Will You Survive... The Podcast

Will You Survive "A Quiet Place Part II": Alien Mysteries and Post-Invasion Survival Strategies

August 30, 2024 Will You Survive... The Podcast

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Buckle up for a rollercoaster of laughter, banter, and deep dives into the world of "A Quiet Place Part II." We kick things off with a wild struggle for hosting rights, complete with jokes about mustaches and points. Once we settle in, we take you through Evelyn Abbott's harrowing journey in a post-alien invasion world. From the evolving threats to the introduction of new survivors, we've got a detailed synopsis that sets the stage for our in-depth analysis of the movie's chilling atmosphere and character challenges.

Get ready for a fascinating discussion on alien biology and their potential origins. Are these creatures exiled to Earth or sent by a superior entity to exterminate humanity? We break down their peculiar traits—like their inability to swim and their need to breathe—and dive into various theories about their purpose and intelligence. As we dissect critical plot points and character motivations, we explore the moral complexities and strategic failures that make this film a nail-biting experience. We also touch on Emmett's actions and the pivotal moments that reveal deeper motivations behind each character's decisions.

To wrap it all up, we reflect on tense movie scenes and compare them to survival gameplay in "Project Zomboid." We critique the film's inconsistencies and propose inventive solutions for the characters' dilemmas. Then, we switch gears with some light-hearted comparisons between the Resident Evil and Fast and the Furious franchises, share listener emails, and speculate on future sequels. Amidst the heated debates and playful banter, we ensure a lively, entertaining episode that keeps you on your toes and eager for more. So grab your headphones and join us for a thoroughly engaging and humorous discussion about surviving in a world where every sound could be your last.

Speaker 1:

Oh gosh, okay, Hello everybody.

Speaker 2:

No, no. Imposter.

Speaker 1:

Minus two points.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you're not even keeping track of the points, absolutely not.

Speaker 1:

You're trying to usurp the. You know, impersonating a host is a federal crime.

Speaker 2:

You know, impersonating somebody with a good mustache is a federal crime. Good thing.

Speaker 1:

I'm not impersonating Minus another point for insinuating I have a bad mustache, everybody's seen it, Host.

Speaker 3:

I don't think he's insinuating. He's flat out saying it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what? I was going to just go back into the start of this podcast, but I feel like we already started it now. No, no, Come on host. No, we already started.

Speaker 3:

This is the Will you Survive podcast.

Speaker 2:

We've already started, no no, no, no Don't let him take away your thunder.

Speaker 1:

We started with an attempted uprising and I will shut that down.

Speaker 3:

Don't let him take your thunder Thunder. He barely has any thunder. You're going to let him win. You can't do this because you're going to let him win.

Speaker 1:

No, chaos is my domain, not his I was born.

Speaker 2:

Look at my background right now.

Speaker 1:

This is chaos.

Speaker 3:

I was born in the chaos, do you?

Speaker 2:

see this? Do you see this fucking chaos?

Speaker 1:

I won't lie. The the patterns that you have going on are triggering me. It is a lot, I gotta have an interesting background.

Speaker 3:

Let's get this show on the road that is quite chaos.

Speaker 1:

You keep saying that we already started. No, we didn't. Yes, we did, we are already started. This is the podcast. Hello, I am eric.

Speaker 2:

Hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of will you survive? No, no, you are not the host, minus two points podcast, and today I am joined by my beautiful co-host. We've got alexander he's going. He still thinks he has any sort of authority here Today we're talking about the movie A Quiet Place Minus two points he's at negative seven.

Speaker 1:

Alex, I think you just have this in the bag today I'm going to win this one.

Speaker 2:

A Quiet Place 2 is a movie directed by John Krasinski of the Office, starring Emily Blunt, melissa Simmons and Simeon Martin.

Speaker 1:

You're, I'm gonna actually mute you. You're getting muted. That he's muted. Welcome everybody to the will you survive podcast. I'm eric and I'm joined by my two co-hosts. Now I know they can still hear, but that is irrelevant here because I can't hear him, and that's all that matters. I'm joined here by my two co-hosts, alex and this guy. I'm Alex, he's still muted for me. And you know what? For the actual recording, I'm going to have him muted. I'm going to make sure I edit this one. He's still going. He's muted. He's still going. He's muted. He's still going. What? I think we could have a whole episode like this.

Speaker 2:

Uh, don't don't make us intro. So I did the intro and now I'm down seven points and I'm assuming that he can hear me now, because he has a stupid look on his face. Hello everybody, hello survivors did you hear?

Speaker 3:

you didn't hear everything else that he just said dude, dude, you're down 14 points, you're done, Hello survivors, and welcome back to 16 points.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm going to let you start deducting points at this point.

Speaker 3:

I have TJ's fate in my hands now.

Speaker 1:

It's not a hard one to predict at this point. Hello and welcome to the Will you Survive podcast. I am Eric. I'm joined by my two co-hosts, for real this time.

Speaker 1:

Alex and tj say hello, boys hi I'm alex, I'm tj and today we're going to be discussing the next installment of a quiet place, part two. Judging by the start of this intro, I don't think any of us survived this. Just just from the start of this, I don't think any of us can be in a room together and not scream at each other, so I don't think you realize how introverted I am.

Speaker 1:

I can go years without talking right right you're introverted I just have to step near him and all of a sudden he he can't help it. He just has to mention something political. He knows it'll get me going and it's like it's just natural to him and what does he follow it with?

Speaker 2:

who did I ask anyways, did you see what trump did recently?

Speaker 1:

so he was actually oh my god okay, I don't even know how to how to segue into this movie, so let's just kind of start, would?

Speaker 3:

you like me to read the storyline?

Speaker 1:

well, yeah, let's do that.

Speaker 3:

That's a good, that's a good segue here, all right armed with a bitter knowledge of the invading creature's fatal weakness, a grief stricken evelyn abbott suddenly finds herself with two teens, a newborn son, and no place to hide. And now, 474 days after the all-out alien attack in A Quiet Place, 2018, the Abbotts must do the impossible as the resilient survivors embark on a life-threatening quest to find civilization. Evelyn must expand beyond the boundaries and venture into her backyard's eerily quiet hostile territory. But hoping for a miracle won't cut it this time. The enemy is everywhere.

Speaker 1:

What does it?

Speaker 3:

mean this time. Well, that's a good point, Because this time we encountered other people.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I guess so. So that's true, okay, so the first thing I really wanted to talk about, uh, is more about the death angels themselves. Something that's kind of mentioned and explored in this movie, but then also not really, is their inability to swim. So something Alex and I were talking about off camera was can these things drown? And if they can drown, it does imply that they need to breathe. So do we think that they need to breathe? I'm going to start off by saying I kind of think they have to. They look kind of organic. They don't look like robotic or like something that wouldn't need to breathe, but also, at the same time, they came from space. So, like I don't know, what do you guys think?

