Will You Survive... The Podcast

Will You Survive: 20 Questions pt. 2

July 19, 2024 Will You Survive... The Podcast

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Tune in as we put your survival knowledge to the ultimate test! Join TJ and Alex in this action-packed episode where Alex and TJ face off in a high-stakes tiebreaker challenge! 

Check out some of the items mentioned in this episode on the 'Will You Survive?... The Podcast' Pinterest Board! Link below:


Speaker 1:

Hello survivors, I gotta come in here and toss a quick little note on this. I made a whoopsie. I made a few whoopsies. Actually, the first whoopsie is that I thought the second half was gonna be a lot longer than it is, so I'm sorry for the short episode. But the bigger whoopsie that you may have noticed already is that this did not come out after part one, which means you guys actually already know who won this. Uh, because the following episode after part one, uh is the correct episode, I'm pretty sure, uh. So, yeah, my bad whoopsies. Uh, I kind of forgot that there is some continuity. That definitely needs to to stay if we're going to be alternating hosts like that. So, yeah, sorry, but enjoy the second half of this. So, after 11 questions and 11 guesses, alex got Solar Power Bank for nine points and TJ got Magnesium and Flint for 17 points. All right, go, tj.

Speaker 1:

All right this next one I'm hoping is a little easier. I want to give TJ one more, slightly easier one before we do our final tally Are we ready for the final round. I started right, yes this will be TJ starting TJ your first guess.

Speaker 3:

Can it be found?

Speaker 1:

on our Pinterest. It can be found on our Pinterest. I'm going to double check that, but if it can't, we are lacking.

Speaker 3:

And I'll keep my hands, like where you can see them. I don't want to look at the Pinterest and cheat.

Speaker 1:

It can be found on our pinterest. I mean, you were just looking at the pinterest, so I was, but I wasn't really like I was looking at it for his freaking question.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I got, I was taking it in for like what you know. Um is it? Is it something I would encounter in my everyday life? Oh wait, no, I have to guess. Um, is it a? What was your first question? Is it on the pinterest?

Speaker 1:

oh yeah, okay, okay, I'm following is it electric?

Speaker 3:

no, that's a question. It's not a solar battery. Is it a kit?

Speaker 1:

is it a bag? It is not a bag, alex, your first question I think.

Speaker 2:

I think we should have started with that for a long time ago. Is it on our pinterest boards?

Speaker 1:

you guys, you guys are. I keep closing it and I shouldn't close it. I'm gonna leave it open from now on fucking a.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we should have started with this from date like the first question, right dj? Yeah no that's I mean make sure to check out our pinterest guys.

Speaker 3:

We've been talking about it all day. It's there's a lot of cool stuff on there. There is a lot of cool. I've seen that hiking stick.

Speaker 2:

There's a full-on bug out bag. You don't have to pick anything or you could go through. We have several posts that you can build your own bug out bag.

Speaker 1:

My foot is asleep, oh sorry.

Speaker 2:

That's not on our Pinterest board.

Speaker 1:

No, do we have anything to wake up my foot on our Pinterest board? I'm not seeing it on our Pinterest board.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It could be something included in an item in our Pinterest board which leaves a lot of items on the table, but it is not directly on our Pinterest board.

Speaker 3:

So what he was actually saying is it could be included in our bug out bag, but you'll have to find out and see. Check out our Pinterest. I'm just keeping, just keep plugging it over and over.

Speaker 1:

They're going to think it's so annoying, go check out our Pinterest right now to go see if you can guess what the next item is. So, is it a spade? Is it a spade A spade? It is not a spade. Okay, tj, your second guess. Or your second question, sorry, is it food? It is not food, your second guess.

Speaker 3:

Is it made out of a bendable material is a question, not a guess. Is it a nice cash manual? Is it a manual of some sort?

Speaker 1:

Oh no, it is not a manual. That's smart, though I wouldn't know.

Speaker 3:

That's another item you should take manuals with you when you're going out doing shit.

