Will You Survive... The Podcast

Will You Survive Our Second Tier List

September 13, 2024 Will You Survive... The Podcast Season 3 Episode 22

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Get ready for a spirited discussion as we rank 13 zombie films from S to F on our carefully curated tier list. We introduce new categories like "Iconic" and "Dog Water," and fiercely debate where movies like "Warm Bodies," "Day Zero," "I Am Legend," and "Hush" should land. Our tier list not only ranks these films but also dives deep into their unique elements, their impact, and what truly makes a zombie movie unforgettable.

As we wrap up Season 3, we reflect on our horror movie tier list, thank our amazing listeners for their support, and share our excitement for the upcoming fourth season. Stay in touch with us on social media and get ready for even more thrilling discussions next season!

Speaker 1:

Three, two, one.

Speaker 2:

That was a very crisp clap, sir. I would like to point that out.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. You know what? I am actually very proud of my claps. I feel like I clap very loud. Mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, they're the peakiest of claps.

Speaker 1:

Ah, yes.

Speaker 2:

The peakiest, that's a word.

Speaker 1:

The peakiest? Yes, for sure.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Hello survivors and welcome to the first ever episode of Will you Survive Eric's Birthday.

Speaker 1:

Oh shoot, if it wasn't for the brown nosing here, you might have lost points, but I'll take it.

Speaker 4:

I'll take it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

But it is Eric's birthday this week. We've been celebrating all week and that's how we do it down here. We made TJ celebrate for the whole week. Yeah, it's too much for me.

Speaker 1:

That's just how we roll. I wish it wasn't. I'm not going to lie Today. Okay, it wasn't. I'm not gonna lie today. Okay, this is gonna sound so ungrateful and it's not ungrateful. I I love it, but today is the third birthday celebration this week and I locked myself in my room because I just could not talk to anybody.

Speaker 2:

I had nothing in me and played project zomboid with me and we were out there.

Speaker 1:

He would rather build digital walls in a video game than socialize it's true, we didn't even build the walls, we just did the framing. We haven't even gotten to put a bunch of framework.

Speaker 4:

We deforested a freaking area, a front lawn he came out, he got food and went right back into his room. It's all true yeah, but I would do the same thing uh that that's where I come in, and I force him to celebrate, even if he doesn't want to celebrate. But with that in mind, happy birthday I mean.

Speaker 1:

Thank you tj. Thank you guys.

Speaker 4:

This is happy birthday to eric, I am old.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm older than alex.

Speaker 2:

Now, it's true, it's crazy yeah, dude, he's freaking, 852 years old no, that's that.

Speaker 1:

I'm 863. 52 would still be younger than alex. Damn, where does that put you now? That puts you in like the fort the 1200s.

Speaker 4:

They did, yeah, yeah, they definitely didn't start naming those generations that reminds me of that comedian who said uh, you know, everybody's out there wondering who built the? Uh, who built the pyramids in egypt? Why don't nobody ask the question in mexico? We all know who built those pyramids everybody.

Speaker 1:

No one questions and the part that makes me laugh is we all know, because they're slightly crooked yeah, it's like when. Well, I'm pretty, I'm pretty sure he followed that up with saying there was like a, there was a quinceanera that needed, that needed a temple by tuesday and they had that shit ready also.

Speaker 2:

They're like they're not as big.

Speaker 1:

Okay, hang on I don't know where you're comparing sizes, I'm just saying the ones in.

Speaker 2:

Egypt, them big ass things of limestone. How?

Speaker 1:

useless are they? It's not about how big the pyramid is. It's how you sacrifice in it.

Speaker 2:

All I'm saying is the bigger ones are in Africa. Wait a minute.

Speaker 4:

The bigger ones are in Africa, why don't?

Speaker 2:

Wait a minute.

Speaker 1:

Why is the world just one big euphemism Before we get canceled? Why don't?

Speaker 4:

you give everybody the warning that you're black.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, warning, caution, caution, african-american present, caution oh no. I am black.

Speaker 1:

Number one.

Speaker 2:

My father is black Number 30.

Speaker 4:

uh, I guess we could say uh, what is it?

Speaker 1:

trigger warning, trigger warning we're mexicans, sure, so we're probably worse than everybody whoa whoa. Before you get your pitchforks out, guys, they're legal, legal yeah, at least as far as they need to know, oh god, you guys are terrible okay well, we got there. So I'm tj. Look, I got, I got interrupted all right I'm all thrown off.

Speaker 4:

I did introduce you first, that is true, I'm eric.

Speaker 1:

I'm your lovely host today. I'm the host because I won the last episode. That's right and, quite frankly, it was the easiest win of my life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I kind of waited that I did, I pulled away.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he really did.

Speaker 2:

I really I was like what 14, negative 14? At one point.

Speaker 1:

I was like you're continually losing points and he just kept going. So, yeah, I'm joined today by my two co-hosts, who are my I mean less so contestants today, but we'll see how much I agree with your guys' answers on the topic today. Okay, but introduce yourselves, boys.

Speaker 2:

I'm Alex and I am TJ.

Speaker 1:

And that stands for Tyrannosaurus johnson, damn from africa.

Speaker 2:

You, you know I guess I'd like to point out somebody in the chat said plot twist. They're legal, but I'm not. That was funny, okay. Keep it going.

Speaker 1:

All right, today, boys, we are going over. Well, hang on, let me give some, let me cut myself off, let me give some background. Today is our let me check 21st episode of season three guys 21. 21 episodes of season three guys 21. 21 episodes of season three, and I think I said before I think roughly every 20 episodes. I would like to do a tier list. Now I'm so disclaimer, it's not 20 movies, okay, because I forgot that a lot of the episodes we did were not movies, right, and I really committed to this idea until about five minutes before we started recording, and then I realized well, we got 13 movies. That's not bad, 13 is still a good amount and now we get to talk about them a little bit more. Okay, so is there anything you guys want to talk about really quick, or do we just want to hop right in?

Speaker 4:

Okay, so the first thing that I would say is for all of you survivors out there, let's just remember one thing. Okay, because I know, because I saw it, here's a little spoiler. These guys did not watch Day Zero, what?

Speaker 1:

are you talking Day Zero?

Speaker 4:

this is just a heads up.

Speaker 1:

Okay, tj, I watched Day Zero. You watched Day Zero, right?

Speaker 2:

I watched Day Zero. I'm pretty sure we came to the consensus that Alex didn't watch it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah cause like we were talking about the. If you watched the episode, we were talking about the zombie babies that took place in the movie and you weren't talking about anything of importance.

Speaker 2:

Alex had no idea or even like in the realm of the movie.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you got me there.

Speaker 1:

Dude he didn't even know the main storyline like the main component. Everybody heard you. So, with that warning out of the way, because some of us are more committed than the others, some of us are.

Speaker 4:

Who wrote the?

