Will You Survive... The Podcast

Will You Survive: Innovative Zombie Outbreaks and Undead Archetypes

July 12, 2024 Will You Survive... The Podcast

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What if zombies weren't just the stuff of viral infections? Join us on "Will You Survive?" as we unravel the origins of those flesh-eating nightmares, venturing beyond the usual viral suspects to explore the innovative and sometimes bizarre causes of zombie outbreaks. Eric expresses his frustration with the overuse of viral origins, while TJ applauds the creative genius behind "The Last of Us" and craves more originality, like a witch's curse. Special guest Rosie chimes in with her personal preferences, leading to a spirited debate on what makes each trope thrilling or tiresome.

Are fast zombies really scarier than their slow counterparts? We tackle the age-old debate on zombie speed, with Rosie sharing her asthma-induced dread of fast zombies and TJ advocating for the slower, rigor mortis-consistent undead. We also scrutinize the various ways zombies can transmit their infections, from bites to blood exposure. Highlighting the realistic portrayal of bloodborne pathogens in "28 Days Later," we emphasize the crucial survival tactics you need to avoid turning into one of the undead yourself.

Ever wondered who you'd become in a zombie apocalypse? We explore the archetypes of survivors, with TJ as the builder, Eric as the planner and potential animal trainer, and Rosie as the indispensable medic. We even ponder the unlikely but intriguing concept of zombie animals, inspired by cult classics like "Zombievers." As we discuss the moral dilemmas of dealing with infected loved ones, the conversation turns heartfelt yet humorous, highlighting the emotional and ethical complexities that could arise in a world overrun by zombies. Tune in for a blend of humor, personal stories, and thought-provoking discussions that might just prepare you for the unthinkable.

Speaker 1:

hello, survivors, and welcome to another episode of will you survive? The podcast disney channel original this is the disney channel original. Will you survive the podcast where we are going to talk about a different kind of zombie horror, which is I'm going to keep it broad for now because I'm going to throw some curves in- here, I'm TJ it's going to be and I'm. Eric.

Speaker 3:

And we have a very special guest.

Speaker 1:

Will you guys let me just tell you what we're going to talk about and then we can do introductions, because that's the way I want to run my episode. How about?

Speaker 3:

that. Yeah, you know what your Honor? I would never do that to you.

Speaker 1:

You just did.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe you did that to you I think that's a minus one point for being a little scummy hoe today we have a different kind of zombie horror where I'm going to throw you guys for a loop. We're going to talk about zombie tropes. I just want to give a little shout out. This was a recommendation from one of our survivors on TikTok NerdyVet13. And I have a couple of freaking fantastic ideas for what we're going to talk about. So, without further ado, I want to introduce all of us. I am Alex. I will be your host tonight, today, this morning.

Speaker 3:

Whenever it is.

Speaker 1:

Whenever you're listening, and I'm joined by my co-hosts. Oh, we this morning.

Speaker 3:

Whenever it is, whenever you're listening, and I'm joined by my co-hosts. Oh, we already introduced ourselves.

Speaker 1:

One is Eric, the other one's, tj, and we have a very special guest with us joining us for the first time on a live recorded episode Rosie, hello, we're going to get into this. Our TikTok survivors, our live audience, says that we should start at zero, so we're going to start at zero. You're lucky, but I do hold the power. You suck, you've got it, because I will throw down the gauntlet here.

Speaker 3:

Every time you say that guy's name.

Speaker 1:

I love it.

Speaker 3:

It just sounds like you're for a brief second. I'm always like what, All right?

Speaker 1:

So this isn't exactly the idea I had originally. I'm broadening out a little bit. One of the things I want to talk to you guys about are zombie tropes, outbreak origin, fast versus slow zombies, biting transmission, survival, archetypes, safe havens, morality and ethics, post-apocalyptic setting, limited resources, human versus human conflict, hope versus hopelessness. Those are the 10 topics, if we can get to all of them, but I do want to start out right off the top with outbreak origin. Is there any kind of agreement whatsoever?

Speaker 3:

Let's start with Ericic oh okay, so hang on. What's the premise? What am I deciding?

Speaker 1:

here. So what do you feel is? Uh, is the common zombie trope. Do you agree or disagree? Do you think it could be better? Would you change anything with? Like? All the typical archetypes are viral radiation, some other.

Speaker 3:

Well, I would say the most common is viral. That's what most movies go for and I think it's because they get lazy and they just go. It's a virus and that's pretty much it. A lot of some movies don't bother to explain it and I think it's a little lazy and kind of overplayed now. So I really appreciate when things, when movies and shows decide to be different and go like fungal, or even which one Dawn of the Dead goes more supernatural-ish. Yeah, when hell is full, the dead will more supernatural ish.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when hell is full, the dead will walk, yeah it goes.

Speaker 3:

So I appreciate little deviations like that. So I think that zombie movie trope is kind of overplayed.

Speaker 1:

All right, TJ, what do you think about the trope of outbreak origin?

