Will You Survive... The Podcast

Will You Survive "Hush": Home Intrusions and Horror Movie Missteps

June 07, 2024 Will You Survive... The Podcast

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Ever wondered how to truly survive a horror movie scenario? We’ve all groaned at characters who drop weapons or squander chances to take down their attackers, and we’re here to break down every frustrating misstep. Get ready for a deep dive into the physical realities of combat, like why withdrawing a knife after stabbing isn't as easy as it seems and why removing an impalement object might not be the smartest move.   With a mix of humor, critique, and personal anecdotes, this is the ultimate guide to overcoming the odds in a horror movie. 

Speaker 1:

Alright, well, your episode, take it away.

Speaker 2:

Hello survivors and welcome back to another.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, Are you ever going?

Speaker 3:

to start.

Speaker 2:

Minus two points for Eric no.

Speaker 3:

That's my immediate minus two points. That's a just ruling your Honor? No, that's a just ruling your honor.

Speaker 1:

No, it was just a callback. It was a funny haha oh please your honor. I plead.

Speaker 2:

It was just a haha, that means you have what negative one points because you gave yourself a point this is a corrupt ass system already crazy I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I think that sounds like sass your honor that show.

Speaker 1:

Who said are you on?

Speaker 2:

mine, plus one point for drinking blue moon. Anyways, hello survivors, and welcome back to another episode of will you survive? The podcast and today I am joined by my beautiful, my lovely co-hosts. We have I'm Alex.

Speaker 1:

And I'm Eric.

Speaker 2:

I fucking hate you and I'm TJ.

Speaker 1:

I was making the sexy biting your lip face. I was trying to get extra points. I get it.

Speaker 2:

Today we're talking about the movie Hush and ways to survive being stupid. That bitch was stupid. I'm sorry. She's a fucking idiot.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we're coming in hot.

Speaker 2:

I cannot stand the fact that she just dropped her fucking weapons Like nonstop throughout the whole movie, Like okay, I get it, your friend's dead, but like hold on to the fucking hammer, you know.

Speaker 3:

Like grab a fucking knife. You have a kitchen, you're cooking, you're doing this whole presentation. You have to have a knife set.

Speaker 1:

Can I, can I jump to the end really quick, where she stabbed him in the bathtub and then just decided that one stab was enough?

Speaker 3:

OK, OK, ok, hold on.

Speaker 1:

Got the drop on him. He dropped his knife. She could have grabbed that one and stabbed him again. Okay, I like that.

Speaker 3:

I like that. But what I was going to say if you thought, like stab repeatedly, they make it look so easy when he was stabbing that girl, like over and over and over again, but the body is a sealed vacuum. When you stab, it's hard to pull it back out.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you've ever.

Speaker 3:

You've never impaled yourself, have you?

Speaker 2:

No, have you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah, I've had stuff. You say it's so nonchalant like, oh yeah, duh.

Speaker 3:

Come on. Oh, it's nasty and it hurts Like to pull something out of yourself like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, I've never really thought about that and that sound effect was haunting.

Speaker 2:

It was needed. He took a while to get it out of his leg. So imagine her, you know, weak as fuck.

Speaker 3:

There's a disclaimer here. We got to disclaim something. Do not ever pull out an object that has been stabbed into you. It was dumb of me to do that. You can bleed out. Don't ever do what I did.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right, continue, see I always I hear the opposite and that all the time it's either fucking pull it out or leave it in, because if so, like if you leave it in, it can like shift and do more damage. If you pull it out, it can do more fucking damage. What is it?

Speaker 1:

Well, it depends on where you're stabbed, I guess, because if you're stabbed really close to your heart, don't pull it out. You have no idea if you're going to nick your heart or anything pulling it out. If you're near major arteries or major organs, probably don't pull it out, but like I don't know, if you get stabbed in the leg, I think odds are you should probably pull it out, like when she got shot with the crossbow in the leg. Yeah, pull it out.

Speaker 3:

So you've got your femoral artery that you got to be careful of, but that's on the inside of your leg. Now, the most modern I'm going to say the most modern information they've given on what to do if you've been impaled with an object is not to remove it but rather secure it in place the best you can. When you wrap yourself, when you try to stop the bleeding, you stop the bleeding with the object inside and you try to secure it by tying your gauze around it and then back to yourself so that it's not moving around.

Speaker 1:

When you have to move and, in her case, probably cut the arrow as short as she could I'm I'm baffled because I mean but that is a bolt, the bolt doesn't have the frayed edge well, we don't know. I didn't see what type of arrows there are hunting arrows that are like barbed it's a crossbow crossbowsbows use bolts.

Speaker 2:

Bolts are supposed to be metal or some stiffer material other than wood, so the fact that he was using wooden arrows in a crossbow did not make sense.

Speaker 1:

I don't think they were wood. He snapped it right in front of her face. It was wood. Yeah, I don't think it was wood. I think it was like a fiberglass or carbon fiber.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't think they were wood, but even so with 150 pounds of pressure, the capability of traveling up to 150, 160 yards, not accurately, but it can travel up to 168 yards or something like that they have to be light, Not necessarily light aerodynamic.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, they can't be too heavy. I, I don't think, I I don't think most, but but I don't think crossbows normally. That's not. That's not. That's not the point that I'm making. They use something.

Speaker 3:

The point that I'm making when he shot the door. If it was something very lightweight like fiberglass or carbon fiber, it would have shattered when it hit the door. It has to be a hardened material I think like a plastic of some sort, like a really hard plastic maybe but even if that was, the case, he wouldn't have been able to break it with his hands like that yeah, yeah, that is a good point shatter like that too, I I think it was wood.

Speaker 2:

I think they did a miscalculation which would be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that would be a little weird, but well, I don't know how weird that is. Are you sure they're? The shaft is metal.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure the shaft is metal yeah I.

Speaker 3:

I've never shot our crossbow, I've shot compound bows and I've never heard of an arrow being full meadow, okay so, while he's looking that up, I want to bring up something else about this movie, that and it was funny because eric told me when I brought it up that he had never heard of this either but if you live in a home, you have your own home. Uh, to avoid what this lady went through, there's something that you should already be doing that maybe you don't know you have the capability lock your breaker box outside of your home.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

If you don't have, like we're in an apartment, so we don't have that issue. Our breaker box is in our house. But if you're in a home, you have a, there's a padlock. Um, there's a spot for you to lock your, your breaker box with a padlock. One of my best, my favorite locks to use is called an American. That's all it is. It's American lock. It's a circular lock. It's not a master that the name is American, and the reason why I like it is it's proven to be shatterproof.