Speaker 1:

collegiate level questions. I thought you two were educated, this guy okay, I thought this was just a silly little podcast that we do, and then this guy came in because I'm black, I'm not educated.

Speaker 2:

Okay, what the heck?

Speaker 1:

alex, this guy comes in with if you got actually. Do the subscribers see those questions?

Speaker 3:

Do you send them? Yes, I sent them, I sent them the questions.

Speaker 1:

So the subscribers know the college level questions that you give us for these zombie movies.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I do, I do give you that, especially the first one. The second one, come on, that was. I gave it to you guys several days in advance. Three part questions no, yeah, it to you guys.

Speaker 1:

Several days in advance, you give us three-part questions, no.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's always like this, and this is the case in this movie. It's most likely because of this how do you feel about this?

Speaker 1:

If you agree, how about this? If not, how about that? And we're like that's not one question. You guys suck, that's like my statistics question. Anyways, we're getting off track. Guys suck, that's like my statistics questions anyways we're getting off track.

Speaker 4:

Let's go. The first one of season three. Do you want to, uh, let the survivors know again in case they haven't heard the episode or if they've forgotten what our rankings are for what for for this tier list?

Speaker 1:

for oh, uh, wait, that's actually a good point. Yeah, because I need to review this with you guys. I have s, a, b, c, d and f. Now I feel like we need some other categories. I feel like d is kind of useless, okay no, I like d.

Speaker 2:

No, I okay, let's keep all the ones that are there. We think. I think we need to add a like iconic right below f dog shit, okay. Right above s, we can name it whatever I like iconic, plus I like iconic you.

Speaker 1:

We'll call this iconic.

Speaker 4:

Iconic because it just lives forever, like Night of the Living Dead, 1968.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and then below we'll call it Dog Water.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Dog Water's better than dog.

Speaker 1:

Okay, anything else. Any other tiers? No, I like that. We have iconic S A, b, cc-d-f and Dogwater. I like it. Agreed, yes, first movie of season three was Warm Bodies Dogwater I.

Speaker 2:

That is an absolute. I will go, I'll say it's A, but I'll settle for B. I think it's B. Dogwater Absolute garbage.

Speaker 4:

I think it was a completely enjoyable watch.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think that it was a nice play on the romeo and juliet thing. Um the main chick's hot. Uh, john malkovich is hot. Okay, main dude's hot. So I think it should be b or a lot of valid opinions I'll settle for b, but I think it's a lot of valid opinions.

Speaker 1:

Uh, your opinions, alex, invalid? No, I will. I will say seriously, I I agree and I do think it's a lot of valid opinions. Uh, your opinions, alex invalid.

Speaker 4:

No, I will. I will say seriously, I, I agree and I do think it should be a. I think a lot of the points that they made were very good. It will not get an S for one reason Holy crap, is that the worst thing ever to recover from such a horrendous uh. Can I call it ailment? Can you even say ailment? But all of the points you made are fantastic and I love the play that they did on him eating brain and getting some kind of a flashback from the other person's life, which is kind of a conundrum for me. I'm going to bring up a point real quick. We have a little bit of time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, we can talk about each one.

Speaker 4:

So one of the things that I wanted to bring up about this movie that is um, uh, it's strange, it's oddly endearing, but it brings up this, um, this creep slash romantic aspect. Right, was the zombie? I forget his name. I apologize, r R forget his name. I apologize, r r. Was his affection for her, uh, really natural or was it?

Speaker 1:

because he was eating the brains of her ex-boyfriend, who had affection for her interesting because, no, because he first seen I get it.

Speaker 2:

No, when he was like which I would call that like mouth, like mouth full of brains and I would call that infatuation.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, no, well, I mean like it was on sight, it was love at first sight. But because he was eating his brains.

Speaker 1:

Well, I guess, so yeah.

Speaker 4:

TJ's kind of. I mean it's kind of with

Speaker 4:

me, except for I will say this, what I loved about that aspect of this movie, going back into cinematic brilliance. You have never watched this, eric. I don't know if you've seen this tj, but this is a classic that you guys would absolutely fucking hate me for making you watch, because it is 1983, I believe it is return of the living dead, okay, and it's one of those um, the only one that I know of other than warm bodies that essentially these zombies were out for brains and when the scientists finally captured one, wrangled them down and then they were asking her why do you eat people? And she says people, not people eat brains. Why do you eat brains from the pain? Now, I really love this.

Speaker 4:

What pain, the pain of rottingting yeah, like the zombie was self-aware, right, and so this movie kind of brought that into a more. I mean, it was of course they made. They made it like romantic, but he was self-aware.

Speaker 1:

R was very self-aware they also made it very funny yeah they did like the way that the conversation between him and his best friend yep in the airport I loved it.

Speaker 2:

I loved it, but they were all trapped in their own heads it was also like very horrifying the fact that they're trapped in their head so long. At some point they become the bonies and they just give up yeah and then that's when, like, they're real zombies on. Yes, you know yes and they just like just give up. They start peeling their own freaking flesh off and whatever and they just sit there and wait.

Speaker 1:

Yep, so I agree with you guys solid a movie, believe it or not, I would not put this in s tier. It is one of my I I I used to say it was my favorite movie, because it was just an easy answer. I don't think it's my favorite movie, but it is a really good movie and I would you say it's a go-to. So almost no movie is a go-to for me. Really, believe it or not, I'm not a big movie watcher. Wow, I watch a lot of TV shows and YouTube.

Speaker 2:

I will scroll through Netflix forever and just whatever I'm in the mood for and it pops up, I'll watch that, but it's never a go-to All right Solid, A tier Moving on the movie that we watched and Alex didn't Day Zero. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Now, I particularly loved the babies in this movie and I'm willing to give it B for baby Shut up.

Speaker 2:

I'm definitely willing to give the B for babies, but the part where Vin Diesel comes in and like starts loading the babies into the like automatic baby launcher, that shit was crazy. That was. That was absolutely insane. But where did he get that? It's such a huge plot hole. So I think it should be, but maybe see for that.

Speaker 4:

That's why B for baby. So for all of you survivors, let me just give you this is a two-line storyline. When society breaks down due to a violent outbreak that turns victims into undead monsters, a former elite soldier breaks out of jail to find his family, and now you go find where these zombie babies are that former elite soldier was Vin Diesel.

Speaker 1:

And it's implied the babies. I think it's Vim Diesel.

Speaker 4:

Vim Diesel? No, what was the one Vic?

Speaker 1:

Ethanol, vic Ethanol. I was gonna say that, but I don't want to rip him off again.

Speaker 4:

That was good.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so what do you think, Alex?

Speaker 4:

I think that movie was B for babies. I think that movie was flat out. F what? Even with the babies. It wasn't dog water, but it was F oh, damn alright.

Speaker 1:

Well, you bring up solid arguments, alex.