Speaker 2:

No, I think they have to breathe. I think that they do have to breathe and I think that they don't breathe oxygen. I think they have to breathe. I think that they do have to breathe and I think that they don't breathe oxygen. I think they breathe nitrogen.

Speaker 3:

Dude, I said that exact same thing. That is exactly what he said.

Speaker 2:

Because mostly our air is nitrogen right. So if there's more of it, that means they can run faster stuff like that. So that's just my theory. Maybe they just thrive in our climate.

Speaker 1:

So you're taking it as kind of like a Superman thing, stuff like that. That's just my theory, maybe they just thrive in our climate. It's kind of like a Superman thing.

Speaker 3:

We do kind of have an abundant amount of nitrogen in our atmosphere.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying, Also Superman thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Superman gets his power from the sun.

Speaker 3:

Something that gives us vitamin D but it doesn't give us superpowers.

Speaker 1:

It's along those same lines Something that's ordinary for us empowers them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Right, so I was thinking that it's an interesting idea Because they're super fast, like they're faster than like any animal we have on Earth. So they'd have to.

Speaker 1:

They're insanely fast, yeah. But so it also kind of like like this is kind of the question with a lot of aliens in a lot of movies. These things are clearly designed to be an apex predator. What, why? Any theories on where it came from and why it came from and how they have space travel. If they're just kind of these, are they intelligent? Because they don't necessarily seem intelligent, just insanely strong and lethal okay, I can.

Speaker 3:

I can I give my opinion on this, because I'm gonna go a little crazy, I'll let you go. I always think conspiracy theory, and here's what I mean. I think that these were creatures on another planet that another will say, another entity, a superior entity is in control of, and they sent them to destroy earth oh so kind of like, so like sending, uh, okay, so the better analogy.

Speaker 1:

they quite literally airdropped dire wolves yeah.

Speaker 3:

Like they did. Okay, yeah, that's crazy and for the purpose of annihilating earth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, hmm, oh, so they're not.

Speaker 3:

So your theory is that there's a greater being beyond them that's using them, like we did wolves to control the deer population, except it did the opposite thing, where it just ended up overpopulating full of wolves well, I mean in essence it's the whole purpose is, instead of sending our armies to find out how powerful humans are, let's send these creatures and if they take them out, we know, we can, we know we now, we know what their weaknesses are. Based on what the creatures do to them, we can figure out their fighting styles, their tactics, their strategies, and then we go in and invade so my only, my only thought against that.

Speaker 1:

I love that theory, but I'm gonna shoot it down with. I think they would have come down within a year, because most of the population was wiped out pretty instantly. Why not just invade at that point? What are you waiting for? Most of the military's gone. Most of the population's gone. There's no reason not to just come and take earth now but that's kind of the point, is there's no rush but, once we've wiped you out, now we go in, and then you can also take the opposite.

Speaker 3:

We have this creature that, let's say, we have this creature that messed us up. Right, we're this alien superior race. This creature messed us up. All right, we've captured it, we've stopped it, but like a pest, now we're gonna exterminate it, okay. Well, maybe we can't exterminate it, let's eradicate it. Let's exile it. Where do we send it to? To those fucking people?

Speaker 2:

that's. I was thinking, maybe, that they were like a pest. That's what I was and then, in order to like, get rid of them, because clearly they didn't come down on ships, they came down on what I'm assuming are like meteors or something like that. That's what I thought.

Speaker 1:

Was it or was it like a ship? That was like breaking apart.

Speaker 3:

No, I thought it was more like a, like a rock.

Speaker 2:

It's probably not rock, but I'm I'm sure it's something they made to like withstand like a capsule, yeah, some sort of like organic capsule or something. But I think that they sent them like some bigger alien, like race, sent them to like get rid of them and they just so happen to come by earth. That or um, they sent them here to get rid of all of us so that they can like cultivate our planet for their needs, or something I mean, I suppose I do like the idea, but I think the fact that it's over a year in there's almost nobody left, what are you?

Speaker 2:

that's why I'm going with, like the they didn't want them, type thing yeah, they kind of just sent them off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, what are the odds that these creatures just randomly? Probably not very high, probably very low odds that they just I mean number one that you would say uh, well, okay.

Speaker 3:

So let's say, for instance, that, uh, there would have to have been abundant ones. So we said in the movie not us, but we were told in the movie the first one that they were considered invincible, right?

Speaker 1:

yeah, their outer shell was like armor they.

Speaker 3:

They were shot Nothing happened. They were burned Nothing happened. Water seemed to be a problem for them, but we didn't know that because they were the only water we saw in. The first one was it was shallow enough that they could just walk in it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, see, it's not like water hurts them. It's that they they're not buoyant, they can't swim, yes, but I mean they also kind of can, though, because, like in the second movie, the one that we were talking about, the dock scene when Emmett jumps into the water and then the Death Angel jumps onto the boat, kills those guys and then goes to jump onto Emmett, it falls into the water and it can't really swim, but it also is staying up, it's not immediately sinking.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Which that's?

Speaker 2:

what makes me think that it's working. Yeah, I think it was sort of like drowning instinct, like when somebody is drowning they'll flail their arms everywhere. I think it was that, and it just so happened to get on a boat.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so do we think that that is the death angel that survived and made it to the island?

Speaker 2:

I do yeah, because the boat was heading in the same direction as they were it was.

Speaker 3:

It was either that or one from the dock was able to run and jump onto the boat and make it like float.

Speaker 2:

That way, it definitely took the boat there. They, they can't swim.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so here's the thing. I'll let you explain this, alex. Alex had a beef with the boat thing and I share that same beef.

Speaker 3:

So my problem with the boat scene is without being propelled, it's very unlikely that a boat goes from one coast directly to the other coast. There's no currents that a boat goes from one coast directly to the other coast, that's, there's no currents that go from coast to coast especially parked into a little alcove right it like, okay, it would have been, it's a long shot right.

Speaker 3:

But if it were to happen, it would have happened days later. It wouldn't have been like just a a drift one day and landed and the aliens able to get off and or the death angels able to get off and go start killing people. The other problem I had with that scene was the fact that what was his name? What was his name? Emmett was able to see the boat and run and warn everybody before the death angel came out and started slaughtering all of them, where it would have been a much more believable scene if he would have been out at the coast and seen this boat coming adrift, seeing a death angel on it, and then he goes running to everybody to warn them hey, it's coming, it's coming, go inside, go inside and then all of a sudden, it like jumped off the boat and it's running towards them because these things are so attracted to sound.

