Will You Survive... The Podcast

Will You Survive: 20 Questions pt. 1

June 28, 2024 Will You Survive... The Podcast

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Brace yourself for laughs and unexpected insights on this special (not) birthday edition of Will You Survive! We're kicking off TJ's birthday week with a series of thrilling guessing games that put our survival knowledge to the test. Don't forget to visit our Pinterest for more survival content and rate us on Apple Podcasts!

Speaker 1:

Hello survivors and welcome to another episode of Will you Survive.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Podcast. Today I have another game for you boys and before I go any further, I should introduce the boys. We have Alex, that's me, and we have TJ. That's not me. I didn't mean to sound disappointed when I said that. I really didn't. It just kind of came out there and we have TJ, tj Woo, he's old.

Speaker 2:

This is still birthday week, so we're still celebrating TJ's birthday.

Speaker 3:

I didn't realize I got a whole week. Oh, that's how we do it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's how we do it down here. We do whole weeks. You should come down here I'm good here's. Here's to you I was gonna grab.

Speaker 3:

I stole guinness from my aunt's house you like, guinness?

Speaker 1:

I love guinness uh, going on a slight small uh sidetrack story. Uh, what was that? Was it irish car bombs? Oh yeah, you made. Oh yeah, so good, no pun intended. Anyways, like I said, I have a game for the boys have you guys ever played 20 questions, of course no, I've never played 20 questions.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not such a good question.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for asking the question. No, I've never played 20 questions.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Well, I still can't tell if you're being sarcastic.

Speaker 3:

I am being sarcastic, okay.

Speaker 1:

Okay, essentially, you get to ask a yes or no question. I will say yes or no and you have a guess every time you ask a question question, so you'll get 20 guesses to get your item. The topic are survival items and survival tools. So theoretically, you two should be much better at this than I would be at this, which is why I'm hosting it and, uh, letting you guys do it okay so are we ready to just hop right in? Does anybody have anything else to say before we go in?

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think there's anything I can do to prepare for this any better.

Speaker 3:

Your Honor, your mustache is looking great today.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Thank you, I will consider appointing you All. Right, are we ready?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay. So the way this will work is each of you have items pre-written out on my list here that hopefully tj can't see. I can't see it. We'll start with alex. You will get to ask a yes or no question. I will answer you yes or no. You will take a guess on what item you think it is. It at the beginning you're probably not going to know, unless you're a god and just managed to guess it first. Try, uh. Then we'll move on to tj and we'll just keep going back and forth, and I have five each and a tiebreaker. I don't expect us to get that far, but we will see, okay are you ready?

Speaker 1:

ready, okay alex, what's your first question?

Speaker 2:

is it a weapon?

Speaker 1:

no okay um, okay, before we go any further, actually, you guys might want to keep track of your questions and answers.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I wasn't aware that I would have to have like a notebook ready.

Speaker 1:

Maybe your phone.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he's using both of them, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I forgot. Okay, okay, hang on, hang on, hang on I can.

Speaker 3:

Clearly I'm very I can't use my computer because it'll go clickety-clack clickety-clack, clickety-clack, clickety-clack, clickety-clack.

Speaker 1:

No, that's fine, that's fine, use your computer.

Speaker 2:

I'm doing that.

Speaker 1:

All right, all right, that's fucking.

Speaker 2:

That's all right, that's expected.

Speaker 1:

That's expected. Edit this one man, him bribing me to edit.

Speaker 2:

the episode for points is getting very close to working For four points, I'll do all of the social media for the whole week.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you would do that anyway. You do that anyway, we don't have no leverage there, have fun.

Speaker 3:

You see how you guys are.

Speaker 2:

You see how you guys are All right Teaming up against me already.

Speaker 1:

TJ, what is your first question? Is it a tool? Yes, your guess. You didn't take a guess.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I was supposed to guess right after.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh man.

Speaker 1:

We're doing great at this. We understand how the game works.

Speaker 2:

Jeez, okay, I thought there was like a.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to take a guess, I guess, if you don't want to, but you get a guess each time, so you can just eliminate an item.

Speaker 2:

Okay, is it blood clotting gauze?

Speaker 3:

No, it is not, is it our wonderful backpack you can get on Pinterest.

Speaker 1:

No, but it should have been, because you should go to Pinterest and look at our board and look for any survival gear that you need, including pre-made bug out bags. That's right. Okay, alex. Your next question Is it a food item.

Speaker 3:

It is not a food item. Damn your guess, is it a food item? It is not a food item? Damn your guess. Um, is it a life straw?

Speaker 1:

it is not a life straw, tj. Does it have something to do with fire? It is not. Is it? Is it a life?

Speaker 2:

straw. It is not a life straw, alex.

Speaker 1:

Your next question when you are ready.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I just okay, this can't be part of the actual question, but I just, for this game sake, I want to make sure we are talking survival right. Yes, Okay all right, I'm going to say is it a navigation tool?

