Will You Survive... The Podcast
Immerse yourself in the world of cinema as we embark on a journey to equip you with the skills to tackle any disaster head-on. Through the lens of thrilling tales, particularly those of the zombie apocalypse, we'll unravel the secrets of preparedness. Join us as we explore the silver screen to empower you for the challenges that lie ahead.
Will You Survive... The Podcast
Will You Survive "Evil Dead Rise": Earthquake Myths and Demonic Mayhem
Ever wondered why an earthquake could be the best plot twist of the year? Strap in with Eric, Alex, and TJ as we hilariously question the shaky survival logic in "Evil Dead Rise." With our Californian expertise on tremors, we're not buying that a 5.5 quake would cause such destruction, but hey, it conveniently reveals a mysterious vault! Join us as we humorously critique these cinematic earthquakes and ponder the strange daylight demons that left us scratching our heads.
Then, get ready for a spooky shift as we tackle the eerie demonic elements and family nightmares that make this film unsettlingly unique. With a nod to Bruce Campbell's cheeky cameo, we navigate the murky waters of invincible deadites and serial killer fandoms. If you've ever been curious why some folks find Ted Bundy romantic, this episode will provide a chilling—and slightly comical—explanation. Plus, don't miss our survival tips that might just save you from the next zombie apocalypse or awkward family reunion.
Finally, let's lighten the mood with some supernatural musings and dreamlike antics. We share stories about mischievous cats, bizarre dreams, and pranks that will leave you in stitches. Whether it's a dream about an unsympathetic ex or a prank convincing someone they've slept through years, these tales are sure to entertain.
Cool. Hello survivors, and welcome to another episode of Will you Survive? The Podcast. My name is Eric. I am your host today and I'm your host because I won the last episode. I'm joined by my co-host, alex, that's me and TJ.
Speaker 2:That is I. That is TJ that is them.
Speaker 1:Today we're talking about Evil Dead Rise, which is a series that I've always been pretty interested in but never really watched at all.
Speaker 2:I actually, um, I wanted to talk about something, so at work this week it's been kind of chaotic. You know, I actually went to a different building. Usually I'm working at our, like main building. It's a really nice one, but we had bought another building in another city. It's about 30 minutes away. It's not that bad of a drive wait, wait who uh, you know my company I'm not gonna say the company, but oh, who who asked, asked anyways.
Speaker 2:So basically we're talking about people dead rise, I'm not going to say the company. Oh, who, who Asked?
Speaker 1:Asked Exactly so we're talking about Evil Dead Rise.
Speaker 1:So, full disclosure, this is not a very good survival movie, which is why TJ was ready to just move straight on from it, because about a quarter through the movie there's a moment where I think one of the demons specifically says, like no one is going to get out alive, which they were wrong, because two of them did get out. But also I think that it was stupid that they got out, to be honest, and I think the whole was stupid that they got out, to be honest, and I think the whole purpose of this movie was that you don't escape, everybody will die. And then they didn't do that. So thoughts on that, because it didn't feel great, to be honest.
Speaker 3:Well, one of the things there was some inconsistency with the prior movies, which is okay Because the prior movies were so old, they don't have to be straight attached, right. But in the original the demon would not be out during the daylight, right? So when Ash actually got possessed in the daylight and when he gets up and the sun hits him, the demon retreats and he comes to his senses and and everything's like crazy, okay. So in this one, clearly it doesn't have the same problem, but it's supposed to be the same demon. So it's a little inconsistent there, but none of that bothered me. All of the that.
Speaker 3:That's kind of the tagline for uh, evil dead, um, dead by dawn, and um, that was evil dead 2 made a big deal about it. It was pretty wild, like all of the dead were chanting that all at the same time. They did it in this one too. But, um, the thing that I gotta tell you hit me right off the bat survival wise was the mom screams at the kids. You never use the elevator after an earthquake, and where did the demon get a hold of her?
Speaker 1:in the elevator, yeah earthquake, you know she just avoided the elevator. Hold of her in the elevator, yeah, an earthquake, you know.
Speaker 3:She just avoided the elevator which, by the way, the other thing that really fucking pissed me off was the stairwell collapsed and blah, blah, blah, and they're reporting that this was a 5.5 yeah, okay, I I feel like I brought I don't know.
Speaker 1:Was I watching it with you, tj, I don't think so. No, you were not, but I remember as a native californian and somebody who goes through earthquakes. A 5.5 is not going to be putting a giant crack in your garage floor, no, unless there's some severe structural problems well they.
Speaker 3:They did say that because they were going to be condemned. However, a building going to be condemned where the city gives you a month, or whatever. This freaking place was not like ready to fall apart with the slightest move, right.
Speaker 1:But so 5.5 is not big enough to cause all that, right.