Speaker 2:

Actually, that's a good point, a major. One of the major um components of survival urban survival specifically is you should start compiling uh manuals, uh how to's all of your literature that you rely on online, and start slowly but start printing them off so that way, when the internet does collapse or electricity goes down, you have access to these things how to grow, how to like all the different how to's you always look up. You should print them off or look for a book uh and and buy one of those like, if you're interested, go to our pinterest boards. We have some books that you can take a look at of uh basic survival. One of the one of my favorites is, uh how to eat after the zombie apocalypse.

Speaker 1:

So, or during the zombie apocalypse actually this episode is sponsored by the will you survive?

Speaker 3:

pinterest board that's right go check out our pinches. That should be our next ad it should be like.

Speaker 1:

This whole episode has unintentionally become an ad that's right and that's really good actually. So my question.

Speaker 2:

You're done, right, I think TJ's done. I think it was me.

Speaker 3:

I just asked is it a manual?

Speaker 1:

that's what it was, and then we went on the rant about that. Did you get that from Project Zomboid?

Speaker 3:

yeah, that and also what's that one 60 seconds you can get the?

Speaker 1:

yeah, the new game. Yeah, okay, your second guess. Well, I already. I guess is a manual 60 seconds. Yeah, you can get the manual in there. Yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, okay, your second guess.

Speaker 3:

Well, I already. I guessed it's a manual. You said no.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I thought that was your question.

Speaker 3:

No, my question was is it food, oh, and you said no.

Speaker 1:

I got you, I got you, it's a manual.

Speaker 2:

Your second question, Alex, no my question is is it food?

Speaker 1:

It is not food. Okay, your second guess.

Speaker 2:

Is it? This is tougher because it's not on our Pinterest board. It's not a spade, it's not food. There's not a lot that's not on our Pinterest board. Although you said it could be something that's in our in our pinterest board, it won't be something that was already guessed by either one of us, right?

Speaker 1:

it's something completely different it's not an item that I have written down for either one of you okay, good, so it's unique to me, yes.

Speaker 2:

Um then I'm going to say is it a gravity water filter?

Speaker 1:

It is not a gravity water filter TJ your third question.

Speaker 3:

Is it used? This is this is a good question, because it'll mark off a couple of things. Is it used to keep warm?

Speaker 1:

No, it is not Um your third guess. Is it some sort of water container?

Speaker 3:

It is not your third guess, is it some sort of water container?

Speaker 2:

It is not a water container, Alex your third guess Is it for shelter building?

Speaker 1:

It is not for shelter building, your third guess.

Speaker 2:

Is it a? You said it's not food, so it's not on MRE, it's not. Is it a first aid kit?

Speaker 1:

it is not a first aid kit. Oh wait, that's on our Pinterest board.

Speaker 3:

He's just going to be thinking what's not on our Pinterest board it is I am.

Speaker 1:

Our Pinterest board is too good does?

Speaker 3:

I'm getting real obscure with it. Does it rely on the way that the magnetic poles on the earth are?

Speaker 1:

oriented. Are you asking if it's a compass?

Speaker 3:

No, I'm asking is it a compass? Is it electronic?

Speaker 1:

No, it does not rely on the magnetic field or where the poles are, or anything like that, because if the poles switch, all our electronics are fucked. So if it's an electronic. If the poles switch, we're all fucked.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'm just saying so. It's not electronic, it's not a compass, I just marked those two off which those could probably be found on a Pinterest board. I'm not sure. I looked at it once.

Speaker 1:

I will say it would not be affected by the poles. That was your question.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so it might be electronic. See he's.

Speaker 1:

Your fourth guess.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so it's not going to be. Wasn't his solar battery? Yes, that was one of his previous ones Might be a one-way radio. Shut the fuck up. Wait, hold on.

Speaker 1:

He might do some dirty shit like no, I wouldn't do dirty shit like that.

Speaker 3:

That'd be pretty fucked up it's not a water container of any kind. Um, it's not a manual and I'm going for my guess, right, uh?

Speaker 1:

yes, this is your guess it's not food.

Speaker 3:

it's not food, it's not food. I said, is it a bag? It's not a bag, that's like 90% of our fucking Pinterest.

Speaker 1:

I think I gave him the food thing for free right now. Oh yeah, huh, that's good.

Speaker 3:

I think I gave you, oh no.

Speaker 1:

Did you already?