Speaker 1:

No, your guess.

Speaker 2:

Is it a two-way radio?

Speaker 1:

I had a walkie-talkie.

Speaker 2:

That's a two-way radio.

Speaker 1:

I think that's close enough.

Speaker 2:

That's a two-way radio. I got it.

Speaker 3:

Two-way radio is two ways if you got to Never mind.

Speaker 2:

I don't know where I was going with.

Speaker 3:

That Could be nowhere.

Speaker 1:

Wow that was way faster than I thought you were gonna get that. What was that?

Speaker 2:

round three is that all right? Is that question three? I think so. Yeah, oh my gosh, okay, okay so now it's a new item, right, are we both guessing the same?

Speaker 1:

no, okay you guys are guessing different items. So, for that, I'm going to give you 17 points. Whoa, let's go. You can have a max of 20 per question 17 points and you got it in three turns. That's a wild start. I did not expect anybody to get it that fast. Tj your question. Can I phone a?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

What friend would? You phone eric yeah, go ahead, eric. What is see, if I tell the truth, what do you think it is? It's probably a walkie talkie. Is it a walkie talkie?

Speaker 3:

no, uh um you're not gonna give us the same thing. So okay, so it's a tool has nothing to. Tool has nothing to do with fire. Nothing to do with fire, I'm guessing it has nothing to do with water, no comment. Is it a weapon? No, so no, like it couldn't be used as a weapon.

Speaker 1:

It could, but its primary function is not a weapon, is it? I just have to take a wild guess and ask another question.

Speaker 3:

You went with radio for his. It's not a backpack.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to give you a hint this was pulled off of a random list on Google. There is no thought process behind it. For me, dang that makes it harder.

Speaker 2:

Actually, great choice, your Honor, great choice there was no, like categories.

Speaker 3:

Your thoroughness in making it, you know, as fair as possible.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate that I tried a fucking ukulele.

Speaker 3:

I don't know shit a ukulele?

Speaker 1:

um, no, it is not a ukulele.

Speaker 3:

I also would not quite classify a ukulele as a survival item it is, but if you're in a survival situation, you need to keep yourself entertained, or else you're going to go crazy.

Speaker 2:

We actually covered that in the Mist. That is fair enough. If you don't have a job or something to do. Look at what happens. You devolve into madness.

Speaker 1:

True, you become a crazy fake Christian and commit sacrifices. So that's fair enough. That's fair enough, but no, not the item I was thinking of.

Speaker 2:

Your next question. Oh, so he gets to go until he gets it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Until he hit 20 questions. What was that Five? I should keep track of that. Is it an? Is it an electronic? It is not an electronic.

Speaker 2:

Well, I guess if it's just him, then can he just keep guessing he could. But I guessing he could. But I would suggest asking the questions to narrow it down no, I mean, that's what I mean like can he just keep asking questions instead of question guess question?

Speaker 1:

guess I mean he could if you wanted to I don't think if I'm not involved anymore does it have multiple uses? It does have multiple uses okay, okay, okay is it some sort of rope or paracord? It is not rope or paracord. Was that question seven? I feel like I should be keeping track of this.

Speaker 3:

I think that was question five I definitely should, I think? We're over five, we'll say six.

Speaker 1:

That was definitely five. That was five. Okay, if it's five, we'll say it's five. I'll keep track now Okay.

Speaker 3:

Is it, I don't know, a tent? Not a tent does that have anything to do with shelter there's nothing to do with shelter.

Speaker 1:

That's your sixth question your sixth guess all right, how the?

Speaker 3:

fuck, did he get two-way radio so fast? This is ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, dude, that was wild that was out nowhere.

Speaker 2:

Okay, do you want to know my strategy in this?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what's your strategy?

Speaker 2:

You're going to give it up on round one. Okay, in miscellaneous, which usually combines like clothing, such and such, Then you've got shelter and of course you've got weapons. So find your categories and guess around those. And so what I did was I asked a category question and then went for something that was adjacent.

Speaker 3:

Well, I know it's a tool, but that's a very broad like. What does he think a tool is? You know?

Speaker 1:

I've okay. Well, what are you trying to say?

Speaker 3:

I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna lie here, so get, get another piece of paper block like everything else other than my answer and show alex oh, oh, I got you, I got you I honestly you have it that you asked a question that should give it away.

Speaker 2:

And I think the guess is pretty good your handwriting is freaking awful, no it is not.

Speaker 1:

I have really good handwriting oh hold on. You don't have your glasses on, are you?

Speaker 2:

kidding me this guy Ain't no way? Huh, that's interesting, I don't, I'm not familiar. What there's no way? Huh, that's interesting, I don't, I'm not familiar what?

Speaker 1:

there's no way you would know this TJ. I guarantee you, you know this item. Guarantee you know this item is it a tool for?

