Will You Survive... The Podcast
Immerse yourself in the world of cinema as we embark on a journey to equip you with the skills to tackle any disaster head-on. Through the lens of thrilling tales, particularly those of the zombie apocalypse, we'll unravel the secrets of preparedness. Join us as we explore the silver screen to empower you for the challenges that lie ahead.
Will You Survive... The Podcast
Will You Survive "The Haunting of Hill House": Supernatural Forces and Unresolved Family Drama
What happens when a family is haunted by both supernatural forces and their own unresolved emotions? That's what we explore in our latest conversation about "The Haunting of Hill House," featuring our special guest Maddy. Join us as we unpack the psychological and supernatural layers within the first five episodes, focusing on the character dynamics that make the series both chilling and deeply emotional. Steve's denial of his family's ghostly encounters, despite making a living off them, offers a fascinating look into themes of skepticism and survival, while the series masterfully unveils each sibling's perspective to symbolize how past traumas continue to haunt the present.
Family dynamics take center stage as we delve into the complexities that arise when supernatural experiences are dismissed by loved ones. Characters like Luke and Nellie face profound psychological consequences, highlighting the importance of belief and communication within families. We question the parents' perspectives and explore the unsettling phenomena of sleep paralysis and its connections to the characters' traumas. Through personal anecdotes and a touch of humor, we underscore the necessity of listening to and supporting children when they express their fears, all while maintaining an engaging and thought-provoking atmosphere.
Prepare for an eerie journey into personal supernatural experiences, from inexplicable childhood hauntings to the bizarre intersection of grief and the paranormal. We share ghost stories and discuss the thin line between reality and the mystical, culminating in a thrilling exploration of the uncanny events that blur the boundaries of the mundane. Whether recounting sleep paralysis or strange manifestations in family homes, the episodes reveal how even the most skeptical among us can be forced to confront the supernatural. With camaraderie and light-hearted banter, our discussion promises to captivate and entertain, offering both chills and laughter along the way.
Hello survivors, and welcome to another episode of Will you Survive? The Podcast Today we have. Well, you just heard her. We have a special guest. It is Maddie. It's a girl. It's a girl, it's a girl. It is a girl, and then I'm also joined by these two guys. I'm Alex.
Speaker 2:I am Black. Alex, I am black, I am, that's it. I don't know what you were expecting a name, but okay, that's TJ.
Speaker 1:This is a podcast where we watch some sort of survival movie or, in this this case, tv show. Can we say horror? Well, I was getting there. Yeah, it's not really survival. This is more horror because it's supernatural, but there are survival points to it.
Speaker 2:Clearly Mostly a lot of common sense Zombies if not translucent. Well, zombies, I would, you know. Oh, a lot of common sense Zombies if not translucent. They're like non-translucent ghosts.
Speaker 1:You know, oh, um well, ghosts can't typically bite you and eat you. They're more like just demons and ghosts, don't typically they can possess you and eat your soul. Well, I don't know about eat your soul, but I was gonna say also ghosts, don't turn people into ghosts, ghosts, but they actually they actually did yeah but okay, well, I guess let's finish the intro before we actually jump into this episode, though basically we're gonna be talking about the haunting of Hill House.
Speaker 1:We're gonna be talking about the first five episodes of the haunting of Hill House, part two coming whenever one of these guys decides to pick it up. And, yeah, general thoughts, any you guys?
Speaker 3:I told you early on, I'll share with our audience. I absolutely hate every single one of these characters. Not the actors. The actors are doing a fantastic job because I'm fully invested and on a personal level, all of the adults, I should say right, all of the kids I have a lot of sympathy for, but all of the adults. This is a show that they keep flashing back between modern and their past. It was in their past that they were in the in hill house and I just can't stand any of these adults. Again, not the actors. The actors are doing a great job of of luring me, in, getting me convinced of their character, and I really don't like them can I give you an example?
Speaker 1:What don't you like about who?
Speaker 3:Steve, okay. So, for instance, he doesn't believe any of it, right? All bullshit. All of my family is mentally ill, yet I'm making a living hunting ghosts, yeah, and writing about it.
Speaker 2:I think he was searching for he was searching for answers really.
Speaker 1:I don't think so. I agree, Steve kind of sucked.
Speaker 2:His whole family believed in this shit and they swear on it.
Speaker 1:But remember, yeah, and he called them all liars. Yeah, and the way that it's described that he wrote in the book was that he called his whole family mentally ill and that they were all just crazy because of what happened. They built it up in their minds to be a haunting, but it wasn't that.
Speaker 3:And not only that, but he actually based his mother's suicide on the fact that his whole family was mentally ill, which was why Shirley called it blood money. Yeah, because he was making money off of his mom while criticizing her and calling her mentally ill.
Speaker 1:So I personally do agree that Steve sucks Maddie.
Speaker 4:Yeah, so, considering the first episode is literally Steve sees a, a ghost, um, um, it's um a really good introduction to how they really go along, like from firstborn to the last born. And then they continue on through that um, because we see oh, I didn't really catch that, yeah they they go through.
Speaker 4:Each episode starts with the firstborn to the last born and about how they've seen um kind of like what we know so far. Um, now for steve steve's icy ghost. When he first sees nell, before he gets the call from his dad, um that nell's dead, and he sees her, he's like full, like why did you just let luke just fucking steal from me like, are you off your beds? Like he automatically accused her? Um, because the firstborns um, not always obviously, but firstborns tend to be a little bit more um overzealous, a little overprotective, and sometimes they don't know how to express that as well, because they're trying to be the parent and it doesn't go well. But um, long story short, um he quoted I've seen a lot of ghosts, just not the way you think. A ghost can be a lot of things a memory, a daydream, a secret grief, anger, guilt but in my experience, most times they're just what we want to see.