Speaker 3:

It's not like it's gonna lie in wait.

Speaker 1:

It's not afraid of humans yeah, and they weren't being quiet they thought they were safe. So they were just playing ball, listening to they're yelling and screaming. They were doing everything you shouldn't do in this world, but because they thought they were safe. So it does kind of not ruins. But it's a little bit of a flaw in the movie that it implies that this death angel just hung out for a while right before it decided to go after the noise. Yeah, right.

Speaker 2:

Also, I'd like to point out if you're in a world where there are murderous things coming to get you because of sound, why would you not take any fucking safety parameters other than a goddamn closet, which, bro was just like I'm gonna shove my kids in the closet, like that's gonna fucking. You know like why would you not take time and think of like a plan for just in case?

Speaker 3:

yeah, even if you think you're safe I would say that that part just shows like some arrogance on humans part yeah, that we think that once we, once we're safe for a while. You know they, they were safe for a year you get complacent yeah they were complacent all of a sudden.

Speaker 2:

They can't hurt us, no which, uh, the black dude he was in. Uh, y'all seen the new one, right? No, so what's it? He doesn't have a name in the movie, he's just man on island. But you know, the black guy who ends up dying, he's in the the new one the day one.

Speaker 2:

So the way that they ended up getting to that island spoiler alert spoiler alert, spoiler alert um, go ahead, was like one of those like fairies, you know. But in the the new one, you know, they found out, hey, they can't swim, so everybody was getting on boats and stuff, right. So he was actually like a pretty prevalent, like recurring character, like I'm sure he didn't have a name, but uh, you see him a couple times throughout that movie and uh, he, you see him at the end when, uh, uh, what the main dude I can't remember his name but, um, he, emmett, no, um, in the the new one, uh, he ends up like saving main characters cat gets on the boat, black guy's there. So that's like how he got to the the stuff. But I want to know where the hell did the?

Speaker 1:

ferry go oh yeah, where's the ferry?

Speaker 2:

if they got there on a ferry, why? Why is where's the ferry?

Speaker 1:

unless somebody went back for some reason. But also, like ferries are not quiet, leaving on a ferry would be very scary oh, but I feel like you'd be able to.

Speaker 1:

There'd be some use for it I mean, yeah, for sure, but that I'm more thinking like how the hell did they even get to the island using a ferry without the things getting to them? Because ferries are not notoriously fast and they're not quiet. So I feel like you start it up, you start going and they're just going to start jumping on the ferry with you, but regardless, that's kind of jumped into like a much further off. What if? But was there anything I kind of want to open up the floor? Was there anything you guys particularly wanted to talk about?

Speaker 2:

sound traps. Last episode I was like, hey, yeah, sound traps. And what did emin have? Yeah, he had sound traps, freaking bear traps and whatever. Um, that's true. Oh, the freaking the little girl when she put the freaking noose around his neck and had a bunch of cans and shit on it that shit was crazy.

Speaker 1:

So what do you think of that? Smart or dumb, because I have an opinion on that um, I'm a very horrible person, so I would.

Speaker 2:

I would not necessarily leave the little girl like say you say you know, fuck that right. But also I would want to like check shit out first, you know yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because, like I want to see the other, I want to walk around her. I don't want to walk up behind her and get that close.

Speaker 2:

Clearly, if she's alive, somebody has to be taking care of this little girl, or was taking care of this little girl. Yeah, she's a year in, so yeah, I'd be prepared for a trap.

Speaker 1:

So my thought process with that is when she first put the trap around his neck I thought oh man, that's super smart. Now he can't move. But then I thought about it for more than a second and I realized he can move. They're really assuming that he cares about his life, because if he makes noise he's not the only one who's completely fucked.

Speaker 2:

It's like what I said in the last one.

Speaker 1:

So that's a really stupid trap.

Speaker 2:

I said that everybody basically has a freaking gun in their hand. All you got to do is scream.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so like to put that trap on him. They're really assuming that he's not going to make noise because of the what's the deaf girl's name? I forget her name Reagan. Reagan. He's really assuming or they're all really assuming that he cares enough about Reagan to not make noise, but also that if he assumes she's just going to be taken away by these mysterious people and God knows what's going to be done to her, why wouldn't he just make noise and have the death angels come kill them all?

Speaker 2:

yeah, Like they don't know them. So I would. If I was in that situation, I would assume, hey, probably his daughter. A father would do whatever he can to save his daughter, you know. So like just assuming that bro's not going to move or make noise. To like save somebody he cares about is crazy.

Speaker 1:

It's. It's a big assumption and obviously it bit them in the ass. I don't know. It seems like a good idea for 0.1 second. If you spend literally any time thinking about it, it is not a good idea.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I had. I mean, I didn't have a problem with how they did it. They made an assumption which I I think the movie kind of proved your point, not that he didn't care, but that in one way, if I may, uh, he was crazier than they ever thought yeah, that he would actually do that.

Speaker 3:

And he tells the girl jumping in the water dive in the water and she automatically knows what to do. And then he just runs at the guy with the noise making everything and all of a sudden it was like oh damn, yeah, no, we didn't plan on that. So he did exactly what you're saying, you know, like he risked his own life to save the girl and that's what they didn't count on, which was absolutely insane at this point in time.

Speaker 1:

that would be such a natural response, I think, for a lot of people, one or the other.

Speaker 3:

If you think, okay, I'm going to put this trap on this man and he's not going to make any noise because he cares about this girl, right, that's your assumption.

Speaker 1:

But then you're taking the girl away from him. He's already losing her.

Speaker 3:

So my thought— I mean you have that aspect, but there's an even crazier aspect is the fact that you're not thinking this person? If he cares about her, he's willing to do whatever it takes to keep her alive, which includes sacrificing himself, yeah, so it's not wise of me to put a noise trap on him and now, all of a sudden he has a loaded gun and he's able to take all of us out just by making noise might have been smarter, to put it on also I think I don't think they were very smart in the first place, because, no, they trapped them on a place where there's like nowhere else to go other than backwards through on this dock.

Speaker 2:

Right, it's not a wide dock either, so if anything pops off, what the hell are you gonna do? They really trap themselves. There's always a bigger fish in this situation. They thought they were the predators here.

Speaker 1:

There's, yeah, fucking death angels they were the prey, so that was the thing that the guy showed. I mean, they were only in for a scene but that, like that main guy that emmett grabbed, showed that he had no idea what he was really doing, like he couldn't actually fight. He couldn't actually if it wasn't for the sound trap. He they could never do this right, they're not that smart, and it clearly showed because the sound trap like that is kind of just a dumb idea in general. So I don't know, I I don't think these people would have survived that long, to be honest well, they were on boats, well they were at the dock.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I guess they were. They had the running.

