Will You Survive... The Podcast

Will You Survive "A Quiet Place": Silent Apocalypse and Survival Tactics

August 23, 2024 Will You Survive... The Podcast

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a world where even the slightest noise could get you killed? On this episode of "Will you Survive, the Podcast," we hilariously dissect the spine-chilling movie "A Quiet Place," starting with an exaggerated synopsis that'll leave you in stitches. We then break down the movie's storyline and dive into the brutal reality of a silent apocalypse, touching on everything from the controversial scene involving a child's death to the logistics of childbirth in a world where sound equals death.

We then shift focus to the themes and survival strategies showcased in the film, analyzing how the older kids grasp the severity of their situation better than their younger sibling. Key scenes like the pharmacy visit and the father's quiet grief are revisited, sparking discussions about innovative survival tactics like sound traps and retreating to the waterfall for labor. We even speculate about potential refuges like islands and houseboats, now that we know the creatures can't swim, and ponder the emotional impact of visiting the memorial site as the family grapples with newfound vulnerabilities in their monstrous foes.

In the final segments, we explore the unique sound design of the film, particularly from the deaf daughter's perspective, and how it creates an immersive experience for the audience. The conversation veers into comparisons with other survival films and the Abbott family's potential to fare well in a zombie apocalypse due to their silence skills. We also share amusing personal anecdotes about our own noisy habits that would likely lead to our demise in such a world. From psychological effects of anechoic chambers to the broader impact of "A Quiet Place" on the horror genre, this episode is packed with laughter, speculation, and a deeper appreciation for the art of silence.

Speaker 1:

Hello Survivors and welcome back to another episode of Will you Survive, the Podcast. My name is TJ. I'm joined here by my beautiful co-host.

Speaker 2:

we got I'm beautiful co-host number one.

Speaker 3:

And I'm beautiful co-host number two.

Speaker 1:

And I am sick and tired of these fools. Today we are talking about the great movie. A quiet place and without further ado. Alex, would you like to give the synopsis?

Speaker 3:

oh, you know, I do now. Uh, I don't think I need to do any spoiler updates or anything like that.

Speaker 2:

Can I give the synopsis?

Speaker 3:

You want to yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

All right In a world of yappers. All the yappers die because yapping has been outlawed, yapping no longer allowed, and the yappers that once yapped have since been zapped and that's pretty much A Quiet Place.

Speaker 3:

I think that was almost word for word.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I have done a lot of research on this movie Now if you want to hear the other person's storyline.

Speaker 3:

In a devastated earth overrun by myriads of invincible extraterrestrial predators, the Abbotts struggle to survive in the desolate death trap of New York City. In this muffled dystopia, utter silence may offer a chance to stay alive, as even the slightest noise can attract the deadly invaders. However, despite 12 months of relentless terror, the resilient Abbotots remain unbroken, mastering the art of survival. But now more than ever, they must live by one rule Don't make a sound or suffer the consequences.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so basically what I said, but okay.

Speaker 1:

Basically stay quiet or you get murdered by a death angel, which they don't really discriminate. They go for anything. First kill in the movie is a child.

Speaker 2:

That's a rough one. That's a rough way to start it. Can we also mention that in all the movies they never mention that they're called death angels?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they never mention that they're called death angels, but they're called death angels.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they never mention that they're called death angels, but they're not called death angels, um I mean not even in day zero um because they do come from above, oh yeah spoiler for a new one, um what?

Speaker 1:

but yeah, uh, I think it's the kid's fault.

Speaker 2:

I think he deserved it that he got, that he got unalived yeah he got yoinks.

Speaker 1:

I mean his dumb ass put the goddamn batteries in no like also put the batteries in no, she took them out and put them on the counter. He went up, grabbed them and then put them in while they were walking yeah, oh, I thought she handed him the she handed him the rocket with no batteries and he yoinked the, the, the batteries off of the counter.

Speaker 1:

She may be deaf, but she is not dumb, sir damn. Yeah, he did it to himself really really, in that situation I wouldn't take my kids anywhere. I would leave my wife and go out and do such, you know, Like yeah you'll have to take more trips to get shit. But also it's safer to be alone than with what two kids that you got to worry about. Yeah, well, I wonder if that's what his worry was, or three kids, because it the the boy and the deaf girl and then the little.

Speaker 2:

So well, I think that was probably part of his concern is leaving his wife with three kids. They're still kids and I don't think they fully grasped the situation like I'm sure the older two do, but clearly the younger one didn't yeah, because he he almost made noise multiple times in the store alone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, do we know how long it was after the invasion that this takes place?

Speaker 3:

I think when they first started out I could have swore it said 89 days, just 89 days, that's what I could have swore. I said 89 days, just 89 days, that's what I could have swore. I saw that on the screen, but I am kind of baffled because this storyline said that it was a year in, so I don't know if I made that up or what.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to look for it actually, Because the beginning probably takes place early on.

Speaker 2:

And then, after the kid gets, I wonder if the beginning is 89 days. Yeah, yeah and then yeah and then it fast forwards to a year?

Speaker 1:

yeah, because the she wasn't like fully like pregnant, pregnant with the baby, yet.

Speaker 2:

So that's right.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, getting pregnant, that's worse than an apocalypse also, y' y'all doing the freak, while you just completely silent.

Speaker 2:

They probably did it by the waterfall. Let's be real.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they went to a romantic spot. Yeah, he was knocking them ankles loose. I assume the plan was for her to give birth at the waterfall, but obviously with everything that happened, they didn't have that option.

Speaker 1:

I was like they couldn't have found a house with a basement, Didn't?

Speaker 2:

they. I thought that there was a basement. Was there a basement? That's where the laundry room was. That's why it flooded.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel like underground would be the move.

Speaker 3:

They were underground, but well, I think it was like a half underground type basement, right no, they were underground it was like a full-on basement yeah, but I mean, these things could still hear the noise, you know yeah, that's not far enough down.

Speaker 1:

You need to be way further down and, like you know, insulate, so they can't hear.

Speaker 3:

A Quiet Place 2018,. According to Screen Rant, this is they seem reliable Takes place 471 days and 472. Well, days 471 and 72 of the apocalypse. Where did they get those numbers?

Speaker 1:

Placing the. I think, maybe we just missed it.

Speaker 2:

Either we missed it or they straight up pulled those numbers out Placing the. Maybe we just missed it. Either we missed it or they straight up pulled those numbers out of their ass.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. I could have swore that it said it in the movie that it was day 89.

Speaker 2:

Either way, it doesn't really matter. The world is over at this point. It's pretty much as bad as it's gonna get. I would say, when we cut into the story, like it's already at a point where there's very few humans left alive, yeah, yeah, 400 days seems like a lot of time where they could really like.

Speaker 1:

I feel like they should have been way more prepared than what they were like. Yes, they did have like they had contingency plans like the red lights all over the place and stuff like that, but really I would be out there, I'd be making sound traps, so it would lure away.

Speaker 3:

I was thinking that exact same thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like you accidentally make a noise, she was so smart you press a button, sound trap goes off like a mile away. They'll go that way, yeah exactly.

Speaker 2:

That would be smart.