Speaker 3:Most times a ghost is a wish and that really can I say though I'm gonna, I'm going to say I really do think that, as arrogant and ignorant as this guy was, what he said was so highly accurate about a ghost, about a ghost, yeah, many times a ghost is a wish. And I do like what he had said to that grieving wife, that grieving widow, when she was saying why did I see him like this? And he goes look, a ghost is a wish. That was when he gave her that quote and she said why would I want to see my henry like that?
Speaker 1:and he says because the alternative is never seeing him again it's better than never seeing him again, and I'm like dude, never seeing him again.
Speaker 3:And I'm like dude, that's so damn true.
Speaker 2:I have a theory I've heard is that ghosts are just our trauma and when something happens to us, little pieces break off and then that is what haunts us.
Speaker 1:So I do believe that in a more like kind of psychological way, not in like when we talk about ghosts, not like, you know, a physical, like boo kind of ghost, more like like what you were saying, like something that haunts you, but not not literally haunting you like what was happening in the show. So in the show it's like when nell would talk to the therapist and the therapist is basically telling like no, this is all, like you're basically building it up in your head. Um, that house is just a carcass. It wouldn't even be anything for any other situation. Yes, you're haunting yourself. Oh well, it's probably. You know you're eating yourself up inside. Not in this case, they were literally being haunted and in nell's case, she was quite literally being haunted by herself the entire time up to her death.
Speaker 3:Can I say the? Uh? One of the things that I found interesting about this series and probably maybe this has to do with why you liked it so much is every single one of those facts was confirmed by the other people being, quote unquote, haunted. The other people all confirmed everybody's superstition, or everybody's belief, that this wasn't really happening. Right, this is trauma. Just like tj said, this is trauma now, in their case, it was really a haunting the trump, yeah, but in everybody else's case that we saw no, no, but this.
Speaker 1:But what he means is like this isn't just. Somebody went through something traumatic and now that haunts them. This is like they are quite literally being haunted. Something is drawing them to their death.
Speaker 3:The Crane family Crane.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:They were actually being haunted. Everybody else was being haunted by some form of trauma, the best representation of it. Although the first episode did show it with the grieving widow, the second one was more the Crane family again, but it was younger when Shirley's was it their grandmother who had died.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:And she didn't want to see the body and the mortician was like come up with me Let me show you. It's okay. Oh, it was her mother. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry'm so sorry. Yeah, that was that was. That was after she had done the deed.
Speaker 1:I forgot, I forgot that they went through all of this, and the deed usually means something very different.
Speaker 4:But after she fucked okay herself herself but then the other.
Speaker 3:The other good example of it and I thought it was a great representation was in episode three of touch, where my favorite episode, theodora found the, the and I did know I did call it out that the foster dad was molesting the little girl you. You called that, I did um huh, I mean, I guess that is kind of a cliche.
Speaker 3:But the first time I watched it. I Honestly the second. He walked up when she went in the house and he walked up and he was all smiles. I was like I don't like this guy, I don't like this guy. And then she shook his hand and the show confirmed it for me.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, well, once the second she was on the couch. That's when I the first time I watched it.
Speaker 3:That's when I knew Now that that cinched it for me.
Speaker 1:I had no doubt I didn't know I was like is it the dad, or are they going to be? Like, oh, there's an uncle who lives here Like I didn't know which one that was going to be, but I knew it was something along those lines. And then when she goes up and talks to the dad, I immediately you put two and two together right away. Yeah, but no, I definitely didn't. It is kind of a cliche, but I didn't call that the first time I saw it. I didn't see that coming.
Speaker 3:That one I mean, but that I hate to say it. It's such a bad case and I thought that they were going to follow the cliche because foster homes are so bad I mean yeah, and it's it's not a um, it's not a a happy home, it's very sad to say, the stepdad immediate goober.
Speaker 2:I, I seen him, I was like dog molester, just you. You dress like one, bro, you just I could, I they.
Speaker 1:They portrayed him well, like when it does reveal you're like that checks out back on like the first episode-ish kind of stuff.
Speaker 4:Just to finish up with that they casted good ass child actors for those adults right, they did they match the dad really like the dad's okay it doesn't match as well. I thought they looked a lot alike. It works. No, I think he matches.
Speaker 1:I thought they looked a lot alike the dad looks like a man who just lost his wife to a ghost and now has her by his side at all times. Yeah, I think he looks like I could see that easily we didn't know that at the time. No, we know.
Speaker 3:Did we learn that? Yeah, at the funeral home at Nell's Wake.
Speaker 1:You didn't get to it. No, oh, did I? No, yeah, we didn't get to that yet. I skipped ahead a little bit. My bad, my bad.
Speaker 3:That's why I don't think zombies would ever be a real threat.
Speaker 1:I agree because, whoa, I'll get my kukuri. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I think he's saying something. Zombies don't talk, just wait a sec. What was that?
Speaker 3:You need a loan. What are you gonna buy a house? What do you need a loan for Home? I think he wants to buy a home. Don't we know someone who can help him with that?
Speaker 1:Yeah, we do. Have you heard of Corinne Salas at Next Home Grandview in Glendale California?
Speaker 3:She can help you get moved into your forever home now.
Speaker 1:Your eternal resting place, if you will, or forever home. That works. Don't miss the opportunity of a lifetime like this guy. Call Corinne today at 714-510-6443. You can also find her on Instagram at nexthomebycorinne, or visit her website at corinnesalisnexthomegrandviewcom. That's C-O-R-I-N-N-E-S-A-L-A-Snexthomegrandviewcom, not food s-a-l-a-s dot. Next home grandview dot com, not food.
Speaker 3:So one of the things that I would say in regards to anything like this is it is so important to have a tight family. They were tight. You know what broke them apart?
