Will You Survive... The Podcast

Will You Survive "The Thing": Antarctic Alien Threats and Survival Tactics

July 26, 2024 Will You Survive... The Podcast

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Ever wondered how you'd fare against an alien in the frozen wastelands of Antarctica? Join us as we unravel the horrifying plot of the 2011 film "The Thing." Our adventure begins with Alex's vivid recounting of a team of scientists who stumble upon an alien spacecraft and the nightmarish consequences they face. Eric provides comedic relief, swearing he'd never find himself in such a frigid hellscape. We dissect the scientists' slow reactions, poor weapon handling, and the intriguing mix of cultural stereotypes that color their actions. Plus, we clarify the characters' backgrounds and reveal a key post-credits scene that ties this film to its predecessor. Listen up for some unexpected banter about Frozen and Encanto, setting the stage for more fun episodes ahead.

Shifting gears, we delve into survival tactics for extreme environments, inspired by the scientists' struggle in the film. Imagine facing an alien threat—would you grab a flamethrower or outthink your ego-driven colleagues? Our critique highlights the importance of logical decision-making and safety prioritization, as we scrutinize the plot's twists and the characters' often questionable choices. Leadership dynamics are put under the microscope, debating who should take charge when things go south. And for the survival enthusiasts, we brainstorm practical and outrageous strategies to stay alive in Antarctica, from scavenging resources to coping with the brutal cold.

Finally, get ready for some competitive trivia action! We challenge each other with questions on "The Thing" and have a hilarious time trying to pronounce director Matthias von Heijingen Jr.'s name. Eric emerges victorious in this round, amidst playful teasing about mustaches and hair. We also dive into trust issues and monster identification from the 1951 classic "The Thing from Another World," sparking a lively debate. Wrapping things up, we tease our next horror film watch, the iconic 1980 "The Thing," leaving you with a mix of laughter and a final, tongue-in-cheek reminder to stay healthy and alive.

Speaker 1:

Hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of Will you Survive.

Speaker 2:

The Podcast.

Speaker 1:

Today I am joined by my very beautiful co-host.

Speaker 3:

We've got Alex and I'm Eric.

Speaker 1:

And I am TJ. If I sound a little weird, I'm sick. First off, before we start this episode, I'd like to pass it off to our lovely co-host, Alex. You have something to say.

Speaker 2:

I do first of all today Not to steal your thunder, mr Host, but I'm going to just give us a little storyline for what we're going to be reviewing, and that is the Thing 2011. Paleontologist Kate Lloyd is invited by Dr Sandor halverson to join his team, who have found something extraordinary. Deep below the antarctic ice. They have found an alien spacecraft that has been there for perhaps a hundred thousand years. Not far from where the craft landed, they find the remains of the occupant. It's cut out of the ice and taken back to their camp, but as the ice melts, the creature reanimates and not only begins to attack them but manages to infect them, with team members devolving into the alien creature. That is the storyline of the movie.

Speaker 2:

If you haven't seen it, and before we get started, I just want to invite you all to check us out on all of our socials on Instagram, facebook, tiktok, all at Will you Survive the Podcast, and you may hear us mention quite frequently Pinterest. Also. Will you Survive the Podcast, and you can also email us any of your suggestions or critiques to theboys T-H-E-B-O-Y-S at willy-s at will you survive the podcastcom so what'd you guys think about the thing?

Speaker 3:

well, kind of hard to avoid it. To be honest, I don't really know how you survive that, but I know how I survive it and it's because there's literally no way in hell you'll ever find me in antarctica. But other than that, this seems tough you would die from the cold. Yeah, I wouldn't even die from the monsters.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, me personally there's one thing I would die from the cold. Yeah, I wouldn't even die from the monsters. Yeah, me personally. There's one thing I would say from the start they were all scientists. There were some of them who had some weapons, and yet that didn't get drawn out. Until much later, something frozen in the ice, presumed to be dead, jumps out. Grab your freaking weapons, you morons yeah, they.

Speaker 3:

They did not react to that the way I would have the second. I saw that it broke out of the ice and broke through the roof the way that it did at that point. The whole like we gotta preserve it for science thing that they had going on for a second. You already got a sample at that. It is way too dangerous, absolutely not.

Speaker 1:

I mean not to go there, but they did do the typical white person thing where it's like let's go investigate, let's go investigate.

Speaker 3:

I mean, these were the whitest of whites. They were what? Swedish, Norwegian, Norwegian.

Speaker 2:

Was it Nordic it was funny.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they were.

Speaker 1:

Norwegian. I think they were Norwegian, and those are the whites of whites.

Speaker 3:

That's where white originates. Oh, that's interesting.

Speaker 1:

Mountains of Caucasus white.

Speaker 2:

I totally thought they were Russian.

Speaker 3:

No, no, they were Norwegian. All right, I think Vlad was Russian, vlad Sven. Sven is very Norwegian.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Sven is very Norwegian.

Speaker 3:

I loved Vlad. By the way, I was sad when he died. Yeah, Sven is very.

Speaker 1:

Norwegian. I loved Vlad. By the way, I was sad when he died. Yeah, I think this was a very good movie.