Speaker 3:And some, some plot weapons just to further. The plot, of course, was the earthquake had to open up the ground so the kid could find the vault, the old bank vault that existed there, and they had to go in, which, by the way, if there was a bank vault under the foundation of that building, it would not be unstable, like yeah, it would just be the roof of it would not have broken right it's.
Speaker 3:That's not how those work, but in any case those were like the survival issues that I had. The other thing was I believe all of these people were supposed to be native Californians and a 5.5 earthquake had them. Now I get the little kid dropping the sodas, okay fine.
Speaker 3:But the older kid dropping the pizza and everybody reacting the way they did, over a 5.5. I mean, let's face it, we've gone through enough earthquakes that a 5.5 here in I think it wasa, it was a five something here in pasadena a few months ago. Oh I remember. Yeah, people barely even got out of their chairs uh-huh like I think I slept through it.
Speaker 1:That's the joke in california. Is you're like oh man, is that the trash truck or is it an earthquake? It it's not even a five pointer. Yeah, it has to be bad Like, remember the one. So this means nothing to our, to our listeners and to TJ, but we were in. I think it was the steakhouse in Burbank. Remember that earthquake that hit Like the? The chandeliers were swaying back and forth. That was a big earthquake but nobody got up out of their chairs.
Speaker 1:There was no cracks in the ground or anything. That was a big earthquake. Nobody even got up. No, we were just riding it out. It's also like the Gabriel Iglesias joke, where you have your fork with pancakes and you're just like I'm just trying to guide it in, but I wish they would have made it a little bit better in that regard yeah.
Speaker 3:I understand the building is set to be condemned. If this would have been like a seven-pointer or an eight-pointer, absolutely the stairs could have collapsed Because there's structural problems with the building. But even with structural problems, a five-pointer is not going to do that.
Speaker 1:No, that's a big stretch, I agree. Problems, a five-pointer is not going to do that. No, not that's a big stretch, I agree. But regardless of that, uh, she takes the elevator up, which I think she she had to right because of the stairs that's what I think.
Speaker 3:That's what I think the reasoning she had. But then it brought the question in my mind why the fuck are you leaving?
Speaker 1:why are you leaving your kids?
Speaker 3:and I mean I mean she had some reason, but it's not valid enough to leave your kids if you're that concerned over a freaking earthquake.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:You know, I love you more than any pizza. Don't ever take the elevator after an earthquake and this building is condemned and we're going to have to move out of it. Well, I'm just going to go ahead and take the elevator because, you know, whatever I have to do is more important than she had to go to grab something was it In the garage or something?
Speaker 1:But something brought her out of the apartment and then she got in the elevator and that's when she got possessed. So I do think in this episode, alex is probably going to be our best point of reference. Although I am religious and I do have some education in the Bible, I think Alex is exposed to it a lot more than I am and knows a lot more about it.
Speaker 2:No, guys, I'll take it from here.
Speaker 1:TJ is also a demonologist.
Speaker 2:in his spare time he's eBay certified I am actually a Catholic priest.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you study demons about as much as that little boy studied demons.
Speaker 2:You should start referring to me as father. Is what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:Oh God so when Clearly he's a Catholic priest. Yeah, speaking of priests, the Bible says call no man father, and this guy says call me father.
Speaker 2:Call me dad. No, no, call me dad.
Speaker 1:Forgive me, daddy, for I have sinned. Oh my God.
Speaker 3:That's awful. That's a whole new connotation.
Speaker 1:That's awful. So this kid, when he finds the vinyl, or, yeah, the um in the book of the dead, first of all, when a book actually bites you and then opens its mouth after, uh, I forget what happened that made it open its mouth, that's already a hard no for me. Then, seeing all that creepy shit that looks ancient as hell and very evil, another hard no for me. But I think the part that surprised me the most is when he's playing the vinyl, uh on the on his, uh on his deck. What is that called?
Speaker 1:turntable on his turntable and the guy on the recording goes and now I'm gonna start reciting the chant why I feel like even atheists at that point are like nah, I'm good.
Speaker 3:Take that off.
Speaker 1:He waited way too long to try and take that off the turntable and by the time he waited it was too late. I think if he would add the second that guy was like and now I'm going to start chanting If he was like nope and took it off, I think they would have been okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah and took it off. I think they would have been okay, yeah, most definitely.
Speaker 1:But that's why I'm like I think even atheists are like I don't want to mess. That sounds too real.
Speaker 3:I don't want to mess with that I'm black, so I would survive this actually, you know Because you never would have fucking grabbed the damn book.
Speaker 2:I never would have touched that fucking anything. No, I'm not going to lie.
Speaker 1:I might have grabbed the book, but the second, my blood, oh, you would not you would not have grabbed that book when you opened the wrapping, that book was covered in insects I don't mind insects.
Speaker 3:Oh bullshit, it's only spiders you would not have picked that book up I don't care about insects, I'll let stuff crawl on me.