Speaker 2:

I think F and we move on to the next one. Alright, next up quickly, quickly next up a little bit different, nope.

Speaker 4:

Nope, this was TJ's recommendation.

Speaker 2:

I absolutely love this movie. This is one of my favorite movies. I love Jordan Peele, I love his writing style and directing style and whatever. I'm a little biased here, but I think it should go high. A maybe s okay, I was gonna say a I think the alien design is very unique and yes, you know I'm gonna say uh, let me start by saying I had very low expectations of this movie even after key and peel even after see, I get it because he really came out of nowhere as a director you have you seen get out

Speaker 4:

uh, which one was that? Which one was?

Speaker 2:

that that was wasn't the one with the white people.

Speaker 4:

No, I didn't black people into white people no, the one that I was, that I was exposed to with him. I think that was called. Was it just called?

Speaker 1:

us. Oh yeah, that's the one I watched and I did not.

Speaker 4:

I did not like it maybe okay, get it. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna make get out one of my next picks but this one right from the beginning I had my doubts and it turned out to be an amazing, enjoyable thrilling. I loved how they they never showed you what this thing was.

Speaker 4:

I love the arrogance of the end of everybody who was trying to profit off of this thing, and it turned out to be probably one of the most enjoyable movies I've seen in that, in that I want to call it the alien invasion genre. Um, I think I like that one rating better than most.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna give that an a okay, uh, I think solid a I think, high a I think, I think it goes, I agree okay yeah, we'll do that I agree.

Speaker 1:

My only skepticism with Jordan Peele as a director none anymore. But when he first started directing movies, it is a very big jump going from sketches to a full-out movie, but his first movie was incredible. It was insanely well-made. And then to keep making them, and I like that he uses that same actor in different roles A very versatile actor.

Speaker 2:

It's very like Quentin Tarantino. Like Quentin Tarantino, there's so many movies that he has where Samuel L Jackson is just in it, you know. But I think he just vibes with Daniel Kaluuyauya, which is who the actor is okay, moving on, next movie resort.

Speaker 1:

Now, this was my pick. This is kind of like, I won't lie, it's like a b-tier movie, I think I. I think it's an enjoyable watch. I don't think it's anything special.

Speaker 2:

Uh thoughts, no good premise, enjoyable watch. Um I think it was one of you know. I think it was a decent pick um for us. Um, I liked it, it was all right yeah, I didn't.

Speaker 4:

I didn't have any, uh, major problems with it. I had some logistical problems, but of course it wouldn't have been a movie if we could solve all of the all of the logistics that easily, right yeah, like why have an island of zombies after a zombie apocalypse? I mean you know, yeah and no. I mean I understood because I do think there would be a lot of ptsd and I do think there would be a profit margin for this kind of stupid stuff.

Speaker 1:

But oh, for sure, but is it wise to do?

Speaker 4:

absolutely not and then and then, of course, I mean I, I don't, I don't think that society rebuilding from almost complete annihilation is going to be built back up by giant, large corporations that are able to make billions of dollars on bringing you to an island. That's just not how the economy works.

Speaker 1:

I mean that's a good point, cause think about, on the island, the people who ran it all died, yes, so we know that large execs are not the ones surviving the apocalypse, at least not in this world.

Speaker 4:

It's who's running these things, you know. But I would give it a B tier because there was a lot of there was a lot of action, there was a lot of action, there were a lot of zombies and the uh, the horrid, absolute, terrifying twist at the end was, uh I hate to use the word enjoyable for it, because it was very sad that you saw that they were, uh, they were unaliving the refugees to make them into zombies that's a very interesting twist, yeah I liked it yeah, solid movie, I think, uh, so we agree b I do.

Speaker 2:

I definitely agree that it's a b okay, moving on flu. Oh, I'm gonna give, I'm gonna give flu, remind me, flu's the korean one right korea yes, I'm gonna give flu. I'm gonna give that our first s I think yeah s is very applicable to this. I. I fucked with this movie heavy.

Speaker 4:

I I got. I got so emotionally invested in this movie. I got so angry at the characters. I was uh, I, I was like you, I was yelling at the screen oh, that one guy.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you know, I forgot about that. I was watching it with eric and the freaking. The time when, uh, dude was looking away, eric was like don't you fucking?

Speaker 1:

look away you yeah that I forgot. That movie really did get me I also. I I love that. Don't shoot my mommy. That was a good one. That was really good. Yeah, I think Solid S.

Speaker 4:

There's something about these Korean kids, who are like the little girl in Train to Busan, that won my heart. I felt for her, I believed her, I really believed her, and it's amazing how good they are at at acting and I think they're they're probably going to take over the, the celebrity, in my opinion, from, uh, from hollywood, because at least they're more likable yeah, I, korean movies are definitely finding a way to my heart.

Speaker 1:

Um, and the actors, that, that one guy he was the bad guy in Flu, our hero in Train to Busan. He was the good guy in Train to Busan and I didn't even recognize him in this because,

Speaker 3:

he was such a bad guy. He's such a good actor.

Speaker 4:

That was great.

Speaker 1:

What I loved about this movie is how dynamic it felt. There were so many different scenes and so many different segments of the movie, but it didn't feel unnecessarily long. It flowed very well. Everything led into the next thing very fluidly.

Speaker 4:

As they say, the pacing was on point. Yes, the storyline was on point. They made all of the points that they needed to make.

Speaker 2:

Nothing was left hanging that wasn't meant to be left hanging, and they moved the All the characters were written perfectly, yep, even to the point where you freaking hated them Like patient zero, just coughing on literally everybody and it was making my COVID brain reactivate and I was like oh my god bro okay, no, prior to covid.

Speaker 1:

Look, I'm not a germaphobe, but none of these people. Apparently, the way that korea was depicting themselves is that nobody knows how to cover their mouth when they cough, but they had them cool ass masks, oh they did. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

We freaking needed those, man. Where were those at when we needed them? Those were dope.

Speaker 4:

Those were awesome. Those were awesome.

Speaker 1:

Those were dope All right. Moving on to the next film, I Am Legend.

Speaker 2:

Easy. A tier, maybe B tier, what, what I fucking love. I am legend, but like I don't know if it's s tier well, I was gonna put it above flu.

Speaker 4:

Believe it or not, yeah, I would put I am legend in iconic oh, I could see that.

Speaker 4:

I could see that I would go in iconic and the reason for it is because it's such a long, lasting story. It's been redone over and over and over again. This isn't, this isn't the first rendition. It's in, it's in literature, all over the place. Answer some questions, but it was okay. When you watched this, you didn't care, you didn't, you didn't sit and think live when this movie came out. How did this guy build all of this stuff? How did he come up with this? How? How has he been testing all of this for so long? And then, as they progress the story along and you see that this was something that he knew about for an extended period of time, you're like, dude, maybe he was, maybe he was building all of this stuff in his own home. Maybe he was, uh, preparing for this long term. You know, he knew what he was doing, he knew what he was fucking with and, uh, it's it was.