Speaker 3:

I know there's mixed reviews about it, but I like to have fun. What are the mixed?

Speaker 1:

reviews on it. Stuff about the CG and stuff like that. Fuck you. That movie was good. It copies too much from the first one. Isn't it a remake? It's actually a prequel. Oh, watch it all the way through. Yeah, have you seen the first thing? No okay, so that's what we're gonna be watching whenever I don't know next, or whenever I get the pick. Um, you will get extra points if you do pick it. Uh, just saying is that so?

Speaker 1:

so, basically, if you watch it all the way through at in during the credits, you'll see a like a dog, like run away, yep, and he's like that's not a dog. That's how the first one starts, and then the dog you know shows up, and then lars dog, which you saw it was.

Speaker 3:

It's a prequel toast yeah, it was mutilated, it was, it was cooked.

Speaker 1:

There was no dog yeah, it took its, uh, its form oh, and the dog escaped.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was what?

Speaker 2:

oh, you didn't watch the credits oh, I didn't what.

Speaker 3:

There was something in the credits. Yeah, that's, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Oh, rescuers come and lars puts it he had a rifle and he starts blasting at them very crappily, I might add.

Speaker 1:

Dude has no aim.

Speaker 3:

He was horrible oh wait, yeah, because lars never died, because the americans said we didn't kill him. You're right. Oh man, I really missed a key scene at the end there. You did.

Speaker 2:

And, by the way, the name I was thinking of wasn't Sven, it was Olaf.

Speaker 3:

Olaf, that's, I think, pretty Norwegian as well. That is, yeah, I mean, Sven is also the reindeer from Frozen.

Speaker 1:

See, I never watched Frozen. That'll be our next episode. Guys, Tune in. Will you survive Frozen?

Speaker 3:

That's a pretty good one, actually. Funny story. The reason we've watched Frozen so much is my little sister, but also when I was her nanny she was real big on Encanto and we watched Encanto as a family so much that the adults, we all, started talking about the deep lore of Encanto and what all the little itty bitty details in the scenes mean and how little things like Dolores' super hearing must be awful because she could probably hear everybody doing the nasty and that's pretty horrible.

Speaker 2:

That's not the worst part about that. That one. You're hearing everybody in the toilet.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, there's no way she doesn't end herself. Truth be told, I think the worst thing is.

Speaker 1:

Imagine how muggy dude's room you know the one who can like talk to animals.

Speaker 2:

Imagine how muggy his room is that is a tropical forest in there oh, they were in a tropical area, so that's not the part. Wait till he becomes a teenager. How muggy that room's gonna get.

Speaker 3:

Oh, dude are you kidding me with all that withgy that room's going to get? Oh dude. Are you kidding me with all that, With all that? It's going to be so much fresh air with all that greenery, oh man.

Speaker 1:

Antonio's room would be dope. How are you going to whack the wombat with a freaking panther looking at you?

Speaker 3:

I mean, you got to become some kind of special, special gross.

Speaker 2:

I would love that power so much. To be honest, one of my least favorite Things about having a pet and a wife Was doing the nasty with the dog Watching it's awful, the dog doesn't know what he's watching.

Speaker 3:

The dog definitely knows.

Speaker 1:

I've had that happen. I was going to say quick question for you guys and you guys can earn a point, whoever's I like best.

Speaker 3:

What answer do?

Speaker 1:

you want to hear will you survive? Um, give me your best survival tactics if you were put in this situation and you can't just say I won't be there wait, can I?

Speaker 2:

can I get clarification before we, before we go into that?

Speaker 1:

so let's say everything, everything plays out. You are, kate, the main girl. Everything plays out exactly up to the point, like, right when it jumps out of the ice and everything starts going down. What's your uh, what's your survival tactics? What would you like preemptively bring with you? You know, like just imagine, you don't know what the thing is I mean I'll let you go first.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I don't think I have a good answer so, um, I think the first thing I would do is, like I said before, I'm going for weapons and I'm telling the people you know, because this is not something that is, how do I say this? You go and uncover some. Let's not even talk about alien craft, right, let's talk about earth crap. You go and uncover, say, a mastodon, and this thing just comes to life and starts rampaging. Are you seriously gonna just go running after it with nothing but your bare hands and your parka? You morons? Do we have weapons? Get something? To find out later that they had shotguns, pistols and a and multiple flamethrowers didn't they bring the flamethrower and the guns to the?

Speaker 3:

that's how they killed not the original.

Speaker 2:

They came running later.

Speaker 3:

She ran out there with nothing oh, you're right, they didn't bring the weapons until he got killed, the right guy and they did have multiple flamethrowers.

Speaker 1:

Why were they not using the multiple? Why were they not searching behind?

Speaker 2:

dudes with freaking flamethrowers. Like no dude. No, I'm not running after something that should be dead and just chasing it. Let me go chasing after you like some moron. No, no, no, that's number one.

Speaker 3:

They also know it's an alien and they saw what it did to the roof. Yeah right.

Speaker 2:

This is not. This is Antarctica. These things withstand major snowstorms, those roofs are strong and this thing went through it like it was nothing.