Speaker 2:

Do you think that they weren't originally going to like? Their main plan wasn't to wait for somebody to come get a boat to trap them. I'm thinking their main plan they were going to head out towards the island where they can hear people laughing, cheering, fucking, probably smelling barbecue you know, I don't know, just in case maybe I have the sound trap.

Speaker 1:

Why have the girls set up? It's like I don't know. They set a trap.

Speaker 3:

They were trying to lure somebody there were some feral ass people, though you see how dirty they were well and I had brought that up to go back in time a little bit when the boy was caught in that bear trap. At first I had the exact same opinion of, uh damn, this guy's freaking evil like he. Just he did this on purpose and he watched these people do this, did nothing to help them. And, um, then, after you know all of this stuff is going down, then i'm'm like pissed off at first. But then he stops. He saves the kids and the and the, the mom, um God, what was her name again? Um, evelyn, evelyn. He saves her right, puts his hand over her mouth, keeps her quiet and then shows her the death angel crawling on the wall right there.

Speaker 3:

Okay, all of that I'm like okay, why is this guy doing all of this when? But then he explains the people who are alive are not worth saving. And evelyn made it clear later lee, if lee were here he would look you right in the eyes and say she's worth saving. Talking about reagan and that was that was pretty pivotal for me because it explained a lot that I did not first understand, that I got a little uh, I got a little perturbed by at first, but then afterwards. But I I want to make a little bit of a, a side note here. I don't know if anybody else was as as blind as I was, because I I watched this movie without ever looking at the credits or anything. Is killian murphy not a fucking chameleon?

Speaker 3:

yeah I didn't know that that was him, oh, until, like, I saw him I was like wait, what the heck, I didn't recognize him in the in.

Speaker 1:

Like the prelude I didn't recognize him as emmet there. It wasn't until they ran into him Later at that what is it like a factory Warehouse when they show up there that I saw his face a little clearer and I was like that In the prelude he looked older, so I didn't. I thought he kind of looked, so I didn't think he was. But he looked like a cross between Macaulay culkin and killian murphy and so I was like, oh man, he kind of looked like the guy from monster house, never cracker, and so I was like that's who he looked like to me. So then when I saw him later on I was like holy shit, that is killian murphy, he I.

Speaker 2:

I did not recognize him at all, because I looked up the cast and I seen that he was in it, so I was waiting for him. I was like where the fuck is this man at? And I freaking didn't notice. It was him at the you know baseball game or whatever. And then, as soon, like because I know what this man looks like, I love his movies and then as as soon as they showed his eyes, when he's all masked up, looking at them, I was like, oh there he is. Oh wait, he was that fucker on the bleachers.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did not recognize him in the prelude.

Speaker 2:

No, dude's a good actor or the prologue whatever it is, Exactly, I mean he looks like a good actor or the prologue, whatever it is. Exactly, I mean he looks like a good actor.

Speaker 1:

Also, TJ brought up something. I'm going to stroll right past it.

Speaker 2:

How dare you insult him? No, he's an attractive man. I'm just saying bro is very unconventionally attractive, like why he look like that.

Speaker 1:

Why he look like that At Killian Murphy.

Speaker 3:

Why you look like that At Killian Murphy? Why you look like that? That's so fucked up.

Speaker 1:

I forgot where I was even going to go with that.

Speaker 3:

Josh, I was trying to scroll up to see what your comments were. Josh was making some points along with us. On the number one, the boat that it rocked itself up to the island was pretty dumb. He thinks they should have made a soundproof room on the island, or either a room or a building, which I think, like all of that, makes sense. Is you have so much time that you should be preparing for this kind of stuff that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Why couldn't you make a soundproof building that you then can retreat to if they ever do get on the island.

Speaker 2:

Let's talk about emmett's shelter. I like the fact that he had a quick entrance. A fast entrance in like this type of situation is like key, because you can't go fiddling around with doors and shit. It's only slowing you down. So if you just jump down a freaking hole, that's perfect. And then there's another exit to get out.

Speaker 1:

There was a few flaws. One, it's a one way in, one way out. There was no other way out, was there?

Speaker 2:

There's the tube, and then there was the ladder.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the manhole, yeah, yeah. So the thing about the the tube uh, that is incredibly dangerous, although very helpful to have conversations in um and to for things like um, that would have been nice for giving birth and for uh, that's for sure, for when the kid was in a ton of pain. That room helps, although the the needing to constantly open the door for oxygen is a problem completely rules out sleeping in there the towel just not secure at all yeah, you're.

Speaker 1:

You're putting so much faith in a towel. You cannot open that. That from the inside.

Speaker 2:

That is like I don't know, playing with something nuclear using screwdrivers to adjust it. That sounds familiar.

Speaker 3:

That sounds very familiar.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

The kid accidentally closing it on himself and his brother is the exact reason why that is such a scary issue, but you know a little bit, but like also he was in a panicked rush, but which I think, he, he kind of got caught with his pants down Cause, well, he caused it.

Speaker 3:

He caused his own panic. I got so mad at this part because he's freaking crippled. You can't do anything, you can't fight these things anyway. And yet he's freaking crippled, you can't do anything, you can't fight these things anyway. And yet he's out there exploring.

Speaker 1:

Well, I want to correct you. You can fight them now. They found a way. He didn't have her hearing aid. He couldn't fight them. Yeah, he couldn't, and he's crippled.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So what is he going to do? He didn't have a gun and he's walking around like, limping around, exploring. Like what are you doing, dude? Like that would have been the only time you get your your brother put them in that that safe. You put the towel in and you shut the door. Now you're nice and quiet and if a, if a death angel is anywhere around, they don't hear you. You walk around, they can hear you, and that's exactly what ended up happening.

Speaker 1:

Especially when you're limping around. I have some problems with his limp that we talked about. I don't know if we already started recording when we talked about it, but I don't think he would have been walking at all for the rest of the movie. If you get your ankle caught in a bear trap.

Speaker 2:

Didn't they? Didn't they like splint it, though, Like I'm sure that would add some mobility, but like not a lot.

Speaker 1:

I don't think you're putting any pressure on that for at least the next week. And he was dancing with his baby brother in his arms.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Not even two days after. Yeah, I don't think that's happening.

Speaker 3:

You know and I'm curious about this, TJ. Yeah, I'm curious because I don't have a whole lot of experience with this. Josh on the chat says nope, bones would have been shattered. I kind of feel bear traps are that?