Speaker 1:they never communicated, never communicated. They all experienced shit which they all experienced different senses. So there was um nelly, who nelly kept seeing the bent.
Speaker 3:She saw things she kept seeing the bent neck lady so did luke.
Speaker 1:Luke and nelly saw things. Um, shirley would say things in her sleep, so she would say things. You know what, luke?
Speaker 3:what I felt bad for luke with is I really I really sympathized with him because he was so damn right that whole fucking family never believed him, never, and I was like but I mean. Nelly said the exact same thing, though, and she didn't end up a druggie, so no, no, no, I don't want to jump ahead, but, like we, we know that he was telling the truth about a lot of things that nobody fucking believed.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 3:And it was like that was all the way from his childhood. This poor kid was ignored all the time and he always had relevant shit to say, Well, they did it to Nellie too.
Speaker 1:That's what I'm saying they did. They were twins. They were basically both treated the exact same way. Bent, neck lady, and Abigail were like you're not actually seeing that Both of them were told pretty much their entire childhood. You're not seeing that, from Luke going down into the basement, uh, from Nellie with the Bentley a neck lady her entire childhood, um, even into her adulthood, that was so shitty.
Speaker 3:Because no, no, there is no basement. No, there is no basement, no, there is no basement. Oh, there's a basement. But then the very next thing that he says, no, no, that's not, that's not the kid. It's like god, listen to your freaking kids people.
Speaker 4:Okay if we're touching on the luke episode, um I the like that's episode four. That did make me so sad for him was when the dad was like here, this is a big boy hat, big boys know what's real and what's not. And luke's like oh, okay. And then immediately gets fucking stalked by the tall ass. Cane bitch like why so?
Speaker 1:okay, I want to give some defense. I agree that's. That's super sad and unfortunate for him. I want to give some defense to the parents. Now the the parent that I think should have been more um understanding is the mom, because the mom knew she was sensitive. She clearly knew at least Theodora was sensitive and at no point in this creepy-ass house that she was getting she said all of her colors were just black. When she would have like a headache and she would start seeing things In the house, she said it was all black.
Speaker 1:How does that not scream something bad to you? And then you know that at least one of your kids is sensitive to these things. Now why not assume that? Now when your kids say, hey, I'm seeing shit, why would you not assume that they're telling the truth? That the mom even said the dad believes her, but it's not like he. He doesn't seem fully like convinced. But the dad is the one that I understand when your six-year-old kid is saying I found a basement and you're like there's no basement in the, in the blueprints. You probably found a crawlspace. You're a child. You think a crawlspace is a basement. That's very understandable. And then you find out there actually is a basement and you're like, oh shit, there's actually a basement. That's crazy. I understand the parents being like I don't know, it sounds like a kid.
Speaker 2:It sounds like a kid saying something, a thing that actually happened in in the show. You just said that you know fucking or who. Who found it? Luke found it. Luke found the basement. Didn't find the basement. Theodora found the basement, and the same thing happened in the show. Remember when she was like no talking about it.
Speaker 1:No, yes, yes, but luke was the one who went into the basement first yeah, he was in he was the one who was attacked by the monster.
Speaker 2:He didn't find where it was yeah, he was in the basement.
Speaker 3:He found that there was a basement no, he told theodora where the stairs were yeah so that's how she was able to find the trap door, because he went into the basement. She found it, but he knew it was there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he went down the dumbwaiter yeah, um, I would also like to to. To touch on the fucking sleep paralysis that no, that's terrifying um, I wanted to ask anybody ever had that sleep paralysis I have, I have, I've never had sleep paralysis.
Speaker 3:I've had I've had it as bad as her where, in all honesty, I didn't know when I, when I quote unquote, came to. I didn't know if it was the fact that I was trying to move and talk and scream out or if I was dreaming that I was trying to like. Was that a really really, really lucid dream? Or was I awake like I was so confused is that not something?
Speaker 2:that commonly happens with people with sleep paralysis.
Speaker 1:That's what happens to me.
Speaker 2:It's not common where I will be dreaming and something will happen and I'll wake up and it'll be trippy because the like I'll wake up and like our door will be like. So here I had one like last year where we left our door open and there was like we have to leave a light on like out in the kitchen area, so it was kind of lit up. So in my dream I dreamt that Maddie was walking into the bedroom and then some like fucking shadow person was just behind her. I was like yo bitch behind you. Oh you Right.
Speaker 1:You got your own vent, neck lady.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like the fucking hat man. But so I woke up, but it was trippy because it looked exactly like it did in my dream. I couldn't move and I was looking directly at the doorway and I was just like yo shadow dude, if you show up, if you fucking show, I swear to God. So yeah, sleep paralysis sucks.
Speaker 1:So, according to sleepfoundationorg, about 20% of people are believed to experience sleep paralysis at some point in their life. That's a lot more than I thought, oh well, okay, wait To experience at some point in your life. Okay, that's different.
Speaker 3:First symptoms often show up in childhood.
Speaker 4:Your brain wakes up before your body. Yeah, Mel's husband describes it perfectly.
Speaker 2:All the chemicals in your body, so you don't ask that in your dreams brain pumps out a chemical to make you paralyzed so you don't get up and start.
Speaker 1:You know walking around cooking eggs in your car, you know yeah, that shit does not work when I'm trying to run from something can I wake up?
Speaker 2:can I just?
Speaker 1:say that's what happens inconsistency what do you mean that? Did you hear how far away he was from the?
Speaker 4:mic right now it's because we're sharing the mic right now.
Speaker 1:I'm so sorry when he was talking like this and then all of a sudden it came in like that, it's because she keeps being quiet, so.
Speaker 3:I moved the mic over to her but then she won't move it back to you this is a toilet seat situation.
Speaker 1:It's gotta go both ways.