Speaker 1:

Also it's very smart. Like they seen the ship. You gotta be smart to make that.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty pissed off to say to the lead doctor, the lead scientist no, we can't, go get the military and go bring them back for help. No, we can't. We got to think about this. We're going to lose the discovery. Go F yourself, moron.

Speaker 3:

See, that's not the reason I wouldn't have gotten the military. I also would not have gotten the military, but it's not for his reason.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, you don't have a choice. What do you have in your hands? What can you do? Flamethrowers no, these other guys are holding the flamethrowers, not you. You're the doctor, you're the girl.

Speaker 3:

You continue your thing.

Speaker 2:

So in all of this, I think that the challenge for me is I'm not carrying anything, I don't have any way to defend myself. I'm relying on these people who don't have my best interest at heart. These people who don't have my best interest at heart, uh, no, I'm not gonna go running after this thing to go find it because of quote-unquote scientific discovery. I get it right, but this is pure ego involvement that they're chasing after this thing. No, we can't let. We can't let somebody else put their name on this discovery. No, you know what? At point, I can't contain it. I'm not ready to contain it. I have no abilities, I have no real weaponry. I mean, the weaponry that they had was pretty limited and clearly pistols were shown to be ineffective after the first couple of shots. So I know that after two, three minutes well, we'll say 15 minutes, cutting out movie magic 15 minutes into the search, I see that pistols are ineffective. No, I'm not continuing this nonsensical search for this thing. And then I'm also as soon as she figured out its cloning capabilities.

Speaker 2:

What are you really trying to convince? I mean, she should have gone to that. I would have gone to that American pilot first. He seemed to be the most receptive. See, he even listened to her when she came. When she came running out flagging him down, he listened to her. He came back. Well, he wanted to um, and then, if I may say, to the uh, taking off, taking the helicopter to go take that guy to a medical facility was such plot nonsense. So he was what, in shock. He didn't get injured, he watched the dude get eaten by the alien and like, freaked out so bad that they needed to take him to a hospital right then and there. That was the whole reason to put everybody on a helicopter together.

Speaker 3:

Yeah well, so there's a few things. One I thought the guy who was in shock was the monster so you do.

Speaker 1:

When it ended up being the other guy intentionally did that, they made him like shaky, just so you would think when it was the other and also every time he would, every time it would pan over to him.

Speaker 3:

It was always like, oh, we got to go back down and his face was like a monster going like oh no, I, we're going back down. And his face was like a monster going like, oh no, we're going back down. And then the actual monster comes out. That was wild.

Speaker 2:

So I'm done, you can go.

Speaker 3:

So here's the thing, although I agree that's funny.

Speaker 2:

That's the movie we're covering, the Thing. So yeah, Tell us the Thing.

Speaker 3:

Okay, okay, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Although I do agree that everything you said is probably the right way to do it realistically, they were not ready to listen to her. If we are kate, we were just told like 15 minutes ago you're not here to think, you're here to do what I tell you to do, and you can either do that or go home is pretty much what she was told.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, but I couldn't say that because tj said we can't say, you know I wouldn't be there, but that that right there that's not saying that I'm gone. No, that's well you're not here to think. I'm a fucking scientist asshole.

Speaker 3:

I'm not here to think see, ya, I do disagree with that. But also, he was also a scientist, because, yeah, but he didn't have her expertise.

Speaker 2:

Her expertise was removing this thing yeah, but nothing else and they couldn't do it without her without damaging it, and they proved it I mean, yeah, but that was all she was there for.

Speaker 3:

What I'm saying is you're outnumbered. She was not the leader in the very beginning, oh no clearly, and even if you were to get all macho and be like, this is what we're going to do. They're just going to tell you to fuck off because you're not the leader, Until shit went so wrong that they were like okay, I guess now we're going to listen to you because this guy sucks. This guy's strat is not working.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't play a good girl, do I?

Speaker 3:

Well, I just don't think you'd be listened to. Yeah, you're right, and I think that's the problem. I do think that you could, right off the bat, be like, hey, let's bring everything we got, because what it did to the roof and the black guy was a big guy. So if he's scared, like frightened, I'm frightened. If I'm a what was she probably like 5'6". If I'm a 5'6 female, I'm just a scientist. And that happened. And this big six foot black dude is scared, I'm terrified.

Speaker 3:

I'm not trying to fight this thing without everything we got. I don't know why they didn't have the grenades right off the bat, the ones that Vlad showed her later so got. I don't know why they didn't have the grenades right off the bat, the ones that vlad showed her later. So I do agree, grabbing the weapons right away. And I think she held on to the cloning information too long. I, I think, right when she saw that that should have immediately been something, that she brought everybody into the lab and said everybody, look at what I'm seeing, so that you can all, uh, make your own minds up, because what it what? You had that other guy that also saw it who was like I don't know what I saw. Yeah, shut up, dude, you know exactly what you saw, what are?

Speaker 2:

you talking about what?

Speaker 1:

you saw, you're literally seeing cells eating other cells and turning into the cells exactly.

Speaker 3:

You're such a coward dude like you know exactly what you saw and what. What is the point of saying you don't know what you saw? Right what like? What the hell is that you do?

Speaker 1:

no help to anybody.