Speaker 3:

Like you can hammer on this thing with a sledgehammer, the guts will start falling apart, but it will still hold the lock. I mean you, you can't cut it because the uh, the circular shape of it uh leaves too little to grab onto with bolt cutters, so you can't get that in there. So he could have been standing out there and hammering that thing with his crossbow till the thing broke off and never gotten into her breaker box Something else that was. That bugged the hell out of me, but it made me think and I asked my wife these questions uh, do you know that you can disable your iphone with? Uh, find my iphone. So she was on her laptop. This dumb broad waited the entire time. I mean not to mention her neighbor came to the only locked door, apparently so she, she did.

Speaker 3:

I didn't even think about that she did every freaking door unlocked, except for that one that her neighbor came to, and then she had to go and lock all of them when the guy was going to each door but at least that was consistent when?

Speaker 2:

why the fuck did she have three doors on the front of her house?

Speaker 1:

well, this woman had so many windows, so many fucking doors and windows, so much glass.

Speaker 2:

So much glass just everywhere. I mean her front doors. The glass didn't shatter.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's what I was going to say.

Speaker 2:

Pretty nice fucking doors, but also why the fuck do you have that many? You are a woman living alone in the woods.

Speaker 1:

Part of it is that you live in the woods, so I don't really expect too many people to be peeping in. But at the same time I don't know if I'd feel that comfortable with that much glass. And for most of the movie I was like why doesn't he? Just? I know he was toying with her, so that's why he wasn't breaking in. But then the whole time I'm like, damn, she's putting a lot of faith in that glass to separate him and her. And then when he went to break it I was like, oh shit, never mind, that fucking glass is gorilla proof apparently, like what the fuck it's layered?

Speaker 3:

that was some crazy glass multi-layers yeah, he would have broken when he finally broke through the first layer. He'd have to start hitting the second layer, and it's like it's meant to just deter you long enough. So there's a couple of things that, like I said, if she would have had a padlock on her breaker box, which is exposed to the world, so you should Anybody who doesn't, please do that.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know that was a thing.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely so. He would have gone over there and tried know, tried to get in and she would have disabled her iphone through find my iphone. She would have dialed 9-1-1, gotten them and the whole movie would have been over and then, unfortunately, our episode would also be over they're here.

Speaker 1:

Who the zombies? I thought the gate would stop them.

Speaker 3:

They knocked it down instantly how much time do we have? They're already here, we should have bought that beautiful Los Angeles dream house in that safe neighborhood that Corinne showed us.

Speaker 1:

I know it was so much more defensible and Corinne would have had us moved in before the apocalypse.

Speaker 3:

Do you think it's too late to call her now? I'll try.

Speaker 1:

No, no, we should have called corinne sooner don't wait until it's too late.

Speaker 3:

Call corinne salas today at 714-510-6443 and buy your los angeles dream house now. That's 714-510-6443. You can also find her on instagram at next home by corinne, or visit her website at Corinne Salas dot. Next home grand view dot com. That's C-O-R-I-N-N-E-S-A-L-A-S. Dot. Next home grand view dot com. One of the things that that struck me right away that was just annoying as hell was how long she spent roaming around her house, like me. Personally, I'm gonna grab that. I'm gonna grab the biggest knife I have and not allow him to see me, like she did that so well later in the movie.

Speaker 3:

But for a little bit, for a little bit, I mean, yeah, she kept getting discovered, because she kept going outside and like being discovered well, another thing to think about.

Speaker 1:

So, like you're saying, you would grab a knife and and you would hide. That is something she thought about. But remember, when she was running through all the situations, one of the things she mentioned was no, no, well hold on.

Speaker 3:

I didn't say hide, I said not let him see me so I'm hiding I'm going to.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to become stealth, I'm gonna that's hiding no, no, no, you're, you're thinking like yeah, no, no, no, I'm not thinking of hiding in a corner.

Speaker 2:

That's what she was hunkering down in one place. He's thinking of being. That's not what I'm thinking.

Speaker 3:

You are because, but what I'm saying no, what I'm saying is, you're quoting her but she's saying I, I can't fight him.

Speaker 1:

He's stronger than me, he's faster than me, he's bigger than me which, by the way, all incorrect.

Speaker 3:

His arm was completely freaking, destroyed by a claw hammer. He was shot in the shoulder with a bolt.

Speaker 1:

She was shot in the leg.

Speaker 3:

Okay, but still. Her hand was broken and shattered. This guy had way too much strength after getting that claw hammer to his forearm.

Speaker 1:

And that was his right hand, I agree.

Speaker 3:

We assume that he was right-handed. The way he was moving throughout the movie, he had her phone in his right hand, he was holding the bow in his right hand, so so she took out his dominant hand with a claw hammer and yet this guy was still moving around like normal. I mean, I agree he was assuming he's, a psychopath.

Speaker 2:

I heard most of them are left-handed.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I mean it could be. It just wasn't what was demonstrated in the movie. Let's chalk it up to.

Speaker 1:

he's ambidextrous because he's really good. He had 12 kills, 13 kills on his crossbow. Let's say maybe he's an experienced killer and hasn't been caught. He's ambidextrous.

Speaker 2:

He's clearly not experienced on how tally marks work, because it was one, then five, then five and then one.

Speaker 1:

That's not how tally marks works, sir you fuck. Yeah, yeah, that pissed me off.

Speaker 3:

I can't lie that that did fucking piss me off so, and the other thing that that bothered me was uh well, I don't want to go too far, because the we we started back with, uh, lock your fucking breaker box that that would have ended the whole movie. Right at that moment the next thing would have been not I, I understand, you know I can't hunker down, but he said I can get in anytime I want. Right, that tells me what. Does he know that I don't? I'm going to check all of my windows, all of my. She's already locked all the doors downstairs.

Speaker 3:

No, that's all he meant is I can just that's what she said like he's just a rock away from breaking in, but that I mean that was also proven to be not true, because he's sitting there slamming the door.

Speaker 1:

The glass front door, not her windows. He broke the the the bathroom window in one hit. And you also have to remember she can't fucking hear him come in.