Speaker 1:I don't care, it's only spiders, like even scorpions, don't bother me, I don't know, I it's not.
Speaker 3:It's not the fact that it bothers you. I don't think you're fucking dumb enough to sit there and see something that covered in insects and yet not eaten like if you were to see as well.
Speaker 1:Have had like demons, don't touch exactly, go hear it oh well, that's true, because because that's right he unwrapped it and, like all those bugs came up inside no no, you're right, because I would have seen that and immediately thought this is some demonic shit.
Speaker 1:I I would not have touched that, but it's I. I wouldn't have touched it because that would have. That would have been an indicator to me that this is not just a prop, because that would would have been. My thought is oh, this is a weird prop book. Like, how does it work? Is it like a puzzle, like a Halloween theme? The second my blood opens the book. That's too real. Nah, I'm okay. Yep, big pass. But no, you're right, if I would have found it the way they found it, with the bugs and wrapped and everything that screams demonic, yep, not gonna touch it as soon as, like if my blood opens the book I'm getting tested for, like some you know like I got demon, demon hurt.
Speaker 2:You know, like I'm not trying, I'm chucking that bitch to the ground and I'm like, oh, calling the doctor this guy says, I got demon herpes he's got demon herpes, demonic herp you can't get rid of that.
Speaker 3:You know demonic herp he's got hi demon yeah I like that one I like that one. That was good that's a good band name right there hi demon is a good band name. Yeah, yeah, I could see it. I could see that that'd be like a some metalcore band for sure.
Speaker 3:So a little, uh, unknown or little known fact here. Uh, you guys may or may not have known, but one of the dissenting voices on the recording, who was like no, it's called the book of the dead for a reason was bruce campbell. That was, ash from the original evil dead oh, that's pretty cool.
Speaker 1:I like when they do stuff like that. But yeah, yeah, you okay. So this is a prime example of the road to hell is paved with good intentions, because the guy who was trying to decipher the book in the recordings did have good intentions. His intentions were to decipher the book to use it for against demons for um to against demons. But he's an idiot and he decided to start meddling with demons and thought he was like stronger or more willful than them.
Speaker 2:Brother, go cast that book into mount vesuvius like get it out of here.
Speaker 3:What are you trying?
Speaker 2:to do freaking.
Speaker 3:No, that's kind of an interesting thing I I wonder see, okay, this one was vastly different in the fact that these were commonly known as deadites in the series right, and I got to do a little throwback here because somebody just connected a dot and makes me want to go back and watch the Friday the 13th franchise, because Jason could have been a deadite. These could not be killed the standard way a zombie is killed. And now, mind you, although I do still classify them as zombies, they are controlled by a force. They're not just this, isn't just a, uh, a viral reaction, or even radioactive reaction supernatural.
Speaker 3:This is supernatural, it's demonic so I kind of think that this is what um zach snyder was going for in 2004 dawn of the dead. There was no rhyme or reason for it, they just were.
Speaker 1:They just came out and so why I think this is different is because this was clearly demonic, not like a plague put upon humans, the the reason I say that is because a zombie plagues are often demonic okay, sure, yes, yes, but I, I think, so think, dawn of the Dead, right, those zombies, or call them infected, whatever you want to call them.
Speaker 3:No, those are zombies.
Speaker 1:Well, they are zombies, but they come from a supernatural background. But even then, it's not like they're each individually possessed by a demon. They're infected with some sort of sickness and we interpret that as a plague being led upon the earth, um, and turning these, these people, into zombies. This is very different, because these are very intelligent and they don't die right.
Speaker 3:So this screams demonic and oh absolutely no, no, no argument there now, if you don't mind, just for the listener's sake. If you haven't seen Evil Dead Rise, I know it's not the most popular movie out there, but moving the action out of the woods and into the city, evil Dead Rise tells a twisted tale of two estranged sisters, played by Sutherland and Sullivan those are the actresses names whose reunion is cut short by the rise of flesh possessing demons, thrusting them into primal battle for survival as they face the most nightmarish version of family imaginable that I like. I like that particular storyline because of that last line them as they face the most nightmarish version of family imaginable. And I thought of that because the mom kept saying the most creepy, freaking things. When she said I love you so much, I just want to cut you open and crawl inside of you so that we could be together forever.
Speaker 2:I was like oh God, I say that to Maddie all the time. Ew, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:That's the Doppler-Dommer effect, right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, let me crawl into your skin. I love you so freaking much, dude.
Speaker 3:That guy, john cusack, from say anything. That was, um, I forget his name's james doppler, forget his name, don't quote me on that um, but he was like standing outside her window with the boombox over his head playing music really loud, and it was like she was into him.
Speaker 3:So she liked it she liked yeah, yeah, she liked the attention that he gave her and the vibe was right right. However, if you just take some things and twist it a little bit, if she's not interested in the guy, everything that he was doing would come off as stalking, as creepy, as a violation of space.