Speaker 2:

I think I don't think I really have an issue with, like you know, most of them being a virus. You know, like that's, it is like an easy out, but like also, how creative can you get with it? You can get, you can go natural, you can go supernatural and that's really all you got. Um, one of my favorite like outbreaks is the last of us. I do love the fungal infection. That's like that's great. I fucking love that. It was, you know, clever, fucking play on it. Um, but you know, I would also like to see a fucking witch like raise a bunch of dead people. You know, let's get some of that some you know, that is kind of that.

Speaker 1:

That is a really cool thought right there. One of the thoughts that I just got from what you said is uh, it's natural or supernatural. There's not really any any in between from that. That's about as obvious as you can get. But is there anything that you would do different? I well, you just said it. You just said you would do something like a witch doing it, which is more what I love about that phrase right there.

Speaker 2:

That's more to the zombie lore like that I want like a vengeful witch to fucking like curse a village. You know I want some of that shit that doesn't happen enough I dig that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's a great answer.

Speaker 3:

So you're at the start of a dnd campaign.

Speaker 2:

I hate you you nerdy bitch rosie. What do you think of the outbreak origins?

Speaker 1:

do you, uh, what do you think of the outbreak origins? What do you think about the fact that we typically go viral radiation or some other scientific mishap?

Speaker 4:

I'm going to play off of TJ's just a little bit. I do like his idea and I want to admit that because I'm also into the witchy aspect of things, especially when it comes to herbs and medicine and natural healing aspect of things. Um, especially when it comes to like herbs and medicine and like natural healing type of things, but also with tjs, I feel that, um, it could go either way because um is okay, no, no, okay, no, no.

Speaker 2:

And now a word from our sponsors.

Speaker 4:

No, Okay, I'm just going to stop that right there. I do okay with TV shows. I'm just going to pause that real fast. I like what TJ's idea. Anyway, with TV shows, I do like the Walking Dead. I will admit that I still have not watched the last episode of the Last of Us, but I do like how it was still kind of like a viral and like fungal infection instead.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was different than what's normal which is viral, Okay.

Speaker 1:

I like all of your answers, so I am going to give you all a point for that.

Speaker 4:

Thank you for lying to me.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't have a problem with your answer. Okay, uh, what I will say is I did have some extra points in mind for anybody who brought up the fact that night of the living dead, the og, the origin was radiation. It was the uh. That was the start of it. It actually became a 2000s thing that went viral. That was like the more common thing of uh bringing they explained that in the old one yeah, it was a venus, probe oh, that's right.

Speaker 2:

I would like to say I did say natural or supernatural radiation falls under natural okay, that's so vague how many natural ways can you become a zombie?

Speaker 1:

I needed a little more, a little more specifics, for what I really wanted was the throwback to night of the living dead, because that is iconic and eric hates it yeah, you weren't gonna get it because actually I love that movie not born

Speaker 3:

in the 30s? Did you hear tj did?

Speaker 2:

you hear tj zombie movies are fucking amazing, eric. I don't know why you don't yeah, actually is that's a.

Speaker 1:

That's a great question, rosie, because my personal opinion and I would love to hear anybody's uh counter to this, my personal opinion is that radiation would fall under natural is it natural, because radiation is like a natural thing?

Speaker 4:

or is it because like supernatural because, like it hardly ever happens and it's like a very like supernatural event that happens well, no, no, no.

Speaker 3:

Natural supernatural has a connotation that it's not a natural thing, it's beyond natural, right.

Speaker 1:

And radiation is a very natural phenomenon. Let's move on, Guys. Fast versus slow zombies. Is there a debate I want to start first with? Is there a debate between zombies that shamble versus those that sprint or move quickly, and what is your take on both of those? Is there an argument to be made? Can?

Speaker 4:

I go first.

Speaker 1:

You want to go first, Rosie?

Speaker 4:

I kind of do actually. You have something to add to this, I do, okay, all right go so a little bit about me actually is.

Speaker 4:

I used to be a Girl Scout, I used to love camping, so I'm very outdoorsy, so in my opinion, I would give myself a week to survive in the zombie apocalypse Now going, based off your question. I also have asthma, by the way, and so if a zombie was to sprint at me, I'm dead. If it comes at me, I don't think I'd be able to fight a sprinting zombie where, if it's like a slow walking one, I could probably like dodge it, I could probably stab it in the head or something Like it would be okay if I did like one or two of those, but if I have like maybe five sprinting zombies, I'm for sure out of the game. Maybe five sprinting zombies, I'm, I'm for sure out of the game. So I would not want to deal with a sprinting zombie. I don't like them, I don't like the idea of them, and I hope that if the zombie apocalypse ever happens, I won't have to deal with them.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's go to TJ. Do you need me to repeat the question?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, please repeat the question, sir.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so fast. Versus slow zombies. First of all, in your mind is there a debate between the two? And second, what do you take of that debate and how do you? We'll say how do you feel about it. Do you think it's a? Do you think it's a? I don't want to give anything away here, because I do have something in mind, but do you have anything to weigh in on that debate?