Speaker 4:It's gotta go both ways so on the second episode, which is open casket, it's starring our girl cheryl um. It touches really surely? On. Surely I call her cheryl because the fucking nickname um.
Speaker 3:But they call her cheryl. Yeah, that's so weird, cheryl, they touch. Why don't you just say surely? So well, they touch on death so well.
Speaker 4:They touch on the death of the kittens and the death of loved ones and really show how that grieving experience usually goes around, that exact like how rough it is during that time. Like it shows the little boy with his grandma and how he's seeing his grandmother and she's just like there's no way this little boy he's seeing his grandmother and she's just like there's no way this little boy's actually seeing his grandmother.
Speaker 1:Um, do we think he actually is? Who, the little boy? Said that his grandma would sit down at his bed, I think you know, okay, so what we talked about at the beginning grief
Speaker 1:but so is it like? Is it like the situation with um, that widow that steve talked to, which, by the way, foreshadowed nelly's sleep paralysis? Because that's essentially what happened to the widow, um, and what steve was explaining to her is that you, you wake up because you hear the car horns and, um, you're getting dripped on by a leak in your roof and you put all those things together and then you envision what your husband must have looked like. So it's because you're coming out of a dream, your brain is all fucked up and that's what's on your mind by the way, I've I've had at least several dozen instances like that when I was younger.
Speaker 3:Where I would you ever hear a really, really loud noise in your sleep?
Speaker 4:no, and then you ask somebody about it.
Speaker 3:like you, you wake up because you heard this loud noise, so you, you could swear that it was some something audible, right, something external. And you talk to people and anybody around you is like no, I didn't hear anything, it came from inside of you and there are actual scientific reasons for it. Our bodies are doing stuff.
Speaker 2:I've woken up to a crisp hey, right in my ear.
Speaker 4:That'd be very creepy.
Speaker 2:Not fun at all all it's maddie, she's just fucking with you no, because it'll be like when she's like in the room in here playing games or some shit, and I'll go to you know, and I'll wake up, and I've only been asleep for like 10 minutes and I'll be, like oh shit, fuck and I'll wake up, and nobody there.
Speaker 1:I've definitely fallen asleep to YouTube and then a loud ass fucking part comes on and I'll be like I'm right about to fall asleep. I'm like right on that brink where my brain is just about to shut off and some loud ass noise will happen. That's startle when I wake up to that. That's wow.
Speaker 2:That like throws my brain for a loop for a second people will fall asleep to like I don't know, white noise, right. So rain sounds there are videos where it'll just be like white noise yeah and then the fuckhead who uploads the video will put like a random ass, like you'll be dead asleep. It'll be like so long into the video will put like a random ass, like you'll be dead asleep. It'll be like so long into the video he put like a loud ass sound just like a chick screaming and then it'll go back.
Speaker 3:Yeah so you wake up and you're like what the fuck was that?
Speaker 1:and it's just rain sounds. You're like what the fuck woke me up. That's, that's diabolical.
Speaker 2:I gotta say that's so funny that's.
Speaker 3:That's one of the reasons why I like uh youtube, because the comments and people will rat those assholes out. Because I do white noise for my babies, because they stir and toss and turn and move and babies fall out of the bed because they keep moving like they won't freaking, stop moving and for some reason, the white noise seems to help they just put subliminal messaging like kill your parents damn, that's some sinister shit right there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, on on that topic, I remember one time I was uh this is when I was my little sister's uh full-time nanny and I remember one day we were up, we were in the upstairs living room and we were, we were watching a show. And I remember looking over and she had a fork and I was like, okay, she's got a fork. And then I look back at the tv. And then I look back and she's making her way to an outlet and I'm like we'll see where she goes. And then she got really close to the outlet and went to put the fork in and I had to stop her. And the cry that kids do when you stop them from killing themselves is unbelievable if they only knew, so you probably have never seen this show, titus.
Speaker 3:It's an older show. It cracked me up because the kid had said my best friend loved my dad, but that's because he didn't grow up with my dad. See, my mom loved me in the way that all moms love me. My dad loved me in an entirely different way, such as let's see where this goes. For example, one time I go to go put a fork in an electrical outlet, my mom says no, honey, you don't want to do that. My dad says whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, hold on. Let's see where he goes with this. Go ahead, buddy. You're not gonna do that again now, are you?
Speaker 2:sometimes you gotta go with the fuck around and find out route if you keep trying like I let her pepper or something. Don't eat that, it's gonna hurt. Well, yeah, see, all right, fuck it. I let her go ahead. I let her. Don't eat that, it's going to hurt. Don't eat it. Well, yeah, see, fuck it, go ahead.
Speaker 1:I let her fuck around and find out when her life is not in jeopardy. I got you, when it comes to like. I've told you a million times to be careful on this concrete step and you won't be careful on this concrete step, I guess you're going to bust your lip, I don't know. And it happens.
Speaker 3:So okay, let's see.
Speaker 4:Can we?
Speaker 3:I want to say a couple of these comments here, halflebeen.
Speaker 2:John 832. There's just people preaching in the chat.
Speaker 3:There really is. Well Halflebeen, says my best friend, and I watched this and said in unison, this house would get us. We would not survive. Oh god, I remember when I was younger I had that happen to me after watching the american ring oh, the night terror or the sleep paralysis sleep paralysis, oh that'd be creepy. That'd be a creepy one so uh something I'll say a really old uh yeah, cue all of the fucking old age jokes, tj.
Speaker 1:So so when I was younger, when this house was built, yeah, about when this house was built in 1730 working on the clock.
Speaker 2:That's why I.
Speaker 3:I was the guy working. I'm a ghost. I'm not really here right now thank you, we're not there. Yeah, that was a funny joke, fuck you you have to cut it because no one's gonna understand it so or we just leave it, I in uh I'm just fucking with him.