Speaker 2:Well, that's the thing with You're not going to just walk up to a random chick who you find attractive and is like Dude, you're so hot, I kind of want to just crawl into your skin. I want to be so close to you, that I want to be in you.
Speaker 1:There'd be some girls and it's the type of girls who fell for Ted Bundy. Whoa yeah.
Speaker 2:He wasn't even that attractive. No, Well think of the more recent. He just fed off of their egos. He fed off of their egos. Think of the more recent one.
Speaker 1:Can you help me fix my car, Bitch? You know you can't fix his car. You know you can't fix that tricky Volkswagen.
Speaker 3:Well, okay, so the one that I think of that is more gruesome wilson, like not deadpool, but the actual wade wilson. Uh, he had women fawning all over him, this guy's face tattooed all up. I mean, he's not an attractive dude, so it's just. And, uh, there's a name for it. I, I beg your pardon, I forget it's a. Uh, it's a disorder where you get aroused by being with someone who commits heinous acts of violence, and it it's. There is a. It's a psychological term I forget. I'm sorry, I forget the name of it, but it's. That's what a lot of these women, especially those who were into, like Jeffrey Dahmer, writing him love letters, charles Charles Manson, the Night Stalker, they write them love letters and they want to be with them in prison, even though they know what they've done.
Speaker 1:Absolutely insane.
Speaker 3:But yeah, I think as far as survival tips for this movie, yeah, don't fuck around with books of the dead. Don't go grabbing a book that has teeth on the outside of it and bites you and opens up when your blood starts, uh, bleeding, you know you start bleeding on the cover and if that's not all enough, all the creepy pictures inside are not a good indicator, apparently. I mean I? I think that was pretty clearly satanic worship right there.
Speaker 1:That was it was enough for the, for the sister, to say close that shit and put it away.
Speaker 3:And he didn't listen, and that's why I don't think zombies would ever be a real threat.
Speaker 1:I agree because.
Speaker 3:Whoa, I'll get my kukuri.
Speaker 1:Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I think he's saying something Zombies, don't talk, just wait a sec. What was that?
Speaker 3:You need a loan. What are you going to buy a house? What do you need a loan for? I think he wants to buy a home. Don't we know someone who can help him with that?
Speaker 1:Yeah, we do. Have you heard of Corinne Salas at Next Home Grandview in Glendale California?
Speaker 3:She can help you get moved into your forever home now your eternal resting place, if you will, or forever home, that works.
Speaker 1:Don't miss the opportunity of a lifetime like this guy. Call Corinne today at 714-510-6443. You can also find her on Instagram at nexthomebycorinne, or visit her website at CorinneSalasNextHomeGrandViewcom. That's C-O-R-I-N-N-E, s-a-l-a-s Dot NextHomeGrandViewcom. Not food. Evil Dead Rise. I would Probably put this like a C tier movie, but it was fun. It was a. It was a good movie In a sense. In a way, in its own way, um, it was. I guess it was fun to watch. Not a lot of survival, to be honest, because the way that they survived at the end I really disagree with um. First of all, it feels like that final form of that demon was like its weakest form yeah, it was lumbering around, it couldn't move, it was slow.
Speaker 1:It couldn't fit through any like any small areas. Um, it seemed to lose all of its power, that it had all of its like supernatural powers and and everything like so, although the uh the priest said the way he stopped them was by dismembering them, well, he said that didn't work.
Speaker 1:He, he, right after that. They keep listening and he goes, uh, he goes on to say um, it didn't work there. The limbs began to come after me like they will never stop coming after you. They will put themselves themselves together to get you. You are screwed, is basically what he said. There's no stopping it.
Speaker 2:Holy Water, sprinkle it on the chants. Holy Water Chants also a good band name.
Speaker 1:Love the idea. But so here's where I thought you would come more in handy for this particular episode. The priest, or the researcher on the record, was saying that he called a crap ton of priests and the demon laughed at them and just slaughtered them all. Now I do think no shade if you were to call a lot of regular Catholic priests. That would probably happen. But what about? Like? This is kind of insinuating that this demon had like full power. Nobody could stop it. Thoughts.
Speaker 3:Well, I mean, even in the Bible there were demons that were mocking the disciples. Even in the Bible there were demons that were mocking the disciples. They went to go cast out the demons and the people came back and said Jesus, can you help us? Because your disciples came and they couldn't do it. And he even Jesus scoffed at his disciples and he said how long do I have to suffer you? How long do I have to be here? You should be able to do this.