Speaker 2:

oh, I gotcha, I gotcha. Okay, you said it was called that, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Is it a tool for making things? It can be used for that. Is it a tool for making?

Speaker 1:

things. It can be used for that. Can it be used for multiple things? Are you bypassing your guess? You going to another question? Is it a multi-tool? It is a multi-tool. It's a leatherman, I'll give you that. Okay, great Love that. So you got 14 points.

Speaker 2:

That's not bad.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, took you six questions, although I feel like that count was wrong.

Speaker 2:

That was actually seven. That was seven, yeah, because you said six and then he asked the last question, but your Honor, you're ruling.

Speaker 1:

It already went through, but I'll understand if you want to, no no, you know what Earlier I said, you almost got a point point and then you complimented me again and you know what that deserves a point, so I'll give you 14. After round one, alex and a remarkable three questions, got a two way radio. Got walkie talkie for 17 points and TJ. After six questions, seven questions but a bonus point, got Leatherman or Multitool. Okay, how do we feel so far?

Speaker 2:

I feel pretty good.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. I think I could do it. I think I got the game down. I could pull through.

Speaker 2:

In a small interim. I got to give credit here. Our mod did very well on this.

Speaker 1:

She got it, mm-hmm Damn A while ago.

Speaker 3:

I'm surprised you didn't follow you're a handyman, tj uh, to be fair, I don't carry around my multi-tool anymore because I put in my pocket and it smashed my phone screen.

Speaker 1:

But that's just me being stupid yeah, fair enough, fair enough. Uh, I don't have that problem because I don't know how to fix things.

Speaker 2:

I don't carry around a multi-tool anymore because I've lost four of them going through security checkpoints Like airports, yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right, round two All right. This time we will start with TJ. Your first question Is it a tool? It is a tool. Is it a fire starter? It's not a fire starter. Alex, is it a fire starter? It's not a fire starter.

Speaker 2:

Alex, is it a form of shelter?

Speaker 1:

It is not a form of shelter.

Speaker 2:

Is it a compass?

Speaker 1:

It is not a compass TJ. Your second question Is it made of metal? Yes, Is it a shovel? It is not a shovel. Your second question, Alex.

Speaker 2:

Is it a?

Speaker 1:

tool. It is a tool of sorts.

Speaker 2:

Of sorts, of sorts.

Speaker 1:

I feel like if you go down the route of tool, you might trick yourself. Okay, but I would classify it as a tool. Is it an axe? It is not an axe, tj, your third question.

Speaker 3:

Does it have anything to do with clean drinking water or fire?

Speaker 1:

You're going to have to narrow that down.

Speaker 3:

Have anything to do with drinking water? It does not Is it an axe?

Speaker 1:

It is not an axe.

Speaker 2:

Alex, your third question we're bouncing off of each other here. Is it for water filtration?

Speaker 1:

It is for water filtration.

Speaker 3:

Stop that fucking smile, because you're going to give it to him. Keep your freaking face straight.

Speaker 2:

Is it a life straw?

Speaker 1:

It is a life straw?

Speaker 3:

God damn it. See, no, because I said that last time and your little fucking smile gave it away um, he would.

Speaker 1:

Unfortunately for you, tj, that's another 17 points. Come on, he got water filtration. He already knew what it was. No, but he would have gone with.

Speaker 3:

Like he would have been like is it a water filter? And you would have been like no specific.

Speaker 1:

We talk about LifeStraw, so much.

Speaker 2:

And we have a LifeStraw on the Pinterest board.

Speaker 3:

Please check out our Pinterest. We got a bunch of interesting things on there. We got backpacks, we got flashlights, we got solar stuff to charge batteries. We got everything. Anyways, pre pre-made bug out bags. It's a tool. It's metal, it has nothing to do with water. It's not an ax or a fucking shovel. Could it be used as a weapon?

Speaker 1:

No, I mean anything could, but it wouldn't be effective and it's metal, metal.

Speaker 3:

So it has to be small, is it?

Speaker 1:

a hammer? It is not a hammer. Your fifth question.

Speaker 2:

That could be used as a fucking weapon. Damn it. Okay, I'm gonna have to. I'm gonna have to make this into a uh, a drinking game. I'm gonna take a drink every time tj guesses wrong okay, he's nerfing himself nerf yourself more.

Speaker 3:

Fuck. What is a like a small metal thing that isn't a fucking I'm not gonna lie. This one's a little harder and it can't be used as a weapon not effectively, I wouldn't is it? Can it be used for making shelter?

Speaker 1:

it cannot be used for making shelter it's not a saw. I feel like you're only going down weapons. Saw isn't a weapon, saw's not a saw.

Speaker 3:

I feel like you're only going down weapons. Well, saw is a weapon. Who's saw is not a weapon.

Speaker 2:

That's a tool.