Speaker 3:Um, as a kid, uh, we had some gnarly shit happen in my, my childhood home and one of the things I remember lying in bed I was scared, right. Things kept happening that did not make sense and I'll tell you, some of them were like manifestations of things. My mom and dad would go to the grocery store and would buy a brand new bag of rice. Brand new bag of rice, bring it home, open up the plastic, pour it out into a mason jar and there would be maggots in it. And things like this kept happening. We would go to. I remember my mom made a brand new lasagna. Day of making this lasagna, my brother heats it up in the microwave. Now, mind you, this guy has to have his food scorching hot, so he disassembles the lasagna so that it will be like scorching hot all throughout, microwaves it First bite maggot wiggling inside of it. I ate a frozen chicken breast. So, manifestation, it's a manifestation of that case and I can give you the reason. I really do believe in that very thing. Uh, this had to do with a, with a demonic possession and an attempted and failed exorcism and one of the failed exorcism is there's a book big, big no-no by a jesuit priest called malachi martin, who failed
Speaker 2:no no, and uh, disassembled lasagna disassembled lasagna.
Speaker 3:Good band name how do we feel about big, big, no, no so all of this was going down in my house, including, okay, here, this one came straight out of a horror movie. Uh, we had flies all in the house, flies everywhere it could not get rid of. My mom was mortified. She was so embarrassed because she she's very clean, a very clean person, and she's mortified that there are all these flies in the house. She calls my brother and tells him to pull up. We had this big, giant fan, powerful fan. She has him bring this fan up from the garage that my dad used when he would work on the cars and puts it in the hall, the entryway, the foyer to the house, and opens up the parallel or the adjacent window to suck air through the house and blow the flies out. And it's like a cloud of flies. And my mom, my mom and dad had guests come over, one of which was my grandma and grandpa, two of which and uh, they didn't notice. Everyone was asking why my, why my dad, had this fan out, why they were, why they had the window open, and it was like, oh, for all the flies. And here's the crazy thing. This will make you, this will make you feel like you're going crazy. Right, my mom and dad are, are walking around with fly swatters swatting at all of these flies and when you, you know you have a fly dead to rights, right, you just know it. You hit it with the fly swatter, they lift it up and there's nothing there. They met, you know. I was like, oh, I missed, right, but nobody else can see these flies. So this goes to the night.
Speaker 3:I'm terrified. Things keep happening. I have friends who are morbidly curious. I want to spend the night at your house. One of my friends didn't believe me. Uh, yeah, I want to spend the night at your house. We'll stay downstairs all night. Yeah, sure, okay, we stay downstairs now. Granted, this could have been our fear. We could have been fear induced to an extent. We heard something walking up. We were watching the original poltergeist. We're laying downstairs and the downstairs living room has an open view into the kitchen. We hear a noise turn around. Look, nobody's there. Whoa, freaky right. I get up. I walk up there. I look in the kitchen nobody's there. I walk back. Toaky right. I get up. I walk up there, I look in the kitchen Nobody's there. I walk back to the dining room where there's like a pantry back there. So they could have been back there. Nope, nobody, I come walking back down. I'm like that was fucking weird.
Speaker 1:I could have swore I heard somebody in the kitchen can hear it, you hear it, you know floors and I'm I'm lying, I go and I lie back down.
Speaker 3:And no sooner did I lie back down that we heard another noise. My friend turned around to look and all I could hear he just shouted out no. And I turned and looked at him first, and then I look up in the kitchen. Every single cupboard door is open and he was like he did not believe me. You did that. You did that. I said, dude, you watched me. You would have seen me if I went into the kitchen at all. How could I have done that?
Speaker 1:and it's, like you know, two o'clock in the morning, three o'clock, and he goes oh wait, yeah can we go back up to your room now so the this, this room that he's talking about is like a? Um, it's like a second downstairs living room, like a den. Yeah, it's a den and the kitchen you can see from this. It shares a wall, but the wall is completely open. There's just a railing to separate the rooms. Um, the kitchen is elevated like four steps up, um, so you could definitely see into the kitchen. You could see people walk in and out of it from the den. So, yeah, I didn't know that that happened in that house.
Speaker 3:Oh, dude, so many things. For instance, that led to the last thing I was going to bring up was I'm terrified, things keep happening. I'm witnessing things that I don't want to, and I'm lying in bed and I'm scared and it's dark and I'm alone and I'm lying there and I'm praying, and it's dark and I'm alone and I'm lying there and I'm I'm praying and I start praying out loud and just uh, uh. Give me one more second to back this up with my brother. My oldest brother was a giant bully and he would pick on me and my other brother as kids, and one of the things he had done was he had put a speaker in my closet and started talking into it and terrified the shit out of me, right?
Speaker 1:Pretty funny.
Speaker 3:But I found it and was like OK. So I'm lying in bed and I'm praying because I'm scared and I ask the question God, are you with me? And I hear an audible voice scare the shit out of me, say no. And it scared me, me. I froze in terror at first and then I I said, ah, that was gilbert, that was gilbert. That sound just like. And I got up and I walk over to my closet and I fling it open, expecting to see uh, you know, the speaker's going to be in here. And there was nothing there. And I was more terrified of that moment.
Speaker 1:And desperately searching for any explanation on it.
Speaker 3:And I mean, there are so many stories I can give you of that house that were just terrifying.
Speaker 1:I've heard a lot of weird stories about that house. I didn't know that that happened in that house, but I know. Uh, my uncle Gil, he, he has a story where he was listening to Ozzy Osbourne in his room and he, basically, he heard a voice that said to look outside. And he didn't at the first time, and then he heard it louder again. So he went and looked and that was when, um, my aunt was drowning in the pool and he ran down and grabbed her Cause. Nobody knew that she was even out there. Look outside.