Speaker 3:

It's not like it's freaking, made by ai y'all are like in person seeing this dude exactly, so that's why like immediately I would have brought everybody in, I would have gathered everybody and been like come, look at this shit, this is whack. And then that's pretty much what I would have done is try to get everybody on the same page right off the bat. Because the second, you know that there's cloning and I think she knew about the metal longer than she let on. Yeah, because she, I get it. She like didn't want to jump to an assumption, but I think she took a while to realize that the metal was definitely a key factor in eliminating some people who who could be the monster and who wouldn't.

Speaker 1:

be okay, that's my answer so the point goes to alex. Alex gets the point, um, but I would like to say, eric, you also get a bonus point, because you mentioned the grenades. They had a whole crate of the grenades, they had a whole crate of freaking grenades they had a whole crate they.

Speaker 3:

They should have immediately brought those out. Hey, that is a good at least do some kamikaze stuff.

Speaker 1:

You know like hey, everybody the other guy if it gets to you, pull it, pull the pin well they didn't know the thing was. Well they should have known the thing was going to kill them one, but they didn't know the thing was going to kill them also, you almost got a bonus point, eric, for uh, you're like, oh, is she like five, six? I was like I wonder if he got that right and I looked at as she's five eight, so you didn't get the point for that but I thought it was funny.

Speaker 3:

If I could give you a point, I like that actress, by the way, she's cool. Yeah, I've seen her in other stuff, yeah sc Pilgrim definitely didn't see her in that Maddie hates that movie.

Speaker 1:

I made her watch it. I've never seen that yeah, I don't think you'd like it because you didn't like Shaun of the Dead.

Speaker 3:

Same director it's not that I didn't like Shaun of the Dead. I like Shaun of the Dead.

Speaker 1:

I just don't think it's S tier no, you literally said that you didn't like it.

Speaker 3:

I definitely did not say that. Can you guys believe that?

Speaker 2:

he doesn't like Shaun of the Dead. How can anybody not like Shaun of the Dead?

Speaker 3:

That's not what I said.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I really want to take a point away from you for that.

Speaker 2:

Send your hate mail to eric at willyousurvivethepodcastcom. I can't be more clear.

Speaker 1:

So, guys, let's stay away from the monster for a second. What would your survival strategy be for just Antarctica? Can't be more clear. So, guys, let's stay away from the monster for a second. What do you think? What would your survival strategy be for just Antarctica? Let's say you get in a plane crash. What would your survival strategy be?

Speaker 3:

Oh, man Die as fast as I can.

Speaker 2:

Was I supposed to be going to Antarctica Like do I have proper attire for it?

Speaker 1:

I think you're like heading past Antarctica through the ice wall. That's there. And then you crash into the firmament.

Speaker 3:

Well, in that case, the UN would have shot you down long before you got to the ice wall, because you know the UN's in on it?

Speaker 1:

Oh, facts, facts, facts.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the world, the elites, exactly the elites Exactly the elites don't want you to see that no one's ever gotten there.

Speaker 1:

And Tupac is actually Donald Trump. Joe Biden In a mask.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you know, I was on the patio.

Speaker 1:

Let's not say Antarctica, let's just say a snowy mountain or area.

Speaker 3:

You're stranded in the snow.

Speaker 1:

What are you doing? I don't do good. Let's say you're skiing and you've got like basic stuff. Maybe you got some rope in your bag, maybe you know like basic, like traversal of mountain things man, I there's not jack shit I could do in the cold.

Speaker 3:

I would die. I am not made for for the cold.

Speaker 1:

I would do better in a desert you know now that I'm thinking about it, this is a really not good question for two Mexicans.

Speaker 3:

He might be able to survive.

Speaker 1:

You're stranded in El.

Speaker 3:

Salvador. Oh see, so I go up to the local cartel and I tell them I'm willing to do anything.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you better be careful with that one.

Speaker 3:

Well, okay, not anything. I'm white and I won't get stopped at the border. And then they're like oh perfect, you guys ever seen we're the Millers? That's my plan if I get stranded in El Salvador.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I mean, I kind of think I could do better at a snowy zone or Let me know.

Speaker 2:

So I would go the digging, digging route. I would try to dig, um now. It would be tough at first, because your your hands would be numb again. This all depends on was I supposed to be in a snowy area or was it? Was this all by surprise? How, um, how deprived am I of resources do I have? Just, was I supposed to be going from, like Santiago, chile, to Sydney, australia, and we diverted south below the minus 66 parallel?

Speaker 3:

There's absolutely no shot you ever go that low in a plane. I don't think you can go that low or near that much in Antarctica.

Speaker 1:

It's a hypothetical situation. I don't know the freaking rules of freaking air travel fairly certain.

Speaker 3:

You have to take a helicopter to get that far south.

Speaker 2:

Well, military planes fly over it all the time, so it it's just a question like for how? What? Like? How am I style? Or he said okay, let's say a snowy area, we crash. This is like Alive the movie Alive you crash in the Andes or in the Rockies, something like that, far, far, far away from civilization. You're stuck waiting for rescue. A lot of things are at play here Again. You have oxygen, you're okay. You've got three hours to find shelter.