Speaker 3:

They would go and they would destroy the sound trap, of course, but then you go and you rebuild another one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was. The idea with the fireworks was to just create so much sound that they couldn't track where anything was. But I'm okay. So here's my question. I understand these things are incredibly deadly. I could see how they would kill people on day one where everybody's screaming and nobody can control themselves, so it's just free game everywhere, screaming and nobody can control themselves, so it's just free game everywhere. But at this point I'm kind of going like to the end where he screams to get the death angel off of his kids. Why wouldn't you scream and then like walk 20 feet to your left? Well, he was jacked, the f up he wasn't gonna get away from him.

Speaker 2:

You see how fast those things were well no, but what I'm saying is he was far enough away that it had to charge him right. So, theoretically, I feel like you could just scream and then walk real quickly 20 feet to your left, and if you don't make a sound it shouldn't be able to find you, no once they're that close to you, I think I don't think you can get away from them fast enough without them hearing you but it got so close to the mom in the basement and it didn't hear her when she snuck away from them I mean that's true, but there's there's so much ambient sound happening.

Speaker 2:

Well, I guess not, but I don't know. I feel like there, I feel like you could do it I I don't.

Speaker 3:

I didn't see that Because I mean, I thought more along the lines of what TJ was saying, and why would you even try?

Speaker 2:

that I mean, yeah, soundtracks make sense. I just feel like you could do that and I feel like the dad didn't need to die, to be honest. But I get it, I think he was going to die anyway.

Speaker 3:

He got so ripped up from that I maybe I'm maybe I mistook what I was looking at, but I could have swore they were showing ribs when he stood back up, like it was supposed. I thought it was supposed to be a testament to his dedication to his kids that he was going to rescue them before he died.

Speaker 2:

But the point was he was dead oh, I guess I I never really noticed that I. I I know he got fucked up like he got. He got hit, but I didn't get real fucked up I didn't know. He was like gonna die.

Speaker 2:

Got messed up well, he was a very smart guy, so like I don't think he would just do that if it wasn't like last resort right because I agree I do think so, but again, this is the guy who didn't, who didn't have sound traps, and that seems like one of the more obvious things to do yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I think in this situation you probably had like a lot of things to do and like it's it's really only like his wife's pregnant, she can't do much. He's got freaking two kids that don't know nothing um one of kids. One of his kids can't even hear, so like which what the fuck? That's tough yeah, that, I mean, ends up saving her in the end. But also, yeah, no, how are you gonna tell if you're making noise, if you're?

Speaker 2:

yeah, in a world where you're told you can't make any noise, and she's like, oh great what noise yeah, what the? What the fuck? What the fuck do you mean?

Speaker 3:

what noise am I gonna make?

Speaker 2:

like how do you know if you're stepping too hard?

Speaker 1:

yeah, like the the floorboards. They had the floorboards marked so they didn't step on the creaky ones right which like go get a can of wd-40 or wood hey, it'll take care of it would it maybe like it wouldn't I think it would.

Speaker 3:

This episode is sponsored by wd40 you know, squeaking spray it screw it, wd wouldn't do it, pb blaster would I don't even know what that is pb blaster penetrates also a funny word, but I'll say this uh, watching this movie now versus when I first saw it, when I first saw it, I wasn't a dad to a little kid, right? I'm thinking of my daughter, who is younger than that little boy, but not by much, he might have been a year or two, right and thinking that age, that size, and then all of the pictures that they had of the baby, that was just devastating man it.

Speaker 2:

it was different for me okay, so this is gonna sound truly awful. I'm not gonna lie, this is gonna sound really bad, but obviously there's. This is gonna sound so shitty. There's obviously no like good from the kid dying, but there's got to be a little bit of like uh, well, now I don't have to worry about that.

Speaker 3:

Like the worst has already happened he died, he's gone I, I don't think so because I think you're just gonna think as a parent, you're gonna think I can't protect these other two I mean well, and you have to stop yourself from thinking that, because then if you go down that road, you just give up and you let everybody.

Speaker 2:

I don't really think about that, but I I don't know the older. Like I said, the older two seem to grasp the concept of the severity of the situation. I don't think the younger one was old enough to ever grasp that concept.

Speaker 1:

So at the beginning weren't they in a pharmacy or something? Because other little boy was sick? So that's why they had all their attention on him. They weren't thinking about little, little little boy which. I can't remember his name.

Speaker 2:

Wasn't in the movie that long.

Speaker 1:

It didn't matter to the story, it's fine.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I mean, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

Bo was his name, the older to have a chance.

Speaker 2:

The younger one seems like he never really had a chance. Given this particular situation where you can't make sound, that's literally a toddler's favorite thing is to make sound.

Speaker 1:

Um, I think he was a little older than toddler, maybe like three, four.

Speaker 3:

He was a young child, but I mean what? What this shows is two to six man this kid did a really good job at holding the values. Keeping quiet, not saying anything for many years and without thought of consequences was just like. Dude, I just want to be a kid you know what I mean, and he did it, he just, he just was a kid for a few seconds, well many years?

Speaker 2:

yeah, wasn't it like 90 days?

Speaker 3:

no, that kid was was. Oh, I mean no, according to this it was a year, a year plus, yeah, but that's the the.

Speaker 2:

The main movie took place a year. The kid died before then. So the kid was not alive in the apocalypse for a year. The kid was four, but the kid only had to go through the whole be quiet, don't make a sound for like 90 days before he broke, which I'm not blaming the kid. That's a really unrealistic expectation to put on a child. But that's what I'm saying. I feel like the older kids stand a chance because they can grasp that concept of death and I don't think the the youngest one could, and that's a really scary situation. Wow, I just love sailing through the cosmos on my spaceship. Oh, look over there, it's a family of aliens, hi, oh, I wonder where they're off to in such a rush. Oh, my, that guy must be going close to light speed. Why is everyone in such a rush? Oh, no, no.

Speaker 2:

It's another banger song from Eric Salas. I don't want to listen to it on repeat for the next two weeks, please. It's too good. No, no, no, please.

Speaker 3:

It's too good, no, ah.

Speaker 2:

Go check out my song Black Hole. It's on Spotify. It's by Eric Salas. Okay, bye. Before the end, before they figured out how to open up that shell, there's nothing you can do against them, except just stay quiet.

Speaker 3:

Except I think you guys are on to something with sound traps like how did?

Speaker 3:

we not think of sound traps by this point? Build all kinds of of noisy shit that goes off at a specified time, like you have to set it off on purpose, right, you have all these fireworks. Why not build up all of these fireworks to go off in a spot where I'm going to set off this noisy-ass fucking machine that, let's just hope to God, can withstand their beatings for a little while? But I also think what you were saying right now with the waterfall, I think retreating to the waterfall for the specific purpose of her labor.

Speaker 1:

I think that was the plan I also think that I'd like to bring up because I did watch. I don't know if they talked about it in this one, but in the new one they can't swim.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that explains the island and I think the second one houseboat, we're bringing it back.

Speaker 1:

the wis houseboat, dude, houseboat is. Oh, we did Houseboat, we're bringing it back.

Speaker 2:

The WIS Houseboat Dude Houseboat is just the best situation for every apocalypse.