Speaker 1:

I think they didn't answer those questions on purpose and it yeah, he knew before anybody else what was going on, so I think I would put it S? Tier.

Speaker 2:

I'm willing to put it iconic because I do think it is iconic If we're doing I feel like iconic should move below S.

Speaker 1:

What Because? It's iconic. Well, iconic's its own thing.

Speaker 4:

Iconic just means it's going to live forever. It doesn't even have to be. It doesn't have to be Because.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it's above S, but I do think yes, it's a cult classic.

Speaker 1:

It is, it is. Yeah, I think it's its own category, the same way Dogwater is its own category. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 4:

And in the comedy world I would say something like I would not rank, something like have you heard of that? Or Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. No so these are like 90s comedy movies that I would never put in a ranking like this because they really don't belong. But they're iconic because they did certain things that nobody else did and they did tell a story fairly well, but they instantly won their audience audience and it was undeniable that they did so all right, I am legend iconic, uh.

Speaker 1:

Next up we have hush easy a tier.

Speaker 2:

I disagree on this one no, this is a great movie.

Speaker 4:

I love this movie oh my god, I give this. I give this a c what I? Do a c tier, I give it not even like a b high, b, a, no, I'm dropping this down to c I, number one. It gave way too much weapon armor to the uh, to the villain. I couldn't get over the flops of at least 150 pound crossbow. This guy took a claw hammer to the forearm and he's still loading it in seconds Like he suffered no pain whatsoever.

Speaker 1:

And not, even, not even a painful issue.

Speaker 4:

He was loading it as if he had no physiological damage and I'm sorry, but you don't take a claw hammer If it was a knife. If it was a knife that went straight in, you might've missed ligaments.

Speaker 4:

You could have missed a lot of muscle but, you took a claw hammer to the forearm and you still are able to pull 150 pound crossbow with no pain whatsoever, in seconds, Like as if you were perfectly healthy. He suffered no damage whatsoever. He's laying on top of her, choking her with that claw hammer injury going on and he's feeling no pain whatsoever, Like look, I know that psychopathy is a real thing and I know that it causes, uh, certain things to to become disassociated. But one thing I'm not seeing in any of the literature that I've read about psychopaths is that they just all of a sudden don't feel any pain yeah, your honor your honor, I'd like to rebut what he just said.

Speaker 2:

Okay, um, no, um wow, solid argument so so we're putting it in. B got it, do you agree? Your Honor yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go with B because I was also going to put it in A. However, those are really good points that I kind of did forget about, so I will compromise. I think B is fair for the movie your Honor.

Speaker 2:

you got to hit him with the nuh-uh.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, yeah, your nuh-uh argument was very solid, yeah, um yeah yeah, so unfortunately I can't put it in c because I do. The reason I can't put it in c is because I think the exploring the deaf aspect of horror is very slept upon in the in the genre. But hear me out.

Speaker 4:

I'm quoting tj here, just the hear me out part. If she would have just fucking locked her goddamn breaker box, she'd have never had this problem I mean true this movie never would have been made for the most part.

Speaker 2:

You don't think that he brought anything with him to like get into that. I'm sure he's like he got a bus. He was dressed very like robbery. You know, like he you know fully covered.

Speaker 1:

Even with the butt of the crossbow, he could have busted open a lock. It would have deterred him for a bit, but he would have found a way to open it.

Speaker 4:

I take issue with that. We got to go and do a live presentation on busting open a lock, with something like that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I can for sure bust open a lock with something like that.

Speaker 2:

I mean sure, oh, I can for sure get into a lock with a freaking soda can I could do it with a hammer.

Speaker 1:

You could bust open a lock. If I could do with a hammer, I could do with a crossbow.

Speaker 2:

There's a guy on tiktok who opened. He's like today we're reviewing master lock 8a24b, we're going to use an a master lock 8a24b to open this master lock 8a24b and fricking smacks it and it opens.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, I don't think this guy had that kind of talent.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's not talent, it's just it's not a padlock is just meant to. It's like we've said before. A pad, like a lock, is to deter honest people, Not a thief is still going to get in.

Speaker 4:

Well, no, what? What I always say is security keeps honest people honest right, but anybody can get into anything with time and pressure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, he's going to bust that lock.

Speaker 4:

The thing that I was pointing out with this is not that he wouldn't get in, but it's that she would have had enough time to, number one, lock her iPhone and, number two, call the police.

Speaker 1:

Potentially yeah. I agree, she would have had enough time to number one lock her iphone and number two, call the police. Potentially, yeah, I agree, I I would have put it. I'm gonna put it in b because I think the the aspect of being deaf deaf is very slept upon in this genre and I think it's very interesting to explore that, albeit its faults your honor.

Speaker 4:

I have one argument to make that that's bullshit.

Speaker 1:

Well, minus two points. I think above resort. I think above resort. Yeah Damn, Okay Well.

Speaker 4:

I thought resort was more original.

Speaker 1:

Really, then the deaf aspect.

Speaker 2:

Your honor, I mean your honor. He's bald. We both have luscious locks of hair. I think our vote outweighs his vote.

Speaker 1:

You don't have luscious locks of hair I will say very recently you were almost bald too.

Speaker 4:

No, what did you do different?

Speaker 1:

He shaved his head a while ago.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I buzzed it, but I got a decent hairline. You know it's, it's mature, you know it's not going that further? Yeah, yeah, we talked about that yeah, no, and then hear me out, your honor. I, I I survived a horrific burning, uh, the other day and I feel like I should, uh. I don't know where I'm going with this. He has no hair.

Speaker 1:

It looks stupid.

Speaker 2:

It should go above resort. That's crazy. Didn't ask.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to put it below resort, because we compromised bringing him up to B. Great, great, great decision. Your Honor, thank you. Moving on Next up the Mist A tier Okay, really Okay, really Okay.

Speaker 2:

Where do you put it, I put it iconic. I don't put it Dude, I put it in its own lane.

Speaker 1:

Oh, how do we feel?

Speaker 4:

Nobody's ever going to forget the ending? Nobody will, and that's why I was giving it A tier, because that's the first one that had a sacrifice of a of a minor.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm talking music.

Speaker 4:

I'm talking music Tick tock. A minor, a minor I can. I can agree with that Iconic. Nobody's ever going to forget that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, above I am legend or below below below and it's also like a great premise that like hasn't been done. I don't think it's true, I like it All.

Speaker 1:

Right, that was easy. Next up the Thing 1982.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, not the 19. No 2017. The Thing 2017.

Speaker 2:

Okay, 2017. Your Honor, we didn't watch the 2017 one, we watched the 20. Oh, I'm sorry. What is it? 16? Oh, that's it 2011. Wait Was there a thing in 2017?