Speaker 2:

If all I have is what I'm wearing on the plane when we crash, and good luck trying to find your baggage right, I might. This sounds awful, but I might look at the unalive passengers and try to get any clothing that they have put it on. Then I'm looking for anything that I can dig in the snow with. If I if let's pretend that the fuselage is completely gone, and I'm going to try to dig and get underground. If it's deep enough, I'm going to get all the way underground and try to make small contained fires in anything I can make, as like a container, using clothing, using padding from the seats, using any wood that exists, anywhere. Granted, I'm going to be breathing in lacquer, thinner and all that, or lacquer and epoxy, whatever.

Speaker 2:

I think that's the least of your concerns, pretty much. I mean, if I don't get some kind of a fire, but underground like that, it's going to retain the heat very well and with snow, I have plenty of water. All I have to do is melt it. I don't have to sterilize it or purify it. So once I melt it, I'm okay. Your problem is going to be food. The problem is going to be food, but I have three weeks to get to that and again, if you're on a plane crash, you have enough time with water, shelter and water.

Speaker 3:

Well, here's the thing.

Speaker 2:

You can search for remnants from the plane.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, you can survive for three weeks without food, but by week two you're not moving, you're not going to be like hunting or anything. You are going to be so low energy. Like imagine what you feel like after a day of no food. Now imagine two weeks. You're going to have no energy, you're not going to be able to really do anything. So I think you could survive for three weeks without food, but I don't think you can really do anything after two.

Speaker 1:

Me personally. I think I'd have a decent amount of energy. You know, after two, me personally I think I'd have a decent amount of energy. You know, all the all, the two weeks with no stores I've got in my body.

Speaker 2:

No, I mean the, the it's it. I. I don't think you're giving enough credit to um, adrenaline, to self-preservation, to your body's desire to stay alive. You're not going to be just lethargically laying about. If you saw an animal and you have a, I mean most people would go what's the best word I can use here? Most people would probably go into a careless rage. If you saw an animal, even if it's too big for you to unalive and have your way with and eat it, you're going to try and that might be your end, but you're going to try and I mean it's just a natural thing. I get what you're saying. I think you're right for the most part, except for the fact that if there shows up a hope, you're going to rise to that hope.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean I don't think that I'm not saying like you're going to pass out after week two and you're just going to lay there, could not be able to move. But I think if you try to hunt anything you're not going to succeed. You have zero energy for your brain or your body to use. It's completely depleted and you're in the cold. I think you have less time being in the cold.

Speaker 2:

I mean you're completely ignoring the fact that I just made myself a shelter. I'm not cold.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I think it's going to be a lot harder. So remember that guy. Who's that guy that you watch on the Outdoor Channel all the time?

Speaker 1:

Luke, luke, luke from the Outdoor Boys YouTube channel that guy that you watch on the outdoor channel all the time.

Speaker 3:

Luke. Luke, that guy outdoor boys youtube channel. Yeah, that guy went to alaska. He lives in alaska. He lives in alaska. He went out into the wilderness and built himself a shelter. But he brought a whole shit ton of tools. He didn't crash land there and then just use what he had to to make a shelter. He had food that he brought and burners to cook the food, and shovels and gear and everything that he would need to make this shelter. He didn't just crash land there or like, go out there with nothing and figure out how to do it. He had food on him, he had. He didn't have water on him because he knew he'd be able to get water, but you, you you are completely underestimating the fact that people do this shit all the time.

Speaker 3:

They crash land in cold biomes, they go out into the wilderness, into nothing.

Speaker 2:

There's a whole TV show of two guys who get dumped into nowhere and they have to find a way out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, people professionals.

Speaker 2:

No one dude's a freaking hippie no kind of profession. He doesn't even wear shoes, so they both have no idea what they're doing. No one dude is a freaking hippie no kind of profession. He doesn't even wear shoes. So they both have no idea what they're doing. No one dude is a former Marine. If I had a former Marine with me, I'd be fine. The hippie is just as fucking savvy at shit Like that. Dude doesn't wear shoes. The Marine gets pissed off more often than not. He's like dude, you got to do something. He's like no, I'm completely in tune, I don't need to. He had to wear shoes where it was too hot, not where it was too cold.

Speaker 3:

I do not think this is the average person.

Speaker 2:

And what is your point?

Speaker 3:

I don't think we survive in a crash landing in a cold environment.

Speaker 2:

The average person doesn't go through these kinds of tests. Exactly, put an average person into this kind of test.

Speaker 3:

What are we arguing?

Speaker 2:

You're completely discounting self-preservation. You absolutely have no idea how far somebody will go the average, ordinary, normal person will fight tooth and nail to stay alive.

Speaker 3:

That's not the argument. Yes, it is.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not. You're saying, people will just roll over and die.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm saying 99.9% of people will die. No, yeah, absolutely In this situation.

Speaker 2:

No, Especially 99.99% of, people.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you're ridiculous. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Humanity would have died back in the Stone Ages.

Speaker 3:

You're freaking contagious you're okay, that's a bad word on tiktok that's a dumb argument no, humanity would have never existed yeah, because they they survived in tribes no, they did not not first not first what are we even arguing at this point? Let's go back to the movie. You holy crap. No, most people do not survive in this situation. Are you kidding me?