Speaker 2:

Let me say it that way so I've heard the debate whether or not, if zombies happen, if they would be fast or slow. Me personally it would depend on certain factors, but I think they would be slow as shit. Because what do bodies do when you die? You get rigor mortis, you fucking get all stiff and slow. So unless the virus or you know the radiation or fungal or whatever, unless it has an ability to stop that from happening, um, they're more than likely going to be slow or just not be able to move.

Speaker 2:

However, if it's like some sort of like, let's say it's like a psychological type thing, like you know, mass hysteria, event, you know everybody, you just, you just believe you're a zombie type shit, that's when I believe like zombies will be fast and people can. You know, that's the only way they could be fast. And world war z zombies not gonna happen. Walking dead zombies maybe, I think. And World War Z zombies not going to happen. Walking Dead zombies maybe. I think. Last of Us, zombies are more scary and I think they're more likely to happen.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely no debate. There's no such thing as a fast zombie. But, with that being said, we have talked about rigor mortis and we have, in a previous episode, mentioned and looked up that rigor mortis does not last forever. In fact, it only lasts for a few hours or two days. Is it a few hours, okay? So any freshly bitten zombies who, or any freshly bitten people who die from the virus and turn, would be essentially immobilized for a few hours. So you would have those few hours to kill, and I I, however, I do like the idea of fresh zombies being fast. So for movie sakes, I do think a movie where they're immobilized for, for I don't know, four or five hours, I don't know, I don't remember what it was, but I think it'd pose an interesting problem where people would be wondering, like, are these people just paralyzed? Like what's going on? Are they actually dead? And I think that would just cause the virus to spread if you have a lot of people who get infected and show these weird symptoms that people can't really explain.

Speaker 2:

That's a great idea for a zombie.

Speaker 3:

They get hospitalized For five hours and then to get back up exactly like what the fuck is happening and rigor mortis happens in stages but, uh, within, like the first, I think within the first hour.

Speaker 1:

It's been a while since we looked this up no, it's a while after death that it sets in. Yeah, it's, I believe 24 to 48 hours before it sets in.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay, so never mind. If they die right away, then they. I do like the idea of fresh being fast.

Speaker 1:

The rate of turning is different amongst all zombie tropes, so how fast they reanimate is completely up for grabs, right. In some cases it doesn't happen right away. In some cases it takes quite a long time. So, between death and reanimation, between death and reanimation. Okay, so eric actually gets a bonus point for that one, because he said exactly what I always say, but you both get an additional point you know, it's funny, I funny, I knew.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly what I always say Fast zombies don't exist. All of our TikTok survivors who've been listening over the last couple of weeks have all heard me say that over and over again. Fast zombies don't exist. And the reason why I always go down this road? The first reason is because, listening to an interview with Max Brooks, he took a call on a radio show and somebody asked hey, can you settle this debate for us? Fast zombies or slow zombies? And Max Brooks says tell your friend, he loses because fast zombies don't exist. So it was a funny little thing that had happened there. So that's where I got the phrasing from.

Speaker 1:

But there's also a whole laundry list of reasons why a zombie could not be fast. Right, a reanimated corpse couldn't be fast. For a lot of reasons. One major function is because when they're already moving like this, their muscles aren't being oxygenated. They're not able to be moving around like that In actuality. Um, they're in. In actuality, they're going to become slower the more that they actually eat, because their bodies don't digest. So they're, they're gaining. They're gaining weight literally, and not gaining any muscle. All of their muscles are dead. They're not breaking down and rebuilding, so everything is going to be slower and slower over time. The fast zombies are by far scarier than anything else, because it's so absolutely unnatural that that should not happen. It makes no sense whatsoever that when you watch Dawn of the Dead 2004, they would be sprinting at you with such ferocious speed.

Speaker 2:

I would like to agree, but also I think there's a difference between zombies and infected and infected yes, so infected can be fast, zombies cannot okay, I?

Speaker 1:

I, while I agree with your point, you make a good point, but I cannot give you an extra point for that, because they're not zombies and I'm adamantly opposed to 28 days later, 28 weeks later, calling them zombies.

Speaker 3:

Those are not zombie movies so there's an interesting debate going on in the live stream right now. Okay, live chat somebody said who was it? Uh, buffy rigney said if the people are already ill, such as cancer patients or or already hospitalized, will they turn faster. And then somebody said who was it? It was a nerdy vet said if they're on chemo, I think it would take longer for them to turn. That's interesting. So that's something to think about. That's interesting.

Speaker 2:

Because what if?

Speaker 1:

they're, oh my God. But then again, I mean, but if you think World War Z, they would never get infected in the first place, being infected by a disease, being a cancer patient.

Speaker 1:

they would never the virus doesn't even go to that person. But that's a good one, that's great, all right, now let's move on to our next question here, and that is biting transmission. Now I think we all can agree that biting is a surefire way to infect. The host will infect another person. However, do we all agree or disagree or have a point of contention with the idea of scratching, biting versus scratching? And so we started with Rosie last time. So how about, tj, let's start with you Biting transmission. Do we agree that that's time? So how about, tj, let's start with you Biting transmission. Do we agree that that's a surefire way of infection? And do you agree, scratching or disagree? Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

I would like to ask what kind of zombie is it? Oh goodness gracious Like infected.