Speaker 3:So the idea is these type of I'm going to call it loosely, I'm going to call it a ritual these type of rituals understand, when the Bible asked, when they asked Jesus, how should we pray? He gave them the sinner's prayer. Right, our Father, who art in heaven. He said pray in this fashion, right? Um, one of the things that was most important is faith. Without faith it's. There's a famous hymn that says um prayer without faith is like a boat without an oar, and I would say the same thing, right, but in that sinner's prayer it says as on earth, so shall it be in heaven. So that's where rituals actually have some power in the spiritual sense. There's some backing behind, like an exorcism.
Speaker 3:An exorcism has power because the ritual is on earth, it's given power and therefore heaven backs them up. Earth, it's given power and therefore heaven backs them up. Now, whether that's the case or not, um, I think that there is a very good chance that if you were to go at something like this with ritual and you were to stand there with your cross and your holy water, that it would mock you, it would do like and this is the end, was it?
Speaker 1:oh, does it really condemn me, jay? Does it Does?
Speaker 3:it? Does it condemn me? Does it Exactly?
Speaker 1:It's not feeling, really, it's not feeling very condemning, and I think that's a very good.
Speaker 3:Oh, compelling, that's what it was. Compelling, it's compelling.
Speaker 1:Does it compel me, Jay? The power of Christ compels you.
Speaker 3:Very compelling and I think, without mocking Christianity, I think that's what many people do is because they don't actually have faith. Yeah Right, they believe, or they believe in the ritual, and so I think it's a very good possibility that you go up against something like this. Now, mind you, the Bible tells a story of the people going and trying to exercise the demon and they end up running away naked in the night because it like whooped their ass.
Speaker 1:It stripped them.
Speaker 3:So it had some power, right. So I mean, if these stories are to be taken literally, then yeah, I think this very well could be the case, especially if you go against something like this and you're just, you're making light of it. It's not real, it's not serious, it's oh, I can do this right. So that's that's my take on it, but in the movie sense, just so you guys know the quality of the effects here. Did you know they used 1720 gallons of fake blood?
Speaker 2:not proven they did nope director record for blood. I know it for actually that is true.
Speaker 1:Markiplier's new movie is, I think it, if it, I don't know about record I'm just saying.
Speaker 3:Director lee cronin stated in an interview that 6 500 liters, or 1 720 gallons, of fake blood were used for the movie.
Speaker 1:Most of that was that fucking elevator scene? Yeah, absolutely which was a cool scene, it's up with the elevator is filling with blood.
Speaker 2:It's kind of a theme, wasn't that? The shining yeah, I was gonna say, yeah, he did it first the, the rushing blood too okay.
Speaker 3:So just some lines in this movie that really creep me the fuck out. Okay, when the kid, danny, says uh, he asks mom, and she says mommy's with the maggots. Now, god, that bothered me so much and her voice was so, so good. I also read, read in here that the actress who played Ellie got her inspiration from watching Jim Carrey do his alter ego on the Mask. Oh, isn't that such a wild change. I can see that. I mean, I think that that's incredible.
Speaker 1:That is really cool.
Speaker 3:So another one that really bothers me is, of course, when Ellie says open up now and Casey says you don't look so good, mom, she goes nothing A big old kiss from you won't fix. Yeah God, it tried to freak the hell out of me.
Speaker 1:Even to the very end. You would always see it try to manipulate the person. The very end it. You would always see it try to manipulate the person. It would always try to play the person up to the the very end, when it tried to um, I forget what it said to her at the very end to try and save its life before she, uh, stuck the chainsaw uh, it said.
Speaker 3:It said you're gonna fail, just like or mom failed.
Speaker 1:It's just like you're gonna fail you groupie slut well, it got angry when it realized that she was gonna push it in the wood chipper anyways. That's when it called her a groupie slut. But beforehand it was like pleading with her, like it was trying to like make her. It was trying to break her down, yeah, so that she wouldn't end it, yeah. But it did that to all the characters at every point. It would try to pick at their weak spot, the little girl being that she wanted the family back together, right, um, I can't really think of any others, but the groupie slut thing, because she kept calling her a groupie which all for horror sake.
Speaker 3:Uh, I think every good writer does a good job of doing this. Where I think that's a very good uh, shall I say good, no, that's a very accurate trait of what would be a demoniac. Yeah, right, pick apart your weakest, your weak, your weaknesses, what bothers you, yeah, yeah and get in there and what haunts you?
Speaker 1:and then haunt you with it.
Speaker 1:So I I do think, like the, on a very extreme side of things. Um, I do think the demonic aspect is not entirely off base, if that's the way I want to word this. Um, although the survival and how it was handled, um, and just in general, I don't necessarily think anything like this, to this extreme, would really happen. Now, I very much do believe in demonic possession and demons and I do believe people have been possessed. I do believe that the Conjuring is based on true events.