Speaker 3:

ask that. I asked is it food? Okay, okay, See, but then you might be doing some dirty shit and I'll be like is it food?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

it's like seeds or something. No, you can eat seeds, you can eat seeds.

Speaker 2:

What are you a bird?

Speaker 3:

sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and those are high in things that you need for your body. I think I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I'm not a doctor by the way for for survival, chia seeds would be great, because they actually help create a sense of being full.

Speaker 1:

Good to know. Is it for water? It is not for water.

Speaker 3:

Wait, I'm going for a guess, so it's not for water.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to start just counting that as your next question.

Speaker 3:

You tricked me again. No, no, no, you tricked me again. I was completely on accident. Listen, I don't. Your fourth guess is your next question. On the next, you tricked me again. No, no, no, no, that's completely. I was completely on accident.

Speaker 1:

Listen, I don't your fourth guess walking on thin ice, mister okay, I apologize, sir.

Speaker 3:

I you know what. Whatever you think is right, um, is it for come fuck. Uh, is it a walking stick? That's what I seen at the top of the fucking Pinterest. It is not a walking stick?

Speaker 1:

Okay, but I will quote you as saying is it cum? Alex Is it cum, your fourth question. You got it, it's cum, is it?

Speaker 2:

for navigation.

Speaker 1:

It is not for navigation.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, tj, is it a walking stick? It is not a walking stick.

Speaker 3:

TJ, your fifth question. Um see, I really should be writing down all of my questions. I started to do that at the start, but I fucking I just haven't done it since.

Speaker 2:

That is so it's not a book.

Speaker 3:

It's not for water, it's not for heat, it's not food. It is on our p. It's not food, it is on our Pinterest board. You said that it is on our Pinterest board. Now I'm trying to think of what the fuck I've seen. Let me be clear. So when I asked for like the polls, right, like, did it rely on the polls?

Speaker 1:

It does not rely on the polls, so like if the polls switched, it'd be fine, the item would be fine. I think we would die, but the item would be fine. The item would still work If people were alive to use it. So it doesn't rely on the poles. It does not rely on the poles, okay, unless the poles do a lot more than I think they do, but I don't think this would rely on the poles at all.

Speaker 3:

Um. Is it used For holding all? Is it used for holding things?

Speaker 1:

It is not used for holding things. Your fifth guess I?

Speaker 3:

think I have my next question, but I'll give you my guess. Is it what he said? He said like a cream or something you put on your body of some sort. Be a little more specific.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, because that's more of a question. Yeah, if you're going to take a guess.

Speaker 3:

Are you going?

Speaker 2:

for bug repellent or sunblock.

Speaker 3:

What do I put on my body?

Speaker 2:

You don't? We just think I will Hold on.

Speaker 1:

I got some real nice clone here. No, he needs lotion.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, real nice clone here out now he needs a lotion.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no. Do you do? Do you do sunblock or do you do bug repellent? Is it coconut?

Speaker 2:

oil. It is not coconut oil.

Speaker 2:

Well, you're a question too yeah, that is a food um which that's also a good point for survival, because, although it's not very um appetizing, you can survive off of like canned chicken or tuna oil, preferably not vegetable oil. You do well with olive oil and um something like a dry grain, like rice or pasta. As as unappetizing as it sounds, it will sustain you for an extended period of time, and canned chicken and tuna would last for up to five years. Olive oil will last almost indefinitely and the rice will last indefinitely as long as you store it correctly. Now back to my question. Is mine for water filtration.

Speaker 1:

No, it is not for water filtration. Your fifth guess.

Speaker 2:

Okay then, Is it? Jeez, this is a tough one, is it a? Canteen.

Speaker 1:

It's not a canteen. Okay, tj, your sixth question.

Speaker 3:

So it is something you put on yourself. Is that your question? Well, that's what you said. I was just clarifying what you said. It's something you put on yourself. I never confirmed or denied that I feel like you did confirm or deny that Did I, Because you asked for a follow-up for it.

Speaker 1:

I said is it some sort of thing? You no, I just asked you to be more specific because that's more of a question. Not really guessing an item. Because if you were to guess bug repellent, that guessing an item. Because, like, if you were to guess bug repellent, that's guessing an item. If you guess any cream or lotion or anything you can put on your skin, it's more of a question based thing. Wait, how many questions have I done? You're on your sixth question okay, is it?