Speaker 3:He had headphones on, look outside. So he takes the headphones off, thinking somebody's talking to him, looks around Nobody's there, puts his headphones back on, look outside and he gets up and looks out the window and from his window he could see straight down into the spa. And there, there, she is just lying at the bottom of the spa looking up at him and I I remember that I was downstairs in the upper living room and I remember he cleared all of those stairs in like two steps and he was it's like a good 12 to 14 steps down and outside and I, and then he's just carrying her, she's sopping wet, she's crying. I was like holy crap, what the hell just happened. But that's that's also not the only thing that happened in that house.
Speaker 3:He actually predicted an exact timing and lightning strike on tape. He came up, he grabbed the video recorder Now this is a VHS video recorder, yes, that old and he sets it up on a tripod, he points it out the window. And I remember me and one of our family friends we were playing an old video game. For any of you out there who are my age or close, remember the game Blades of Steel. It was an old hockey game. Nobody remembers that. Oh no, who are?
Speaker 2:my age or close. Remember the game blades of steel. It was an old hockey game nobody remembers and oh no, they do.
Speaker 3:The the survivors do. We have some people my age, unlike you, little whippersnappers. But my brother came up, set up the camcorder and he's recording him. Both of us sit there and look at him. We're like, what are you doing? And he says there are witches out there. And he's talking crazy, right, like like he's he's on something. We both think he's there and he's talking crazy, right, like like he's he's on something. We both think he's on something. He's talking crazy. There's something there. There's witches out in that tree, oh yeah yeah there's witches out in that tree.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, what are they saying to you? Because that lightning is going to strike that that light pole right there. Oh okay, well, I mean, how believable would you think that is? So we're just sitting there and he's like come here, come here, come here. You got to come here, it's going to happen right now, come here. And he keeps saying this Fuck dude, all right, fine, we get up and walk over, expecting to be able to fucking debunk this shit in two seconds, right? He's like watch, just watch, just watch. Okay, dude, nothing's happening, happening. He's no, hold on now.
Speaker 3:And when he said now, and the fucking lightning struck and hit the goddamn light pole, and he had it on videotape, I was like what the fuck? And he played that for my dad. And I mean I'm telling you some of the things that happen in this show are legit, because those same things came out of my parents' mouth. And my mom is a very faith-based person. She, you're not going to, you're not going to surprise her with demonic activity, miracles, none of that is going to surprise her. And when he would say these things now because he was on drugs, she would discount, right. But that was one of the things that was um, that's one of the things that I think is undertaught is, when you are on drugs, you open yourself up to the elements, to the spiritual world, and you know what are you going to do. You can't. You got to expect that they're going to take advantage, right? Oh my God, what is this unprofessionalism? We have phones ringing on this now mine buzzed like 10 minutes ago you're the host, it's okay oh, I appreciate that.
Speaker 1:Plus one point yeah, also, that was a good ghost story. Do you guys have any ghost stories kids today?
Speaker 4:I have the like I, I don't know, growing up. My mom, my mom, is pagan. Um, uh, she practices a couple of like unique things. I guess you could say where I was. She had me, like, go to church with my grandma until I was 13. I could decide for myself, um, but I remember so distinctly some stuff that my mom would tell me she always had me carry around certain things like certain, um, like good luck terms. I guess you could say that would ward off anything evil, anything like that, just in case, um, and nobody at church like really believed me until one day at church I was with my two cousins we're all the same age Um, it was stormy as hell out, um, and the church lost power. And of course, you're like 12 and the church loses power and all of the 12 year olds are gonna be like, oh, my god, you know what I mean.
Speaker 4:Um but, that shit got so creepy and I swear to god, um, like we could not find anybody in the church. Um, we went to go, because, you know, we went to, we were in like the kids area or teenage area or whatever, and we left to go be like, hey, why is the power out? Like is it the storm? And we could not find anybody for hours. And then, all of a sudden, we went back to the main room that we had checked first and everybody was there and we're like, where have you guys been? And we're like where have you guys been? And we're like we literally came looking for you guys, like you guys weren't in here. And they're like, no, we were in here. And me and my cousins were like, no, the fuck, you weren't. And, um, it was me that found them, though my cousins because we ended up splitting up a little bit.
Speaker 4:It was me that found like it was just weird. Um, I don't know if that's like a haunting per se, but like I feel like that's a fucking glitch or something, because that was weird.
Speaker 2:I don't know if I have a real like haunting story. I mean, I do have stories of like, like my gut feeling, type shit. Like I was working at the Dollar Tree at the time and it was the end of the day. I was leaving at I three after my shift and as I was walking to my car I was like damn, I should really call my uncle. And then like, right when I was getting to my car I was like I should turn around. So I turn around, and then I see my store manager running out like hey, I'm, there's a phone call for you. And I answered the phone and my uncle was dead. Whoa.
Speaker 1:That's kind of like a little not exactly at all, but a little bit kind of like Steve's situation.
Speaker 2:Steve, yeah, but he kind of just died Like he went to walk his dog and fell over.
Speaker 4:He was old, it was fine.
Speaker 2:But, still you know creepy shit, yeah Just wild.
Speaker 3:Which I'll say all of that to say communicate with your family. If you're going through things like this, regardless of whether they're going to quote, think you're crazy. You know it's.
Speaker 1:Like. What bothers me about this is that they all knew that. They all experienced this.
Speaker 2:I agree, not one fucking. What bothers me about this is that they all knew that. They all experienced this. I agree nobody said shit.