Speaker 3:

You could use it as a weapon but yeah, but like that's a weird ass weapon to choose I guess that's true, yeah that's a tool. I'm not gonna yeah, I'm not gonna go against a zombie with a fucking saw not, unless you're desperate.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it would work if you're desperate, but that's that kind of fits the description.

Speaker 3:

So you could throw like a saw blade at a zombie, though like a fucking shuriken. You know a little, ninja, go down go down the road.

Speaker 2:

Go down the road you're going. I don't know this, I didn't see the the notepad but go down the road you're.

Speaker 3:

You're thinking the right way, I think you asked the right question so far has nothing to do with water.

Speaker 2:

It's not a weapon, but could be used as a weapon.

Speaker 3:

He said it could be used, but he wouldn't go for it.

Speaker 2:

Right. Think of, maybe, an item that you can bludgeon something with. That would not be your first choice as a tool with. That would not be your first choice as a tool. Go into a garage, go into a toolbox and think of of all of the things that would be not your first choice to grab. But if you were in your garage and a zombie started coming at you and you had something there in your toolbox, what would you grab and hit them with if you didn't have a defense? No, no.

Speaker 1:

I would never grab this. I'll give you that for free. This would never cross my mind as a weapon.

Speaker 3:

What the fuck, but it's a tool Is it a tool that me myself, as a maintenance man, would commonly use?

Speaker 1:

No, I'm going to call that your sixth question, cause I think I was wrong earlier. I think I was your fifth one. What's your sixth guess?

Speaker 3:

I'm just thinking of, like, what the fuck I use at work. I'm not guessing it. This one's a little tougher, no doubt, and you said it has nothing to do with food. Nothing to do with food.

Speaker 2:

Nothing to do with food. It is a tool.

Speaker 3:

It's not like a fucking snare or something? Why are you giving me all the hard ones?

Speaker 1:

Bro hold on.

Speaker 2:

Okay, Leatherman was not hard. I'm thinking um try to try to ask another question that will help you define what kind of tool this is um it's made of metal. I would, I would ask something like would you use this in bushcraft? Would you use this in tent making?

Speaker 1:

you still have your sixth guess if you want to use that before another question oh there you go um see, but I don't.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what to get. It's just wasting a fucking guess because I don't know well, but the guest doesn't cost you anything yeah, you'd be wasting the questions cost you, the guess doesn't cost you um. Is it a?

Speaker 1:

chain. It is not a chain.

Speaker 2:

Your seventh question okay, so it's a tool. Try to think of something that can narrow down. What type of tool? Um, like I don't ask, don't ask this specific question, but like could it break a rock? Um, could it cut down a tree? You know it would be a broad question that can.

Speaker 3:

That can lead you in the the right way we know it's not a saw and we know it's not an axe, because I asked that and I I would think that if it was some sort of like survival, like saw, because they got like the chainsaws on, like you can just like use your hands to do it, it was that. I think that would have fallen.

Speaker 1:

I didn't expect this to be this hard. Not this one.

Speaker 3:

And you said it was small right.

Speaker 1:

I never specified that you insinuated that, no, but you said it. You said it was small. I never said that you insinuated that, no, but you said it. You said it was small. I never said that, but you did, though I never said it was small.

Speaker 2:

I don't recall.

Speaker 1:

You said it was small. You said so it must be, small. Is it small or large?

Speaker 3:

Well, you're gonna have to pick one, is it small?

Speaker 2:

It's a yes or no question.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it is small. I fucking hate you.

Speaker 3:

What it's a yes or no question, is it a fucking compass?

Speaker 1:

It is not a compass. Okay, your eighth question Does it have?

Speaker 3:

anything to do with navigation.

Speaker 1:

Nothing to do with navigation. Your eighth guess.

Speaker 2:

TJ, I don't want to influence you, but if you want my help, I'll tell you what I'm thinking. I don't know, I'll take any help I can get. I'm trying to figure out how this would even be a tool, but it would like I'm. I'm thinking like exacto knife tape measure, but a tape measure you would use as a handyman. So maybe ruler, um, maybe maybe a pen, but those are mostly plastic.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I have a metal one, but see, but if it was like, if it was a pen, if it was a ruler, if it was something like that, when I said is it metal, he said yes, but right, I would like, if I was, you know, answering the questions, I would say it like it can be. So this thing is definitively metal.

Speaker 1:

This item may have small plastic pieces on it, but its primary function is a metal device.

Speaker 2:

Small plastic pieces. See, I don't think an X-Acto knife isn't a survival tool, so I would rule that out. You would rule that out't a survival tool, so I would rule that out. You would you rule that out of a survival tool? Yeah, I don't. There's nothing. You really need to be that precise on for survival so I suppose, yeah, an exacto knife.

Speaker 2:

I just thought like a regular, never mind, yeah, yeah but I would think like a, uh, a box cutter, because that would be a very difficult weapon to use, but you could. It would be mostly metal, it would have some plastic parts. What else?