Speaker 2:

Okay, how is Africa doing?

Speaker 3:

All by themselves. They're leaving tribes. What do?

Speaker 1:

you mean they're not on their?

Speaker 2:

own Nonsense.

Speaker 3:

Are you kidding me? They don't live alone, they live in tribes.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you're both pretty, he's just wrong, just blatantly okay plus one for starting the argument how did I start that?

Speaker 3:

I just said people won't survive started it.

Speaker 1:

You get plus one, it's plus. If you keep talking, it's I mean I'll take it.

Speaker 3:

What's the next question? Let's move on from this ridiculousness.

Speaker 1:

Alex gets plus two because he actually answered the question.

Speaker 3:

But he did not. That question is. So that's such a bad answer.

Speaker 1:

Are you kidding me that I have no one survives that A survival, dude what.

Speaker 2:

There is a whole freaking movie about soccer players crash landing in the andes they're a group, they're not a single person. They couldn't hunt. There was no hunting, they were stuck on a freaking mountain and they survived and they ate people.

Speaker 3:

If you are by yourself, you are not surviving.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to say that on tiktok, but that is like tiktok, I said ain't so what happens if you have no people to do that?

Speaker 3:

we're on an airplane that was the hypothetical.

Speaker 2:

I said they all burned. What are you flying there?

Speaker 3:

he said it's cool. Are you flying? There exist. Who said the?

Speaker 1:

fuselage doesn't exist. Did I, what did I ever say fuselage?

Speaker 3:

oh, maybe you said that. Actually I think alex said that oh my god, what's your next question? Move us on from this judge. This is a completely biased and this is a ridiculous answer.

Speaker 1:

There's no shot okay, I didn't know, this was a questionnaire episode. I just thought I'd throw some questions in there. But Hold on. Meanwhile I gotta what would. So oh, I almost minus one point there oh.

Speaker 3:

You were oh, I can't, this episode needs to end. We need to just end it. Are you kidding me? You're silent for 20 seconds and then we both start talking at the same time, and it's my fault. Oh, seconds, and then we both start talking at the same time, and it's my fault. I have a question if you want someone to keep it going.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna ask you what is this is like for a bonus point for both of you, whoever answers it first. I've said it already what is the name of the 1951 film based on the same book?

Speaker 3:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

Damn you. That is a good question, because I saw it when I was looking these up and it was called and if either of you get it closest answer, gets it.

Speaker 3:

The Thing from Another World. Oh, fuck you.

Speaker 1:

Did you look it up?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I'm watching your screen. You don't have your your glasses on. You don't know what you saw.

Speaker 3:

That's minus one point. How am I constantly losing points, I feel like there's favoritism here I have not taken any points away from you.

Speaker 1:

I've given you points, but no, that's minus one point for cheating I can't.

Speaker 3:

You did not put any stipulations on there, you did not say no, looking at snitching on them uh yeah, don't snitch jeez, what was your question, eric? What was your guys's favorite version of the thing? What was your favorite monster?

Speaker 1:

because they were all so unique I dang, I think I like the, I like the freaking, uh, the tendrils, like when it shot out from below the, the house little hut just goes straight through and then it like grappling hooks and pulls you yeah that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

I like that one um alex I liked, I like the one, um, when it like came out of that woman and it was like it was so bizarre because it almost looked like like a cockroach and like all kinds of arms and it was like folding her backwards in some weird way and I don't know how to describe that thing, but it was so unbelievably terrifying the noises that one made in particular were pretty nasty.

Speaker 3:

I think my favorite was the one that sucked in the other guy and it became two and one.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, that was that one was pretty nasty that's.

Speaker 3:

That's probably the worst way to go. That one right there.

Speaker 1:

Once their cells get in you, it's kind of you just morph in with them.

Speaker 3:

So that actor, I'm pretty sure that's the guy from Criminal Minds, right? Oh, that could be the blonde-haired dude, the one who was like oh what? So you're going to think I'm the monster because I floss.

Speaker 1:

Were we not just talking about how they're Norwegian? Blonde hair is not going to narrow it down, that's true.

Speaker 3:

Okay, he had blue eyes. Oh, that guy oh yeah, oh, I know exactly who you're talking about. You mean every.

Speaker 1:

Norwegian Gotcha. Oh, I didn't know PewDiePie was in this what the hell. I don't know. Do you know the name of him?

Speaker 2:

No, Hold on, hold on.

Speaker 1:

I have it here.

Speaker 2:

It was. It was. His name was Adam Finch. He's played by Eric Christian Olsen Is that not the guy from Criminal Minds. I think it is. He looks a lot like him, I'm pretty sure.

Speaker 3:

Kind of sounded like him, but anyway his acting was really oh, I'm sorry, not Criminal Minds NCIS. Oh, okay, one of those shows. They're pretty much the same.

Speaker 3:

But, it's not the guy I thought it was then. But that guy's acting was really good, because that fear of that monster just standing on top of you and then like lowering itself onto you. I kind of thought it was going to like eat him from its stomach. But then, when it merged with him, it was even worse. Oh god, that like bubbling where it was like, oh, oh, I can't, that was the worst monster in my opinion.

Speaker 1:

I can't imagine like what that would feel, like that's pretty awful.

