstairs, but you're looking up the stairs. Yeah, I thought it was just like a weird upstairs, like I thought it was upstairs but it was just a room that went down.
Speaker 2:I could not piece together what this house looked like, because I thought that like generator was in, like an outside like cellar thing where you have to go outside to get into. It turns out it's in the house it was in the house.
Speaker 3:I thought it was in attic the whole time, which is why I was so confused about that zombie in the window. I was like how did it get on the roof? I was very confused Zombies can climb. What I was like man, he got really lost, huh.
Speaker 1:Now Jacob suggests it could be a paralyzed zombie. That could also be that it could not move its legs.
Speaker 3:The mom.
Speaker 1:That could also be that it could not move its legs?
Speaker 3:the mom, yeah, but there was no like I feel like she was standing there. They would. How did she even?
Speaker 1:get there. Was she there the whole time?
Speaker 3:I didn't see her when he came up the stairs no, I think when he, I think it was it was kind of alerted her I think it was like a movie scene where, like, he walks out of the room and she just so happens to have walked out of the room as well.
Speaker 2:Okay, so actual thought here, the dad, the dad's dad, abusive motherfucker. I'm assuming she got bit first. So he tried to, you know, end it. Uh, didn't, wasn't aware of the brain thing. You gotta get rid of the brain. Um, it's just slice, uh with some sort of something. I don't know. He had a gun, I was. I'm confused about that, but maybe she was like kind of attached a little bit still and maybe you know, at the and then she kind of, as she was sitting there, kind of got a little ratty, I guess, I don't know.
Speaker 1:But what do you guys think of zombie designs?
Speaker 2:though it's very different Cool.
Speaker 1:The ones on the bridge were extremely gory. I loved every single one of those. Oh yeah, the mom splitting in half, wasn't gory? Oh my God, I mean well, but it didn't like show it up close. It was dark, they did it good, but they hit a lot, whereas on the bridge you could see in full sunlight what every single one of those looked like, and that was really good.
Speaker 3:Yeah, they were bad. The black is. That's reminiscent of another movie, muttering their last words.
Speaker 1:Black Veins in a zombie that one scared me. Completely unoriginal. No, the black veins. Um, yeah, you're right, you're right. What is that? Uh?
Speaker 3:that's that's been in a zombie movie before.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's what it wasn't cargo was it.
Speaker 2:Was it perhaps the flare virus from?
Speaker 1:oh, maybe there's that. Yeah, so I think it's been. I think it's been used a lot.
Speaker 3:It's been used a few times also more of like I associate to, like sand zombies, but that that's just how I associate it.
Speaker 2:I feel like a lot more people would realize that if you got bit on like an extremity, they'd be able to just cut it off and be fine, because like the veins are traveling up bro's arm like kind of slowly, yeah, at the end. So I feel like I feel like he was okay does the son?
Speaker 3:yeah, I feel like he's.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think he's okay I immediately knew what was gonna happen. I was like she's gonna tourniquet it because she's a nurse and she's gonna cut his shit off yeah, the son got bit, and so she chopped off her son's arm. If the dad wasn't being a little weirdo, he could have just chopped it in one chop, you know, spare his son from such agony right, because he chopped a whole zombie's head off.
Speaker 1:Many times did she freaking swing that thing?
Speaker 3:yeah, he, he definitely froze up there, but I I think it's one thing, like I think he was living his nightmare in that moment, where one of his sons, his son his son got hurt. See, I never saw, I never thought he was. He was treating his older son in a bad way. He called him a bastard. He did Well. I think that was at a point where he was losing his mind.
Speaker 1:That's true.
Speaker 3:And it was because his wife kept lying to him. His wife would not fall in line. She kept lying to him. His wife would not fall in line. She kept trying to do things her way and now hit that son, turned on him and started agreeing with the wife. I think that's why he finally lost it and called him a bastard. But all the way up until that point I didn't see him really treating him differently in like a well, you're not my son kind of way. I saw him treating him differently and like, uh, you're older and I need your help.
Speaker 2:I need you to be an adult now also plus 10 points to this movie for a proper use of the word bastard yeah, it's true, I was like yo. That's what it is. That's what it is. I don't know that is a fitting term, yeah, but okay.
Speaker 1:So the reason why I took it, I did take it at face value because she told him I see the way you treat him and even though he denied it, I was kind of like, okay, I want to, while I want to say he was treating him good, especially under the circumstances, I think there were some things that were evident, you know, he made them very evident. The little boy. He came up with that sugar cane and was like here, taste this, you know. And the kid, judy, was like whoa candy and I'll get you more, you know. And then, when it was dinnertime, what was kind of crazy because it was almost like the kids knew something was up was Lucas the youngest was sitting there eating the sugar cane and the mom was like here, have some dinner. And he kept. He just ignored her and kept eating the sugar cane. And then it wasn't until his dad said here, put that aside, eat your dinner, I'll give you more later. And the kid listened to him, which, honestly, it's just a dad thing yeah, I was gonna say that that's not.