Speaker 1:

that powerful? I think so.

Speaker 3:

They're designed for bears not for freaking teenage boys, I'm pretty sure it would have gone through right like it should have, it should have done some serious damage he's got tiny stick legs, like me too that's cutting meat and breaking bone it's going straight through, but let's, let's pretend that it doesn't cut through the bone. It doesn't cut through the bone, it doesn't shatter the bone. It still cuts the Achilles tendon.

Speaker 1:

Truth be told, I think it fucking amputates his leg or his foot, damn.

Speaker 2:

I think it goes straight through.

Speaker 1:

It's designed to hurt a bear.

Speaker 2:

I think that it would. I don't know if it would amputate it completely. I feel like, at most, you'd have some danglage.

Speaker 3:

It would definitely break bone and cut me Ligaments and tendons would have been gone right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, did he get hit on his ankle or did he get hit just above his ankle, above the ankle, if it's hitting Achilles. It's gone.

Speaker 3:

If it's at the joint, it's gone. That at the joint, it's gone, it's I think.

Speaker 2:

I think it just depends on what way his leg was facing. If it's going like side of leg, I don't think it's cutting, like you know, front and back. But if it, if it smacked his, you know he wouldn't be able to move his leg at all I bet.

Speaker 3:

I bet we can look this up on youtube. Josh says I've seen people put wooden baseball bats in bear traps and it turns the bat into splinters yeah, I could buy that.

Speaker 1:

I I don't think he, I don't think he ever walks again. To be honest, I he definitely does not walk for the duration of the movie and yet he was standing there like with the baby, holding the baby limping around sure, but like but he's like, he's like dancing, like he was like wobble and not wobbling, like swaying back and forth with the baby in his arms. You're not, you're putting pressure on that foot. There's no way. Yeah, that's not happening yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

We're seeing a lot, of, a lot of comments in that line. People in the medical industry say that wouldn't happen yeah, there's absolutely no way but their traps are too devastating but I do gotta.

Speaker 3:

I want to give accolades to the movie on one thing sure, okay they, they could have done it better with the kid afterward, but tell me, the acting wasn't spot on when he got hit by that bear trap. He falls down like the wind knocked out of him and then, like the delayed reaction, anybody who's been severely injured I've been severely injured and that's exactly what it was like it. Everything else hurt, first falling down, hurting the elbows, doing that stuff, and then when I in in my case I was impaled with something, and when I finally figured that out, then I started screaming. It was almost like I had to turn and look at it.

Speaker 1:

It's a mental game.

Speaker 3:

And then I started screaming.

Speaker 1:

Pain is completely just in your brain.

Speaker 3:

But it was like all of the natural, all of the stuff you know. I hit my chin, my elbows, I slid on the ground. Everything hurt. Yeah, it hurt, there was no doubt about it, because you noticed all that stuff.

Speaker 1:

You didn't notice the impaling.

Speaker 3:

I loved his reaction because he hits the ground. He. I loved his reaction because he hits the ground. He went like hard right, thump Couldn't even put his hands up. He was holding all that stuff so couldn't even put his hands up to block himself. He just hit and it almost sounded like it knocked the wind out of him and then he rolls over and all of a sudden was just like ah, and I love the acting. I mean he did a great job. I felt desperation and sorrow and I mean I felt bad for them and I got the mom. I understood the mom.

Speaker 3:

She made me laugh so much, please be quiet, be, quiet Be quiet, but I understand her, I understand I fully understand, but it's like there's no way.

Speaker 2:

I was watching it while on a call with eric and I was like dude if I was in this situation. He's getting his lights put out like I'm punching the fuck out of him and knock his ass out because, hey, I will leave your ass. I'm sorry, but like I got two other kids to worry about.

Speaker 3:

You know, knocking his ass out would have been the merciful, merciful thing to do really like I would be out of pain for a second dude was the only way I actually believe it would have been.

Speaker 2:

So I would have just me, just you know, because he was, he was out of pure pain, you know so yeah, okay, but truth be told, we're assuming that she could knock him out.

Speaker 1:

Good, good point, because I'm not. I'm punching hurts a lot more than you think it does Hurts you more than it hurts the other person in some cases, and actually knocking someone out bare knuckle is way harder than you would think. It is Especially like I don't think she really has the strength to fucking just one shot and knock this kid out. It's true, I think she would need a few hits. Fucking just one shot, knock this kid out, it's true, I think she would need a few hits and I don't think she tries it I think she's just gonna be fucking punching him for a while before he would get knocked out.

Speaker 3:

Go to sleep, yeah, it would be a go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep it would be like that it's like the iron man with it would be that just please go to sleep.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think she would create more noise trying to knock him out. I agree. So, although I do think that is not the, I struggle to say it's a smart solution, but it's not the worst solution. I don't think it's viable in this situation, but props to Reagan for just setting up and getting ready.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh man. Zero props to her for leaving on her own whilst deaf. Oh my God, yeah you can't hear.

Speaker 1:

That's like your wife, your wife Maddie I'm going gonna call her out here when we, when we play project zomboid, that game, it's not incredibly hard, but it's a little difficult because it's very. It's semi-realistic in the sense that if you get bit, you're screwed, your character will die. So she. There's attributes you can pick. There's negative ones and positive ones. Negative ones, give you points to add. Uh, for positive ones, positive ones, take those points you basically balance, you try to balance out.

Speaker 1:

So you have zero maddie loves to take death, which is negative 12 for a reason. That's a lot of points and it's because you're deaf. You don't hear anything, so in game you don't hear anything that doesn't sound fun, no it's. It's horrible because audio cues are huge in that game and this movie.

Speaker 1:

I think here you hearing them, is the only benefit you have over them exactly so, like when she was in the train and she got spooked by the, by the body that fell on her when she was in the train and she got spooked by the body that fell on her when she was grabbing that first aid kit. It's so tough because there's no way you can tell how loud you're breathing, and she was breathing so loud.

Speaker 2:

Yep she also went, which made me wonder. So.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which made me wonder like I think there was a little plot armor in that scene, in the sense that the death angel really took its time making its way to her and it's. In no other scene has it ever taken that much time to go after its prey. In any other scene it would have been from that end of the train to her in half a second and sliced her in an instant, but in this one it like slowly made its way to her, giving time for emmet to to shoot it in the head well, except for what it was, was she had taken her hearing thing out and put it on the microphone, where she had that little amplifier really yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

No, she wasn't able to do it when she noticed it was all open.

Speaker 3:

The thing was all open. It had its whole face, but it was still fighting its way to her. But she couldn't shoot she, she shot and hit it somewhere else oh, she couldn't.