Speaker 1:

is it something you wear? It is not something you wear. It could be attached to you, but it's not something you wear. Your sixth guess it's for survival. It's this whole, whole point of the podcast really god damn, I did expect this to be a little tricky. I didn't expect it to be quite this hard. The first two rounds, when alex just fucking plowed through, is kind of what I was scared would happen. This makes me a little happier that it's taking a little longer.

Speaker 2:

Oh, because they got obscure now, I mean.

Speaker 3:

And it's not electronic.

Speaker 1:

I never said that. I never confirmed or denied that part. We talked about the poles.

Speaker 3:

Yes, okay, but if it was an electronic and the pole switched?

Speaker 2:

that's what I asked it would not affect the item I don't believe the item well, okay, so we got to clarify this because if the pole switch, that would be like one of the world's, that would be the world's largest emp, it would destroy all electronics yeah, that's, would it destroy okay, let me, let me show you on my screen.

Speaker 1:

Would it destroy this? Uh, no, right, this would still be able to be used yeah, I think I mean there's some caveat to that.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how much of a hint you want me to give him.

Speaker 1:

I think it's fair to say it could still be used, correct? It would depend. If it was in use oh okay, but if it was just laying out in a store not in use and somebody found it after the fact?

Speaker 2:

not still be not in use. No power, it would be fine theoretically. I haven't gone through an emp I would stand by that.

Speaker 1:

It could be used. Is it an electronic?

Speaker 3:

is that your question? Wait, was that what my question? I guess I don't question. Wait, was that my question or my guess? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Just fuck it, it's my question.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it is an electronic. Would you do a double fucking thing with us where, because his was fucking solar battery, what's your sixth guess? It wouldn't be a fucking radio or a walkie talkie.

Speaker 1:

There are no duplicates on this list. Okay, that is a free hint to both of you at any point, and it's for survival. It is for survival, I would say. Is it a flashlight? It is a flashlight nice.

Speaker 3:

God fucking damn it, dude. That's so stupid. How did I? That's such a simple fucking item. I was going too fucking wild with it because you had me on some hard ass ones.

Speaker 1:

At the start you were like I'm going to get like a little more complicated or something like that, and in my head I'm like no.

Speaker 2:

Go simpler. Okay, so now is it for communication.

Speaker 1:

It is not for communication. Your sixth guess. That is so hard for me to say damn it.

Speaker 2:

Sixth guess I actually had something lined up and then I forgot oh, is it a cooking stove it is not a cooking stove your seventh question is it for?

Speaker 1:

first aid. It is for first aid. Uh, okay, is it?

Speaker 2:

a tourniquet? It is not a tourniquet. Okay, your eighth question um is it a tourniquet?

Speaker 1:

It is not a tourniquet.

Speaker 2:

Okay, your eighth question Is it for stopping bleeding? It is for stopping bleeding, is it gauze?

Speaker 1:

It is potting gauze. Okay, so after eight questions and eight guesses, that leaves Alex with 12 points. Tj, you got flashlight in six guesses and six questions, which puts you at 14 points for that. So I think we're at the end of our game. Let me tally up these points really quick.

Speaker 3:

Wait, so he got what.

Speaker 1:

He got 12 on Cloud and Glass. I'm about to tally up all of your points. On the first round, Alex got 17 points for Walkie Talkie. The second round, he got 17 points for Lydstraw.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my fucking god.

Speaker 1:

The third round he got 9 points for Solar Power Bank and the fourth round he got Clodding Gauze for 12 points, putting Alex.

Speaker 3:

Oh my god. What it uh alex is at 55 points uh-huh, natalia mayan, tell me what it is, sir, because I think you know what it is. I don't. I think me and alex are gonna have to do something after this little little tally, you do okay, I have a tiebreaker.