Speaker 1:

That is, yeah, not infected. That is a fantastic question, though. Ok, for this purpose we're going to go with because I've been reading World War Z. One of our survivors, sam, always asks me to read that book. It makes me feel special. So let's go World War Z, but these are the type that come out of the book dead. Uh, they're more slow shamblers. They don't sprint. Uh, this isn't the movie type.

Speaker 1:

They um went through various stages of reanimation, starting with, uh, patient zero. They weren't sure about, but as they continued to progress, there were, um, the. The reanimation rate became quicker and quicker as the virus mutated amongst the hosts, right, so it just kept transforming. It wasn't like the movie in that they were camouflaged by diseases, so they were just rampant. They went for anything and everyone. It was an all-out war of the infected, of the zombies, versus the living, and in this particular case, the living actually fought them back and stayed alive. So the zombies were relentless. They were pushers, they shambled. They would not stop, though, so it was just. There was no stopping them with any kind of fear or barriers or anything like that. They would just keep pressing forward, no matter what you did. Does that help?

Speaker 2:

Yes. So bites, yes, bites. Your mouth's disgusting, you know. So, of course, there's going to be, you know, whatever sort of infection or whatever it's going to be in your mouth. Right For scratches, though I think that it really depends. Actually, no, zomb zombies aren't clean. They don't wash their hands. They come up to you and they rip you apart, so there's gross shit under their nails all the time. And if they are like, let's say, like some Walking Dead type zombies Right, they're rotting, right, and like what I don't get from zombie movies, you get blood all over your body and somehow none of that gets in your eye and infects you, you know. So, I think scratches, yes.

Speaker 1:

Good, Okay, but you're adding a point to that that it's not going to be exclusively from biting, scratching. There should be more infection from killing the zombies and not being adequately protected from the blood getting in your eyes, nose or mouth.

Speaker 2:

Or an open cut. Scratch. Scratches, I believe, should transmit the whatever yeah, point, point well made.

Speaker 1:

I think you, I think if I I didn't add, I didn't add to your answer, did I, did I put words in your mouth? I thought that's what you had said yeah, you got it. There should also be transmission from the transmission of fluids going into the.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, rick should have been a zombie way, yep.

Speaker 1:

Good, good picture, good picture, I get that All right, eric.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so here's the real question If a zombie could pee and that got in your mouth, would that infect?

Speaker 2:

I think if it's stale pee like I don't.

Speaker 1:

Good God I would beg that.

Speaker 2:

It would just kill me instantly. I'm just like acid. I'm sure it would come out all bloody. So yeah, I think that would be awful. So Bites definitely Piss zombies.

Speaker 3:

No cult and showers. So Bites definitely Scratches I'm conflicted on Because I think it depends how deep the scratch is. Although I agree zombies are filthy, the world is also filthy. I work in a pretty nasty ass place and not that we don't keep it clean, but I work with a lot of dogs so it's nasty and if I walked around I was so worried about what my hands were touching I would never get anything done.

Speaker 3:

So there's a lot of shit that I have to touch and sometimes literally shit by accident that ends up on my hand and you end up washing it, and that's hard harder to do in the zombie apocalypse but I think like a light scratch that barely breaks skin, I think if you wash it, all you're worried about is like their bacteria infecting you. I don't think you're necessarily worried about getting infected Now. If it's a deep gash, I could see how that would probably infect you. So I think there's some debate on what kind of scratch would infect. But I also agree what I love from 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later is that blood infects and I think that's like a duh and it's kind of silly that a lot of movies and TV shows don't really follow that and I think that's like a duh and it's kind of silly that a lot of movies don't, or a lot of movies and TV shows don't really follow that, and I think that's kind of an obvious.

Speaker 2:

There's a reason why surgeons like glove up and gown up. There's bloodborne, like pathogens, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, good, good point.

Speaker 2:

Isn't Ebola one.

Speaker 1:

Ebola is horrible.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you got to burn the bodies after and.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you got to burn the bodies after. And Rosie bites scratches. And, more possibly, what is your take on this? We agree that bites spread. Do you agree that scratches could spread?

Speaker 4:

And do you have anything else to add? So outside of the zombie apocalypse, the mouth is definitely one of the most disgusting things. Right, you have a lot of germs, bacteria sometimes not good bacteria in your mouth. Inside the zombie apocalypse, do you think it is based off of the saliva in someone's mouth? Because I feel like zombies don't have saliva, but it could be based off the DNA that is inside of their mouth and if it is like blood related, I guess, um, zombies will definitely have blood in their mouth because, like they're tearing apart bodies and I do agree with tj of how, like there's no way zombies are washing their hands so they definitely have like blood from ripping apart bodies, um, so I do think a scratch um could infect as well.