Speaker 2:

So if she's in the other side of the house ready for him to come in one way, fucking he comes in the other way.

Speaker 1:

You gotta put yourself in the situation that you're deaf, but I'm not deaf.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, but you gotta put yourself in this situation.

Speaker 1:

Let's say you are deaf. She developed being deaf when she was 13, so it could happen. Not that it will happen to you, but I mean he's getting old, so Bacterial meningitis.

Speaker 2:

A couple years. A couple years, he'll be pretty deaf.

Speaker 1:

Wow, dick, he said in a couple years you'll be pretty deaf.

Speaker 3:

Wow, tag teaming you, fucking assholes.

Speaker 2:

Do I get points for that? Your honor? You get one point for making me laugh.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So you're at zero.

Speaker 1:

No, what Am I?

Speaker 3:

You were at one, you lost two.

Speaker 1:

Wait, I lost two, you just got one, and then I got one.

Speaker 2:

And then he got one for the beer and then another one for that, so he's at one. Damn, I got none for my scotch, I didn't know. It kind of looked like apple juice or something.

Speaker 3:

Oh, and it's a fucking full glass of scotch Alcoholism is not impressive 0.25 points for flexing alcohol. What about flexing with my forearms?

Speaker 1:

Shit, no, put those away Anyways.

Speaker 2:

I got a couple questions, literally a couple. I got two. I couldn't think of any. Eric, if you were in this situation, give me some ideas of how you would survive. You're in the exact same situation. You are deaf, you are mute. You're in the exact same house, same everything. 're mute. You're in the exact same house, same everything. How would you survive in this situation? Oh okay, by play it is really tough.

Speaker 1:

So something that I think we brought up is that I don't see how you live in the woods and not own a gun or something to defend yourself. So am I. Am I me in this situation, but deaf?

Speaker 2:

or am I her, but deaf and mute?

Speaker 1:

you are you, and deaf and mute I would like to think that I would have a gun if I lived in the woods alone and I was deaf and mute and man, I would take the high ground. I would kind of hunker down. Actually, if I had a gun, I'd just shoot him the moment where he was reading the message on the door. I'd just shoot him there and movie over. But that's kind of boring. I don't really know what you could do besides. She kind of did everything I would want to do. You either try to escape, to get to the neighbors, or you try to take them on, or you hunker down. I guess I would probably hunker down in the loft. But one of the main things I wouldn't do in her situation is I wouldn't distract John while he was about to fucking beat the guy up.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my fucking God, she was so stupid for that dude, dude, the freaking killer literally said I wouldn't have won that fight. Why wouldn't?

Speaker 1:

you just sit there. She had to see the rock Wait.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, the rock was behind him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she had to have seen that he had his hand behind his back. Actually, I think at that moment he'd pulled it out from behind his back and he was about to hit the guy and then she fucking pounds on the glass and interrupts him. He's clearly about to take the guy out what are you doing?

Speaker 2:

He got fucking shanked in the neck.

Speaker 1:

That was nasty, and he still put up such a fight oh man, john's an MVP.

Speaker 2:

He almost got him at that point. If I was her, I would have ran out and fucking because he had him. I would have ran out and fucking, finished him off. Yes, that's exactly what I would have done out and fucking because he had them held down, I would have ran out and fucking finished them off.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that's exactly what I would have done, like when she was sitting there, like oh, I can't run, I can't run, what am I going to do? I'm like go grab a big knife and go help. What are you doing? Oh, that hurt me. Yep, that pained me. John died for nothing.

Speaker 2:

John was gonna die anyways, but he died for nothing there, right completely pointless.

Speaker 1:

The real worst part of the movie. She burnt the food. She burned that food, man. She fucking crispified that shit how do you feel about that fire alarm guys?

Speaker 2:

that is not. I don't think that's the type of fire alarm a deaf person would have. It's just loud like the flash, yes, but the loud, no.

Speaker 1:

You wouldn't need it to be that fucking loud well, she said she needed it that loud so she could feel the vibrations right, which would wake her up when she was sleeping.

Speaker 2:

Okay, assuming because we seen her bedroom. What the fuck is that fire alarm out there gonna do? We didn't see any other ones in the house other than that singular one that's right that's true, well, she did?

Speaker 1:

she specifically took that one down, and I think that was part of the plot is that she took that one down when the food burned and that's why it was on the counter. She disconnected the battery.

Speaker 3:

That was how she was able to put the battery back in and it started going off again, which was weird, because why would it go off? There's no smoke, yeah, but it started going off again and it deafened the guy because it was so fucking loud and he was already half blind from the wasp spray.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, which which, by the way, something else I brought up I would I would have taken that instead of like the knife, I'd add the hammer and the wasp spray well see, and the thing that really bothers me is he really recovered from that too fast.

Speaker 3:

You know that wasp spray is a neurotoxin oh yeah, no, he would have been done he would have blinded him, you're not going to just recover.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he'd have been done, but there was a. They did a lot. This was opposite plot armor. Right, because I had a couple of problems with the killer, because when she hit his forearm with the claw hammer I don't care if you're right-handed or left-handed, you're, you're ambidextrous, it doesn't fucking matter, you're hurt. This guy is not pulling a 150 pound. Uh, draw a draw. Neither is she, apparently. Well, I mean, she struggled right.

Speaker 1:

So it was clear that it wasn't a 50 pound draw, this is a fucking 150 pound draw well, a 50 pound draw, I I won't say that it won't pierce skin, but it won't impale the way that 150 pounds will right.

Speaker 3:

I mean, it's meant to kill, so she's uh, she's struggling like hell. She wouldn't have struggled like that for a 50 pound draw. Can I also? But he was able to shoot the bolt, reload and shoot the door as she's running like that was so damn fast for having a completely destroyed forearm one-handed, you're going to just lift up was that after he got caught?

Speaker 1:

yeah, yes, it was. Oh yeah, no, that I don't see him, at least not that fast.

Speaker 2:

That's really hard oh, he also recovered from falling off of the fucking roof yeah he would have had the wind knocked out of him, man he had the. He was laying there trying to gasp for air and then he, freaking, got up immediately no well, can we chalk that up to adrenaline I?

Speaker 3:

I kind of think he should have been down a little longer which my answer, uh to your question and how would I survive this was lock my breaker box. You don't live outside, but I have. I have one step before that. I am completely fucking deaf. What is the benefit to living in the middle of fucking nowhere? I already can't hear anything.