Speaker 1:

She couldn't cock the shotgun, yeah, yeah, so she couldn't reload the round. It's still. I don't know it. Even when it was standing at the other end of the train, it, like, slowly made its way, giving her time to set that up, and in no other scene have they ever been that slow, going after their prey what I'm thinking is shotgun attachment.

Speaker 2:

You get a big ass speaker, put it at the end, right, then you have it right here, you know, and then you'll have it so like when you're aiming, you'll have your little thing right here, so then it'll, and then it'll loop through and then kind of like, if you're aiming, you have your little thing right here, so then it'll loop through, and then kind of like if you're trying to stun somebody with like a flashing light on the end of your gun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so like an under barrel speaker.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So instead of a grenade launcher, it's a speaker, which okay.

Speaker 3:

So this is part two, and we already learned that her hearing aid is their weakness, whatever high-pitched frequencies.

Speaker 3:

I know you had a problem with that already, because you were like how could the military have not found out? One of the things that I thought was the most can I say, marvelous, magnificent, I mean. What's the word magnificent? I mean what's the word Benevolent is when Emmett explains to a guy on the island right who, by the way, I love that guy because he was also the warrior who fought alongside on Gladiator you remember the movie Gladiator with Russell Crowe? But in any case, when he said I had to and he said what, get help? And he said no, give it. And that's where I finally understood that he knew what the mission was.

Speaker 3:

See, I thought he was still going to retrieve her, even though she was explaining everything to him. She tried to tell him and it still seemed like he was wishy-washy. It didn't seem like he was all in. And then, when they were on the island, it was like no, this is actually going to work. I'm guessing it was the train scene that convinced him. He never said anything about it to her. He didn't say like I see what you mean, but it became very apparent that all of a sudden he changed his mind and now he's all in. He went from no, I'm taking you back. She tried to explain. No, no, no, this is I'm going one way or the other, it's going to happen. And he okay, okay, fine, but I'm wondering if it was that scene on the train that he was supposed to be weighing in his mind.

Speaker 3:

the whole trip of like damn, this thing really can work and if you put this on a high-powered transmitter, you're everybody's going to be able to take them out everywhere they're at yeah so didn't the dad in the first one have like a whole bucket of freaking ear, whole bunch?

Speaker 2:

of them remember that, yeah, so why did she only take one?

Speaker 1:

Well, I assume, for probably like a thought of why take more, not really thinking that way, but also.

Speaker 2:

She went back down to grab the damp and stuff, though it's the same area.

Speaker 1:

He made so many of them because he kept failing when making them. They weren't right. And this one just happened to do that, so that's not to say that all of them can do what this one does.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm thinking. It's not that hard to create a feedback loop sure, but I think you know what you're doing.

Speaker 3:

I think what you said, what you said, was repeated in part one, because the dad actually told her I increased the frequency when she was like it won't work, and then she tells him stop. And he was trying to tell her, like this is what I did. So he explained to her that he increased the frequency to try to get this one to work and, uh, I think that was their way of telling us what he did, why this one was going to be different than the rest.

Speaker 1:

So, like he, he kept trying a bunch of different stuff. He kept making new ones to try and get one that would work for her. So I think that was why she only brought that one, not to say that any of the other ones in that pile might do that. They might have, but there's no guarantee they do Also.

Speaker 2:

could you just like record it Get a freaking recorder record it Probably yeah. It's just a high pitched noise. I wonder it's just a high-pitched?

Speaker 3:

noise? Probably, it's just a frequency. I mean, you don't even need to do that. If you figure out the frequency, you can reproduce it. See, do you notice that these things weren't interested in destroying technology, they were just killing the people.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So all the technology still existed everywhere. Just go find your radio station and broadcast.

Speaker 1:

Well, your problem is going to be to power it and all that True, true, true, true true. Their situation was very, very nice because it was already set up. Everything was already ready for them. In fact, it was already on air.

Speaker 3:

Which would just give them a head start in now you blanket this area right then you could go and get the power on in this area yeah and then you blanket a larger area well, that's the thing.

Speaker 1:

Like it implied that if you were to broadcast this on the radio, any nearby radios could broadcast this and play it. So if you had a team of like six people, all equipped with radios on the same frequency, you're invincible.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you just walk around stepping all over make a whole ass iron man right in the head, speakers like aiming outwards, just exactly like do like freaking doom guy, you pull out the shotgun, blah, you know yeah, once you know their weakness, they're honestly it's over they're still scary, but now they have a weakness yes and this is something you can exploit and like I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Can I make a link to a zombie movie which one world war z? Yeah, they were absolutely terrifying once you have the chink in their armor they're proceed, yeah, so it's kind of like.

Speaker 1:

That's why I think part three ended up being day one, because I think they realized part three of this story would just be let's kill all of them.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure it's just greedy studios doing what they do, because part three was not directed by John Krasinski. He's the one who made it. Okay, he wrote it and directed it.

Speaker 3:

Well, you guys taught me that, the last one, that one really kind of shocked me, he's dope. So real quick, we're running out of time here. But I want to know from you guys Do you understand and agree with or disagree with emmett's position? He was friends with this family before all of this shit went down.

Speaker 1:

Now his position is I can't help you well, I think he was going to give in all along. I don't think there was any part of him that was not going to. Especially, his wife died 11 weeks ago. He's still hurting. He's looking for something to fill that, I guarantee you. He was never going to turn them away. Even though he couldn't, I think he was angry at the situation of like fuck, why did you have to show up? I can't turn you away and I cannot take care of you. This just puts so much stress on him.

Speaker 3:

If you'll voluntarily leave.

Speaker 1:

I want you to leave but it's also like I think it pushed him in this, like it was something he kind of needed, where he'd kind of given up. Yeah, I think he oh, good angle I. I think he had given up and was just waiting to die, and then they show up and he's like fuck, now I can't. And I think that kind of upset angle.

Speaker 3:

I wonder because?

Speaker 1:

because, frankly speaking, if that would be me, I think that that, coming thinking as a man, that would be upsetting, that I'm ready to just die. All my family has died and then this new family shows up needing my help. Fuck.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I took.

Speaker 1:

Now I have to help you. I just wanted to die.

Speaker 2:

I'll say it again If Emily Blunt shows up at my fucking door, I don't care if my wife kid dog. I don't care if they got blown up. I'm going to have to take that chance. I'm helping, I'm doing whatever I can. You need me to rub your feet or something I got you.

Speaker 1:

It's Emily Blunt. Bro, it's the easiest decision of my life. What can I say?