Speaker 2:

You're just being.

Speaker 3:

You just consumed like whole yeah, I don't blame her for like burning that thing up and like not stopping did you notice the earring before she pointed it out? Yes, but okay. But I kind of cheated on that one because I remembered that from I've seen this movie before a long time ago and I I remembered that no, I saw that.

Speaker 2:

Oh see, I knew it was. I knew I didn't trust him. When she sat there and was staring at him and he goes what nothing, I right, like I knew. I was like no, what is wrong, what is wrong? And I'm, I'm looking at him and I was like and they showed the other side of him and I missed that it was the earring. I did not catch that, but I was watching it, I'm looking at him just kind of like, ah, there's something about this guy that I don't trust. And then when she said that, I was like oh, damn.

Speaker 3:

And then, when he felt for the wrong ear, oh oof, um. So for a while in the movie I was wondering do the people know that they're infected? Is it already the monster, or is the monster dormant inside of them until it decides to strike? But I think that answered that it was the monster already.

Speaker 1:

Um yeah, because it felt for the wrong ear, it put the earring in. It had to put it in oh, I also have another question. It can't mimic inorganic things, right, right. So what if you had tattoos?

Speaker 2:

I thought the same exact thing the ink is inorganic.

Speaker 1:

I didn't think about that right so what?

Speaker 2:

I don't think they ever brought that up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so you theoretically wouldn't have them Right. That would be so interesting If it's smart enough.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you'd be able to change the pigment of kind of like match the tattoo or something, but I don't know, but it would mimic the cells.

Speaker 3:

There's no cells on the tattooed skin right. It's ink, so I think theoretically, it wouldn't be able to mimic tattoos. That would be a dead giveaway and I feel like all those guys would have tattoos.

Speaker 1:

Imagine dude full face tats Comes in the room. No face tats. Hello, my friends, I washed my face. Yes, I am human, Won't go skateboards.

Speaker 3:

Yes, me human, me loves cheeseburger. The Americans are like, oh no, that's pretty human. I didn't trust the last guy. I didn't trust him when we didn't see where he was on the ship until he showed up at the end. And then I realized when she killed that monster he didn't really help, didn't he just pull? Yeah, like when. Yeah, when he showed up, there was something he did where it was like it's not like you're protecting it but you're not joining in. Yeah, and that seems weird. It seems like you should join in on whatever she's doing. I get that. It was almost like I kind of was suspicious of him when she was burning the double monster and then he was like, ok, ok, stop. I was kind of like I mean, why not?

Speaker 1:

just keep going.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I guess you're trying to save the fuel a little bit, but I feel like, kind of, let her get her anger out, right, I'll also say that I had a distrust.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I had a distrust for everybody. Early on I was struggling with every single person in there. I think the only one I really didn't distrust was Lars.

Speaker 3:

I loved Lars. I trusted him the whole time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he was the only one that I just I never had a doubt about. But that girl, when she was talking about the guy, I don't trust him. I saw him at the evidence room and was like how did you see all of this? Now, I wasn't what do you call it? I wasn't accurate about anything because there was nothing shown that would have proven my theories. But I just did not trust her. And then all of a sudden she pops out. So then that made my trust issues worse and I started thinking every single person was a problem, not trust her. And then all of a sudden she pops out. So then that made my trust issues worse and, like I started thinking every single person was, uh, was a problem. Um, I felt really bad when the americans came in and they were like having that standoff and, uh, black dude blasted, uh, homeboy, with the flamethrower yeah, that was that scientist's fault for egging him on like that at first I was mad right.

Speaker 2:

At first I was yelling at that like oh you fucking assholes. But then I was like you know what they were gonna get I would do the same thing they were gonna get torched.

Speaker 3:

It was that freaking scientist who was such a coward because he wasn't gonna do it himself who egged that guy on to do it, and then he got him killed. He was horrible. He wasn't. I don't even think he was a monster, yet, he was just kind of a shitty person he was a monster, all right.

Speaker 2:

That's probably why you know why is it that the monsters always align themselves with the monsters?

Speaker 3:

okay, but also to be fair in his defense, there is no way those americans should have survived that helicopter crash. It's true.

Speaker 2:

And then they're way back with like no, no scratches on them, no major injuries, and they made it all the way back.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, from that far I wouldn't believe it either. I, I don't blame them?

Speaker 1:

no, no injuries at all. They had no face coverings and somehow they still have lips. Yeah, I don't know, man, completely uh-huh, they don't have frostbite yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I I would also be like there's absolutely no shot. You survived that. You're definitely a monster.

Speaker 1:

Quick bonus point. I put it in the table chat Whoever can get the closest to pronouncing the director's name gets two points. The director. This is the table chat.

Speaker 3:

Matthias von Heijingen.

Speaker 1:

Your turn.

Speaker 2:

Alex, what in the hell no?

Speaker 1:

no, no sorry.

Speaker 3:

Matthias von heijingen, your turn, alex. What? No, no, sorry, matthias von heijingen jr.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, now I'm uh, now I'm biased, I have. I have nothing better to add to that name. It's uh. You know what? I'll tell you straight from the caucuses.