Speaker 3:

Literally it is, I got to say. Another part that hit me differently was when the little girl went back to Bo's death site and she just looked at the pictures that they put up there. Clearly the dad was there before because he was holding those same pictures and he went and he put up those pictures. He probably put up those um, that cross and uh, which was funny because he's kind of telling his wife that she had to stop beating herself up. But clearly he was beating himself up all week long, like all movie long well, I mean, you can give good advice and still not take your own yeah, I mean, while that's true, I still think, uh, you know, that deserves a slap in the head.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I slap up the back of his head I figured out that sound affects them.

Speaker 1:

If it's like you know, the high pitched noise in like, I'll also have, I'll have the sound traps, but I'll also have a sort of like barrier around my whole base, I think, where I can just loop that feedback noise in case of like emergencies. They'll just try to, they'll get away. You know, they won't want to be there, yeah, so I think that, plus the sound traps, plus a very wide moat, I think would probably be the best way to survive this yeah, an island would actually be the best way to survive.

Speaker 3:

This because they don't touch water. You made me forget because didn't the other one get on the island via one of those boats? Yeah, it hitchhiked on a boat yeah on their boat, I think that was.

Speaker 2:

That was like that's. The problem with an island, kind of just like zombies, is that if one does manage to get on the island, you're kind of screwed right, because where are you now you're stuck with it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but they're literally just built to kill. They're fast freaking.

Speaker 2:

They got slacy arms but once they figured out how to kill them, I feel like they're not, like there's still a huge threat, but way less of a threat now that they have a weakness right and if you're on an island you can set up like a um, uh, I guess an island wide speaker just blares that frequency well, I know we're not reviewing Quiet Place 2, but isn't that what she ended up doing was going to that radio station and broadcasting it?

Speaker 2:

That was an island that they were on, which I feel like they did do that. I don't remember the second one, that well, I didn't watch the second one.

Speaker 3:

You didn't.

Speaker 1:

Nope, I was going to but I forgot. But they did that in the last scene of this movie.

Speaker 3:

It was a radio station that they went to and it was on that island. And the reason why was because back where they were, they were getting a signal and they got like, for a brief moment, they got regular music. And they couldn't figure out how somebody was playing regular music. Like how could you play music over the air? You know what I mean? Like how, who's who's listening to the radio in this world? Yeah, and clearly there was somewhere that you could listen to music. And that's how they found out it was an island also.

Speaker 2:

Also, how is there a radio station playing music at all?

Speaker 3:

I mean, then there's that.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, so an island or a houseboat are probably the ways to go for this Definitely or if you're stuck on land, I guess, try to find a waterfall.

Speaker 3:

That was good enough right?

Speaker 1:

just something loud.

Speaker 3:

That is continuing louder than you, yeah freaking niagara falls you'll be good for real yeah niagara falls is good, and they were in new york apparently.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know that actually so you do bring up a good point, tj, that after a while that constant noise would affect you. It would affect your hearing. Um, I'm trying to think there's got to be a distance away from it where you're still safe, that it's not gonna destroy your eardrums, right?

Speaker 1:

yeah, but that does pose an interesting problem. It would also you know further away from it, you know more in danger you are.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, that's why I said there's gotta be like a medium point where you're still safe to talk at a normal talking distance like a normal talking voice, but you're far enough away that you're not going to burst your eardrums.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Well, one of the um I did, like the rockets, of course. One of the things that I liked the most about it was the sun, really like stepped up, and I liked how they, how they showed he was absolutely terrified Even when they were at the waterfall and his dad or at the stream first, and his dad showed him like he was just like slipping with the fish and he stepped loudly, he splashed, and the kid was like, oh, you know, you went to go run away. And he was like like slipping with the fish and he stepped loudly, he splashed, and the kid was like, oh, you know, he went to go run away and he was like, no, you're okay, you're okay. And then he takes him to the waterfall and they do that whole exercise of screaming and he's explaining to him as long as there's another louder object, another louder sound, you're okay. And uh, when he gets back to the farm and sees that his wife had triggered the signal Right, I think that was specifically to let him know that she was in labor and he tells the kid you got to go help your mom, you know, this is what, what you have to do, and he was like, you know, scared.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no. And he tells him you have to help your mom, you can do this. And he, uh, for sorry, for lack of better terms, he mans up and he runs off, and he does it. And then what was interesting was he's trying to tell his sister, you know, he's gonna come for us. And of course she was so riddled with guilt she thought that he blamed her for her little brother's death. No, he, he's coming for you. And the little kid was he really like, stepped up, even for her? No, I'm telling you, he's coming for us. And it was that accident that he fell through in the silo.

Speaker 2:

But then you go. Can we talk about that, holy crap that's nuts, huh yeah, that happens in real life.

Speaker 1:

grain bins and silos, those uh uh, those are fricking deadly Um, you know the trick for quicksand uh, don't move.

Speaker 2:

No, that how to get out of it flat. Yeah, you gotta. You gotta fall back on your back and wiggle your feet up to the top. Um, if you try to put your weight on one foot and try to get the other foot out, you're just getting the other foot more stuck. You have to just calm, lay down, get your feet back up and roll over.

Speaker 3:

And as much surface area you can take up, the better.

Speaker 1:

I know Alex grew up in like when were you actually born? Like what? 78 or something, 79. Yeah, so grew up in the 80s. All them motherfuckers were fearing quicksand, like it was gonna happen.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was gonna be a way bigger problem in my adult life than it is I'm gonna come across it every freaking day like I gotta know what if I'm at the beach and I just I'm just running down the beach and boom, quicksand.

Speaker 3:

You know what's funny though Not the way that you see in movies, where you go below the head, but at the beach is actually one of the most likely spots to hit quicksand.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, where are beaches?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, where I mean again, you're not going to go. You're not going to go to your neck, you'll go to your knee. Oh right, it'll suck you down to your knees and then you'll hit hard, solid sand. But it's a trip, you know, and you're like all of a sudden you can and you'll notice it too, because if you just go to the beach and stand in the in the tide and, yeah, you'll sink up and down, you'll go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I do that all the time I'm.

Speaker 3:

If there's a, I like it if there's a water flow under the sand, it will do that to you so that you'll know it looks completely solid, and then you'll go and step in it, and this usually occurs at low tide. So when the tide is far out and you're stepping on water that has been underwater all night long, that's when it's most common it looks solid. Then you step on it, you displace the water and you're like whoa what?

Speaker 1:

happened's also real scary, and it's scarier than quicksand. To me is aerated water yes, aerated, sand aerated, sand aerated water, like in aerated water specifically, you don't float whatsoever, you jump in it, you're done. You go all the way to the bottom. There's no way for you to get back up. I've seen videos about this. It's freaky. I don't want to. What?

Speaker 2:

what is arid water?

Speaker 1:

air in water.

Speaker 3:

So imagine like bubbled water bubble yeah, make you sick oh you can't, you can't swim, you can't, you can't grab enough water and pull yourself up.

Speaker 1:

It's like swimming in air oh gotcha yeah so if it's constantly bubbling like so, imagine like just a bunch of like holes right and then air bursting out of it and then it's going up through the water, right, so there's more air than like water. There's all those bubbles. You can't yeah, you just sink and that's like water treatment places. They got those tanks full of aerated water. There's signs like hey, don't jump in, it's non-buoyant, you won't float.

Speaker 2:

I've never heard of aerated water.