Speaker 1:

I would say an exacto knife you could potentially use as a way to cut someone open if you needed to like. For medical reasons, it wouldn't be the most ideal tool, but you could use it. I'm not. This has nothing to do item genuinely by just going down that route.

Speaker 2:

So I don't think it would be something like a flashlight.

Speaker 3:

I asked for building, I asked for food and I asked water and fire.

Speaker 2:

So it's not for building.

Speaker 3:

And he said no to all those.

Speaker 2:

It's not for food, it's not for fire.

Speaker 1:

Did you ask the building one on this question or did you ask that on the last one?

Speaker 3:

I asked if it was for shelter in one of the questions for shelter I stand by my answer, by the way okay.

Speaker 2:

So it's not for shelter, it's not for water, it's not for fire fucking specific with this shit.

Speaker 3:

If I say for shelter, that means like you build shelter wait, wait.

Speaker 2:

How about this? Is it for first aid? You should ask that one. Is it for first aid?

Speaker 3:

it's not for first aid. You should ask that one.

Speaker 1:

Is it for first aid? It's not for first aid. Is it for building things? Do you want to take your guess first before that question? Is it a?

Speaker 2:

fucking. So it's not for first aid, it's not for building things, it's not for, is it?

Speaker 1:

a pocket pussy. It is not a pocket pussy. What's your ninth question?

Speaker 3:

I'm going to eat a fucking cheese stick.

Speaker 2:

You're pissing me off I, how about um are there? Are there any hints or no? Just like just guess all 20 questions, right?

Speaker 1:

yeah, you're on your ninth question tj, is it for communication? It is not for communication what the fuck what is your ninth guess?

Speaker 3:

see, because all of these like questions I'm asking are not getting fucking anything. I've got tool, I've got metal. It's small, it's not for any of these fucking survival things for anything like there's nothing it's used for in survival.

Speaker 2:

It could be for clothes making, I don't. I I'm so baffled by this after your 10th question.

Speaker 1:

I'll give you a hint this one sounds I think you both are going to be really upset when you find out what it is. Is it a carabiner?

Speaker 2:

it's not a carabiner I'm feeling like this isn't really about survival.

Speaker 1:

Your 10th item or your 10th question. Sorry, is it used to hold things to things? It's not used to hold things. That's a really good question, though your 10th guess. Saying that that was a really good guess is not a hint, by the way. I just think that's a good question to ask.

Speaker 3:

I already said is it electronic? You said no.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I believe I said that for the last one.

Speaker 2:

But it's metal with plastic components.

Speaker 1:

It could have plastic components. It could have like a plastic shell or something like that, depending on who the manufacturer is.

Speaker 3:

They're plastic shell and it's not a pocket pussy. It's not a pocket pussy. It's not a pocket pussy.

Speaker 1:

Is it?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Is it for water? Well, you have a 10th guess.

Speaker 3:

Is it a chicken nugget?

Speaker 1:

Is it for water? It's not a chicken nugget. It is not for water. And before you take your 11th guess, I will say I'll give you a hint now. This is a tool that is used in combination with typically a weapon slash tool. On its own this tool is not incredibly useful, but you would eventually need it in combination with a weapon or a tool.

Speaker 2:

It's not a weapon. You wouldn't use it as a weapon, not even like it would be your last choice.

Speaker 3:

It's used in tandem with other tools.

Speaker 2:

It's used in tandem with a weapon, primarily.

Speaker 1:

With a weapon slash tool. With a weapon slash tool.

Speaker 2:

With a weapon slash tool.

Speaker 3:

Is it a sharpener?

Speaker 1:

It is a knife sharpener.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 1:

After 11 questions, TJ gains nine points for the second round.

Speaker 2:

All right, was that the actual name of it? A knife sharpener?

Speaker 1:

yeah, um, okay I mean I would have accepted um a sharpening block, anything of the sort like a sharpener just to be clear usually knife sharpeners sharpener are whetstones I would have accepted that too that's not metal oh see, I feel like I might

Speaker 2:

have thrown you off with that points.

Speaker 1:

I might have thrown you off with that.

Speaker 2:

I'll give you 10 because honing steels are not. They're not sharpeners you are right.

Speaker 3:

No, yeah, no, when you're uh like the metal where you like, drag it across it. That's taking away material, that's not like sharpening it.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's not even actually, technically speaking. It's not taking any material away. It straightens out the curves that you put in the blade. So you straighten that out to hone it back straight, because it forms a little hook as you use it and when you sharpen it you actually cut that metal off.

Speaker 1:

So that's the sharpening versus honing that's why your knife will, over a long period of time, become a lot now they do have sharpening steels. They're they're like blocks, but the primary uh sharpening knife sharpener is going to be a stone I might've thrown you off with that one a little bit, but honestly I don't think I threw you off too much with that.

Speaker 3:

See, you're giving radio and life straw to this man. You need to give the other ones to him.