Speaker 1:

She said the city was too loud.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, okay, I don't disagree with her.

Speaker 3:

I mean, there's just such a thing as a suburb.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't know, you could have probably got the cheapest fucking apartments, though, if you were in like the city, you know, like if there's like a fucking apartment right next to like a railway.

Speaker 1:

you know what the fuck I'm just saying? Bother you, you're deaf. No, no, that's not what she's saying. So, okay, what I took it as this is something that I've always said when I go to like the middle of the country, like texas or missouri, it's quieter, and it's not quieter in a sense, like the noise around me is quieter, but there's a buzz in the air in LA constantly and when you leave LA you realize, like, for me, my head clears. It's not so buzzy anymore. There's like a constant energy in the air here in LA. That's not like that when you go to other parts of the country that are a lot more chill. That's how I took it, and she was saying it's just, it's too loud, that's even being deaf. There's too much.

Speaker 3:

Complete nonsense.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think that's very dismissive.

Speaker 3:

But nonetheless, like there's so many different stages to quieter.

Speaker 1:

I don't think she should live out in the woods alone. I agree. I think that's stupid all the way. The fuck out in the middle of nowhere.

Speaker 3:

Well, she had a neighbor. There are suburbs. She had two really cool neighbors who my parents live in the suburbs. They have neighbors and it's not loud, it's not buzzing all the time.

Speaker 1:

The street gets quiet at night I think there's a constant buzz from what well, I just the I, I don't know how to there's nothing out there, there's nothing that's that's buzzing.

Speaker 3:

There's no, there's no traffic, I mean it's not like that it's.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I don't know how to quantify it.

Speaker 3:

I don't know how to quantify, you can't argue it well you got to be able to make a point.

Speaker 2:

Well, I can say energy but I know what you're gonna say.

Speaker 1:

Make a point for a point, eric okay, my point for a point is that it's more, say, an energy. But I know what you're going to say. Make a point for a point, eric. Okay, my point for a point is that it's more of an energy thing. Near LA, there is a constant hum and a constant buzz in the air that I can't really explain. It's not something I can quantify, it's not the traffic, it's not any of that, it's just the amount of people in this area. You know how they say when you listen to Earth from space. Not that you can hear anything in space, but have you seen those videos where it's like what the planet sounds like? You know how Earth sounds like a beehive? Yeah, it's like that. It's like a constant buzz. And when you get far enough away when you go to Big Bear, for instance it goes away. And when you get far enough away.

Speaker 3:

When you go to Big Bear, for instance, it goes away. See, the reason why I call bullshit on that is because everything gets louder by degree. So you're in the city and you don't even notice. You're hearing things. There's traffic, there's planes, there's people, there's everything that goes on. Your brain just tunes it out, so you're not listening to all of that.

Speaker 3:

You don't notice it until you remove yourself no, but your brain when you go out into the woods, you move, you get all the way the fuck out there, like when I used to backpack. You'd go all the way the fuck out there. You're out in the middle of nowhere. Everything else becomes so much more magnified loud, crickets, wildlife. You hear everything, and it's for the longest time it's. It's annoying because you can hear so much that you normally don't hear in the city.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's different, but everything gets louder, like the silence gets louder it's I, it's so absurd I think you you kind of touched on it right now where you said that, um, there's so much sound going around that you don't pay any mind to, but your brain is still taking it in your ears are still taking it in.

Speaker 3:

It's still constant stimulus.

Speaker 1:

But if you're completely deaf, you're not taking it in but that's why I'm saying for her I don't think she's clearly not talking about a, a sound, a physical sound that she's hearing. See, I didn't take any of that it's a buzz.

Speaker 3:

I didn't I. I took all of that as a bullshit excuse for moving away from her ex-boyfriend as a bullshit excuse for moving away from her ex-boyfriend. That was why, when she tried passing this off to her sister, she was like it's been a year, like it's like, come on, I'm not buying this bullshit anymore. Like she was clearly running away from him, running away from her problems. So the noise, the noise level was yeah, it's the noise of, of your life, that's what you're running away from.

Speaker 1:

I, I think that's probably part of it. Yeah, but I I do think there's something to the. The city is naturally loud.

Speaker 3:

But again, I'm I'm not saying. I'm not saying it's city or middle of nowhere. There's degrees in between.

Speaker 1:

That's why I'm saying I don't think she should have moved out in the middle of nowhere. There's degrees in between. That's why I'm saying I don't think she should have moved out in the middle of nowhere. Something TJ and I talked about earlier is why is she just leaving her door wide open, All of her doors? She lives in the woods.

Speaker 2:

Plus one point for both of you, just so you know.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, sweet. What did he get? A point?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Because I'm awesome, I just explained the fucking point.

Speaker 2:

You both made great points.

Speaker 1:

They understood both, yeah, but whose point was better?

Speaker 3:

I think that both of you are correct in your own way I think you should take a point from him for questioning you, your honor that question?

Speaker 1:

what's wrong with questions? I'm a naturally inquisitive person.

Speaker 3:

I'm not disagreeing with you no, no, you're questioning his authority, no, I'm simply. What does he get a point for?

Speaker 1:

I want to know what that was snarkiness.

Speaker 2:

I want to know what his brain is, okay I'll say this, if any of you could, if any of you can tell me my birthday, give you a point if we could tell you your what's my birthday.

Speaker 1:

Clearly. Let me see, it would be Obviously, because I know this, it is very for sure. Obviously I would know this. I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to throw out the wildest of guesses.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not guessing because I know that it is.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I'm going to say December 16.

Speaker 2:

These are some fake friends here that I've got here.

Speaker 1:

Neither of them know my birthday.

Speaker 2:

Even if I'm giving them a hint. It's on camera right now. My birthday is on camera.

Speaker 1:

Oh wait, oh hang on. Hey, your birthday is on camera. Hey, show me that arm a little bit, show me that forearm, forearm, poppy. What the other one? Yeah, the one, no, no, no that other side.

Speaker 3:

The one with that Gemini symbol on it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, can you?

Speaker 1:

angle it down a little bit.

Speaker 2:

There's some numbers somewhere, uh-huh.

Speaker 1:

Those are numbers or something. Uh-huh, what the f-. Yeah, it's obviously June 8th.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's plus one point for Eric.