Speaker 4:

So both of them are kind of very dangerous in a zombie apocalypse. Anyway, I do like Eric's comment based off of if it didn't really gash deep enough for it to draw blood, then I don't think it should have caused an infection of becoming a zombie, but it's still the bacteria getting inside of your skin, I guess. So any scratch could cause an infection based off of, like my medical experience, but I think both are equally dangerous and deadly in a zombie apocalypse very good, very good.

Speaker 1:

I think all of those were good answers. I'm giving uh tj the bonus point on that because he actually uh opened my eyes to that point and you've said this before, but in this context you really opened my eyes that there really should be far more uh infection from survivors who are taking down zombies, because there is going to be fluid transmission into your eyes, your nose, your mouth. It's going to be unavoidable and it it's just how it how it would happen yeah, um so apocalypse with fucking I'm.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to deviate because one of our one of our survivors on tiktok asked curious 425 asked does the zombie infection affect animals or only humans, slash primates? And I think that's a great question for you guys, because that's something that we've all brought up in past episodes. Do we think the infection will affect humans only or animals as well, and not just affect, not just will it kill them, would it reanimate them? I think I don't have a problem with the idea that the infection would kill them, right, but I'm not so sure that it would reanimate them. But we have never broached this topic before. Rosie, do you want to go first?

Speaker 3:

what are you just kidding me? Oh, did I, I'm first.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry go ahead, we'll go, eric, you go first I think we have ample knowledge on this subject.

Speaker 3:

We haven't talked about it too much in this podcast, but we have all the evidence we need. In the s-tier movie, uh, with a star that we know, sort of kind of by proxy, maybe zombievers. I think we know everything we need to know. Clearly, if beavers can be infected and turn into zombie beavers, then any animal should be able to, because everybody knows if a beaver can, anything can. That's just simple facts pause.

Speaker 4:

Is this an actual like movie? It is yeah I have never seen this and or heard of this at all. Oh man, you're missing out, it is it's gonna be our next movie, the, the next. Oh man, I hope.

Speaker 3:

Oh man it is.

Speaker 1:

It is like one of the absolutely best bad movies you would ever possibly imagine. Bad it is, it is a good bad.

Speaker 4:

It's nine point eight on Rotten Tomatoes yeah because it's awesome yeah.

Speaker 1:

Low is good on Rotten Tomatoes, right I?

Speaker 4:

actually didn't look it up, so I don't know if that's right.

Speaker 1:

Oh, good, good, good, okay, so that was Eric's answer. Let's go to Rosie next.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I have never seen Zombievers, so I'm just going to go like my previous knowledge of what I know about zombies, I guess. Um back to what I was saying previously, if it's based off of DNA and blood, why can't um dogs get, uh, infected, or like any animals get infected? Um, do you think the zombies would go after the dogs or the animals as well, or is it just species wise of like the animals, going after the animals and not humans anymore, or I don't know the question to that, so, or the answer to that uh, do you want help on that?

Speaker 4:

yeah, I do. Would it be species wise?

Speaker 3:

they ate a horse on the walking dead they did.

Speaker 1:

They ate a deer too.

Speaker 2:

They had a deer, they ate a squirrel, yeah, yeah and the walking dead so it was.

Speaker 1:

It was exclusively dawn of the dead, which is why I'm excluding dawn of the dead from this conversation, because dawn of the dead was the, the outcast, in that it was clearly supernatural, right? That was their whole tagline. The whole tag tagline was when hell is full, the dead will walk the earth. So that was you know. They dropped the dog and nobody cared about the dog, right? The dog just went right past everybody. But it seems in every other film they would go after an animal, just like they would go after a person. They didn't care, right? It was just the raw animal instinct of that small, you know, small brain function that says I eat, right, I like to eat, I need to eat here. Oh yum, right, living thing, I bite, I eat and I'm scared of fire for some reason and I'm scared of fire.

Speaker 1:

I don't you better. You better watch out.

Speaker 4:

That might be a question coming up now, did the like you said in the walking dead? Did the horse die or did it become into a zombie?

Speaker 3:

I haven't seen all of the walking dead. This was the first episode it only died, but it was also like fully consumed yeah, it was like 30 zombies eating it at once, so it didn't have a chance to reanimate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it wasn't, wasn't gonna reanimate, but they they never showed those animals reanimate. But before I say anything um tj, do you need me to repeat the question?

Speaker 2:

no, I think I got it can. Basically, can animals turn into zombies?

Speaker 1:

yeah, um we know they would die, even if they were bit. I really believe that they would die because of the level of infection that's that would be caused from the bite. I think we could say that they would die, but would they reanimate?

Speaker 2:

I feel like it depends on how close of like in, like an evolution sense or like whatever. How close of like, how close are they to human? You know, like I think a chimp possibly um okay maybe even a fucking dolphin or something.

Speaker 2:

I feel like it should be possible to some extent for zombie animals to like actually have, don't they? Actually there are zombie animals. I've seen videos of zombie deer with like some sort of disease and they're just kind of roaming there, you know. So, like I feel it could happen. It also depends on like what type of what type of thing it is, because like rabies that can affect us, that can also affect animals.