Speaker 1:

Now you need to fear for it for the rest of your adult life, because it's going to happen.

Speaker 2:

Apparently. What if the ocean just randomly has a patch of aerated water?

Speaker 3:

You know, that's actually one of the things that they thought was happening in the bermuda triangle was the earth was letting up air bubbles and it was affecting ships going over it, and just they would plummet that's an interesting theory um, the other thing was uh. There I didn't get a really good uh explanation for the planes, but it was it was so much air well, it was being explained that it was not oxygen.

Speaker 1:

Too much air for planes. Aerated air is.

Speaker 2:

The plane couldn't get any air under its wings.

Speaker 3:

Well, no, because planes need constant air.

Speaker 2:

It was too much.

Speaker 3:

If you suck air out of the environment.

Speaker 1:

The real reason is there's a hole in the firmament there. So, oh Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Don't get us started on the firmament.

Speaker 3:

Hey, can I bring us back to the film here for a minute and bring up something very interesting, how the film did this, even though I understand it's called a quiet place, right, but did you notice how they would like completely cut out the sound when you're supposed to be listening from the girl's perspective, and how silent it actually was from her perspective versus what it really was?

Speaker 3:

it wasn't it wasn't truly silent, you know, and it was. It was made painfully clear that there was still noise. There's stuff you can hear, there's stuff all around you. That was extremely um, I'm not gonna say loud, but can I say um, there was, it was sound, full, there was still a lot of sound, and then you cut to her and all of a sudden it's dead silent and you notice the difference, you?

Speaker 2:

what do they call? Never hear a folly well, what do they call it? All the where the people who make all the sound effects?

Speaker 1:

foley, foley's, foley's didn't make nothing in this movie no, no, there was a shit ton of that.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty much all this movie was yeah was just fucking feet, crunching sand and lots of asmr for the whole movie but funny thing, when the movie came out in theaters it was so quiet that you could hear other people chewing their popcorn, or oh my god, that's annoying dude sucked yes, because so annoying.

Speaker 1:

I've seen the new one and there was a dude front row snoring. Oh no, like, wake the fuck up, buddy. I can. Everybody can hear you the most.

Speaker 2:

The movie is silent it was too quiet, dude freaking so something I could bring up.

Speaker 3:

And in regards to silence now, uh, that this has a lot in common with zombie survival, not as prudent, but you have to be able to say that this family, the abbott family, would be able to survive in a zombie apocalypse. The way they're able to be so damned quiet? Yeah, zombies rely on their ears. They have to hear you first. If they never fucking hear you, they're never gonna see you.

Speaker 2:

As long as you avoid them, right, yeah, unless they just happen to walk through your, your farm and right which, if they're like walking dead zombies.

Speaker 1:

They're in like a herd, like freaking cattle. They just move together.

Speaker 2:

So if any of that comes your way, I mean it's a chance, just like anywhere else.

Speaker 1:

You're never in complete silence. Even if you're in like an anechoic chamber, your body makes noise.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So you'll hear your heart beating. You'll hear the fluid in your ears, every breath.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's the problem with you know that that completely the the most silent room in the world.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you'll go mad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, people will go insane because they hear everything inside of them, amplified, because it's the only thing there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So that is something I would actually love to experience for a little bit.

Speaker 3:

Not for the challenge.

Speaker 2:

No, I've heard people can only survive like 20 seconds in there or like only last before they want to dip.

Speaker 1:

I would love to go in there for like 10 seconds. If you're by yourself in there, nothing else making noise, it's going to be real weird because you're gonna be hearing like your blood pumping your body.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you hear your digestive system. You hear your kidneys operating.

Speaker 2:

I've heard you hear like your muscles flexing and moving, like which is you could, you could be on the other side, like one person on one side, one person on the other side.

Speaker 1:

You face the wall and yell. Barely hear the person which is crazy.

Speaker 2:

Can you imagine yelling and not hearing anything from the room?

Speaker 1:

no that's because your ears rely on the the vibrations coming back to you, but if all the vibrations are getting caught in the walls, then nothing, nothing's coming back.

Speaker 2:

That's a cool room. I mean, that would be the ultimate survival room, but you would just go crazy.

Speaker 3:

So with that I mean complete silence. Of course that's the whole theme of this movie. But with that in mind, does that make you think of, like, what did they have to go through to get to this point? How much, how horrible were their lives to get to this moment that we witnessed? It was two days time, right?

Speaker 1:

Was their house their house or did they happen upon the farm? I think they happened upon the farm. So where do you think they were living? Because they show in the new one. Where do you think they were living? Because they show, uh, in the new one? It's like in new york city, like you know, downtown type, right, most of them people are done yeah, but I think, like I said, no one can stop screaming.

Speaker 1:

City is done, but uh, I don't think they definitely didn't go through as much trauma as like people in the city would, but I'm sure like they probably went through some real traumatic stuff neighbors getting just murked like one after. Well, I want to. I want to see what they went through really, because have you ever?

Speaker 2:

have you ever seen the croods? Yeah, I've seen that okay, do you remember in the beginning where mila kunis's character, which is the, the daughter, is going like um, this family died to a giant tiger. This family died to a snake. Yes, these ones died of starvation and they're like, and that's how we learned to stay away from all these, and now my dad's paranoid and never lets us go anywhere.

Speaker 2:

I feel like it's like that you you watch everybody make their mistakes and so you learn from them. It's kind of like do you remember? Uh, what was that movie with um uh, dylan o'brien and he? It's basically like fallout, where the the world went into nuclear apocalypse. Loving monsters, loving monsters. It's basically like that. Remember what that? Uh, oh, was it woody harrelson? Uh, no, no no, it was someone like uh rourke.

Speaker 3:

Um, oh, what's his name, what's his similar actor?

Speaker 2:

he was he was, uh, he was in the walking dead. Yeah merle, merle, he was Merle he was Merle, where he pretty much said if you're lucky enough to make a few mistakes and survive, you'll make it, and I think this is a lot the same way If you're lucky enough to survive a few mistakes, you'll figure out how to survive this world, and you'll be able to.

Speaker 1:

I'd like to point out that it's like a normal human survival tactic to be quiet. We automatically go into stealth. That's from back when we were like hunting, you know.

Speaker 2:

Well, so that's what I kind of thought with day one. I feel like I would survive day one because, if you just huddle up in a corner and I mean I guess you got to keep yourself from weeping or or anything or getting mobbed on by thousands of people running down the street yeah, but well, that's what I'm.

Speaker 2:

If you real quickly realize, oh, these things are attracted to sound, just go in a corner or something and just wait it out for a bit, right, if you know they're? I honestly I feel like if I knew they're completely attracted to sound. I'm gonna say two things on this. One I'm I'm 100 dead. I'm 100 dead for long term for various reasons, but short term, I do think this is one of if you could find out easy enough or early enough that they're attracted to sound.

Speaker 3:

I think this is one of the easier things to survive, to be honest because it's a simple out within, like the day okay, but but okay, I I think it's easy to underestimate how much sound we make by accident. I mean we said it jokingly early on, but farting, sneezing, coughing I actually sneeze soundly. Okay, let me just give a ridiculous example.

Speaker 2:

but this is Sneezing, I didn't think about that.