Speaker 1:No one thought to be like, hey, let's talk about this, because clearly we all went through some shit. You're not crazy. You got haunted, we all got haunted. Some shit happened and then I don't I think a lot of it was suppression. I think they were trying to, they wanted to believe that this didn't happen, even though it all did happen. Because how does your mother commit suicide? Your dad looks sketchy, it does not look good for him, but you know, this house and no part of you for a second thinks that this house had something to do with it.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Or that the hauntings that you guys have been going through for the past, however long, has anything to do with it. I think there was a lot of suppression and a lot of trying not to believe it and running away from it, for instance, like Luke with the cane man.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I would like to. I would like to touch on episode three. Touch, yeah, sorry, um. Uh. I think one of the reasons theo is one of my absolute favorite characters is because she is doing exactly what you guys are saying. She listened, she was best friends with nell before. What nell did made her do um. Like Nell and her were the closest um. Like she, she's talked to everybody, she knows everybody's story and that's part of the reason she became who she is. That's another reason she wears the gloves, because she can not only not only has she listened to everybody's stuff, um, but she can feel everybody's stuff. She can feel what they've been there, she can see, when she touches them, what they've been through.
Speaker 1:She's like forced to listen Exactly.
Speaker 4:But Theo does such a good job of translating that into something to help her and help her life. And now she's helping that little girl and that little boy and she's doing something so great with her life because she had to do it anyways growing up and that's why she's one of my favorite characters.
Speaker 2:I'll also say that it's a very realistic portrayal of emotions, like the stages of grief.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like different grieving.
Speaker 2:Forehead, never remember her name.
Speaker 4:Yeah, Shirley.
Speaker 2:She was like what's the stage denial? She was like no, no, you got it wrong. And then Theo was like oh yeah, I'm pissed off, don't let me talk to them kids.
Speaker 1:Yeah and then there's Luke, who is like no, you're wrong. Not that she didn't die, he's like that hit me. That made me want to cry when he could feel that his twin had died.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he woke up right when she fucking they all did. Yeah, they all did.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah they all did. They all woke up. The second she died.
Speaker 3:Except for Steve. He was already awake.
Speaker 1:No, he got woken up. He had like just fallen asleep, did he? They all, like shot out of bed and grabbed their neck. But it was the following day that all that shit Happened to Luke, with his friend leaving and the rehab center and him following after her, and then the whole time he's just saying I feel cold, I feel so stiff, like I'm like yeah, he's like I feel like I'm going through withdrawals and I didn't even use and that was which nobody believed him.
Speaker 2:No, no, well, Steve did I mean he was a certified fiend, bro, he was shooting why he was feeling that way.
Speaker 1:Now, though, it was dude oh yeah, yeah, we know, it was because nell died he feels, everything she feels and they really everything, yeah and they they did in the twin thing that was, uh, episode four.
Speaker 3:they really touched on that in the sense that, uh, she felt his withdrawals and she described it almost the same way, which is so sad if you think about it. I mean, if that's what withdrawals feel like, then I mean they're describing it as feeling like you're dead.
Speaker 4:It's like you're dying, you're truly dying.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and fucking Forehead aka Shirley, weird ass was like I'm going to fix her.
Speaker 1:I hate that term. So yeah, like.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna fix her. I hate that term.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, I was watching it with Eric.
Speaker 2:Something about that feels wrong. I'm gonna fix her.
Speaker 1:Yeah, when she's talking to the little kid and she's like I'm gonna fix your grandma, First of all, fuck you.
Speaker 2:What do you mean? Fix Freaking, embalm your sister.
Speaker 1:That's crazy. I think she was trying to cope and she thought it would make her feel better and she seemed to handle it fine. I sure as fuck couldn't do that.
Speaker 2:And then a freaking bug crawled out of Nell's mouth.
Speaker 3:Oh my god, that was awful, but that was exclusively for Shirley.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the bug crawling out of the mouth was not worse than the mom, though.
Speaker 4:No, the mom was so sad. The mom's a baddie, though, sitting up.
Speaker 2:She can haunt me.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, she can haunt me for days, I don't care she is. Yeah, she's very pretty.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I forgot about the mom sitting up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, something that TJ and I noticed her body was all completely like ash, like burnt black in a way. Her hands weren't when she presented the box, but I don't know. It's similar to when Nell initially died and she started when she went through the time travel, when she went through the um time travel, like like, yeah, the time travel, the cascading where she she actively began haunting her past um all the moment. Oh, oh, that makes sense, because it was at the end. What on the final one, where?
Speaker 1:we're not talking about that, yet yeah, we saw five yeah yeah that was episode five was it yeah? When nell got to the very last part, which was the first time she was ever haunted by the bent neck, lady uh and she screams. Uh. You remember earlier nell as a child, said she screamed so loud it hurt my ears. And then nell now as an adult, being dead, now she started like turning black into stone.
Speaker 2:That makes sense. Also, back to the trauma thing you're haunting yourself, she haunted herself, that's crazy she literally-.
Speaker 3:She did.
Speaker 4:She watched her life go by as she grew up, if that makes sense, yep, and that's horrifying.
Speaker 1:And she had no idea.
Speaker 4:No, that's a horrifying notion. It's just terrifying for anybody. Nell did not deserve that.
Speaker 1:I agree. I think she got it the worst out of everybody. She's the youngest, which I'm changing my mind on something I said earlier when I said that Luke and Nell were like they had the same ability. They didn't have the same ability. She described the house as loud to her mom, so I think she heard more than she saw, but she saw shit too. She saw the bent neck lady, but she didn't see like that was it though.
Speaker 1:That's all she saw. Yeah, luke saw pretty much everything Except the bent neck lady, but he saw the cane dude. He saw the monster in the in the oh the basement. When luke went to the basement the first time I saw that scene.
Speaker 4:That's a scary scene no, um, when luke went to the basement, um, and he, you see, just a straight up demon. At that point there's no other way to put that. That's just a fucking that was a zombie.