Speaker 1:

Minus one point for Eric, because he had to have a hint. No, no hint needed.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

TJ's birthday Repeat yearly birthday, repeat yearly.

Speaker 2:

Um. Another thing I would like to bring up about the uh, the movie is that cars still work even though their tires are flat. I thought about that. Yeah, like you may not be able to get like all down the highway a bunch, but you're driving on dirt. People air down their tires on purpose to get across dirt and shit.

Speaker 1:

Yep so I kind of wonder how far do you guys think she could get on to the fucking flat tires? Police station, apparently because the cops showed up pretty fucking fast at the end they did right they did, although we can't rule out that they might have time lapsed a little bit there, like her kind of being out of it just waiting. But I don't know, assuming they got there in the time that she called to, from what we saw, that was hella fast.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I'm also, of you know, a little different mindset. If I'm getting in a car, I'm not going to try to run away from the guy, I'm going to try to fucking run him over I think that's really risky to go into the fight.

Speaker 1:

I would rather leave what and she's a woman so she can't really drive what risk?

Speaker 2:

might hit the might hit a tree or something. Well, that's I told you, we're gonna get canceled.

Speaker 3:

That's the I told you I told you and it's not gonna have anything to do with, you're always talking shit like I'm the one who's going to get us canceled.

Speaker 1:

I'm talking about you guys. You literally came in my Okay, some behind the scenes listeners. Alex came in my room like three days ago and opening line was oh yeah, we're going to get canceled this episode and me going why it goes.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I'm pulling out everything I'm gonna be no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That is not how it went down.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe this woman did this that is not what I said. A new one that none of that is what I said absolutely true bullshit and you're like I'm we're for sure gonna get canceled, and my exact quote was I don't know if that should be our goal going into this.

Speaker 3:

That is not how that went down. That is almost exactly how that went down you completely changed the narrative there I walked in your room and said, yeah, this is the episode where we get canceled. And you said, no, why? And I said it's gonna be filled with sexism. People are gonna hate it because we're gonna say all of the things that this dumb ass woman did and what I I mean I'm talking about some dumb shit like she did.

Speaker 2:

Some dumb shit, all right sorry, she did stupid fucking shit. I'm not, can I, can I?

Speaker 3:

like I'm thinking get in this car, run his ass over, and we have tj here saying she's a woman, she can't drive.

Speaker 1:

You're saying that's the risk and you try to put this shit on me yeah, because you're the one who said that's the risk, that was really out of pocket.

Speaker 3:

That was really weird oh, I'm the one, yeah, the guy with the deep voice.

Speaker 1:

let's listen back listeners, you'll hear who said that Just add like a lot of low end on my voice right there, so it's like unnaturally boomy for no reason, speaking of stupid things she did. You guys know Einstein. I don't know if this is actually true, but do you guys know Einstein's definition of insanity?

Speaker 1:

Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result yeah, that's how I felt with her trying to fucking load that crossbow in the bathroom. So she, she takes cloth, she pulls her pants down, which I feel like she could have just ripped the jeans a little bit, and that would have done what she needed it to do.

Speaker 3:

But I mean I preferred the way she did it okay and see, this is what we were talking about okay, never mind, I I also agree, judge.

Speaker 1:

So she, she pulls down her pants to to clean the wound. Then she pulls up the pants, which at first I was like what the fuck are you doing? And then, when she was wrapping, I'm like I guess those jeans are really tight. I could I understand why now, but then she keeps hurting her fucking fingers trying to pull this crossbow, when she could just wrap her fingers in cloth and that would make it 10 times easier do you know the even funnier thing that she should have done, because it would make it so much easier to do that make like a pulley system.

Speaker 3:

You wrap, yeah, wrap the the the straight, draw and then pull that off and pull the cloth yeah, that's I.

Speaker 1:

I was like I was literally thinking those are two super simple ways that she could have gotten that crossbow. Another one is, instead of using your arm strength to pull it, push your leg. Start with your leg uh, kind of bent and put it on the mount. Grab the string and use your leg.

Speaker 3:

Straighten out your leg to put to pull it yeah, I mean that that's a little risky, because if it slips off of your foot, what I was gonna say is maybe, lady, don't use the fucking leg that the bolt went through was she?

Speaker 1:

I thought she was using the other one they.

Speaker 3:

This is just an inconsistency, but I I swore it was the same leg that she was, that she was shot through and she it was only one time. But I was like, why are you using that leg?

Speaker 1:

she was like well, that leg's not working, let me try the hurt one.

Speaker 3:

And so but it but it it was corrected on, I think, uh, I think the next scene after he was, so he had run away or something. He went to a different window and then it came back to her. Oh, it was because john came and it went back to her, showing her and she was using the right leg, like the leg that wasn't I see but it was.

Speaker 3:

It was still like, and I'm okay. I'm okay with this because I assume that she doesn't know how to load a crossbow, but like she wasn't putting all of her weight on that leg, she she wasn't drawing the drawback correctly.

Speaker 1:

Well, I also think trying to pull the crossbow, trying to, is it called cocking?

Speaker 3:

It is called cocking.

Speaker 1:

Trying to cock the crossbow while sitting down seems way more difficult than anything.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, which maybe that's what fixed it when she stood up and was like oh, I got far more leverage now have you guys ever shot a crossbow?

Speaker 1:

no, yes, I've never shot a crossbow I will.

Speaker 2:

I shot a car. I doubt it. I doubt it. I don't know remember what fucking draw weight it was, but I doubt it was as fucking heavy as that shit. I feel like the reason he uses the crossbows because, like, he's probably used to like the weight of it, but, like other people, people aren't, so it's difficult for them to fucking do it. So if he ever loses it to them, it's going to be hard for them to use it back on him, like if he's using a regular bow, anybody could use a fucking bow.

Speaker 2:

I mean like well you know, easy like that, but like, you know, like the general way to use it, but like a crossbow if it's fucking, you know so there's a couple of things that you know I would do in this situation differently.

Speaker 3:

Like me personally, even being deaf and mute, there's some things that I do. I like to do that would help in this is throwing knives. I have a large kukuri. These are things that it's like okay, I'm, I'm with you. There's one stairway you go up to the top of that stairway, which I don't know how he broke into that window. This is another inconsistency. Right, we just got to chalk it up to movie flaw, but she can feel the alarm going off, but she couldn't feel him break the window behind her yeah how do you?