Speaker 3:

Have you ever tried to hold in a cough?

Speaker 2:

It just makes your cough louder.

Speaker 3:

I know everybody tried to hold in a cough. I know everybody. I know everybody tried to hold in a cough during during the vid. You know you go anywhere and you just like you choke on your spit and you're coughing and you just feel like everybody's eyes on you.

Speaker 2:

Everybody held their coughs. I never gave a shit I could not have cared less. It made me want to go out and cough on purpose.

Speaker 3:

I heard, I heard everybody doing it, so it's, but it's, it's the common thing. Like you're in a quiet situation, right? Like, yeah, trying to muffle your cough you're sitting there, you don't want to be all loud and you're trying not to cough. And it gets harder. Imagine swallowing wrong.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, it is easy, I it is easy to to mess up and but that's why I'm like live by a loud sound like live by a waterfall, and then it doesn't matter if you have to sneeze or if you fart too loud or if you have to call it or if you drink water wrong and you choke yourself eventually you're gonna have to go out and get things, and I'm afraid that careful if you're so used to making noise, you're gonna slip up when you're out gathering I mean that's true, but like, okay, so that's another thing.

Speaker 2:

When they first made noise and they all started coming running like towards the sound, all the the death angels, I feel like if you're in a store and you drop something, you know like, fuck, I got 15 seconds to get out of this store and get away and I think that's enough time to just, okay, we're speed walking out of here. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, we're out of here. We're just gonna start walking down the street and then here come the death angels mauling up the store from the sound that they heard and you just go. Well, they're making a whole shit ton of noise. Now you just walk away. That's what I mean. Like, I feel like these, these are a huge threat and that it's really easy to slip up, but they're also not the fact that they can't see or smell you or see you I said that twice but the fact that they can't see or smell you don't forget they can't feel like it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and they also can't see or smell you then that that feels like a really not super easy, but it doesn't feel like the hardest thing to survive it.

Speaker 3:

It made me think, and it's funny that you said that, because one of the things that I thought what that they? Can't see. You said a noise bomb like a noise. Oh, I don't think you said noise bomb, but yeah, like a distraction, you know.

Speaker 3:

The reason why I thought of it was the mom had the clock going off. She set that clock and the death angel listened, heard the clock going off. She set that clock and the the uh, death angel listened, heard the clock and then the alarm started going off, which was greatly timed by mom. But I think that's a that's a possibility for the dad, like why didn't they all have instruments that they could use I'm thinking of cod, nazi, zombies, now the monkey bomb.

Speaker 3:

Like why couldn't you, why couldn't he have thrown something when he saw, I mean, he got ambushed, let's be fair, right, he got ambushed, he grabbed that, that axe, he stepped out and this is why I don't think you could just walk away from them, because the thing clearly heard him stepping and it heard him stepping and just swiped him. So when it was that close to him he couldn't run away. It was going to hear every step and track on it. But now, when you're saying he was over at the, the car, I personally think he knew he was a goner. He was so badly wounded no, I'd see that no doctor's gonna.

Speaker 3:

There's no doctor to take care of him. He's losing blood rapidly, so it's okay, my kids are gonna get away. I'm going to save them. But I think you're right in the sense that if he would have had something on him make a loud noise, throw it west and you go east and that loud noise is going off in the west it would have to go for that right.

Speaker 1:

That's why I think these things are easily duped but also if you do make a noise and they're in the same room as you and they're like right up close to you. That's when they open up their little shell and they start pinpointing little sounds.

Speaker 2:

So I think they're listening for big sounds all the time.

Speaker 1:

But then once they get up close, that that's when they're, that's when they're real dangerous. Because, yep, yeah, you breathe wrong.

Speaker 3:

They hear it, they're on yep so I'm that's where I think there was a little bit of plot armor it was. It was a plot weapon that became plot armor when the death angels were destroying the house and they broke that water pipe and it started flooding the basement, which was absolutely terrible for mom and the baby. But it ended up becoming plot armor for her because all of the water sounds masked her movements.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it also masked her breathing.

Speaker 3:

And the baby's cries.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, thankfully the baby wasn't crying for a while.

Speaker 3:

It was just whimpering, yeah which?

Speaker 1:

never, no baby has ever been that quiet our number one fan brought up a good point. Um, in the latest movie, day one, the cat doesn't make a freaking peep. That's why, as a pet parent, I suggest wrapping it up. Guys, go get your nards clipped, because babies will get you killed well, well, no.

Speaker 2:

First of all, I hate to point out, the cat did make a peep barely at some point and it caused a big problem multiple times.

Speaker 1:

This cat was submerged. You saw, that movie.

Speaker 2:

I know that this cat went the whole movie making no sound. Hang on, spoiler alert.

Speaker 1:

This is a new movie. Spoiler alert.

Speaker 2:

Parts of a new movie. The cat goes almost the whole movie making no sound and then it meows at one point and a death angel comes bursting in through the wall and shit. This cat went the whole movie not making a single peep and then randomly for no fucking reason it just decided.

Speaker 1:

By the way, your arm is making cameo in this, in this episode I'd also like to point out that I would be dead because my cat is very loud, um, but I have a lizard and he's very silent. He's a good boy. I also have a fish, but I'm not gonna take my fish with me. I'll probably eat him.

Speaker 3:

I would be dead because my daughter is rebellious as hell. When I say you need to be quiet, she goes. What?

Speaker 2:

personally I'm not even thinking about the kids, which would immediately get us killed I have a lot of vocal tics and, as somebody who likes to sing and I feel like I specialize in belting a lot there's quite literally times where I'll find myself making little, little, like they're little vocal tics.

Speaker 3:

I hear you.

Speaker 2:

And it's usually because I need to belt. There's been times where I get home and I see that nobody's home and I'm like we're just gonna start belting some notes for a while until my voice feels tired.

Speaker 3:

Downstairs, neighbors hate us.

Speaker 2:

I'm just kidding I mean probably that is the that has to serenade in the middle of the day, that's not, that's at 3 30 pm not middle of the night, he just goes, yeah that's

Speaker 2:

no, my kid's jumping in the hallway or in the bedroom at 10 pm yeah, my, my little sister trying to do handstands at fucking 10 pm and her handstands are literally just throwing her hands on the ground and lightly throwing her feet up and then slamming them back into the ground.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, great, and then she'll just do like five in a row, you know, like wow, not to mention okay, because, small side tangent, our downstairs neighbors definitely hate us. Um, because we have two toddlers who just fucking run a muck around the house and just do whatever the hell they want, right, quite frankly, they are the loudest little things in the world. Yeah, um, also my grandmother who came to watch uh, my little siblings got off on the wrong floor and just straight up walked into their apartment. What? Their apartment looks nothing like ours, no, not, they have a freaking peloton in the living room. Yep, and she walks in and her first thought is, wow, they, they did a lot of remodeling. The worst part, the absolute worst part and the funniest part of this whole story is that the neighbor walks into the room, sees my grandmother and goes you must meant to have gone upstairs. They literally knew she must belong to us because nobody else?

Speaker 3:

fucking weirdos upstairs exactly so they for sure hate us, and then the thing that makes makes me laugh the hardest is when is when? Is that door ever unlocked?