Speaker 1:That shit was crazy.
Speaker 4:It took a physical piece of his clothing off and they found it. When they later went, when theo later found the entrance, um, and they went down there and they found it and the dad you can see the dad start to piece together like hmm, I'm gonna ignore that. Still like, hmm, I'm going to ignore that.
Speaker 3:Pissed me off.
Speaker 4:Pissed me off.
Speaker 3:See, that's something that I always tell my family. Okay, whether you believe in demoniacs, ghosts, whatnot, if your family, especially your kids, are coming to you for help, listen, they need help with especially kids, because they actually need help with distinguishing between reality and imagination. Kids should have an overactive imagination, but you should not count everything off as imagination. I think we've said it. I heard you guys say it was. Kids are susceptible. They are open, right, they are very open-minded and they allow things in they're. They're learning for the first time. So in in this particular case, I personally think that the uh spirits that are in hill house are malevolent I think oh, yeah, I well, the whole house just wants to kill you.
Speaker 4:I'd argue that it's based off of the people that they were um because, uh well, we can talk about that later.
Speaker 2:Actually, yeah, I, I was gonna bring up a point that it's like next episode next, next, next time the house is trying to eat them, but I'll bring that up next, yeah, so yep, that'll be a good one let's give.
Speaker 3:Let's come up with some more cliffhangers, because we need. We're getting close to the end here.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we are Next episode. Maddie won't be sick.
Speaker 4:Right, no, also just to clarify. So the mom she's talking to Theo about when she gave her the gloves and she was just like your grandma, was sensitive. I'm sensitive, I have my color storms. Your little sister is sensitive, cheryl is sensitive. Um, the boys don't show too much, but I know luke see stuff like. The mom straight up admits she knows her kids she passed down that's what I'm saying to these children, and she knows this but then nobody talked mean.
Speaker 3:so that's my survival tip in this episode. My survival tip is communicate. I'm personally a person of faith, so I say the devil will always make you feel like you're on an island all alone. Nobody else can possibly understand what you're going through. You need your support group. You need those people around you, and that's why it is so important to have a support group your family, your closest friends, people that will listen to you when you talk about things that are abnormal, Because you know what. The last thing you need to hear when you feel like you're going crazy is calm down. This is probably just in your head. This is like. To me, this is the equivalent of somebody who suffers from serious anxiety and panic attacks to telling them just calm down. Like it's unhelpful to tell someone who feels like they're going crazy.
Speaker 1:Well, but if they just calm down, they'd feel a lot better.
Speaker 3:It's true, but if you feel like you're going crazy and somebody tells you hey, just relax, don't go crazy, you know, you, you, you feel like you're going crazy and somebody tells you hey, just relax, don't go crazy, you know, you, you, you feel like you're going crazy. What you need is for people to to just hear you.
Speaker 1:And, yeah, what's wild about it is that they all were feeling that Right and nobody thought it important to talk to each other.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 1:A family that was so close yeah.
Speaker 4:Theo actually did, so close yeah theo.
Speaker 3:Actually what did communicate? And yeah, she's also both of them. We didn't mention it, but theo, theo and nell. I felt so bad when theo and nell both got in trouble. They both got punished for things oh that, come home now and I was like what the. Funny enough the one who punished her. Oh, and that's later, it's in the later episodes, oh, okay, well, I feel like now.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I feel like we've hit a point where now we're just going to start talking about the next episodes, so I think it's time to end this one. Any final thoughts on the first five episodes of Haunting of Hill House.
Speaker 4:Just make sure First five episodes of haunting of hell house, just make sure first five episodes flash the porch light twice you come home.
Speaker 2:Oh wait, hold on, I want to bring that up so you see in. I forgot which episode it was in. But the little mini, mini diorama house, dream house, that fucking forehead has a forever home porch light flash twice on it yeah nell gets to the hill house porch light twice.
Speaker 1:She came home yeah the house was well, yeah, the house was luring her back right and also I blame the therapist for now going back I do, I do too.
Speaker 3:I didn't at first.
Speaker 1:I I at first I had no fucking idea what he was talking about and he was just giving her really shit advice episode one really pissed me off because she lied to her dad.
Speaker 3:She lied you know, I'm in la, I'm at home, I'm in bed. Okay, go to stevens okay. But I mean I do understand after watching, watching them, why she went back all of that. I mean she was a mess.
Speaker 1:So I mean, I would cry with her husband, though I will say we are hinted that um, the dad, or that the mom is with the dad the whole time, because when he gets that call from Nell, he is talking to himself in the room and he's saying I know, I know, I'm going, I know she's at the house, I'm going, and he's very clearly talking to his wife.
Speaker 4:So it is heavily hinted.
Speaker 2:If you wake up, you can't move. Your husband gets up, just dies. Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:And when the therapist is like he died of a brain aneurysm, she's like I know, I know that's what it looks like. That feels a lot when a particular witness who would take down a multi-billion dollar corporation says they're going to say something and then they magically just end up on aliving themselves, and what a mystery.
Speaker 1:All right, well, thank you everybody for listening. Alex already shouted out our where to find the podcast. Alex already shouted out where to find the podcast. If you want to find our social media, you can find us on Facebook, tiktok, instagram, all at Will you Survive the Podcast. You can find us on X at Alex and Eric WIS. You can email us at theboys at willyousurvivethepodcastcom.
Speaker 2:Also I'm missing something. What am I missing? Uh, breaking news editor tj here. The thing that he forgot was to announce the winner. It was me. Now back to the ending of the episode that's the end of the episode I think you got everything.
Speaker 1:If you're being haunted, maybe I don't know uh, get a priest or stop being haunted.
Speaker 2:Loser, all right, stay alive stay alive, get that money, get that bread. Thank you, you.