Speaker 3:

feel an alarm have you.

Speaker 1:

You've never. You've never heard a car go by that's so loud, you feel it shaking. No, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

But how do you not feel the glass breaking? That would shake a house.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it broke. Windows are not weak Behind her into the tub.

Speaker 1:

See what I was kind of thinking is. I feel like she might have felt it on the tub, but her back wasn't touching the tub.

Speaker 3:

No, no, but I mean if she's in bed and she can feel the alarm going off in another room.

Speaker 1:

Well, I assume she would have an alarm in her room.

Speaker 3:

How would she not feel that window break in the same room as her?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I guess I'm willing to let that go, because I would assume that the smoke alarm isn't only in the kitchen.

Speaker 3:

I assume she has one in each room. There was only one. No, she had another one, Remember she threw it, but it was just the strobe.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

She threw it in the woods.

Speaker 1:

So she has other ones.

Speaker 3:

But the other ones didn't make any noise.

Speaker 1:

Well, I assume she didn't set it off, she just turned on the light. How would you do that?

Speaker 3:

I don't know, I bet you those things have two different settings on them.

Speaker 2:

I don't know You're giving her a little too much credit. I don't think she would have thought of that Way too much credit.

Speaker 1:

Okay, wait. No, the credit I'm giving her is that there would be a smoke alarm in each room.

Speaker 3:

No, no, the credit you're giving her is that she would be so sensitive to the city. The city's too noisy.

Speaker 1:

She feels the energy, but she couldn't feel a window break. I mean, that's different, that's a physical thing. That's bullshit. That's such a lame excuse.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it's a physical thing. I don't think she would have felt the glass.

Speaker 1:

I plus one point for bullying.

Speaker 2:

How thank you? How, no, no, not for you, eric, that's his.

Speaker 3:

For bullying, for bullying me yes, but I'm come on, I, you, you. You have to concede that point, you can't sit here and say that she's so sensitive to everything, but he could. I mean, if I slammed your door, not even broke your window, if I slammed your door, you're gonna feel it. So how did she not feel that?

Speaker 1:

and there's also like a draft like yeah, now yeah, exactly, exactly okay now that I which, by the way, they used. Right after that that, he breathed on her and she felt that all of a sudden, yeah, no, yeah, I could see that she was also dying in the moment, so maybe she wasn't super fucking focused on she was like passing out while she was waiting for him to come in, so maybe we could give her that credit.

Speaker 2:

You know how many 80s movies there are of a fucker climbing up the trellis on the outside of your house with the plants and shit. Why do you people still have those on the outside of their house? No kidding, there's no way you would have been able to get up on the roof other than coming through the house through that window Right, other than that fucking trellis. Why the fuck do you have a trellis? Yep.

Speaker 1:

I think most people aren't expecting serial killers to come try and kill them for no reason.

Speaker 3:

I am constantly After she launched him off of the trellis and he came back up, why did she not just fucking stab him with the bolt?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was thinking that too. I mean, I do think it's kind of hard to get the leverage to do it and you do kind of risk being in hand-to-hand combat with him. But I think she had the advantage and that was the time to take it.

Speaker 3:

No, I mean you have the high ground.

Speaker 1:

Did she not? Watch Star Wars either, let's say she stabs him. Okay, well, hang on, I have the high ground.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I've heard something about that. Must not have had the captions on. It was obi-wan and anakin right.

Speaker 1:

Yes, obi-wan was never a master of the high ground. He was a master of the low ground. In several fights in previous star war movies you saw him fighting from the low ground. So when he told anakin give up, I have the high ground he was baiting him into trying to take the high ground because he's a master of the low ground.

Speaker 3:

I don't, he was just a master.

Speaker 1:

Anakin was very strong. That's why he told him. He said give up, Anakin, I have the high ground, and that baited Anakin to try and take the high ground from him, but he's a master of the low ground but I mean, we fucked him up.

Speaker 3:

I think it's like if I'm if I'm that good, uh, if I'm that good at the low ground, don't even fucking try to take me. I have all of the leverage now but that was, but that was.

Speaker 1:

The thing is like. Uh, in several other fights with obi-wan you notice him purposely take the low ground but now she's.

Speaker 3:

She's standing up on the roof. I mean, I think the the time to actually do it would have been the very first time. Like he pops his head up, boom, right, yeah, I agree, right, like any anywhere. You just stab him anywhere. Arms are occupied, you, you stab him and that guy falls. Hopefully he falls on the bolt and finishes the job.

Speaker 1:

Can we talk about her Matrix move where she dodged that bullet on the roof or that bolt?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

That was pretty sick.

Speaker 3:

Which I thought was kind of cool, because that lost one of his bolts.

Speaker 1:

He didn't have that many, I don't think he only had three he was so prepared and not prepared at the same time.

Speaker 2:

I mean like he probably used some on, like shooting that chick who he killed at the beginning.

Speaker 3:

You know what I thought of that too.

Speaker 1:

But wouldn't he have recovered them?

Speaker 3:

Either that or was toying with her missed hit the house hit the like just I mean that's what he was doing for Maddie Funneling her into a way that he wanted her to go, like he wanted the chase, and so he lost these bolts and was like, oh, I'll come back and get these, but like I don't know, because this guy had a lot of confidence in how long he was going to have, which made me wonder why the girl never called 911. Like which made me wonder why the girl never called 911. He had to have been in her house and caught her by surprise, or something like that.

Speaker 1:

I assume he did similar tactics to Sarah. Yeah, but I mean Sarah had her phone on her. No, but he had her phone. So I assume he did similar tactics with John, not home. Truth be told, maddie, more than sarah, seemed like she could put up a fight.

Speaker 3:

sarah did not seem like she could put up a fight no well, I mean, I think you're right in the sense that, uh, maddie was she. She had to have fought in some way or another for her whole life, since she was 13 dude by end.

Speaker 1:

She was a fucking soldier man. That death stare she gave him with her broken hand and everything. I would have been scared if I was him.

Speaker 3:

Which that was another thing that got me mad was why. How? I kept watching that and I couldn't figure out how. How did she turn the way she did and get her hand back outside for him? Did he slam the door?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he slammed the door on her. He slammed the door on her, yeah.

Speaker 3:

How did she get inside and turn back around that her momentum was such that her hand would have gone out the door?

Speaker 1:

She was trying to grab the crossbow bolt.