Speaker 1:

I swear this is not planned. I could not have planned that. We got fucking tied, dude. On the first round, tj got 14 points for Leatherman. On the second round, tj got 10 points for Knife Sharpener. On the third round, tj got 17 points for Magnesium and Flint. And on the fourth round, tj got 14 points for Flashlight, putting him at 55 points. Whoa what the hell there is no way Did I get an extra point for sucking up. He also got an extra point for keeping me honest. So you guys were both at 54.

Speaker 3:

So we're tied. Yeah, we are tied, I at 54.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, so we're tied.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well. I do have a tiebreaker round, so for this one, it is the same item for both of you. Okay, and the way we will do this is we will start with Alex, okay, and we will go back and forth. You will each get a question and a guess. Okay, are we ready?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, now this one's tricky because it's the same item. So your guys's questions and answers okay, but but wait, hold on tj and I.

Speaker 2:

Can we ask one question together before we start? You're gonna think you know the question but you're gonna want I mean tj is gonna want to know this too. So, if we can agree to ask this question, no, no, not that I'm gonna pull it up anyways not that the first question I think tj and I both will want to know is this something that either one of us has guessed or completely?

Speaker 1:

unique. Uh, this is completely unique. Okay, none of these items duplicate. Okay, good, that's a freebie. I am gonna double check our our fucking Pinterest list before somebody asks. Okay, I think I have my answer. Are we ready? Ready, alex? Your first question.

Speaker 2:

Is it on our Pinterest boards?

Speaker 1:

It is not on our Pinterest board, your first guess. God damn it.

Speaker 2:

Is it a gravity water filter?

Speaker 1:

It is not a gravity water filter. Although you've said it twice now, I feel like it should be on our Pinterest list.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna put one.

Speaker 1:

TJ. Your first question Is it electronic? It is not electronic. Your first guess we haven't guessed it before Is it an axe? It is not an axe.

Speaker 3:

Alex, oh, if I got it imagine.

Speaker 1:

Your second question Is it a weapon? It's not a weapon.

Speaker 2:

Is it a tent?

Speaker 1:

It is not a tent, TJ. Your second question.

Speaker 3:

Is it something that I encounter on like? Is it something that all of us encounter in our everyday?

Speaker 1:

lives. No, your second guess.

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, how do you know? I don't encounter in my everyday life?

Speaker 1:

I would hope not, okay, well how do you? Know I don't encounter in my everyday life. I would hope not. Okay, okay, okay. I wouldn't take that as a hint Before you lead yourself down a bad path. Is it bug spray? It is not bug spray, Alex. Your third question.

Speaker 2:

I stopped keeping track. What was my second question?

Speaker 1:

I don't remember, did I?

Speaker 2:

ask if it was a weapon. Yeah, I mean, no, I jerk. Is it for first aid?

Speaker 1:

It is not for first aid. Your third guess.

Speaker 2:

Is it a canteen it?

Speaker 1:

is not a canteen, tj. Your third guess Is it for holding things? It is not for holding things, your third guess Bleach tablets. I see where you got that from, and no Damn it. Alex, your fourth, guess your fourth question.

Speaker 2:

Is it for shelter building?

Speaker 1:

It is not for shelter building. Your fourth guess Is it a compass? It is not a compass, tj. Your fifth guess Question. Sorry, your fourth question, my bad.

Speaker 3:

Is it an ad for our Pinterest? Everybody go check out our.

Speaker 1:

Pinterest. It is an ad for our Pinterest. No, I'm kidding. Oh imagine how funny would it be if that was the answer, though. Oh, that'd be really good.

Speaker 3:

Question Is it made of a material that I could easily break with my hands?

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't say easily, but I think you could break it with your hands. I wouldn't lean into that one too heavy though. Your fourth guess Is it a sat phone?

Speaker 3:

It is not a sat phone that's electronic. I already asked if it's electronic, god damn it.

Speaker 1:

Your fifth question, Alex.

Speaker 2:

Is it? This is a lot harder now that I'm not keeping track of my questions. This was supposed to be fast. Is it for navigation?

Speaker 1:

It is not for navigation. Your fifth guess Is it a walking stick? It is not a walking stick. Tj. Your fifth question.

Speaker 3:

I mean it wouldn't be a walking stick because that's on our Pinterest. Oh, oh, but you can check out the links in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

Now I have to remember to put it there.