Speaker 1:

Because when I looked it up, it said 2017.

Speaker 2:

I'm looking it up?

Speaker 4:

No, I think it was it's definitely 2011.

Speaker 2:

2011. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Okay, the 2011 one. There's a blob.

Speaker 1:

What's the blob? 2011. I think we're getting sidetracked. The Thing 2011. Yep.

Speaker 4:

Mary Elizabeth Winstead, that's the one.

Speaker 1:

How do?

Speaker 4:

we feel I'm going to give that one. Okay, I am going to downgrade this one. Uh, I'm gonna give it a b tier okay I I there's a couple of things.

Speaker 4:

They relied way too much on cgi. Now this is a little biased, I will admit this, so I am persuadable if uh tj disagrees. But I say beat here because they relied way too much on cgi. Comparatively to 1982, I think 1982 did a much better job job of portraying the thing without any cgi and that kind of influenced me a lot. The story was fine. I I loved the fact that they led right into the minute of the beginning of the thing, 1982. So I give them accolades for that. Um I I really kind of. Um, what do I say? I? I take away points because, uh, moving the plot along seemed kind of forced. Where you and I disagreed in the podcast episode about this because I didn't like how the doctor, the woman doctor, stayed quiet just because the arrogant asshole was like you're here to do what I say of the ice and broke through the ceiling of a structure that withstands freaking 400 mile an hour winds and I'm gonna just stay silent because this jackhole told me I'm here to agree with everything he says.

Speaker 4:

I think he, he did say that, I think before it jumped out, but regardless, no, no he definitely said that before the monster jumped out, but she stayed silent too long, yeah, after he jumped out.

Speaker 1:

What bugged me about her was when she found out that it could clone and she kept it and she just didn't say anything. Yes, she took. She should have called everybody in, right then and been like look at this, everybody watch.

Speaker 4:

Agreed, and it would have been, but then it would have been movie over I also agree, but I think that it's just a little bit of a twist in storyline that they could have done it a little better. I can't give it better than a B because I think that it was a rush to get the job done, a little bit lazy, a little sloppy, and they overdid it with the CGI because the thing 1982 just blew them out of the water okay. I have some disagreements.

Speaker 1:

What was your?

Speaker 2:

ranking. You said B, b. Yeah, I agree for the 2011 one. Yeah, I think it's a B. I think there was a lot of like really the fact that in 1982, like the thing looks better than what it did in 2011, like there were some cool points in this one.

Speaker 4:

There were some cool points in the thing 2011, but I don't, I don't think that outweighs the stuff so I'm thinking b maybe I think by comparison really low a but b I think by comparison, the thing in 1982 using prosthetics was so much better and and prosthetics do look more realistic than cgi well, so okay yeah, all practicals better my thoughts.

Speaker 1:

thoughts on it Gone to the Dead 2004,.

Speaker 4:

Prove that man.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking A, but honestly I can't see it in A, so I do think B is fair. However, I liked the CGI a lot. I don't think it was overdone. I do think the practical effects in the 1982 version were grosser.

Speaker 2:

yeah, that's what that, when I saw that, it made me actually like for some reason, the practical it was a lot like it makes you feel more gross, you know it was slimy, but I I kind of feel like that's better yeah, I think we're more desensitized to CGI, you know.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's what I mean. I don't know if I like the CGI, because, okay, my compliments to the 2011 version. I think they did such a fantastic job of creating the prequel to the 1982 version. There were so many scenes that once I saw the 1982 version, I was like holy crap, it's that room and it looks exactly like that. That's crazy that they they had a way of making it look more modern, because it was done 30 years later, almost, um, but they still held true to what it looked like in the 82 version and I really liked that, even somewhat with the monsters, and I thought that was really well done. Even though they created a more modern, they could do more with the monsters. They can have the monsters run down the hallway at them and things that you couldn't do with practical effects not reasonably.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to have to agree with Sam here on the chat. It's better to feel grossed out versus eye roll on ugh, not realistic.

Speaker 1:

I mean, okay, let's be real. The practical effects weren't realistic at all. They were great they looked disgusting. They looked disgusting. They didn't look realistic. I wouldn't say that.

Speaker 4:

Well, I mean what's realistic?

Speaker 1:

This is supposed to be an alien species yes not okay but when we, when we look at the cgi the cgi is a representation of what it would look like realistically with a. It's something you can't really do with the practical effects, at least at the time, we could probably get much closer today. I disagree.

Speaker 4:

I think they did a fantastic job of making me feel like this thing was out of this world. It wasn't natural, it wasn't real. It's not supposed to look real, so this is my beef.

Speaker 1:

The 82 version, the practical effects were all very stationary. The monster couldn't move because it's a practical effect the thing was actually there, that's true.

Speaker 2:

That was great but I think that was CGI there's that part at the end where it rushes at him from under the floor breaking up all the boards. I think that's CGI that was all completely practical they had a big ass cannonball under the wood, and then they pulled it really fast and hard, but that's what I mean.

Speaker 1:

It's harder to do scenes like that with practical effects, because it obviously takes a lot more than to just animate it or to just CGI it. So I think there's merits to both.

Speaker 2:

But I can agree, there's merits to both of them. There's nothing like wrong with CGI. I'm just saying that I had more of a visceral reaction to the 82.

Speaker 4:

Was that the right one? Yeah, that's 2011?.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so under Hush.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'd put it below Hush.

Speaker 1:

Okay, Now the 82 version. I think this is going to be pretty easy for us.

Speaker 4:

I actually go all the way up to S tier.

Speaker 1:

Really, I really do okay, I think it is I think it is one of the greats.

Speaker 4:

It actually was, um, it's. I mean, it's it's john carpenter, number one. So I I fuck with that guy. He is a horror icon. The movie itself was well-written, well-acted, the practical effects were amazing. I love the use of prosthetics. They didn't have CGI. The fact that they did such a good job of making it look so damn cold and it was over 100 degrees outside in Los Angeles while while they were recording this, I didn't know that that's they refrigerated the warehouse to make it below 40 degrees so that it was that cold that's gotta suck to nice for the camera.

Speaker 4:

Sucky for everything alive there's like a couple of points of the movie that I took issue with, but those were so few and far between. I can't call it a masterpiece, but it is definitely so amazing I don't know about s, but go on tj.

Speaker 1:

What are your thoughts?

Speaker 2:

um, I think that it's easily high a or s? Um I was gonna put it top of b I. I do think it's iconic, like it's an iconic thing, but I don't know if it should go up there with the thing, so I think it should be high, a low s. I think that I've already, you know, said my thoughts on it. The practical effects are amazing and such and there forth.

Speaker 1:

So above nope.

Speaker 2:

Yeah above, nope, just for the compromise.

Speaker 1:

All right. Moving on Cargo.