Speaker 3:

She dropped it. She was trying to grab the bolt. She dropped the bolt on her way in.

Speaker 1:

Okay so she stopped, she turned around, she saw it, she tried to grab it and he slammed the door on her arm and then he broke her hand. So when she's sitting there with her fingers bent off to the side and she like sits there and just stares at him and then the the do it. Oh man, I wouldn't have done it if I was saying that that's scary well, I mean, he's a psychopath.

Speaker 3:

He was exclusively deriving pleasure from her pain that's true so much so that he was allegedly ignoring his own pain. I mean, I have problems with this, because as much as you can ignore your own pain, you can't ignore physiology, you can't ignore kinesiology. You there's no way his hand is going to work after taking a claw hammer and severing most of those superior flexors of his forearm.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he's sitting there choking her out.

Speaker 3:

That's just not how it works. You don't have function.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you don't really need grip in order to choke somebody, you just need pressure.

Speaker 3:

No, not grip, and that's true.

Speaker 1:

But if his forearm is fucking gashed up from that hammer, you really think he has enough strength in it to choke someone's out?

Speaker 3:

That's the thing that's bothering me? Yeah, because the pressure on it is going to put pressure on those muscles and tendons. That would fucking hurt, right, but here's the other part to put pressure on those muscles and tendons. That would fucking hurt, right, but here's the other part. Why is she grabbing for his face and his shoulder? Grab that fucking forearm. Put your fingers inside of those wounds. Yeah, get, rip him open. Rip those tendons off go after.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, that's actually something that, um, that happens in like fighting events a lot where you'll see there's a specific clip, but I don't know, the fighter is well enough to name them. A guy clearly he missteps and he clearly fucks up his leg. He didn't even get kicked or anything, he just fucking stepped really bad. He clearly fucked up his leg. The other fighter noticed immediately kicked to that leg and fucking snapped his leg and that was the end of the fight.

Speaker 3:

That's controversial to me. That's controversial, I think, the sport. Normally you look at the ref like dude, this is over. You don't want us to continue fighting do you?

Speaker 2:

But that money though. That's what I'm saying, but it's a fight man Dude some of these that's so controversial to me.

Speaker 1:

I've been getting really into UFC and MMA. I've been seeing a lot of clips of it and it's like it makes me really wish I was bigger than I am, because I there's a weight for your class, I know, so there's something very demeaning about bubble weight.

Speaker 2:

I can't lie, that doesn't feel very great. Plus one for Aaron because I feel bad, because he's a little bitch. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Well, now I feel confused about that one.

Speaker 3:

Conflicted feelings.

Speaker 1:

I heard you yeah on the one hand thank you, but on the other hand, no thank you.

Speaker 3:

So that is one of my biggest problems. They gave the killer a lot of freaking plot armor.

Speaker 2:

They tend to do that in movies, though.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I'm okay with it when it's like Jason Voorhees, when it's Freddy Krueger, even Michael Myers. Michael Myers was just supposed to be an insane person, so that one bothered me a lot. How is this guy invincible?

Speaker 2:

This doesn't make any sense he's been shot, stabbed, fucking everything, man. You know, too much.

Speaker 3:

That's the same with this guy. He's he's a completely insane person, granted, but there's no way he should have been this strong the whole way through. After being clawed, and I'm sorry, but the the kind of damage that was done to the arm, there's no way that wrapping it with a flannel stopped the bleeding like that's not how that works a dirty bloody flannel. A dirty bloody flannel oh yeah, it's not going to stop the bleeding disgusting I would have given up at that point.

Speaker 2:

It not him killing my friend, not all that other shit, but seeing him wrap himself with a bloody fucking flannel of somebody else's blood would I just been like damn, he just doesn't care. Guess I'm done he's just.

Speaker 3:

He just doesn't give a fuck, doesn't care well I mean it, it, it is, but it's not because, like when someone is that careless about it, you know they're over invested, right? That's where it's time to be smarter, not, not aggressive. You know she kept, she kept pushing her luck, going outside, trying to do things that were really inconsequential there was no reason to do that to she was trying to escape.

Speaker 1:

That's why she kept going outside. And she was trying to get to sarah's place, maybe get to a phone, because she had no power or anything. That's why she kept going outside, is she was trying to get to sarah's place, maybe get to a phone, because she had no power or anything. That's what she was trying to do, I mean the the she was not successful at all. But yeah, I mean I.

Speaker 3:

I have like several problems with it, like what I would have done is. You know, this guy is intent upon killing you. You don't try to just get away from him. I swing that claw hammer, I hit his forearm, I pull as much damage as he can and if it comes out I get to swing again. I aim for the head. I I don't care where I'm hitting this guy. Yeah, and if it's a claw, let him reach for it yeah, let him, I'm gonna hit the other hand.

Speaker 2:

He still gets hit in his hands, which immobilizes his hand.

Speaker 3:

If I take out both hands. Now what is he gonna do? I mean, of course, the movie's gonna make him invincible and he'll still be able to draw 150 crossbow but I mean it was.

Speaker 3:

that's what I would have been aiming. I would have been swinging and swinging, and swinging, and and I also would have armed up I would have had a knife on me so that I'm not without a weapon. He takes that hammer away from me, I grab a knife and stab him. You know, you're not at that point when you see someone is just intent upon killing you it is kill or be killed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you need to get violent, you have to get to that point it is kill or be killed.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you need to get violent. You have to get to that point Like if you, he, he was intent on getting pleasure from her pain. She needed to get past the fact that I'm going to die here. And she did, she got there, but much later it's I'm going to die here or I'm going to kill him. That's all there's going to be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was much later in the movie where she finally realized my only option is I need to kill him.

Speaker 3:

And this is so late. So if you guys can do some editing magic, let me just, for our listeners, read the storyline here if they haven't seen. Hush. Maddie Young, a deaf-mute horror author, has decided to live alone in an isolated cottage in the woods, far from the commotion of the city. A terrifying mask-wearing attacker breaks into her haven, turning her calm existence into a nightmare. Maddie is unaware of how vulnerable she is due to her inability to hear or talk, which makes her the ideal victim for this persistent intruder In a terrible struggle for her life. As the tension mounts, maddie is left to use her cunning and scant supplies to elude her unrelenting assailant. Her tenacity and creativity are put to the test on a heart-pounding basis at every turn. It's a pretty good one.