Speaker 1:I think there's a lot of dramatization for tv. Um, that makes it a lot more interesting to watch on tv, because I think actually living through some sort of like demonic exorcism or something like that, it doesn't need to be super crazy. It doesn't need to be like the conjuring movie to be terrifying. You're dealing with a real demon. That's terrifying enough. So I think there's a lot of. Obviously, this movie is not based on a true story or anything, but I think demon movies in general and stuff like that they they generally get a good gist of what a demon would be like, but just to an extreme, yeah, you know.
Speaker 3:Well so so one thing that I would say is clear I don't think demons would be so vulgar. They won't be so blatant yet. There will come a time where I think you will see that kind of activity, but they won't be so vulgar yet, because right now I've read a few books that have put it in different ways, but the bottom line is right now they have free access to roam about the world and the craziness that's going on. You'll never see them, so why would they reveal themselves?
Speaker 2:they don't have to. We're already crazy enough in order to find out. Tune in next week, where we get Eric possessed by a demon live on stream. Oh God.
Speaker 1:That's like a fucking Kaisenat. That's like a fucking Kaisenat stream right there. That guy has done everything.
Speaker 3:You know what I would say? There's proof that demons walk the earth. Cats.
Speaker 2:Okay, leave my cat alone.
Speaker 3:Oh no, that cat's a demon. Yeah, did you hear it? Did you hear it coming up and meowing right at the right moments? Did I repeat right?
Speaker 2:here he was sitting right here, behind me and I muted myself and I was like moki, can you shut the fuck up? He's meowing like really softly, but you can still hear it because he's you know. And then he's like really softly, but you can still hear it because he's you know, and then he's purring really loud like a freaking chainsaw by my head literally every time I play games with them.
Speaker 1:I constantly hear maddie go mochi, what the fuck are you doing? Get off mochi. Non-stop I always hear she's yelling at that cat like every five seconds so here's what I really thought you were gonna say.
Speaker 3:You guys, it's so funny. What I thought you were gonna say was and if you want to know what happened at work, you need to tune in next week.
Speaker 2:Tune in next week where you can hear the final part of my amazing work story that you never really started your amazing so basically what happened was is that so evil dead rise when they go to the vents? Guys, there's this thing it's called a baraska. It's an empty. No, not baraska no, please, anything.
Speaker 1:I don't even know, if you know that it's a reddit story.
Speaker 2:It's called baraska. You guys should check it out.
Speaker 1:First of all, it's the longest Reddit story in existence and it goes nowhere, huh. It's such a fuck. It's so stupid. Have you ever heard of SCPs? How do I describe SCPs? So they're basically just like scary. I think they're scary creepypastas. Is that what they stand for? Oh, creepypastas, is that what they?
Speaker 2:stand for, okay, um, I don't know. They're just scps to me. I'm not really into the lore. I know there's one where you turn your back it'll kill you or you. Yeah, basically a weeping angel. So there's scps.
Speaker 1:There's three different categories. There's, like, the completely safe ones, the ones that could kill you and the ones that are super lethal, and generally it's a completely fan-made um fan base. So the idea of scp was presented and then a bunch of people would create these data logs of these scps, these creatures or these objects that would do weird things. It would be stuff like um.
Speaker 1:So there's a stairwell and if you enter the stairwell, you never stop going down and if you try to go back up, you keep going up, you never stop, and so you're stuck in a permanent. What about those like back? Room things it's essentially like that.
Speaker 2:Essentially, like that. But there's this one. It's uh, it's from a story called you don't recognize the faces in the water, and basically it's an scp oh, I know that one. It's a lake and you get close to it and you start seeing faces and they look like people you know and then you get, you get drawn to it and then, once you get in it, you become one of the faces and it just keeps pulling people in do you know the story of the red lamp?
Speaker 2:no but I do remember in uh one of our episodes you just go. I like lamp and um.
Speaker 1:I need to find that clip to put it in right here my uh, the red lamp.
Speaker 3:What was his name? What was his name in that in anchorman brick?
Speaker 2:I love lamp yeah there, there you go. I even have to find the clip. Just there you go.
Speaker 3:I just gave it I just gave it to you that'll be my notification sound.
Speaker 3:This is a this is a different scary story. Right, short story. Um, man with his family, uh, starts experiencing weird, weird things. And he, sitting in his living room, one day, uh, it's becoming very clear that this lamp he's looking at it doesn't seem right, it seems out of place in his living room, it seems out of focus. And he keeps focusing on it and his wife and his kids keep coming up to him and talking to him and he, at first he's able to ignore it and and put it out of his mind and go about his day with his family and kids.
Speaker 3:And then, as it gets, you know, time goes on, he keeps like dwelling on this lamp and to the point where he ends up completely like paralyzed, if you will not literally.