Speaker 3:That's kind of a normal thing in general.
Speaker 1:I see my little kids, little a-holes they won't listen to their mom.
Speaker 1:They won't listen, they won't listen, they won't listen. And then I come in and I yell and then all of a sudden I have this really funny story that the chat can't see. But TJ, when I came in one night and they were both I hear my wife yelling at him to lay down, go to sleep. They won't lay down and I walked in there after hearing her, like she pleaded with them please lay down. And I just had enough and I walked, I barged in the room and I just hollered at him. I said, if you both don't go to sleep and I have to come back in here, you're both going to get it.
Speaker 1:And they both laid down. And I tell my son now close your eyes. And he, like, closed his eyes all hard.
Speaker 2:He squeezes them shut. Dad, like you dad thing, cause you're you got a deep voice, so like yeah, I think it's.
Speaker 3:I, it's definitely a dad thing. I think it's definitely a dad thing. I think it's also kind of just a male thing. Maybe not all, but they have the same reaction with me and it drives me crazy. Where you're not always here and I'll hear her tell them the same thing like 30 times, and there's only so many times that I can hear them keep saying no before. I'm like dude, just fucking do it. And then all of a sudden, you know, scarlet will, she'll start crying and she'll finally go to the bathroom, like like corinne's been telling her to do for like 30 times, because she's like no, come with me. And corinne's like I'm cooking, I can't, come with me, I'm cooking, I can't. And finally I'm like dude, go to the bathroom. And she just immediately goes. I'm like holy shit, why does it take?
Speaker 1:that it's, it's nuts, and I do think, you know, children push their boundaries all the time, which that'll segue perfectly into the next point, because I think these kids, uh, all things considered, they were very well behaved, yeah, but they pushed their boundaries.
Speaker 1:The older son, which you would do, you're a teenager, you're gonna push boundaries that's exactly what you do such a bad situation to be doing that this goes back to me saying the zombie apocalypse doesn't make other problems go away, it compounds them. Yeah right, so this kid is sure he can do it, which I'm. I'm shocked. He lived, he survived, he did it. How?
Speaker 2:right, yeah, I agree he got a gun was that, and he got a gun that's diego's gun, no I think it was.
Speaker 3:Maybe he found, I think it was his uh, I think he found his he found the camp, they made a big point to show Diego's gun at the river. So when Josh showed up having it his actual dad's gun, there was a clear correlation there.
Speaker 2:I think we're at the point where we can talk about the ending.
Speaker 1:Yeah well, I want to bring up one point before we go to the ending. I want to say it, is it? It really? Um, it hurt and touched me when he was talking about his dad and he's mentioning the man who has raised him his whole life.
Speaker 1:you know, yeah, that may be my father, but this is my dad yeah, you know, and it just crushed me because I'm like he it feel so bad for the dad who is trying to love this child who's not his, and it was all out of deception and disloyalty and betrayal and he's still trying to love and raise this son to be a man and the child reciprocates that same love Not to him, he said it to his mom, but it was like dude, it was just it. To me it was pretty good integrity and it was very sad what the, the boy had to do at the end yeah, I.
Speaker 2:I would also like to say he the the dad in this. I think he is. Basically he's a mix between rick and shane from the walking dead.
Speaker 3:Yep, like to a t, you know, like he was I think he was willing to raise the kid, you know that's not mine, but like it's my kid if she were to have, if she were to have just fallen in line and done her duties and just cut the bullshit, they would have been fine, oh they would have just lived cooking at that freaking property.
Speaker 2:They would have just lived a farm life.
Speaker 3:They would have been fine, they. They had a huge setback when the big herd, when the big horde came through. Yeah, but they got saved. They could have recouped yep. My thought was this isn't a permanent spot. My thought was let's get settled until we're not worried about food, where we're not just eating eggs every night, where we actually feel some comfort, and then let's start considering moving out and testing our limits. But she just wanted to. She, she was trying to chase diego. That's it. Yeah, but then the the ending the reason dj.
Speaker 1:What do you want to say?
Speaker 2:the reason the kid shot his father. Well, father, uncle, whatever uh is because he thought he was a zombie, because he was saying one word and he was covered in blood. Josh, that's all he was saying. That's all we've seen throughout the movie. Zombies can say one word or a whole phrase, fuck.
Speaker 1:You guys got me.