Speaker 3:

So I think rabies is so scary.

Speaker 1:

It is dude, there's no cure.

Speaker 3:

There's no cure and you become hydrophobic.

Speaker 2:

Yeah you just don't fuck with what you're just like ah, get the water. You're made of water yeah, yeah yeah, no it's scary.

Speaker 3:

That's terrifying, and the fact that there's no cure for it is what's terrifying and you get like super hot and all you want is water.

Speaker 1:

But you don't want water okay, so eric got the extra point on that one for bringing in zombievers. I was looking for something else. There was a extra point in there and one of our survivors actually said it. There was one of the movies we covered in the past army of the dead. There was a freaking zombie tiger, so it was like I. In some cases they will bring animals into this. I would. I would also have accepted the fact that, uh, army of the dead was a fluke because that was a military. Um, that was a military created uh virus, if you will, or military created a monster so it was resident evil.

Speaker 3:

So it was resident evil and they also had animals, so it's a little bit different.

Speaker 1:

I would have accepted either answer in that case. So the next one is going to be rosie. First right, this one. We have survivor archetypes, all right characters often fit into specific roles, like the tough leader, the, the skeptic, the expert, et cetera. Right Now, in our small little click, I want to, I want to know what you think you've heard, uh, our, our episodes. What do you think you would be and what do you think the rest of us would be?

Speaker 4:

Um, I said this um at least one or two lives ago. I think eric would be the brains, I think I would be the medic I think tj. Thank you, I think tj would be like the bronze and I think alec would be the um gunman all right, um tj.

Speaker 1:

What's your ranking? Who are you and who are the rest of us in the survivor archetypes?

Speaker 2:

I think one I. I am the builder. I make things, I craft things. That is who I am. I am a maintenance man. I will make the best fucking shelter um, okay, trump a bit.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'll make the best the best shelter, the best shelter everybody says this is the best shelter that's pretty damn good.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not. No, it's better than mine um, uh.

Speaker 2:

I think eric is the entertainment. I think he is going to be our jester of sorts. I think the bard I think he's gonna make you know he's just gonna. He's there for a good time. Bro has really nothing to bring.

Speaker 3:

Maybe an extra gun um, I'm not here for a long time, you know, that's really like our.

Speaker 4:

Ours is like opposite tj. I said he's the brain and you just basically said he's no um, in a survival situation.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I trust eric. I would trust him to, like you know, have my back in a situation, but I think he's mostly there to, uh, you know, be there um.

Speaker 1:

I think alex.

Speaker 2:

Um, he is the brains. He knows a lot about survival. Um, he would bring a lot to the table. Um, he, I'm sure he would help me make up some plans to build some stuff, and I think rosie is dead wow, oh my god, that's a bit harsh. We'll have her for, like the first half of the season and then uh, yeah, no, she's, she'll die in a horrific way. It'll hurt us all okay eric's next.

Speaker 3:

Okay, uh, rosie dies in the first episode actually. Oh my god, um we don't have medical experience.

Speaker 4:

Rosie, oh, we got you know you're screwed and all that shit, but if anything, major happens.

Speaker 2:

Rosie, you're fucked. We can't help you, you help us, so you're exactly does it?

Speaker 4:

does it matter that I've shot a gun before? Does that help?

Speaker 3:

did you hate your target? That's besides the point, then no, it doesn't help I've been in the same room as a gun.

Speaker 2:

Does that count?

Speaker 3:

one time I looked at one and it was kind of scary on tv a couple years ago.

Speaker 1:

I saw one on on TV. It was loud, I needed earplugs.

Speaker 3:

I had to turn off the TV. It scared me. Okay, keep going, okay, okay. So I joke around and say that I'd be the bard, but in reality I get so tired after work I don't think I would have the spirits. I barely work on music as it is and life is good. So I think, uh, I'd be there.

Speaker 3:

Honestly, I think I'd be more of like the scout or like, uh, the scavenger, like doing looting teams and stuff like that, because I am small and I can be fast and I can climb and shit like that. So I think I'd be much better suited doing that. But also, that's very scary and I would much rather sit inside and just play guitar if you guys would let me. So you know, depending on what the team needs, I think TJ is right in that he would be the builder and I think he's right that you would be the planner. You would have the plans of what to do and kind of be that flex position to help out whatever needs to be done. And Rosie, I do think, would be. I don't think Rosie would die in episode one, I think it'd be two, but for the first episode I think she would be our medic.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so just to weigh in on the matter, you know, flatter myself and say I would be the leader if you will. But I and say I would be the leader if you will, but I think I would be looked at Out of the four of us. I deal with a lot of high-stress situations and I think that's what would be expected of me. But, for your sake, rosie, just I wanted to be able to tell you this being that you have so much medical knowledge, it would be my number one mission to keep you alive, because I need like that's one thing that I can't learn right, like I can learn how to farm. I actually know how to grow a lot of crops, but I could learn how to, um, I could learn how to hunt and dress land animals, which I can fish up the wazoo, which is great because we're on the Pacific coast.