Speaker 2:

TJ. The zombification was fucking disgusting the way their eyes got all crested up. I hated that. I hate that so much. It's a good movie. Think I enjoyed it. Uh, there's definitely some things that they could have addressed. You know what the hell was the baby eating the whole time?

Speaker 1:

yeah, so there was a lot of in my opinion there was a lot of plot holes and a lot of plot weapons to get the plot going. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I do like the little girl Toomey. She was cool. I liked how the fucking leaves on the feet to hide your footprints. That's smart as fuck. I love that. That's so cool. It was awesome. I think the main character was a dipshit, as always. I've said that many times in the episode. Yeah. I think this should definitely go. I think is enjoyable watch B, maybe C Thoughts.

Speaker 4:

I am exactly in line with you.

Speaker 1:

Okay me too.

Speaker 4:

I think it's right in that range. I think it's right in that range. I might drop it to C because there was so much plot weaponry, exactly.

Speaker 1:

I actually fully agree. So I was going to say odd thing about this movie. I would watch it over Resort Hush and the Thing, but I do think it's a C-tier movie.

Speaker 4:

I agree and the thing, but I do think it's a c-tier movie. I I agree. Yeah, it's not as good of a movie, uh, production wise or written wise, but it's an enjoyable movie if you're looking for a zombie movie, you know that's.

Speaker 2:

It's a good movie it's an.

Speaker 1:

It's an interesting take yeah, it's very interesting.

Speaker 2:

Take very interesting zombies. The freaking burying your head in the sand thing is cool very funny actually I like that.

Speaker 1:

The aboriginals, you know, taking care of shit, all badass I've messed with that this was another movie that was very dynamic there was a lot of different scenes, and I mean as every movie has, but there was a lot of different segments and important parts that all flowed together pretty seamlessly. So the movie was well made. It was just kind of clunky in ways, agree. So, moving on, a Quiet Place, part 1.

Speaker 2:

I think that's easy, fucking S? Tier. I think it's easy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Iconic is a good shout, but S tier. I think it's easy Iconic. Iconic is a good shout, but S tier.

Speaker 1:

The only argument against Iconic is that it's not that old of a movie so it's a little hard to say.

Speaker 4:

I don't think it has to be old, because I think it's going to live forever.

Speaker 1:

Well, but that's what I mean. It's hard to say if it will because it is still relatively recent, it's not even 10 years old, but that is such a it was a big genre shift and it also it explores the deaf um aspect of survival.

Speaker 2:

No, like it's such a simple premise that nobody's done before. You know yeah alien invasion.

Speaker 4:

That has a gnarly twist to it.

Speaker 1:

It's definitely better alien invasion than nope, I agree I think a quiet place is easy top of iconic. I'd agree. I think it goes above.

Speaker 4:

I am legend I don't have any problems with the movie. I thought well, not that I didn't have any problems with it, but I get over them. For the, the right of the story, the most heartbreaking thing was the again, the uh, the note, the note, tick, tock. The note, a minor at the beginning, was just rough. It was hard to watch. It was heartbreaking, but I think for that reason, because they went. They went so big, so quick to show you how ruthlessly violent these things were and indiscriminate.

Speaker 2:

It was needed to show you the stakes of any sound You're done. It showed you how relentless and ruthless this world was.

Speaker 1:

I agree it showed you how relentless and ruthless this world was. I agree I thought, although this movie is not as dynamic as some of the other ones we've seen, it was actually kind of nice that way. The second one was much more dynamic, but the first one, the most out of their zone that they really got, was the waterfall. Yeah, and then everything else pretty they really got was the waterfall. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then everything else pretty much took place on the farm and it was interesting to see their lives play out at the beginning of this movie and then at the big climax, when she goes into labor and all hell pretty much breaks loose. Yeah, goes into labor, and, uh, and all hell pretty much breaks loose. Yeah, um, so that's another thing that's not really mentioned too often in horror movies is the aspect of giving birth. Yep, um, there's a few that do like the walking dead, does, um the last of us?

Speaker 2:

no, briefly, does carl? No, I think it. Carl. No, oh yeah, carl, carl, there's a little head tilt. No, carl's just standing there like Dad, lori, lori, and then he goes and stands in this one room with a phone, hearing voices and shit for like two episodes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm not going to lie, the first few seasons of the Walking Dead are pretty legendary.

Speaker 2:

They are yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so Easy. Top of Iconic this is another one that I think is pretty darn easy to rate, but A Quiet Place. Part 2 is our last one.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I think I would give. Let's go on three.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll count you guys down Three, two, one.

Speaker 2:

B, a, what Both of you are wrong.

Speaker 1:

But, let's start with the more outlandish one.

Speaker 4:

I say B because I had a lot of problems with how they progressed the story to force this alien onto the island when it couldn't get across the water. Uh, there's absolutely zero chance that a boat is just going to drift on its own from shore to shore with no help. Um, it's gonna drift with the current, and current doesn't go from land to land. That's not how current works. If there's any kind of motion whatsoever, it's going parallel to the shores. That's. That's just how water works.

Speaker 1:

And you drop it to be just for that one scene, that one little inaccuracy.

Speaker 4:

That one. The other one was the inaccuracy of the boy getting trapped by the bear trap and then walking around later, walking around to explore when he's massively injured and should have just taken care of his brother and gotten in the vault and closed it and stayed quiet and safe. And stayed quiet and safe. The fact that the mom knows that her kid is massively injured and I mean I know she had to. I'm not going to bring that one up. She had to leave, she had to go get another oxygen tank. It just wasn't what it was. But the fact that she tried to use the oxygen tank to burn the thing when they know that they're freaking invincible, it's like to burn the thing when they know that they're freaking invincible, it's like why did you just go to get these oxygen tanks just to fucking explode one?

Speaker 1:

Sorry, now I mean it was worth a try. I don't know if they've ever tried burning them, I figure.

Speaker 4:

I mean, if you call them invincible, that tells me that you tried everything.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, you've tried everything that you've thought to use. I would expect that if you live in the United States of America and these things took out the military.

Speaker 4:

That means that they tried a freaking A-10 warthog. I mean you would hope. But think of how fast If you tried an A-10 warthog on this thing and it took the A-10 down. A fire is not going to do anything.

Speaker 1:

They came down in fiery ass meteors and crashed on the ground and then immediately started going ham right to be honest, I think these things took out most of the military faster than they even had a chance to react if they, if they killed everybody as fast as they did everywhere else, the military didn't even know it was happening before it was happening. Man, okay, I'm not going to lie. Okay, tj, where do you put it? I said A, he said A, you said A, I think that it can't be iconic. I get yes, not iconic it is a.

Speaker 2:

I do like the fact that they immediately kick off from the end of the first film. That's cool. So basically it's just one big film, but yeah, the bear trap thing.

Speaker 1:

That's a big one. I forgot about that.