Speaker 1:

I might flip these next to you because I do think I give you a lot of the harder ones.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's go.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm going to flip these two. All right, alex, you're first.

Speaker 2:

Is it for first aid?

Speaker 1:

It is not for first aid, your guess.

Speaker 2:

Is it an MRE?

Speaker 1:

It is not an MRE TJ, your first question.

Speaker 3:

Can it be used to make things?

Speaker 1:

It cannot be used to Well technically, but I think if you go down that route you might throw yourself off.

Speaker 3:

Is its main purpose? To make things.

Speaker 1:

Your definition of make is important. I would say yes.

Speaker 2:

Maybe refine Build.

Speaker 1:

By a technicality, I would say yes.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so that gave you a lot right there, so it's a tool.

Speaker 1:

What's your first guess? Yes, it is a tool.

Speaker 3:

Is it a hammer?

Speaker 1:

It is not a hammer, Alex. Your second question.

Speaker 2:

Is it for shelter?

Speaker 1:

It is not for shelter.

Speaker 2:

Is it a crossbow?

Speaker 1:

It is not a crossbow, TJ. Your second question.

Speaker 3:

Is it a commonly used item outside of survival situations? I wouldn't say so. No. Is it a holographic Pokemon Charizard?

Speaker 1:

It is not a holographic Pokemon, charizard, good guess. Thank you, alex, your third question.

Speaker 2:

Is it a weapon?

Speaker 1:

It is not a weapon. Your third guess.

Speaker 2:

Is it a flint and steel?

Speaker 1:

No, just fucking with you, your guess.

Speaker 2:

That was my guess. Is it a flint?

Speaker 1:

and steel. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, your question. So it's used to make things huh by technicality.

Speaker 3:

yes, Is it made out of a hard material?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And by hard material I mean can I break it If?

Speaker 1:

I took my hands. I don't think you could snap it in half with your hands. I'm not going to lie, I don't know. I might want a second opinion on this. Give me two seconds. I don't think you could snap it with your hands, but oh man.

Speaker 2:

Write it on a separate paper.

Speaker 1:

You're right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, okay, no, you could not.

Speaker 2:

That's funny though.

Speaker 1:

So it's made out of metal. It is a type of metal.

Speaker 2:

I think what you put there.

Speaker 1:

That's not a metal.

Speaker 2:

Is it not at least half?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's some kind of metal.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Towards the last page. It's a metal right? No, no's a metal right. No, no, not a metal. I don't know my metals.

Speaker 2:

No, not a metal, not a metal. Thank you for telling me. It's not a metal.

Speaker 3:

I didn't ask a question for that, so I have a guess Did you really not? No, I said so, it's a metal.

Speaker 2:

Oh, good, good, good, good, all right, all right.

Speaker 1:

No more freebies.

Speaker 2:

Wait, but I do have to amend because if we're giving you information, it is a metal.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, see, I know what I'm talking about. Sometimes, kind of.

Speaker 3:

So it's a weird metal.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, it's not a typical metal that I think about, so yeah, so it's a weird metal.

Speaker 3:

So what do? What do weirds metal, weird metals, do they spark? Is it a fire starter? It is a fire starter. There we go, baby, there we go baby.

Speaker 1:

Question oh well, I mean, I guess that's kind of just the answer too, huh well, I mean, if there's several of these.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know, I don't know how specific you want them to get I'm okay, I've been pretty lenient. I'll give them it, so this will be his first time getting in under five questions it's magnesium and flint I was gonna but what's funny is that was my guess yeah, the. The one before. That's hilarious. I would have gotten that right if he didn't switch these.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he would have gotten it right, and I thought he got it right, but then I realized I never physically swapped your guys' list yet. So I was looking at his list and that's why I was like no, I'm just kidding, because I thought he got it right. That is yours though, so congrats. You got it in three questions. Woo Go TJ.

Speaker 3:

Making a comeback? How?

Speaker 1:

many points is that? Let's see if Alex can get down to that's 17 points for you.

Speaker 3:

I'm not keeping track of the points Right now.

Speaker 1:

you are at 41. And Alex is at 34.

Speaker 3:

And lowest wins. Oh, oh, also did he guess his he hasn't done his fourth question he hasn't guessed his.

Speaker 1:

Yet okay.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, I got that weird metal thing. Yup, yup, I got. It, okay, you're welcome you're welcome. Yeah, can I bend? It was a good one. They're here. Who the zombies?

Speaker 1:

I thought the gate would stop them. They knocked it down instantly. Can I bend? It was a good one. They're here. Who the zombies? I thought the gate would stop them. They knocked it down instantly.

Speaker 2:

How much time?

Speaker 1:

do we have? They're already here.

Speaker 2:

We should have bought that beautiful Los Angeles dream house in that safe neighborhood that Corinne showed us.

Speaker 1:

I know it was so much more defensible and Corinne would have had us moved in before the apocalypse.