Speaker 1:

But hunting land animals is a challenge for me. I, I know I could do it. Um, I have, I have hunted, you know, rodents and stuff like that around the property and I don't have a problem killing them. But, um, but I wanted to. I wanted to tell you that that would be my, my thought process. The other thing, uh, going to you, eric, I would actually think you would be more of an animal trainer for me.

Speaker 3:

I would use you for what would be the see I I love that, but oh hurting, I would need to hurt I would need to herd land animals I could totally do that, because I want to do, I would keep.

Speaker 1:

We're in the california basin, we go just a little bit further north and we've got bison, so if we can herd them, we're stoked dude, I've been considering working with horses.

Speaker 3:

There's a lot of ranches around here and I could get a degree in that, but I I was I forget who I was talking to I feel like that's one of those fields where you kind of have to grow up in it, like I feel like you don't work with horses unless you grew up with horses. You know.

Speaker 1:

You know what the problem is. You don't work with horses and not be afraid, and horses are afraid of you if you're afraid oh, I wouldn't be afraid of them that it's easy to say no, I've been around horses.

Speaker 2:

You need to like really know how to work with them.

Speaker 2:

To like that's what I'm saying I feel like because I had my boss, my old one um, he was a jockey, he used to ride horses for a living, raced them right, and he would tell me stories about like rowdy horses and you had to, like you had to break them, you know, like he would take them like into like a big pool of water and just like force them to go in, like hey, you got to listen to me or you're gonna fucking drown, type shit right. So he would like, hey, you let me take control and I promise you'll be good, type shit, you gotta, you gotta know things like that, and you'd probably have to be around horses like a long time to be able to does your opinion change if I say I used to be really good at archery.

Speaker 4:

I used to be in competitions all the time and that's when I could hit my target. So give give me a bow and arrow, I got you. Give me a gun, we're all dead. Um, does that change your opinion at all?

Speaker 1:

Well, it does, in a sense that bow and arrow if you can relearn it. If you could relearn it, uh, if you think, if you think it's something like riding a bike, you know, you pick it up, you practice, uh, you know, a few days on it, and, being that you're not going to have TV, you're not going to have entertainment of any normal sort, all you're going to be able to do is work right. So, whatever you do, if you picking up a bow and arrow and you think after a few days you would be back to where you were in competition, I think that's a valuable skill to have, um one of the things are louder.

Speaker 1:

I like bow and arrows, I see? Okay, here's. Here's what I always say in this matter in the zombie apocalypse guns are for the living, bow and arrows are for the dead.

Speaker 4:

Um, my other thing, um fun fact about me I am deathly allergic to horses. I cannot be around one within like a hundred feet because I am I my eyes shut. I end up having to like go to the hospital if I'm near horace for too long. So in a zombie apocalypse, if my, if you guys had horses on our little base, I would need an epi pen like like every day.

Speaker 2:

So, like I said, rosie's dying.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

That's how she dies in the second episode.

Speaker 4:

I give myself a week, okay.

Speaker 3:

I rode up to her on a horse and she like immediately just dropped dead and I was like ooh.

Speaker 2:

If I'm beefing with Rosie I can just like shave a horse and just throw it at her like that Horse dander yeah, you are so right.

Speaker 3:

Cut to a scene of Rosie running through a field and TJ following behind throwing horse hair at her.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So this will be the last question of this episode, and then we'll wrap it up. I want to talk to you about what I think is the hardest question on this whole list morality and ethics. Oh great, all right. So the collapse of society often leads to ethical dilemmas among survivors, such as whether to unalive infected loved ones. Do you think that is the right thing to do, and do you think you have the stomach to do it? Um, I think that's TJ's turn to go first.

Speaker 2:

Um, yeah, I'm capping them. Yeah, no, they're done.

Speaker 1:

I I like, like you think you could even do that to your own wife yeah, without hesitation.

Speaker 2:

It's like I'm just waiting for the day I mean yeah, it depends on the situation, like you know, I I I've said it before depending on the type of zombies, I'm going to kill myself right, unalive myself. Sorry, cut that Can't cut. The live, cut, the live Cut it.

Speaker 3:

It's the one that it matters on.

Speaker 2:

But if it was just me and Maddie surviving and she got bit, I guess I'm pulling a mist, I'm taking us all out. But if it's me and I'm held up with, like my family or whatever, and like one of them gets bit, I'll put that on me to make the hard choice and live with that so nobody else has to.

Speaker 1:

Honorable, All right, so TJ's down. He's able to do this. No problems, eric, you go next.

Speaker 3:

Oh gosh, it's such a gamble because, like I would want to, when you're initially bit, you're only in pain where you got bit and then it gets worse over time, so I wouldn't want to kill you too early. But also like that whole fear of like you know you're done for. Do you really want to live through that? Like that feels pretty shitty too. So I don't know. I think it's tough for me because I think the worst case scenario is the little, the little ones, and that's. I don't know if I could do that, although it's like they won't be them when they turn. So do you wait for them to turn? But then it's way more dangerous. So, uh, I'm very conflicted. The adults I don't think I'd have any problem with the kids. I think I'd end up getting myself killed okay, rosie, what do you think?