Speaker 2:

He was just walking around. I love Cillian Murphy, great actor.

Speaker 1:

Great choice to replace John.

Speaker 2:

Krasinski Great choice. He's a freaking chameleon. I didn't know it was him at the start. But I don't think that it's S, you know. Yes, it is like a continuation off the other one, but I think it's just. You know, you're used to the first one and it's like you can't stretch that premise like too much further, so you gotta add a little bit more type shit. So I don't think that it can be s, but I do think it can be an a, because yes, it is. It's a continuation of the first one and you know, the first one was great, this one was good.

Speaker 1:

That's just how it is all right, you wanted to, wanted to add something.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, another big problem that I had with this was those and I'm just going to call them hillbillies were smart enough to have sound bombs, sound traps, the river people, and these people didn't have sound traps. Yeah, we talked about that even in the first movie, though we brought that up, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So that was something we brought up even in the first one, which we did.

Speaker 4:

So that was something we brought up even in the first one. I at least gave them credit in the first one For fireworks, that's like stealth horror game Like 101.

Speaker 2:

If you want to distract the thing, you gotta Get it somewhere else. So what?

Speaker 1:

do you use A soundtrack?

Speaker 2:

Get a monkey with the freaking symbols or something I don't care.

Speaker 1:

The Last of Us did bottles and bricks. Bottles and bricks Get a monkey with the freaking symbols or something I don't care Monkey bomb, I mean.

Speaker 2:

The Last of Us did bottles and bricks. Bottles and bricks, yeah, so simple. Get some freaking Alka-Seltzer, a little bit of water in a bottle plastic water bottle, shove them in there, close it, chuck it over there It'll pop. Yep, yep.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, that's a sound bomb.

Speaker 4:

We had sound traps and sound bombs. Those are two things that we both agreed should have been in the second one, for sure I fireworks existed in the first one.

Speaker 1:

It did exist as a sound bomb I was gonna put it in s tier, but you guys bring up good points. Um, I won't drop it down to b because I I I think the mistakes that are made writing wise are a little kind of. They're a little like what the heck like? For the boy's ankle should have pretty much been gone. He would never walk again. There's no modern medicine for them to repair his ankle, so he's never walking again. The death angel getting to the island is a bit weird, but call it a plot weapon for them to repair his ankles, so he's never walking again. The death angel getting to the island is a bit weird, but call it a plot weapon, if anything. And the sound traps, yeah, are definitely something they could have utilized more, I agree, so I'm willing to drop it to A. Where do we think in A that it lands?

Speaker 2:

I think that it lands. Let me look at it real quick. I think that it yeah.

Speaker 1:

I love warm bodies, but no warm bodies.

Speaker 2:

I did wait. I said that the alien invasion was better than nope doe well, but that's the first one.

Speaker 1:

So I agree that the second one does kind of piggyback off of the name of the first one. Yeah, so I agree that the second one does kind of piggyback off of the name of the first one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I think it might go over Warm Bodies or we may have to shift some shit around.

Speaker 1:

I mean you wanted to put it in B, I did so. You think it goes below Warm Bodies? I do.

Speaker 4:

I'm not against it because I love Warm Bodies, but that shocks me, that shocks me against it because I love my body, but that shocks me. That shocks me. I do only, like I said, only because there were some. There were some major tactical flaws in the movie that you know. Okay, you got to give me this one right major tactical flaw was how did he find the boat lodged up against the land and still get back to the village to warn everybody before the alien got to them, when the alien just thrives on sound?

Speaker 1:

yeah, that, that is a big you should have gotten back and the alien was already slaughtering everybody. That would have made sense that was a big mess up, I agree. Um, yeah, that is unfortunate.

Speaker 4:

I kind of just ignored all that so that's why I tossed it down to below warm bodies. I would have put it in in the b category, at the top of b category, but but I'm gonna.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna justify this that killian murphy raised it up to a yeah, all by his lonesome yeah, emily blunt emily blunt guys, come on she was barely in it, blunt guys, come on, she was barely in it, hear me out. I made the point that if that chick showed up at my door needing some food and water and shelter in this apocalyptic scenario, I'm gonna have to say yes, I don't care if my wife died three days ago or three minutes ago.

Speaker 4:

Yes, I gotta do it, she needs you're feeding her some tube steak I'm giving her whatever she needs.

Speaker 1:

Okay in the hope because you know the oh, what's the fucking quote? Damn, I fucking ruined it. What's the quote? Which one um cause the implication yeah that's what it is, you know. The implication cause the implication, yeah, the implication anyways. Okay, the implication, yeah, that's what it is.

Speaker 2:

You know the implication, the implication yeah, the implication Anyways.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so with that we have officially completed our second tier list Woo. Woo Woo.

Speaker 2:

We should definitely take a little screenshot. I'm going to take a screenshot, just so we know what it is, so we can for next time to say that this is the end of season three well, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Do we want it to be the end of season three?

Speaker 4:

well, I think that's kind of a fun thing to wrap up right, my first seat wait. I mean, yeah, you came in at the beginning of season three, it's been 21 episodes.

Speaker 2:

Is 21 the the number for the stuff.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. We could do 20 episodes.

Speaker 2:

And a tier list. 20 episodes and a tier list is pretty, you know.

Speaker 1:

I'm okay with that.

Speaker 4:

I like it.

Speaker 1:

Cool, alright well.

Speaker 2:

Does this mean we get to take a break?

Speaker 1:

no, so we're now gonna come. No break for you. We're gonna commence our one year hiatus whoa, I'm just kidding absolutely not.

Speaker 1:

Um, let's go over our official tier list before we wrap up here. Starting in iconic, we have a quiet place. I am legend and the mist inic. We have A Quiet Place, I Am Legend and the Mist. In S tier, we have Flu. In A tier, we have the Thing 1982, nope, warm Bodies and A Quiet Place Part 2. In B tier, we have Resort Hush and the Thing 2011. In C tier, we have Cargo and possibly the biggest upset of the whole episode. In F tier, we have what very clearly should have been a B tier movie Day Zero.

Speaker 4:

If only you two would have watched it. Let's move it down to.

Speaker 2:

Dogwater. Just for that fact, dogwater. The fact that you guys didn't even bother watching it, the fact, that you didn't even bother to put it on your TV and watch it. I can't guys tune in next season where we finally get Alex to get his shit together. He has not watched a single one of these movies he is actually a alcoholic. We were really trying to get him to stop Every episode he drinks.

Speaker 1:

If we can get 10,000 downloads, Alex will stop drinking.

Speaker 2:

He's tearing this podcast apart. That's a nervous laugh from. Alex, I've also been drinking this entire time.

Speaker 4:

I'm a little afraid we might get 10,000 likes.