Speaker 3:But he's sitting in his chair just staring at this freaking lamp, wondering why is this thing so out of place, stares at it so long, and all of a sudden he starts realizing he's hearing other voices in his in his room, in his living room. He starts paying attention and these voices, they sound like they're they're trying to say something. It sounds like sometimes they're even trying to talk to him, but it doesn't make sense because they're not in the room with him and, lo and behold, he all of a sudden one day wakes up out of a coma and realizes he's been seeing this lamp that's in the hospital room across the way as they have him propped up in his in his bed. He wakes up and the saddest part about it was he was in a horrible accident I, I forget car accident, something like that terrible accident and uh, he was actually only out for a couple of hours, but he lived a lifetime. He had a wife and kids that do not exist.
Speaker 1:That's got to be. That was all in his head. Yeah, I mean, you ever had like those really vivid dreams where you wake up and you're kind of like, damn, I really feel like I did live that. That felt very, very real.
Speaker 3:Yes, my zombie dreams.
Speaker 2:You know, I actually Should we just do a scary stories?
Speaker 1:I would love to.
Speaker 2:I'd be down because I just got reminded of a really, really old one that I heard when I was a kid. Have you heard of the one called uh, humans can lick too. Oh, my god, that sounds awful. Okay, I think I'll save it for another time, because it is fucking about time we end the episode, but it's a really old one. I have a story.
Speaker 1:I have a story to end off on.
Speaker 2:All right, and it's a true story. Let's go.
Speaker 1:The other night so this was probably like Tuesday night TJ and I were on late playing Minecraft and then we got off and I went to bed, minecraft, um, and then we got off and I went to bed and when I woke up the next morning I had this very, very faint memory of tj telling me that maddie was in a really bad car accident. And I was like huh. And then I remember him saying that she died and I was thinking to myself I was like there's, there's, that was a dream, for sure. But all day I was like huh, okay, what if it wasn't a dream? Like what if TJ really did tell me that?
Speaker 1:And I was like no, there's no way, like there's, no, I would definitely be feeling something right now if he had told me that she died in a car accident, for sure. But the whole day it was like so vivid that it was. I saw the Discord screen when he told me. Like in my dream I was on Discord and I saw him tell me that she died in a car accident. So when I woke up I was like no, that definitely didn't happen, like I would definitely know. But the whole day I was like I don't know, maybe like what is up with this shows what a friend you are.
Speaker 1:You didn't even call me when my wife was dead so I I knew I was like well, I tonight dead ass. I think there's something wrong with maddie?
Speaker 2:I think she emits a signal or something that makes you dream that she's dead because I've had many dreams or she's just not alive like I, I swear I was like dude.
Speaker 1:I, I, I was. There's no way I couldn't be high or drunk enough to ever just forget that.
Speaker 2:There's no way. That's all I was thinking. I was like man, he's dead right.
Speaker 1:Well, I was like, truth be told, like I smoked quite a bit that night, but not more than I would normally smoke. So I was like there's no way I would forget something that big. But I was like, yeah, well, we'll see either tonight. If they're both not on, then I have something to worry about. But then she called me at like 7 30 and I answered I was like hey, I'm glad you're alive and you're like okay imagine it was me calling from her phone I'm glad you're alive. You're like.
Speaker 2:I already told you oh my god dude I had dude it'd be so freaking funny if you would have told, like alex, that first and you're like, you're like dude, I'm so unsure if if she's good or not right, and he could have messaged me and I could oh wow, so you guys could pray for me that'd have been so crazy that's a harsh prank.
Speaker 3:That's a harsh prank. I have to make me think that she died.
Speaker 2:I've seen one where they like dude was an alcoholic and then he passed out drunk and they set up a whole hospital room and it's like, yeah, it's been 15 years oh, your girlfriend, you got pregnant. Yeah, uh, it was your, it was a son. I've been taking care of your son the whole time.
Speaker 2:It's like oh my god and he's like he really wants to talk to you. And then they bring in like the freaking old kid and he's like hi, dad, oh, my god all right, but you know what, when it comes to that, I kind of feel like he deserves it.
Speaker 1:That's funny yeah, that is pretty. If you could fall for that.
Speaker 3:That's pretty funny I had, uh, I had a dream just this week. I I think mine was monday, going to tuesday. Monday night is, I think, when I had my dream. Andne's going to hear about this on the podcast, because I don't have the heart to tell her. I had a dream, I was shot at work, oh, and I was. Here's the harsh part.
Speaker 1:You didn't have your bulletproof vest on.
Speaker 3:I always have that on. This is the part that this is the part that she would completely expect me to say. My ex happened to walk up to me in the dream and just say I hope you didn't leave me anything and walk away, as I'm lying on the ground like that. That was it. I don't know what and I woke woke up.
Speaker 2:I was like what the fuck? What does it mean? What the fuck was that?
Speaker 3:And I was like I'm lying on the ground and I'm trying to call 911. And like I can't even do that and all of a sudden this fucking bitch I hope you didn't leave me anything and walks away.