Speaker 2:

Do you think it's too late to call her now? I'll try. Before the apocalypse. Do you think it's too late to call her now? I'll try. No, no, we should have called Corinne sooner. Don't wait until it's too late. Call Corinne Salas today at 714-510-6443, and buy your Los Angeles dream house now. That's 714-510-6443. You can also find her on Instagram at next home by corinne, or visit her website at corinnesalisnexthomegrandviewcom.

Speaker 1:

That's c-o-r-i-n-n-e-s-a-l-a-snexthomegrandviewcom alex, your fourth one. Is it for water? Uh, it is not for water. Your fourth guess?

Speaker 2:

is it a compass?

Speaker 1:

it is not a compass. Your fifth question, tj. Feel free to help or not help him out show me his. If I show you his, he can see Okay wait, wait, wait.

Speaker 2:

So just to be clear, I got to ask this without ruining one of my guests. I just got to make sure you're thinking about this. None of these are duplicates of what I got right. No, none of these are duplicates.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so right? No, none of these are duplicates. Okay, so these are all different items. Okay, all right. So your fifth question. No, I'm kidding.

Speaker 2:

Well, this is my fifth question. This is your fourth question, my fifth First aid, shelter, weapon, water.

Speaker 1:

Well, keeping yourself honest here, I'll give you an extra point for that. Yeah, is it for food?

Speaker 2:

It is not for food.

Speaker 1:

You're technically fifth, but we'll call it your fourth guess Is it a sleeping bag? It is not a sleeping bag. Your fifth question.

Speaker 3:

You said it's not for shelter.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not for first aid, not for shelter, not for weapon. It's not a weapon. It's not for water. It's not a weapon. It's not for water. It's not for food. Is it something you would take? Camping for comfort?

Speaker 3:

Yes, Let me see Okay, so that's like that's a really good one.

Speaker 1:

That's a good question.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that is a good one, for comfort can mean a lot of things, though, but it's like a very narrow yeah set of things.

Speaker 2:

Is it a? Is it a um like a? Uh, what is the right word? Is it a like a camping stove?

Speaker 1:

it is not a camping stove.

Speaker 2:

Your sixth question, this is this is right DJs were hard.

Speaker 3:

It could be like so think about what you need for comfort when you're so. So say, out in the woods, you need fire.

Speaker 2:

Is it made of? Oh wait, that's a good one, that's a good one.

Speaker 3:

Ooh, ooh, ooh. Ask a similar question to what I asked. You know like can I break it? You know something like that.

Speaker 2:

If it's something that I would take camping for comfort, I'm willing to believe I could break it.

Speaker 1:

You could probably. Yeah, Throw it on the ground hard enough, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, man, okay, is it?

Speaker 1:

plastic. I think it could have plastic components, but this one, I guarantee, is mostly metal.

Speaker 3:

You and your plastic components.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean a lot of things come in like a plastic shell, you know.

Speaker 2:

But this would be mostly metal.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't think I've ever heard of one of these being made of complete plastic so it's not like a sleeping bag, it's not like a pillow or like a fucking air mattress or tent.

Speaker 2:

It's not an air mattress, it's not um, it's not an easy up you know it's not going to be.

Speaker 3:

It's not going to be a fire starter not a fire starter that was mine.

Speaker 2:

This is my guess. So I'm going to say is it not a hammock, not a tent, not an easy up, not a camping stove? Couldn't be a cooler.

Speaker 3:

It's not a squatty potty. You don't need those. No, it's not a solarty potty.

Speaker 2:

You don't need those. No, it's not a solar shower, that's not. That's primarily plastic it's just that.

Speaker 3:

It's just that tjs are very obscure they're not. You think it's something you can put on yourself um no, uh, it may be.

Speaker 2:

All he said was it's not plastic, so it could be something like that, something like an ointment, something like a okay Is it? Is it a bug repellent?

Speaker 1:

It is not bug repellent. Your seventh question, that's a good guess. That is a good one. I would definitely consider that more of a luxury item in a survival situation.

Speaker 2:

Yeah definitely Okay. Well, something I didn't ask was um is it for fire?

Speaker 1:

it is not for fire.

Speaker 2:

Okay, your seventh guess um, okay, it's not plastic.

Speaker 3:

There may be components see you're doing me dirty with these because we swapped it.

Speaker 1:

I would have fucking apparently I I swear there was no order to them, I just grabbed them off a website they're just clearly very obscure.

Speaker 2:

The ones that I had were clear survival things, I would say.

Speaker 3:

But they're good pics. Your honor, they're good pics, thank you, I appreciate.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna say is it? I already asked that? I already asked that I already okay, jeez, I already asked that I already Okay, jeez. What could it possibly be? That's for comfort.

Speaker 1:

I don't want you to go down the wrong road with comfort, not like, oh, I'm snug in my jammies, kind of comfort.