Speaker 3:I didn't even consider that until he just said that you got me. I was so confused why he shot him, but that makes so much sense.
Speaker 2:As soon as I was like dude, say another word. Please say another word.
Speaker 3:That is so insightful, tj. It's not the son's fault at all, it's not, no. And then he immediately realized he's like.
Speaker 2:that's not how a zombie acts when they get shot, oh man.
Speaker 1:That is so insightful because what I was noticing was uh, his dad had locked them up. He, the the son, had to run away.
Speaker 3:He knew you know, josh didn't know about the locking up part well, he knew the dad in the main house.
Speaker 2:He locked up the main house and then he locked up the main house. That's true. He said none of you are getting out.
Speaker 1:You know all of that. You know nobody goes anywhere, and so the kid was like I have to go, you know, and it was like that is so damn good that's where like so it actually really touched me where where the kid was telling his mom like, um, he needs help, like I need to go outside because what I was
Speaker 3:saying earlier, if he said the thing, if the wife would have just fallen in line, they would have been fine, they would have lived a farm life, they would have been OK, they could have considered moving out later. But she pushed him to a point where he couldn't support the family anymore and the family was slowly dying. It was basically rotting itself and the son realized I have to. I have to save my father now and at the end.
Speaker 2:Of my dad can't do this anymore. The son can take a life you know he was bullshit and he was like I could do it, I could do it, screaming in the field, I could do it. Takes one shot, one kill. So you know, he'll be able to somewhat take care of his brother and mom do you think that foreshadowed it to saying like now he definitely can take?
Speaker 1:over, yeah, yeah that's what I was thinking yeah, he finally he finally did, and I think that he did it out in the wild, but this was the time that they decided to show us wow, what a good episode but I, I, so I do want to say one last thought.
Speaker 3:I the the father definitely had some bad feelings towards his eldest son when he was going crazy, but the moment where he died maybe I'm crazy, but it seemed like he went back to normal for a second and he realized dad mode. He went back into I have to help my family, so he ran out he fucking sprinted there no, not that part. Not that I mean his literal final moments where he's laying on the ground and he's looking at josh son.
Speaker 3:Yeah, there was a moment where I I was realizing where I don't know, I never thought that he treated that kid badly until he started treating everybody badly, yeah, until the the big. The turning point was that fucking acting scene he did where he comes back from the field and he was like there's so many of them.
Speaker 2:They're so fast, there's so fast.
Speaker 3:They're so fast. That was the moment where I was like you lost me, dude, because now you're just like her, you're lying, just like her to get your way, yep, and you've lost me at that point.
Speaker 2:He also said you lied first. Yeah, he did.
Speaker 1:So I got to bring the chat back in, and this is just for you, Eric Jacob Harbor our subscriber asks did Ludacris appear in the movie for Eric? Oh, he did.
Speaker 3:Ludo Ludo appeared. Ludo was everywhere in this movie.
Speaker 1:He was actually his exact character.
Speaker 3:What a reference dude. That's a throwback right there.
Speaker 2:Wow, jacob, fast and the Furious, that's a throwback.
Speaker 1:Somebody is watching some of our old content here I appreciate that that's an old one. That's very funny all right guys, why don't you go check out outside? It's a netflix original, uh, two hours and 22 minutes long. It's a very good watch. I I saw some people say it's slow at the beginning. I can relate, but it's worth it.
Speaker 3:It's slow, but it builds.
Speaker 1:And it builds and it's not going to stop.
Speaker 1:It's a constant build too, and it's heart-pounding and you get emotional in it. You can feel the anger, the frustration, the isolation, claustrophobia. Go check out our socials. We are on TikTok Instagram out our socials. We are on TikTok Instagram. Facebook at Will you Survive the Podcast. You can also get us on X at Alex and Eric W-Y-S. You can email us theboys T-H-E-B-O-Y-S at Will you Survive the Podcast.
Speaker 1:Let us know what you thought of Outside and tell us what do you think and will you survive. Also, please let us know any suggestions you have for a movie for us to watch, a will you survive scenario that you want us to cover. We would love to hear your ideas and also your critiques. Tell us what you think of the podcast. Let us know on Spotify, apple Podcasts or anywhere that lets you comment and tell us what you think. Binge our stuff, like our subscriber Josh is doing. We love it. Thank you all for tuning in to another episode of Will you Survive the Podcast. We love you all. We thank you all for all of your support and for tuning in. Make sure you also go back and binge some of our other episodes. We have dozens of episodes for you to sink your teeth into, or maybe they'll sink their teeth into you and until next time everybody stay alive.
Speaker 2:Except for Dwayne the Rock Johnson. Fuck you and your stupid-ass movie that just came out you.