Speaker 2:I was like holy shit, of course, I didn't leave you anything, you just walked away, you're like damn, I'm only dying here.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I haven't had the heart to tell her this. Hi, corinne, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I'll make sure to leave this part in.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you will. I could count on you Hi.
Speaker 1:Corinne Maddiedie said hi, maddie's alive, oh my god oh no, she's alive, our nar, our nar editor tj.
Speaker 2:Here I am cutting this awful, abhorrent section out of the podcast because I did not want to edit 30 minutes of us talking about poop because we are children. If you want to hear the full, unedited thing, right as we're recording it, you can check out our live on TikTok. We go live every Friday or Sunday, depending on how lazy we are. Now back to the show. All right.
Speaker 3:Why don't you announce the winner?
Speaker 1:Well, first of all, you got to listen to me. Plug all of our socials before you get a winner.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 1:Go check out our Facebook, our Instagram, our TikTok all at. Will you Survive the Podcast? Our tiktok, all that? Will you survive the podcast? Go find our x at, or formerly known as twitter, at alex and eric wys. Is it still that? That is it? Is you know what at this point?
Speaker 3:fuck it, sorry, tj with all of our followers, with all of our 15 followers alex and eric in parentheses and TJ, Go send us an email.
Speaker 1:We actually really enjoy your emails. Go send us an email at theboys at willyousurvivethepodcastcom.
Speaker 2:You can also make a comment on Spotify, and we will read those too.
Speaker 1:You can Leave us a five-star review and we'll leave you a comment. No, We'll read your comment. We'll read your review.
Speaker 2:Yeah, leave us a five-star review and leave a comment and we'll read that on tinder.
Speaker 1:He's there every day I am not, but if you find me, fuck it, if you please fuck it, please, what please? Please, please, anyways. Um uh, so who would do a 2012 next episode?
Speaker 2:I think Alex would want to really do that movie. I think he's really a fan of that movie.
Speaker 3:I am really a fan of that movie, it is true.
Speaker 1:TJ loser speech.
Speaker 2:I think we should really run with this cornhole idea we can make like a little that's crazy.
Speaker 1:Thank you for putting in your two cents. I think we should really run with this cornhole idea we can make like a little. That's crazy. Thank you for putting in your two cents. I appreciate your loser speech.
Speaker 2:We can take this to Shark Tank and Mark Cuban will invest freaking $200 million for only 1% of the company. Dude, we can get bank on this idea and y'all are slacking. Evil Dead Rise solid two out of 10 movie.
Speaker 3:Solid two out of 10.
Speaker 1:My nose is a bit runny, you almost made me fucking, blow my nose on my mic.
Speaker 2:Eric likes helmets. My wife isn't dead. Alex didn't get shot. You sound like the AI description don't poop, don't poop, do not, don't do that. That's not good great loser speech.
Speaker 1:Thank you, alex. Winner speech.
Speaker 3:I just want to thank all of you survivors for tuning in every week, listening to us as new episodes come out every Friday at 7am. Remember, you can get us anywhere. You get podcasts, including Spotify, apple Podcasts, amazon Music, iheartradio anywhere and, thanks to you all, you've made us the number one podcast on top 100 monthly for good pods. So thank you all for that and because of all of that inspiration, you have inspired me to dominate this episode where I get to be the winner and I will bring you survival techniques for the movie 2012 uh, which, by the way, I will be telling my future kids that that did happen yeah, I survived.
Speaker 1:That's good, that's good, I like I remember when the president died in 2012.
Speaker 3:I remember when he gave up his life and went down with the ship.
Speaker 2:Crushed.
Speaker 3:By an aircraft carrier, just a tiny little boat.
Speaker 1:Just a small little boat, that's all. It was a good time we totally didn't watch the movie already. Oh wait yeah we're going to watch it movie already it's, you know, it's, it's. Oh wait, yeah, no, we're gonna watch it. Yeah, we're gonna watch it next week, and you know, and record on friday wait a minute.
Speaker 3:What? What is wrong with being ahead of the game? We're prepared uh yeah, we're super engaged, yeah we're so ahead.
Speaker 1:I've never seen 2012 in my life we're super ahead.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we're so ahead. I've never seen a movie in 2012 in my life.
Speaker 3:No me, neither we're always working ahead of time to keep our survivors entertained and keep ourselves informed.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you want to know how hard I'm working. I have the tab of 2012 open right now with 20 minutes left on the movie See, and so does TJ, because we may or may not have been watching it together right before this recording.
Speaker 3:We can neither confirm nor deny I won't confirm and I won't deny now we should end this episode that's true.
Speaker 1:All right, get out of here. You rap scallions. You're not going to survive this demon attack. I'm not going to lie. We're probably not going to survive the next movie, but fuck it, who knows. We're going to try. We'll see what happens. Thank you guys for tuning in. I appreciate you guys listening again. You guys have been killing it recently. We'll see you in the next episode. Until then, stay alive, thank you.