Speaker 2:

yeah, we never unlock our. Our doors are always locked, so the the fact that it was just open is a big red flag freaking weirdos people yeah, that is weird that they left their front door on.

Speaker 1:

Maybe they're serious, maddie always leaves the freaking door unlocked, dude, whenever she freaking go. I know, I know, like if she's home, if and I'm like coming home she freaking go.

Speaker 2:

I know, I know, like if she's home.

Speaker 1:

If and I'm like coming home from work and I know she's home and I walk up to the door and it's unlocked, I know she's went out and did something, like she went shopping or something, but if it's locked I'm like oh my god, this bitch been laying in bed all day because I know she doesn't leave it unlocked when she's the door she does, oh, she does see that's, that's very unsafe, that's horrible she only locks it like if we're both out, but if she's by herself at home, she'll leave it unlocked, that's why, if I?

Speaker 1:

that's what. If I go out and do something, I always lock the door because I know she's not that, yeah, I always I go to take the trash out and I lock the doors.

Speaker 3:

I just take the keys with me.

Speaker 1:

Locks only keep out honest people, that's true.

Speaker 3:

I did a whole deep dive on security right Right now I can break into your house.

Speaker 1:

I know how to pick a lock.

Speaker 2:

Locks are not hard, they're pins, springs, that's not that hard, yeah, but this goes back to something that Alex said before. I think you were just about to say it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's time and pressure yeah. I can get into anything if I have enough time and pressure you don't even need the lock.

Speaker 1:

You can freaking bump key it.

Speaker 3:

You know what a bump key is, eric the locks are only meant for you to keep you out long enough that I can grab my weapon and meet you see, that's the point of them that's it.

Speaker 3:

And it's not smart to go fiddling around with somebody's lock when there's something called the second amendment, like why, why, you don't know what's in somebody's house, don't go freaking around with their doorknob and jiggling their lock, you know it's, it's only long enough. That's why I always say second amendment is because when seconds matter, the police are only minutes away.

Speaker 2:

I always think about that. It always amazes me that which this is good, but it always amazes me when people are like oh yeah, the EMTs got there just in time and I'm like you know it takes them at least minutes to respond. So it's crazy when there's life or death situations, you still have to wait minutes after the call.

Speaker 3:

You know that's actually one of the funnier things why parents who have choking kids throw them in a car and haul balls to the hospital. It's faster, because it's faster than waiting for the ambulance to come to them then take them to the hospital, even though the part that you have to remember when you're panicking the paramedics know life-saving treatment. They can do things to help, and I don't think it's a common thing, but many paramedics that I know personally even have in the past. Usually these are military vets and have done extreme things like a like a tracheotomy, like an emergency tracheotomy.

Speaker 3:

I don't think that's something that you want done on your kid in your own home, but no I don't think that's it.

Speaker 2:

So if the emt knows what they're doing, sure? However, I've recently learned that the qualifications to be an EMT are not as high as you would think.

Speaker 3:

You know. So we've got a good comment here. Sam says just buy a life vac. I was going to bring that up, yeah, we have one If you don't know what a life vac is.

Speaker 1:

If your kid's choking or if anybody's choking. Really it's this little plunger. I recommend getting one. You freaking. Have one in your car, couple in your house, where you know where they are. Give one to like people you know, because if they're choking, all you got to do take it out the wrapper, put it on their face, pull real hard. It'll suck whatever it's in their throat out.

Speaker 2:

So on that topic. If you do get one, please test it out.

Speaker 3:

It's that topic. If you do get one, please test it out. It's a terrifying situation because three minutes, you have three minutes to get them to oxygen, get them breathing again. Um, the heimlich is great to learn, uh, especially on small children, because it is different on small children than adults.

Speaker 2:

Famous cpr yeah, I've realized recently I am very good in high pressure situations. Um, I learned that recently because I had to experience a pretty bad dog fight and somebody also got hurt, and the way I handled it was surprising to me not to not to brag or pat myself on the back, but there there is a level of just staying calm and kind of not disassociating but realizing that there's nothing me panicking will do right. So it's better to just ride this out and just make the best decisions you can and just try to be as calm as possible, because also bringing a calm spirit to a chaotic situation is probably one of the more helpful things you can do. Uh, for people who are panicking, yeah, speaking of people.

Speaker 1:

People are horrible, just like in this movie.

Speaker 2:

Old guy screamed oh my yeah, why I don't want to bring this up.

Speaker 1:

Walk away, yeah basically anybody in this universe has a loaded gun with them. Anybody comes near you.

Speaker 2:

All they got to do is scream you're both gone yeah which, like I get that the guy was distraught I I think he lost his wife or something. I get it, but at the same time you see a dad with his kid. Why, why would you do that? That's just evil. At that point, there's no excuse for that. Go unalive yourself somewhere else, don't do it to them.

Speaker 3:

That's messed up, or just let them walk away. They're going to pass through.

Speaker 2:

Let them walk away. They're gonna pass through. Let them walk away. Why did?

Speaker 1:

he have to scream there he didn't care, he didn't care I, I see I've seen memes of that where he goes to scream and it's like the iphone alarm oh my god, the worst sound in the world. Oh yeah, no, dude, I'll hear like my alarm, because I don't have an iphone, but, like lots of, I've seen videos where they play my exact freaking alarm out of nowhere and I'm like, ah, am I awake?

Speaker 2:

I found out not recently, but I found out a while ago. Alex and I used the same app for for our alarm because we're both really hard sleepers so we have it's uh no, what's it called? It's called uh am droid and it's just a loud ass alarm. And it's tough because we wake up at similar times. So I, when I hear the alarm going off, sometimes I can't tell if it's my alarm or his and I fucking, I turn it off in my sleep.

Speaker 3:

I've done that too. I have to set alarms by the five alarms.

Speaker 2:

I do, yeah, I have to set like 8, 805, 8 10, 8, 15, 8, 20, because there's gonna be like two that I turn off in my sleep I do it like in sporadic.

Speaker 1:

I don't do it every five minutes. I'll go like so I'll have to wake up at 6 30, I'll do it 6 32, then I'll go to 6 38, then I'll go to. I'm just random with it because okay I gotta say something.

Speaker 3:

This is this is completely off topic, way off of uh, I mean, why a?

Speaker 1:

we're hell off topic anyways, so go ahead.

Speaker 3:

This is my bizarre OCD and I finally heard a great description of OCD. It is not the same as anal retentive. It is coping with a certain trauma in a way that is, you mask it with repetitious behavior. In a way that is you mask it with repetitious behavior and one of my repetitions is even numbers. Now here's where I fail in my own mind and I go absolutely bonkers, no matter what I do. I can't explain this shit. What you just said drives me mad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that would drive me crazy.

Speaker 3:

I can prove it, I'll prove it. 32?. I'll pull up my it's an even number. It's an even number that should not bother me, no, but it's not an even time number, but it's not an even time. No, that's not an even time number 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30.

Speaker 1:

Other way Yep 6, 26, 635, 636, 640.

Speaker 3:

I mean 35 is okay, but I would start at 630, right. So it's like no, I need it to be and, by the way, I completely acknowledge that this is absolutely irrational and makes no sense whatsoever.

Speaker 1:

No, I get it.

Speaker 3:

I get it, but also I'm a very chaotic person, so the volume on my TV, the volume on my car radio, the volume on everything that has a number display, even number, yeah, okay, so hear me out.