Speaker 2:

And she's single, Newly single Dude. I'm going to play my chances. I was wondering if that was going to be your angle.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to father her kids so hard.

Speaker 2:

Bro, I'm going to be like yo chance father her kids so hard.

Speaker 3:

Bro, I'm like yo chess, you wanna go play cash? My wife just died 11 weeks ago. Oh, and here you come, you already had the kid.

Speaker 1:

We're good, it's just because it's emily that's all I brought this. Oh, and she like just gave birth this is a post-apocalyptic world in which most people have died and you're telling me she's one of the few people to have survived. What are the odds?

Speaker 3:

That I mean frankly speaking, Emily.

Speaker 2:

Blunt's going to survive. Wife of John Krasinski.

Speaker 3:

Did you know that Everybody else around is going to make sure of it? You know who else is going to survive. Scarlett Johansson I.

Speaker 1:

She was not even one of the first I I would never have even put her on a list oh, she's number one on my list no, I'm not talking about hot. I'm talking about who would actually survive? Who will?

Speaker 3:

actually survive uh guy with.

Speaker 2:

I'm blanking on her name a guy with a really dope mustache and a almost bald guy and some black guy from that's me the. Pacific Northwest.

Speaker 1:

That's not me well I think that's all three of us yeah he was talking about my mustache, your baldness, his blackness, why you gotta point out my baldness why can't you point out the forehead? I was gonna say he could've gone with the forearm. He went with two positives and a negative and he just went on you he just roasted me with the baldness. Alex don't take it personally, he's just upset that he's down 16 points, all right. Well, any final thoughts on this movie? Loved it.

Speaker 3:

Thought it was a fantastic movie. It was a fun ride. They carried the story very well, brought us right from the beginning. I mean they actually that was the original day one, right, and so I enjoyed that. And then I enjoyed how they carried the story forward from the day we found she found the with a weakness on forward. My question, the first question I I had why did they not stay put? Why were they running? They had the weakness.

Speaker 1:

Now you stand your ground I think, they just wanted to share it well, my argument would be I don't think she thought she could take care of three kids on her own, so she had to go look for some sort of help. Good job.

Speaker 3:

John Krasinski, you're such a freaking misogynist. A woman can't take care of three kids alone.

Speaker 1:

I don't think anybody should take care of three kids alone. Jeez, man or woman, you're screwed. I also think that, especially in this world, but I also think that there there's too much. There one of the buildings was burning down. Her husband was just brutally destroyed on that property. Like I wouldn't want to stay, the basement was flooded.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't want to say pool okay, all right, and the dad free food I guess those are valid.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wouldn't want to stay. Those are valid points oh, wise host.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, it was a great movie, great choice for a movie. Mr Host man, I think if they ever do a part three and not like a spinoff, like day one, I think they should have the death angels brutally murder the mom, the, the brother and then just have um reagan and the little baby surviving. Like you know, the last of us are like walking dead, like video game, you know. Like you know I want her to be like joel or lee you know, would she go like full john wick?

Speaker 1:

yes, on the death angels I, I think that I can see that she would be.

Speaker 2:

It'd be kind of bad.

Speaker 1:

It'd be like reverse daredevil, like turns out, her lack of hearing gives her powers she would have like a radio grenade radio grenade is crazy and she would throw it and then they would open up, it would go in their mouth and just vibrate and explode them from the inside. Yeah, that's the boogie bomb from fortnite anyway, she makes a real life boogie bomb okay, so real quick, let's uh.

Speaker 3:

On august 9th we didn't record last week so we missed, missed this. On August 9th, we got a review on Apple Podcast.

Speaker 1:

It was five stars. Yes, that's my favorite amount of stars. It was five stars out of five, Pretty good.

Speaker 3:

Yet the comment was it's just good. Well, I'll take it.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad it's good. You know what? No, I should say the title, the title is.

Speaker 3:

It's just good. The. The comment is can I be in an episode? Please also watch an anime, please, um okay, so well not I'm not into hear me out. That's not. That's not entirely true. I I like dragon ball z that's because you're fucking mexican.

Speaker 2:

What? What's up with mexicans and freaking goku? They all love goku, oh my god and go why is that like a thing I don't know is I don't know?

Speaker 3:

gravitate to piccolo, yeah, because he's black, not piccolo is black uh on on dragon ball piccolo is an african-american man.

Speaker 2:

He may be green, but he is a black man.

Speaker 3:

I thought you were confused no, I'm confused. I thought you were saying pikachu, I was like no, that's mexican. Is it canon that goku is?

Speaker 2:

mexican or something like I need to know, but I hear me out late I've been trying to get eric to watch this one anime and it is a zombie anime and it is. It's called um. I'm in bucket list of the dead, I'm in it, um. And basically, yeah, he was a voice actor, dude, just you know.

Speaker 3:

No, he lived a, really not that I mean I'm in, I'm, I'm going I'm going for it.

Speaker 2:

He lived a really crappy life before the apocalypse. Apocalypse breaks out. There's zombies everywhere. He, uh, he made a bucket list of things he wants to do before he turns into a zombie oh crap, I think I've seen it.

Speaker 3:

Really, I think I have I?

Speaker 2:

you've never mentioned this to me the blood is like rainbow, you know it's.

Speaker 3:

It's funny, because I don't actually, I don't actually often talk. Oh, sam told me about this zom 100, yes, zom 100.

Speaker 2:

Bucket list of the dead. I couldn't remember the beginning sam, that's right.

Speaker 3:

Sam was the one who told me about it, it's good, and I I haven't yeah, this is the first time I've been waiting to watch it with like air it's. It's not a movie you've never mentioned this.

Speaker 2:

To me it is a movie, there's a. I think there's no the live action is a movie.

Speaker 3:

The live action is a movie. There's a? I think there's a no, the live action is a movie. The live action is a movie. The anime is a series.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure the live action is trash. They're all trash.

Speaker 1:

You've never mentioned this to me. What Like? Not even once.

Speaker 2:

You've never mentioned this to me. Okay, but wait, we literally tried to watch it together. What are you talking about?

Speaker 1:

the one time the one we tried to watch together was the one where the guy, like he, was riding on his moped or something like he like has like a groundhog 100, oh, that's it.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, no, no, that that was another anime we tried to watch. Yeah, that's the one you that was erased. I don't think we ever.

Speaker 1:

We were trying to watch a race going to no, we were gonna watch zom 100 once, because it was it was the time I was doing an overnight at work and we were going to watch it.

Speaker 2:

but then we ended up not watching it. No, because the freaking Discord wouldn't work.