Speaker 3:

Oh God, they're going to think we're so annoying we.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Is it an extra 10 points if I edit this podcast?

Speaker 1:

It is not, but I might need you to edit this episode in particular in the future, but I feel like that should be at least four points.

Speaker 3:

Um, your fifth question. He said I hope not. When I said do we encounter every day? I did say that, so that makes me think it's something toxic, or like if I was poor I would use it. Type shit. Is it something for?

Speaker 1:

comfort. It is not for comfort. Your fifth guess Is it fuel? It is not fuel, Alex. Your sixth question.

Speaker 2:

So I asked if it was for first aid. You said no, correct, okay, is it for sanitation Hygiene?

Speaker 1:

No, I would not say that.

Speaker 2:

Interesting Okay. Your sixth, guess I really thought I was onto something there. This is fucking bizarre. It's not on our Pinterest, it's not for food, it's not for shelter, it's not for navigation, it's not for water filtration. What kind of fucking survival kit is this? It's not even for fucking sanitation or hygiene. We don't come in contact with it every day, I feel I feel like is it fucking iodine tablets? I'm not what is it?

Speaker 1:

iodine tablets.

Speaker 3:

It's not iodine tablets I feel like he's being a little gremlin and he's he put something that's not for survival and we didn't ask is it for survival?

Speaker 1:

It is entirely for survival.

Speaker 3:

Tj, your sixth question I was going to ask is it your mustache? I was going to ask that.

Speaker 1:

Your sixth question. Lucky, I don't count that as your sixth question. I can't get over that. I hope not for every day. I feel like you're reading too much into that one.

Speaker 2:

No, because like Right, no, I mean because that's. Is this something?

Speaker 3:

we would need.

Speaker 2:

If it's for survival, it should be something that you need every day. If you don't need it every day, there's no reason for you to have it in survival.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't need radiation tablets every day, but there may be a survival situation in which I would want radiation tablets. But I already asked that. Well, that's not.

Speaker 2:

That's just an example of what I mean and iodine tablets do a lot more than just clean for radiation.

Speaker 3:

It's just good to have for that is it something that I would need, like life or death in an apocalyptic situation?

Speaker 1:

in a very specific apocalyptic world.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it's bottle caps um your sixth guess okay, what type of apocalypses are there? It's like natural disasters.

Speaker 2:

Nuclear Mermaid disasters, natural disaster, stranded Zombies.

Speaker 3:

Oh is it? Is it a gun it?

Speaker 1:

is not a gun. Damn your seventh question.

Speaker 2:

Is it for air filtration? It is for air filtration. Is it a gas filtration? It is for air filtration.

Speaker 3:

Is it a gas mask? It is a gas mask. Boom, god damn it.

Speaker 1:

Congratulations, Alex.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm not editing this podcast. Anyways, guys, thank you for joining us in this horrendous game.

Speaker 1:

I am thoroughly I thought it was pretty fun.

Speaker 2:

Congratulations to alex, I mean it was really fun because I won who will be hosting our next episode.

Speaker 3:

Remember, guys you can find us at everywhere you get your podcasts. That's Spotify, apple, amazon, fucking everything really. You can check out our Facebook, instagram, pinterest, will you Survive the Podcast. You can check out our ex that's Alex and Eric W-Y-S Still haven't changed it. We'll eventually get to that. If you guys want to hit us up with an email, you can check us at the at willyousurvivethepodcastcom and, as we've been saying, the entire freaking episode. Check out our Pinterest, guys. It's full of amazing stuff.

Speaker 1:

I heard there's really cool stuff.

Speaker 3:

Most of the things that we have talked about today are in there, so if you ever feel like you don't want to die in an apocalyptic situation, just head on over there.

Speaker 1:

And. I will toss it to our lovely host, eric. I mean you pretty much said everything. Congratulations again. Anything you want to say, alex?

Speaker 2:

All I would say is I need to get far more familiar with all of these survival tools, and also I need to add some things onto the Pinterest, because there were too many things that weren't on there. That, uh, yeah, they should be.

Speaker 1:

All right, well with that. Thank you for tuning into our game show and next episode. We will see what Alex has prepared for us and until then, stay alive, thank you, you. No-transcript.

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