Speaker 2:

No, it's to create comfort. Yeah, yeah, did you ask if it?

Speaker 3:

was electronic. No, I comfort, no, it's to create comfort. Yeah, yeah, did you ask if it was electronic.

Speaker 2:

No, I haven't, but I got to guess first. A guess is free. A question's going to cost me, so is it? What was that question again?

Speaker 3:

Is it electronic?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so what would we have? That's electronic, that would.

Speaker 3:

Ooh, like a. What's it called Like?

Speaker 2:

a portable heater. Is it a portable heater?

Speaker 1:

It is not a portable heater. Your eighth question.

Speaker 2:

Is it something that you apply to your skin or hair?

Speaker 1:

It is not something you apply to your skin or your hair. Your eighth guess? Okay, so it's not sunblock, sunscreen no nothing that you apply to your skin or hair.

Speaker 2:

All you said was it's not plastic. That means it can be another type of material. It could have plastic components.

Speaker 3:

I thought you said metal with plastic components. Did you get that specific, was it?

Speaker 1:

I said it could have plastic components. It's primarily metal. Oh, it's primarily metal.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's primarily metal.

Speaker 1:

It would have some other materials involved in it. Plastic could be one of them. I will say there is another key component besides plastic and metal that is a part of this item, but I won't tell you that because I think that would give it away.

Speaker 2:

Is it a cot?

Speaker 1:

Is that your guess? Yeah yeah, it's not a cot. Your ninth question? A bong.

Speaker 2:

It's a bong, exactly um, so it's primarily metal. Is the other component to it a fabric?

Speaker 1:

it is not a fabric. I would say there's most likely no fabric on this item. I suppose someone could put fabric on it, but I don't think you would your ninth guest interesting damn, I was screwing you tj.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, yeah, this is tough, this one's tough um. It's not a portable heater, it's not an mre, it's not a crossbow, it's not flint and steel, it's not compass, not a sleeping bag, not a camping stove, not a bug repellent, not a portable heater, not a cop.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I think did you might have something. Uh, you know how I asked the question, like is it for holding things and it can have fabric on it, it can have plastic components, it's primarily metal.

Speaker 2:

It's primarily metal. It could have plastic components. What can be made of metal?

Speaker 3:

that has plastic components for comfort. Is it a common thing? Would you use it in everyday life?

Speaker 2:

Those are good. This is my guess. Let me throw out. Is it a spit roast?

Speaker 1:

It's not a spit roast, that's a good one. I didn't even think about that as a survival item. Your tenth question, after this one. I will give you a hint.

Speaker 2:

Okay, alright, is it something that we have on our Pinterest? Survival?

Speaker 1:

boards, oh box, don't do me dirty like that why, I, I don't know, he doesn't know what's on our pinterest.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, dude, I don't, I don't know. Think about. Think about comfort, though, because he said primarily metal, plastic components. It can have fabric on it, plastic there could be other it could have. I'll just tell you what I'm thinking right here. I'm thinking like chairs, tables, fucking like stuff like that okay, here's what I'm thinking.

Speaker 2:

Is it a canteen? It is not. Oh wait, I was supposed to ask a question. Yeah, yeah, ask a question.

Speaker 1:

I can answer your question now. Okay, it is on our Pinterest board Then let me go to the Pinterest. There's a lot of shit on there, so good luck A lot of good things.

Speaker 3:

Everybody Make sure to check out our Pinterest. A Look, there's a lot of good things. Everybody Make sure to check out our Pinterest. A lot of good stuff. Also. Give us a rating on.

Speaker 1:

Apple Podcasts Throwing that one in there. Yeah, might as well hop over right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, while you're waiting for me, because this is taking me so long, I'm going to get it. Though, I'm going to get this thing.

Speaker 3:

Let me see here, survivors, if you are driving in a car, I recommend not going to our Pinterest. Wait till you get to your location, please, yeah please, please.

Speaker 2:

Is this my guess? Yeah, this is my guess, because I just asked is it on our Pinterest board?

Speaker 1:

It's an oil filter. My guess it's an air compressor.

Speaker 2:

My guess. Before I move on to my next question, before I accept my hint, I'm going to guess it's a saw.

Speaker 1:

It is not a saw. It's not a saw. Your hint is similar to TJ's last hint. This item is used in conjunction with other items. It of itself would not be entirely useful without something to to use it with very interesting you ask if it was electronic already uh, no, I didn't.

Speaker 2:

Is it electronic?

Speaker 1:

um, I would not say the item itself is electronic, so it's not like a fucking, is it?

Speaker 2:

a solar panel. It is a solar battery. Oh, a battery Okay.

Speaker 1:

So, after 11 questions and 11 guesses, alex got solar power bank for nine points and TJ got magnesium and flint for 17 points All right Go TJ.

Speaker 2:

All right Go, tj, all right, yay, Thank you, you, you.

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