Speaker 2:

I actually talked to someone recently I think it was TJ. I talked to somebody recently about this. I was cause. I started off the conversation by saying I know it's not, but five is an even number, right, like it's not an even number, it is an odd number, but it's an even number, right, like it's not an even number. It is an odd number, but it's an even number. It depends on for what?

Speaker 2:

well, so here's the thing, because I was specifically talking about uh in the on the radio but for car volume for me so rosie drove me fucking crazy when I went to michigan because she will not let the car volume be on 25, she has to put it to 26. That's me no, 26 is not okay 26 is not okay, 28 is okay yep 22 is okay okay.

Speaker 3:

24 and 26 not okay, I'm okay with all of those I'm not okay with 25.

Speaker 2:

I'm not okay.

Speaker 3:

25 is perfectly in the middle I'm not, I, I don't, I, I don't know, I can't explain it.

Speaker 1:

My car goes up to 40, and usually I'll have it 38 or wow. If I'm like, yeah, because I I scream in my car, it helps me relieve tension 24 stay away from odd numbers, so it'll usually be 38, 30 or 25 you know, if I need to, like you know, turn it down for any reason, I go down to like 25 but I'll go.

Speaker 3:

I'll go one step further. The reason why I think this way is and I saw this on, if you've heard of the show, the good doctor yeah, um, autistic doctor, he's making a, making a way.

Speaker 1:

I am a surgeon, Dr.

Speaker 3:

Right now he gets himself and he gets this lawyer. The lawyer has an OCD tick and that was the greatest example of what goes on in my head. Right, I have to tap three times or bad things are going to happen. I have to tap three times or bad things are going to happen. I have to tap three times, or, but mine is all of my routine. It is in the shower shower right to left, top to bottom, uh, right to left, yes, yeah, right armpit right to left, left, top to bottom oh, I guess I go left to right, I go my right arm, then to my left arm, my neck down.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I always start at my head.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I was gonna say I always start shampoo and then I put the conditioner in and then I wash the body the part that makes it weird is it's always, if I don't do this, bad, bad things are going to happen.

Speaker 3:

Now here's the interesting part. I can count on one hand how many times I have not followed this and bad things happen that day. Now therapists people will argue that it's self-fulfilling prophecy, but I'm going to tell you the interesting part.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm going to say.

Speaker 3:

The interesting part is every single bad thing that happened. Somebody else did it, but I didn't do it. Someone else did it. I can't control their behavior.

Speaker 2:

But this goes to like. This goes to the whole thing where, if you expect bad things to happen, bad things will happen, and it's because if you've set yourself in this fuck I messed up my schedule Today's bad things are going to happen. Today, anything that happens that's even slightly convenient is going to be.

Speaker 3:

Oh well, there it is no, no, no. There's another bad thing. No, no, no, no. I'm talking about the thing because I was married previously. I'm talking about the thing that caused my divorce that was discovered that day yet another woman touching the person.

Speaker 1:

No, no, I didn't do anything yeah, and what?

Speaker 3:

the other person had done something and I found out about it that day and they had done it months prior. It was like how can my not fulfilling my obligation to my own insanity cause?

Speaker 2:

this I would say one time as a coincidence, it's happened not more than five times, but about five times. Well, I guess I don't have anything that serious, like I do have my routine, like particularly a shower routine in, like the way that I wash my body, but if I ever deviate from it, the most that happens is I just go like that was weird. I don't normally do.

Speaker 3:

Like there's been a time where I don't believe in coincidences.

Speaker 2:

I did shampoo and then I washed my body and I was like oh, I forgot conditioner. That feels weird.

Speaker 3:

That is not me, and that was it.

Speaker 1:

I'm devastated that feels weird. That is not me and that was it.

Speaker 2:

I'm devastated I don't have a shower routine, I just wash um, just fucking wing it.

Speaker 1:

When you get in the only routine I got is face before balls. Uh, because if you wash your balls and then you put the same thing on your face, you're gonna have ball face what are you using to wash your face and your balls?

Speaker 3:

well like your hands what I'll get to you. I'm not saying I'm not saying you don't use your hands first of all.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm not saying that I use my loofah on my face.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying that like my hand is touching said loofah yeah right freaking so, but if I'm scrubbing my nuts right the soap ball.

Speaker 1:

Soap is gonna be on my shit but it's soap, so it's clean.

Speaker 2:

All right, let me go get my wife so she can talk to you girls about using loofahs she can talk to you girls about using lufas. What is this? I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding, manly, bring your testosterone level down you what yo?

Speaker 1:

alex probably doesn't wash his ass because you know if, if you want, if you clean in, you're expecting visitors ass like. What are you talking about?

Speaker 3:

wow, that is the opposite of me. You got some hairy butt cheeks sir that is the opposite of me.

Speaker 2:

How would you know?

Speaker 1:

I'd take pictures, oh, so you're taking a lot closer than I thought.

Speaker 3:

Why are you revealing our secrets, dj? Well, it's for the calendar okay, coming this winter you were supposed to only be capturing the forearms, yeah no one said you had to be completely nude.

Speaker 2:

You did that on your own now you're making it weird tj yeah, so when, when I, then this has become such an interesting conversation.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know actually so, like all of our, all of our tiktok live viewers are asking. Josh is asking how did we end up on this topic? Because I do have only one more point to make before, because we've got to wrap this up.

Speaker 2:

No, we're on this topic now. Loofahs. Yeah, when on the top. In what world can I not now wash my face, if you're? Going balls to face without any buffer first of all, no, I do agree, that's not the way to wash.

Speaker 1:

No, you're definitely going balls to face dog. That's what you're saying.

Speaker 2:

You go shampoo and then I go well shampoo, then I wash my face, then I go conditioner and then I go body wash and then I rinse both at the same time, because if I do body before conditioner it'll make my body slimy.

Speaker 1:

So I go shampoo at the start. Okay, I scrub my scalp a bunch. Okay, then I wash the shampoo out, I chuck the conditioner in, get it all nice in there. Then I'm scrubbing my body and then I rinse all the way down his conditioner, but I know I don't have hair.

Speaker 3:

What are you? Is he gonna condition his scalp? You know what I use. I use the same exact soap that I use for my body, on my head bro's using irish spring on his scalp.

Speaker 1:

You think that he?

Speaker 2:

knows how to clean himself bro, this guy's using head and shoulders. Five and one guaranteed. No, I'm not.

Speaker 3:

I'm using dr brauner's peppermint, peppermint so fucker.

Speaker 1:

He's using head and head. He got multiple heads there. What are you?

Speaker 2:

no, okay, I was using body wash his body wash, freaking conditioner, shampoo, toothpaste oil what the hell wait, I do shoe polish, oh yeah alex just washes his head and then he lets the soap run down his body and that's good enough damn no, he doesn't even need shampoo.

Speaker 1:

He shampoos his beard, though wait so?

Speaker 3:

so one of our tiktok viewers asks a poignant, relevant question if you're clean when you exit, how does your toilet get dirty? What do you mean? No, it's, I probably meant towel, but he said toilet get dirty oh, oh, yeah, your towel.