Speaker 3:

But wait wait, wait, wait, wait. So I guess you maybe have told me about it. I need to know. Have either of you watched the prequel to Train to Busan? The animated version yes. Soul Station yes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Nope, oh, that's a good one. That's a good one and that's anime-ish. Yeah, it's an anime. It's cartoon but it's anime-ish. It's good. Well, it's not like the traditional anime, like there was a little bit of that, there was yeah, so I guess it is anime yeah. These guys just don't understand what was the other one. Resident Evil did one right, yeah resident evil. Degeneration is really I like that one resident evil has done. A few of them was was that the one?

Speaker 3:

okay, I don't know the names of the resident evils, but the one in the airport yeah, degeneration, that's the one I really are I really like to watch every single resident evil um, we tried that once. Maybe with you involved we can make it go a little better. I think it's just. The problem is is that nobody's surviving that shit?

Speaker 1:

well, I don't even think it's that. I think it's that resident evil kind of like. I love resident evil, I love it too, but it kind of gets a little repetitive. It does. So it's like yeah, alice has superpowers, hey, new superpower. She did something cool with the zombies.

Speaker 3:

Can I make a comparison? There's the movie Do you know what? Resident Evil. The franchise is a lot like the Fast and the Furious franchise.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, family, they're all the same Race Car fell out of plane. Well, yeah, cool.

Speaker 2:

Dude the thing we need is the other building.

Speaker 3:

I enjoy every single movie.

Speaker 2:

All we have is this car and we're in the other. Let's drive through the window into the other building somehow.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm in a skyscraper in Dubai.

Speaker 1:

There's a fucking Lambo on the 133rd floor. Let's fucking drive out the window, dude, the only way we can beat this is going to space in a car.

Speaker 3:

You made one major mistake you didn't take my car they went to space in a car yeah, like okay, I'm actually, I'm actually watching I watched every single freaking one. I mean, who's the stupid one?

Speaker 1:

I'm watching a dnd campaign right now called uh. It's from dimension 20. It's called never stop blowing up, and one of the guys his character is is Vic Ethanol.

Speaker 2:

I love it, vin Diesel.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yep, he's Vic Ethanol. He was like one of my big things family.

Speaker 3:

I love it, big family guy. Even better, even better.

Speaker 1:

He's just fucking Vin Diesel from Fast and the Furious. It's ridiculous. It's so funny Okay.

Speaker 3:

So there was that. And now let me tell you guys about the email we got. We got an email and this was just today. Today at 1 PM, our email is from Elijah Allen. Just want to say I recently discovered you guys after trying to look for a podcast to listen to at work and to feed my taste for zombie content, and I'm a huge fan, absolutely love your guys work and please keep it up. I have a recommendation for you guys maybe an episode on cell by stephen king. Now I know this movie. The movie is with john cusack and, uh, samuel jackson, which it is a movie, but it's based off of an amazing book, good sell. So I know you guys don't do a lot of literary content, but they do have a movie adaptation. It isn't the best 1408. Not even close, but the book is very good. It provides an interesting twist on a zombie apocalypse by using cell phone signals to turn people into zombies like some sort of cyber attack.

Speaker 3:

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Speaker 2:

So, elijah allen, thank you so much for uh giving us a shout out and uh sending us the email yeah, thank you, very nice words so I kept saying 1408, because that's a movie with samuel jackson and john cusack and it also is it for real too by from a stephen king, I think from a book, yeah, yeah, but he did, he did the cell. But yeah, sell them.

Speaker 1:

I just looked it up and it's yeah crazy so I will say the reason we don't do literary content is one because I don't read. Are you kidding me? No, but the main reason is that it would just take, it would be a huge time commitment for all three of us to read a book within a week to record for an episode. Chapter one I won't lie, it would be a lot.

Speaker 3:

I won't lie. Stephen King book. I mean, the guy's a douche. I don't like that he.

Speaker 1:

Personally it kind of sucks. I don't like that.

Speaker 3:

Personally it kind of sucks I don't like that he puts out his political viewpoints.

Speaker 1:

What bothers me is it's not like he just goes out now this is getting political. But it's not like he just goes out like. These are my views. He says it with such authority. You should think like me. You have to think like me or you're an idiot.

Speaker 3:

I hate when celebrities do that Personally you're a douche.

Speaker 1:

You write horror books, man. Don't put yourself on a pedestal.

Speaker 2:

I don't give a crap about any of his views or whatever. I just think that I just hate his face. He looks like a who.

Speaker 1:

He looks like a who from freaking.

Speaker 3:

Dr, Seuss. Tj. He has a face for literature.

Speaker 2:

Yes, he does. His nose is small and it doesn't need to be that small, it doesn't it doesn't match his face.

Speaker 3:

You know how much money this man has and he still hasn't fixed too much.

Speaker 2:

He has his big ass lip. Why doesn't he grow a beard? Grow a damn beard. I see the freaking stubble on your face, sir. Grow a freaking beard also. You're weird. You put a freaking sex scene in a fucking book about a bunch of kids.

Speaker 1:

You weird ass I'll go ahead and announce who won this episode. Um, does anybody want to take a guess?

Speaker 3:

alex one I'm gonna say it's tj in two episodes. That might be accurate. Say it's TJ in two episodes.

Speaker 1:

That might be accurate, because it's definitely not TJ today. Congratulations, alex.

Speaker 2:

Hello survivors and welcome back to another episode of Will you Survive, the Podcast. This is exactly what made you lose the episode Today. I'm a fucking loser, that's it.

Speaker 3:

I want to see what happens the next episode. Is tj going to be able to refrain from this nonsensical behavior?

Speaker 1:

no, fuck you if he doesn't, will he lose points no look oh absolutely, you are not going to freaking.

Speaker 3:

Take away my.

Speaker 2:

I want to slap your bald head so bad and I want to rip your mustache off your face. You do it, do it. He released black hole and it's not good how dare you.

Speaker 3:

You know that's not true.

Speaker 2:

To release black hole just to say that no that's not true, fucking mid this guy's a gatekeeper.

Speaker 1:

That's what it is. This guy's a gatekeeper. He was like it was only good when I had one of the only versions of it okay, can we?

Speaker 3:

uh, tj, can we both shut the fuck up and let our host close us out?

Speaker 1:

yeah, can you shut the fuck?

Speaker 2:

no, I'm kidding anyways it has been the will you survive podcast. If you interrupt me.

Speaker 1:

That's it. You're muted for the rest of it, he's muted. Anyways, thank you for joining, joining us for this episode of will you survive the podcast. Tj will talk to you guys in the next episode and, until then, stay alive, yeah stay alive.

Speaker 2:

Fuck y'all fuck your mama, fuck your grandma, your dad, your stepdad. Thank you.

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