Speaker 2:

Costco it says masked like assailant or whatever. Like bro had the mask on for like two minutes, I wish he had it on for like two minutes.

Speaker 3:

I wish he had it on for longer I did too mask, like if you're gonna although they they had to do that yeah because she had to read his lips yeah I get it that is why they did it.

Speaker 1:

I didn't realize that. But that whole like I didn't see your face. You could just leave and then him just sitting there taking his mask off. That's another. That's another. Oh yeah, he doesn't fuck, he doesn't care yeah yeah, that's the moment, that moment right there is, where you have to realize I have to kill him here's a good oh, hold on, I got another thing.

Speaker 2:

She can feel the alarm because of sound, but she can't thing she can feel the alarm because of sound, but she can't feel because of vibrations.

Speaker 1:

Dying friend banging on the door screaming, okay, but she was doing shit. She was putting dishes, she was watching what's the point of the alarm? The alarm is so loud that it vibrates.

Speaker 3:

That's the whole point of it. Real deaf people have actual vibration alarms.

Speaker 2:

You should have felt it.

Speaker 1:

Do you remember the fire alarm in the Jackson apartment? Yes, you remember that. Shit literally fucking shook my wall. Yes, that would wake me up, not from the sound but from the fact that my bed was rattling.

Speaker 3:

But you're not grasping the concept of somebody banging on your door that shakes your whole fucking house.

Speaker 1:

She has a steady house. What can I say?

Speaker 2:

No, bullshit, that shit's sturdy, that's lame but real deaf people have vibrating alarms. It actually vibrates. There are motors in it that vibrate. Their alarm to wake up it vibrates. Their fucking smoke alarm it vibrates, and shit you know, like we don't know if her smoke alarm wasn't doing that. Her smoke alarm was just fucking loud and flashing. Well, we don't know if it was valid.

Speaker 1:

We don't know if it wasn't vibrating. We can't feel that.

Speaker 3:

I got some validation for you, TJ.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

A factual error. When maddie drops the bolt outside on her porch and man picks it up to break it, it's clear the bolt is made from wood, whereas in fact crossbow bolts are usually made from carbon or aluminum see, I looked that up. Yeah, you're right, you're right but this is a funny one.

Speaker 3:

This is one point for that plus one point for proving my point. As many of these as I've, as I've, uh, found, I missed this one. When maddie takes shelter in her bedroom, she closes the door, pushes the dresser in front of the door with great difficulty after the killer uses sarah's hand to bang on the window and maddie backs out of the room, she pushes the dresser out of the way with one hand and little trouble she yeah, I forgot about that.

Speaker 3:

I missed that I saw it, I remember it now, but like I missed how goofy that is.

Speaker 2:

She did do that. No, fucking she's an idiot.

Speaker 1:

I think she did the best she could and she killed a serial killer, oh also fun fact Main character is married to the director of the movie. Oh really. Oh yeah, I like this actress, she's cool.

Speaker 3:

For a second. I was trying to figure out if she's um. I don't know if she's married to uh mike flanagan. Uh no, I'm sorry not married uh related to um uh peg bundy katie seagal and I was like spelled differently. She's seagull yeah it was like spelled differently, but I was like this is the girl from haunting of hill house oh really yeah, it's the main chick deodora deodora, oh

Speaker 1:

okay I like this actress I can see that uh, mike flanagan also directed that he makes good horror movies, though he does, but he makes good horror. My manner was absolute.

Speaker 2:

He does, but Haunting of Bly Manor was absolute dog shit.

Speaker 3:

That was dog water bro, this is what's called nepotism.

Speaker 1:

We should do the Haunting of Hill House. It's a whole series but it's a limited series, so it's like eight episodes. Have you seen it?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

That one might be like a oh dude, it's so fucking good.

Speaker 1:

Maybe, not the next episode, but we should. I have a funny idea.

Speaker 3:

We should start chipping away at it. I have a funny idea that full storyline is crazy we do the green screen thing my, my head can't see, he can't see my face and do a reaction video.

Speaker 2:

That'd be kind of stupid so.

Speaker 1:

Haunting of Hill House is an incredible series.

Speaker 3:

Before we go out here, I got to tell you the tagline for this movie, which is pretty good Silence can be killer and on that note, tj hit him with our socials.

Speaker 2:

All right, everybody, you can find us at all of our socials, at Will you Survive the Podcast, except for our ex, which is Alex and Eric WIS. You can check out our Pinterest, which is full of a lot of dope shit for all your survival needs. You got fucking solar batteries. You got dope flashlights. You got fucking pre-made bug out bags, dude, just you don't. You don't have to do nothing. You don't have to fucking go get your own bag and fill it with your own shit. There's already stuff in the bag. So please check out our pinterest. Um, if I'm missing anything, point to eric if he can tell the rest.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm not missing anything no, I got, I got you. You're missing. Hang on, hang on, hang on.

Speaker 2:

Don't you dare.

Speaker 1:

You can email us at Theboys at willyousurvithepodcastcom. And did you mention our Instagram and our Facebook All?

Speaker 2:

our socials. You can find us at all our socials, at willyousurvithepodcast, tiktok. You got it, mr Judge, you're perfect Mr.

Speaker 1:

Judge. You're perfect, Mr Judge. You never do anything wrong, Mr Judge.

Speaker 2:

Plus one point for being a suck-up, Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Mr Judge.

Speaker 3:

The other thing everybody, please go to your Apple Podcasts and leave us a review. Or Spotify, Please do.

Speaker 2:

Because Apple Podcasts, you are fucking lacking. I went on there. It was like 3.7 stars. I'm beefing with you. I already hate iPhones, so go on there. Leave us a review.

Speaker 1:

Well, hang on. I don't know if that's the way to get better reviews.

Speaker 2:

I will sell my topics to you.

Speaker 1:

We hate you Now. Rate us five stars, or else.

Speaker 3:

No, no. We want their listeners to rate us.

Speaker 2:

Most of the problems in this movie were fucking caused by an iPhone iPhone iPhone and iCloud.

Speaker 1:

Uh-oh, we're becoming anti-iPhone. This is not the way.

Speaker 2:

This has been the best podcast in the world. Aka, will you Survive the Podcast? And if you tune in to the after hours podcast, you will be able to listen to the tie breaker round, because they are tied for this podcast. Anyways, until next time, stay alive, thank you you.

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