Speaker 2:

Well, so I, I genuinely had this conversation with a teacher in eighth grade. Uh, this was a class discussion that happened because our teacher was trolling us and he was like no, I don't wash my towels. And we were like what? And he was like yeah, why would I wash my towel? I'm clean when I get out of the shower, aren't I? Yeah, and we were like, but, but, but it's wet. And he was like yeah, but it's a clean way. He was clearly trolling us, but he had us all going and we were like what do you? What about? What about bacteria? What about fungus?

Speaker 3:

and he's like no, it's all clean, it doesn't exist so, before this has to get broken into two episodes, I need to ask a question regarding a quiet place.

Speaker 2:

I thought we were off this topic. To be honest, no, because why would you go ball to?

Speaker 1:

face, bro. Your mustache probably smells like freaking just.

Speaker 3:

No, my mustache smells like coffee, because the only thing I don't have is a good face routine. Are you saying you go ball to face?

Speaker 1:

No, he's been saying that the whole time.

Speaker 2:

I literally described exactly my routine, and face wash comes right after shampoo. Yeah, and shampoo is the first thing I do. The only thing I don't have is a solid face routine because I don't have a face wash. I do that horrible thing where I use my body wash and it's like a scented body wash, so it's really not good to use on your face.

Speaker 3:

But your face is clear.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that's the thing. If I ever get a pimple, I just splash a little water on it and it goes away. That's the funny thing.

Speaker 3:

I actually used to crack up laughing that girls would get so mad at me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my skin's so good.

Speaker 3:

I had, and I did, I mean I used to use the all in one body wash. Right, it was head, face, body, I didn't care, yeah, and they were like why is your skin so clear? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Leave me alone, because I don't scrub it bald every fucking night. And I mean makeup's not the best for girls. Well yeah, you scrub your skin clean of any oils or any dirt or anything on your face and then you cake a whole bunch of makeup on it.

Speaker 3:

I've got to ask. Last thing on A Quiet Place what do you think this movie did? I know they've done two and now they've gone backwards. What do you think this has done for us in the horror genre? Do you think this will make its way into a better zombie universe that actually understands the importance of silence?

Speaker 1:

um, I think that it will definitely like. There's somebody who has watched this movie and has gotten like ideas from it, you know. So I think that there's definitely going to be some movies that are like inspired from this, like that, you know, possibly could be a zombie movie. I think that it will uh, this will definitely affect somehow, you know yeah, I think.

Speaker 2:

I do think sound is one of the lesser explored parts of a zombie apocalypse, particularly the fact that the Night Eats the World is the first movie I've ever seen that has silent zombies, and it really brings to light the idea of noise, or the lack of noise and or the lack of noise right, and in particularly this situation where any noise will cost you your life.

Speaker 3:

that is really tough and it it makes my job in an apocalypse completely useless a bard yeah see and I love that you brought up night, the night eats the world, because that's exactly what I was thinking of that was the first one I saw where it was really silent. He went mad, right, he lost his shit and would bang on the drums and and he was screaming at the zombies and everything, but they were completely silent like that to me. I think that would make me even more mad, like they're say something to me. You know what I mean in this case screaming at the monsters.

Speaker 2:

You're dead, you're gone, it's over that's why I think the waterfall would be such a a good place to be, because you could just scream and I don't know personally, my vocal cords need to work every day, and if I couldn't belt out some notes or scream every once in a while, I would lose my mind anyways, guys, you know what it's been.

Speaker 1:

It's been the Will you Survive podcast. You can find us at all of our socials.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. First host, will you survive a quiet place?

Speaker 1:

No, I'm going to kill myself, just like any other apocalypse. I will definitely not survive. I will uh. I think silence will kill me. I definitely need to uh vent my frustrations out, uh by screaming in the car to music. Uh, that's like my favorite thing to do and it makes me a very calm person. So I, if I can't do that might as well, just you know I'm kind of in the same boat.

Speaker 2:

I I think I I could last for a while, but I would unintentionally make like a vocal tick or something that would get me killed yeah, I know I don't think I can be silent.

Speaker 3:

I I always say I yell at everything. I yell when I'm happy, I yell when I'm sad, I yell when I'm angry. I'm just loud all the time. So it would do me no good being quiet like that. I think I'm with some of the TikTok viewers who had said what's the purpose of living in a world where you can't make noise in any regard? And I don't think, in all honesty, I don't think my family would make it and I think I would just be. I couldn't face that If I couldn't keep my family alive, I couldn't face that.

Speaker 2:

Well, if death angels come down, we know what we have to do. At least now we know the solution, which is a high-frequency ring and a shotgun. That would just solve it all.

Speaker 1:

With that being said, you can find us at our socials, all at Will you Survive, except for our Twitter, which is AlexAnd and eric wis are what? Yep. You can email us at the boys at will you survive, the podcastcom. Send us in. You know what you want us to watch. Maybe you just want to say hi, uh, uk people aren't real. You can check out our Pinterest. We got a lot of cool crap on there. We got, you know, books for survival. We've got build your own bug out bag. We've got survival food. We got everything that you would possibly need in an apocalyptic situation. I think none of that will matter in this scenario. I think everything on our pinterest would not prepare you for this. There might be a speaker on there, though, so that's you know, possibly. But uh, you could also get a kukuri off there. It's real nice big machete thing. Uh, that's uh, mine and alex's choice of weapon in the apocalypse.

Speaker 1:

Uh, you can also go out looking cool head on over to Eric Salas on Spotify, apple Music anywhere you get your music from and listen to his new single, black Hole. I think it's one of his best songs he's made.

Speaker 2:

I released a new song. It's very good he finally released Black Hole.

Speaker 1:

We can't cut his hair now. We were going to wax his hair.

Speaker 2:

Also go leave us a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.

Speaker 1:

Please leave us a review.

Speaker 2:

And we'll read that on the live.

Speaker 1:

Remember our episodes come out every Friday at 7 in the morning and every time we record I think we're doing Fridays now so you can check us out on our TikTok where we go live every time we record so you can get a little sneak peek of what we're doing.

Speaker 2:

That's, Will you Survive the Podcast? Will you Survive the Podcast? So host, who won?

Speaker 1:

Who do you think won?

Speaker 2:

Well, this guy doesn't know how to shower properly, so I feel like I should win.

Speaker 1:

But there isn't. I don't hear any disagreements over there on a sticker on that laptop.

Speaker 2:

I can see this is actually his laptop, that's my old laptop.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, eric, you won, by the way, um thank you I can't take credit for that.

Speaker 3:

Um, that was one of the funnier things, cause I took the laptop to work, cause I had to do a zoom meeting.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And, uh, one of my colleagues was like is it? Is that Eric's? I go? Yeah, I go. How'd you know? Stickers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't even like stickers.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a sticker person or a poster person. You won't find either. I don't have my playstation, I can't show you, but I have an unison sticker on my playstation. But anyways, guys, this has been the will you survive podcast. You heard it here first. Eric is going to be next episode's host and, as always, my name is TJ. They're both deaf.

Speaker 2:

And we never announce our names at the end. Are you kidding me? Hey, we don't have a real ending, right? If you don't tell them to, I'm going to say the ending right now. No, Fuck you.

Speaker 3:

Eric Ain't no way Stay alive. Stay alive, thank you.

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