Speaker 1:

That's what that name means I will, I will give, I will give eric two points and you half a point I don't know what to tell you. You seem very argumentative today and I'm trying to help you out with some points I'll take you tried, you know. So I feel like you, you like, you deserve the points.

Speaker 3:

I just feel like there's Never mind. Go on, he just wants to fight with everybody. I just don't understand why you got a half a point there Just beefing Because I'm funny. He said I'm trying to win, Are you trying to win? So I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I did tell you, I don't even necessarily want to host the next one. I was saying you could get an easy five points if you pick the thing 1987 or whatever.

Speaker 3:

I won't be doing that. Yeah, well, we'll know what happens when it comes up to a tiebreaker. Well, yeah, I mean. So here's the thing Either he's going to do it and we're still going to watch the movie, or I'm going to do it and we watch the movie.

Speaker 2:

I just really want to watch both of them anyways in a will you survive?

Speaker 1:

first we have a sudden death round. One question, one winner. Winner takes all. Unless you know somebody picks. The thing is based on a book. Said book was written by John W Campbell in 1938. What is this book called? And yes, you can use your phones or whatever. Whoever gets it to me first.

Speaker 3:

Who goes there?

Speaker 1:

And the winner of today's podcast is Eric. He was the fastest, he was the wittiest.

Speaker 3:

You should be a faster Googler.

Speaker 1:

The one with the worst mustache, that's.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And the worst hair somehow, even though Alex is bald. Okay, that is objectively and arguably just entirely incorrect.

Speaker 1:

but you're the judge, Minus one point for refusing to bear the shame of a dog water mustache. I still won, though right, you do still win. I'm not going to ask another question.

Speaker 2:

Let's go.

Speaker 3:

I'll take it, although I feel attacked, this episode, but I'll take it. You deserve the attack. Why? Because I think humans have limitations and aren't Superman.

Speaker 1:

This has been the Will you Survive podcast. You can check us out on all of our socials. We've got Facebook, instagram. We've got TikTok, all at Will you Survive the podcast. We've got an X that we don't post on the boys. Is that changed? I think I don't post on the boys.

Speaker 2:

Is that changed? I think I don't know it's. It is the name is the name is the boys, but it's still at alex and eric wys which they really could just make a new one we could, and we really don't post anything on there I don't think we'd be losing anything? I post all the time on the X yes, you could check out.

Speaker 3:

I think we could change it you can check out our Pinterest.

Speaker 1:

We got a lot of cool stuff in there. We've got survival gear, we've got manuals for survival, we've got survival food. You've got to build your own bug out bag dude crazy. Well, you can also get a really dope and limited edition.

Speaker 3:

Not actually, it's a kukuri it is what our favorite host, alex, uses on a daily basis.

Speaker 1:

He uses it to cut his oranges. Anyways, you can also check us out on anywhere you get your podcasts. We're talking apple music, we're talking spotify, we're talking all the good stuff. Make sure to give us a rating on Apple. Y'all are doing great so far.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, alex definitely pulls out the kukri all the time. I see all that Every time we're going through our dense jungle. Well, hold on.

Speaker 2:

Before you go, because I promised you guys I would get to these. I want to give you, I want to keep my word. The Apple Podcasts has some ratings here. Oh, we have five stars from Mr Chungus, who says that's the best name. I will cuddle you all. We have a thumbs up.

Speaker 3:

The name is oh, tj's little bro.

Speaker 2:

Who says I only gave it one star because I'm TJ's little brother, but he gave five stars.

Speaker 3:

Tj, teach him math see, he helped us out, but in spirit he was one starring us and I feel that we have 0714.

Speaker 2:

Who says really enjoy their breakdown and dissection of the movies and scenarios. And the banter is hilarious.

Speaker 3:

Wait till you see this one I can't wait for the discord and for the chat to side with me on this, because there's literally absolutely no chance the average person survives and then we have trina blonde.

Speaker 2:

Trina blonde says love the chemistry. It will only get better. Hoping they go into the older zombie movies.

Speaker 3:

No, and the reasons why they're scary soon.

Speaker 2:

Love their takes and laughed a lot.

Speaker 3:

Recommend this isn't for you it's for the viewers or listeners. I appreciate the review and I appreciate the rating. However, they're not scary. You know what I do want to see?

Speaker 1:

We're not here for scary, we're here to survive, sir.

Speaker 3:

Okay, but I'm sorry. I can survive a 50s zombie movie because they all move the speed of molasses and then that choreography. It ain't there. And I think that we should watch the new Quiet Place the day one or day zero, whatever it is. I have been super stoked about that and although All right guys, so you heard it.

Speaker 1:

We're watching the Thing from 1980.

Speaker 3:

Are we? That's interesting, that'll be our next episode.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be great, we're going to have fun, and this has been the Will you Survive podcast. My name is TJ.

Speaker 3:

We'll see, I'm.

Speaker 1:

Alex, that's Eric, I'm Eric.

Speaker 2:

The salty one. I'm also the winner.

Speaker 1:

I hate you all, not the listeners. I'd like to preface that Until next time. Don't get sick like me. Stay alive or don't. I don't really care, I'm tired, bye bye.

Speaker 3:

Does it affect me you?

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