Speaker 4:

um, yes, I do think we should um, unalive our loved ones if they do get bit. Um, if there is a possible way that I could like amputate the arm where the infection doesn't spread and I could save their life, then I would attempt that. I guess that is also dangerous, but I don't think, personally, I would be able to do the unaliving, because I just Even if you're a zombie I just don't think I can take a life like that. Well, if, okay, if it's my loved one, then I can't, but if it's a stranger, I don't care. I'll probably shoot your head, but I would honestly viewers stay away from her up to my damn sorry guys.

Speaker 4:

Um, I would honestly leave the the killing up to my husband if it was a loved one, if it was in our friend group. You guys are on the west coast, I'm on the east coast, so there's. There's probably like no way we're actually meeting up in a zombie apocalypse, but if it was one of you guys, I just don't think I could. I could physically do it, or even like my loved one, my husband, I couldn't do it.

Speaker 3:

My mom, no way rosie, I want you to feel comforted. If you were bit I'd kill you. Right you, right away.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome point out that people on the live heard me say it. I don't know if you heard me say it, but when you're talking about, um, the little ones, oh yeah you finished, I said look at the flowers yeah, I, I.

Speaker 3:

I didn't hear it, but I saw the comments, oh, yeah, no, I'll make it all like.

Speaker 2:

If it's an adult I'll make it, you know quick, snappy, right. But if it's a kid, yeah, no, I'll make it all Like if it's an adult I'll make it, you know, quick, snappy, right. But if it's a kid, I'll take it, I'll take it out, I'll show it some real cool shit. I'll be like, you know, hey, lay, in this field of flowers, grat-a-ta-ta, you know.

Speaker 1:

It'd be like that scene in, like SpongeBob looking at the sunset, and so it's. It's for that reason I actually had the possibility for three points in that round. Um, I gave you two, uh, the only way anybody would have gotten three points. If you would have, uh, you would have said what I've said in the past, which was all taking of life is bad. My whole point in that would be adults, see, see, you brought up a very good point with the littles.

Speaker 1:

Adults, do it yourself. Don't put that shit on me. Don't you dare make me do that for you. You're in pain, you want to go Go? I'm not going to stop you. I'll give you the pew-pew. You take care of it, handle that. But don't you dare put that on me and wait until you're way past that point and then you're going to make me take care of you after you turn like that. That's well, you know what kind of BS is that. What kind of, what kind of a man are you to put me through that? But that takes us to the end. Before I give our totals out, I do want to say thank you to everybody who stuck with us through the live, and I also want to remind everybody to catch our podcast every Friday morning at 7. Am on Spotify. Apple podcasts, tune in Amazon anywhere you get podcasts. Also, make sure you go check out our Pinterest boards you can search us at. Will you survive the podcast Just like you see it up on your screen?

Speaker 2:

Just no ellipses.

Speaker 1:

I just got a fricking Kukuri, bro, kukuri bro Kukuri, that is a zombie fighting machine right there.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I got a first aid kit that has so much shit. Can you grab my bag really quick? So I bought this off of the Pinterest board and I put it in my car and then I realized it would be better in my bag and there's a contents list on it and I started reading it and then I realized this shit never ends. There are six aspirin tablets, six ibuprofen tablets, six extra strength non-aspirin tablets, three insect sting relief pads, six antibiotic ointment pads, 14 alcohol cleansing pads. There's 75 plastic bandages, 20 fabric bandages, 30 plastic bandages of a different size. There's so much shit in here. There's scissors, first aid uh guide. There's a first aid guide. There's gauze pads of different sizes take it back.

Speaker 1:

We don't need you, rosie. I I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we literally have a first aid guide. Sorry, we'll be fine after episode two.

Speaker 1:

Okay, We'll be fine after episode two.

Speaker 4:

But let me say something. You said you had like bug bite patches, right.

Speaker 3:

Insect sting relief.

Speaker 4:

Okay, Let me tell you Nail polish if you ever run out of those in your bag and it's a zombie apocalypse, how the fuck are you going to get more? But also nail polish will deoxidize your bug bite and will help stop the itching and make it less irritated.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you got to check out it. Our Pinterest is awesome. It has you got several boards to choose from that you can look at. Go, take a look at your build your own bug out bag. That way, you can look through it all, see if there's things that you want to buy right now or, if you have the ability, you can just buy a fully prepared bug out bag on your own. That way, you don't have to do any of that kind of thinking and you can also check out our Instagram and Facebook. We're on both of those at the same name Will you survive the podcast? And of you should check out our profile on TikTok. So we thank you all for joining us. We thank you for listening to our hysterical nonsense. We hope you come back for another episode and until next time, stay alive, stay alive, keep grinding.

Speaker 2:

Get that bread Go out. Look at the flowers, look at the sunset, look at the sunset. Y'all know. Thank you.

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