Speaker 1:

We have 6,000 right now, guys, if we get 10,000, alex will have to throw his drink away. He'll have to commit that ultimate party foul. No one's going to like it now it ain't going to happen. I screwed up. Okay, just kidding.

Speaker 4:

I'm telling you right now, there's no way that they're going to reach 10,000. Wow.

Speaker 2:

Season three.

Speaker 1:

Season three.

Speaker 4:

Season three guys. Thank you, survivors, for sticking with us, making us the number one podcast on Survival.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Truly Honestly, this is the best season of the podcast and boys, I hope the next season is even more prosperous than this one. You know, guys, if you've been listening from the beginning, I've always been in the background. I've always been in the background. You know how many of the movies they watched I have recommended to Eric that is true also.

Speaker 1:

You were the one who came up with Survivors. Yes, and.

Speaker 2:

I also edited the first logo. I didn't create it but like I did some help on it, you know you did, yeah, you definitely did.

Speaker 4:

I'm thrilled about it. So once again, uh, all of you survivors, making us the number one in the top 100 survival monthly chart, number two in the top 100 tv monthly chart, number three in the top 100 how-to monthly chart, also number three in the top 100 horror monthly chart and number four in the top 100 survival all-time chart. Thank you, survivors, for all that you do for us tuning in, listening, downloading, checking us out. You can now check us out on iheart radio. We're there now. We are still on all of your other favorite spots, like apple podcast, spotify. Tune in. By the way, if you guys have alexa, tell me uh, it's supposed to work that you can tell your alexa play. Will you survive the podcast and she should stream us for you well, uh, did you have any emails?

Speaker 4:

you know we do have an email to read. This was, uh, from one of our survivors who emailed us previously. Um, let me pull this up, sorry, sorry, sorry. Elijah allen, who emailed me, emailed us us before, who said hey, it's me again. Really appreciate the response to my email. I agree with all your points, stephen King. Oh, I'm sorry. This is regarding our recent recorded episode that I don't think is released yet the Stephen King movie Cell, or Stephen King, oh, shoot.

Speaker 1:

Marvel Cell. I forgot those ones and we didn't rank them.

Speaker 4:

Where do we put Cell Stephen King? Oh, shoot Novel Cell. I forgot those ones and we didn't rank them.

Speaker 1:

Where do we put Cell? Really quick Cell Cell is C.

Speaker 4:

Okay, so I lied, this isn't the 21st episode.

Speaker 1:

This is the 22nd episode. 22nd.

Speaker 4:

So then it's definitely the end of season three, you think? C, yeah, c.

Speaker 2:

Nobody was really thrilled with the movie, bro I think it has it has its problems I think we should give that shit a fucking f damn I won't go f because I'm sorry no movie was samuel l jackson gets an f that's true.

Speaker 1:

Ah, sam l jackson pretty much makes it a C I was going to say D he made that movie. Okay, under Cargo.

Speaker 4:

Under Cargo Okay, cool.

Speaker 1:

Amendment C category is Cargo and then Cell.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

All right. So the email. Elijah Allen hey, it's me again Really appreciate the response to my email. I agree with all your points. Stephen King, excellent, excellent author, awful human. I'm also not much of a reader. I barely have the time to read physical books, so for sell, I listened to the audiobook and it was great. I have some more recommendations that are movies. This time you're gonna like this, I think, the movie 2012. Oh, I love that movie. I grew up re-watching that movie and really think it's so great. Would love for you guys to explore more of a natural disaster, apocalyptic event.

Speaker 4:

As for zombies, highly recommend the movie the crazies I don't believe it really classifies as a zombie movie, as it's more of a toxin that infects people and makes them crazy, hence the name. But I watched this a while back and thought it was pretty good. One more recommendation then I'll be out of your hair. Ha, ha, the. Divergent Trilogy Get wrecked. I think he's taking a dig at me. Thanks, tj. The Divergent Trilogy. It's based on a book trilogy, kind of similar to the Hunger Games. I read it a while back and it was really good. They made them into films Divergent, insurgent and Allegiant.

Speaker 2:

They also didn't finish it.

Speaker 4:

I only saw the first film so I can really only speak on that, but I thought it was really good for a utopian civilization movie slash book. Once again, thanks for taking the time to share my email and I hope to hear back from you guys soon. Loved the new episode episode. By the way, I find myself listening to all your episodes even though I haven't watched the majority of the films you guys cover so in a way you guys put me on to movies to watch, to watch.

Speaker 4:

Appreciate that. Sorry about the yap fest. I'm just a huge fan and will continue to keep in touch with you guys. Best regards, regards. Eli Thank you so much. That is absolutely wonderful and kind, and you can stay in my hair as much as you want, because I don't have a whole lot.

Speaker 1:

We love that. I think it's time we announce a winner. Can I get a drum roll? Thank you, perfect. That's exactly what I was looking for. This episode goes to Mr TJ himself. Let's go.

Speaker 2:

The fucking winner of season three. Let's go. I started this season out and I'm ending this season, boy. Here's my winner's speech. I am the best, y'all are the best. Shout out to Sam. Shout out to fucking our best. Whatever the fuck his name is, you're number one fan official. You're number one fan official I love you, josh. You're my favorite person and I couldn't have done it without you. Remember, guys, if you want to send me a thousand dollars, I'll get your name tattooed on me this is going into season four.

Speaker 2:

Season four, loser speech loser speech, loser speech, loser speech all right, here's.

Speaker 4:

Here's the loser speech. This was still a fun episode, even though I had to lose to the likes of tj that says more about you says more about me. Yeah, no, actually it says a lot about you well, I just have good taste the fact that you would favor tj. Look over me.

Speaker 1:

Tj and I agreed on more of the rankings right off the bat. Now some of them got adjusted, but I think ultimately tj and I agreed more. Um, like day zero should have been a, b, but we let you convince us, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Well, you know, of course you guys are going to agree. You guys watch all of the movies together.

Speaker 1:

Not all, just most. I mean. Thank you survivors so much for such a wonderful season three. We actually we broke so many goals that we had this season and this is half a year. This isn't even a full year, so that is crazy. And thank you guys so much, particularly our TikTok audience, if you want to catch these episodes live, while we record them usually happens Friday nights. Occasionally it happens sunday nights, like tonight, and you can find that at will you survive the podcast on tiktok. You can also find us on instagram and facebook at will you survive the podcast, and you can find us on x at alex and eric wys. Yes, that one is different. We have an email, as you heard before, and if you would like your email to be read on the podcast assuming that it's not, you know mean and make me cry.

Speaker 1:

But if it's nice and we like it and we like you, then we'll read your email and you can email us at the boys at will you survive the podcastcom? That's T H E B O Y S at. I'm not going to spell it, you can look at you If you're watching this. You can find the spelling. It's will you survive the podcastcom. Thank you, guys again for such a prosperous season three. We look forward to seeing you guys in season four and until then, stay alive, thank you.

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